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Soy Why Pronoun People are Retarded



Dec 3, 2020
I’m sure we’re all painfully aware of the trans movement and some of us may even work or live in places that effectively are compelled speech environments. E.g. You don’t call the man at work who’s clearly a man a “she/her” and play pretend with them then you’ll get canned and if you make your actual views known even family and friends will look at you like you just said something heinously evil. That kinda thing.

Let’s consider this logically for a moment. Like, basic 2 year old toddler learning English logically because it’s genuinely that fucking stupid.

The function of pronouns is to denote whether the person you’re speaking to or about is a man (he/him), or woman (she/her), or whether they are part of a group (they/them), or if it’s unknown (they/them) — for that last one an example would be if you don’t know who they are and they have an unclear name that could be for a guy or girl like Alex or whatever, you get the idea.

That’s it. That’s been what they mean and how they’ve been used long before any of us were born.

Provided there are differences that can be identified between men and women it follows that there is a true pronoun each person has that they don’t choose. Effectively its assigned to you at birth based on what you are or even before birth as the sex of the child with modern science can be known long before the baby is born.

For ~99%+ of people, it is entirely apparent whether you are a guy or a girl. E.g. If you’re a man with the XY chromosome. you were born with a dick, your body naturally produces male hormones, and you don’t have eggs or ovaries, obviously you’re a man. It’s not some vague “question”, it’s not something you choose.

Even the rare exceptions/the people who are born hermaphrodites usually are closer to a man or woman taking their traits holistically into account, but that’s a case where a genuine real debate can be had, I don’t doubt that.

Anyway, all of this is very clear cut, it’s basic logic and it’s straight forward. Frankly the wokies and modern “people” claiming different are simply wrong. Identifying as something does not make you that thing. Simple as. It’s not how you identify, that’s never been what it means.

To side step this logic the only way they can do that is by changing the definitions themselves (they claim a woman is just anyone that identifies as one, that’s their working definition :feelsseriously:) or they claim the function of pronouns and what they represent is different (“sex and gender are different now incel!:soy:).

They claim gender means something different from sex but when pressed their only answer is that “gender is whatever you identity as or whatever present yourself as being:feelsclown: At which point they claim they don’t understand the “I identify as an Apache attack helicopter and you will refer to me as such” joke — they sneer back “Noooo you can’t use my own logic against me, it’s different because IT JUST IS and dysphoria is real OK!:feels:

>Dysphoria is real
Not a good reason to embrace delusion and worse to try an force others to indulge that delusion. I can believe I’m a woman in man’s body til I’m blue in the face, that on no level makes it true or reality. By forcing others under penalty to adopt your preferred pronouns you are forcing others to tell you a blatant lie because you’re too mentally weak to handle the truth. And anyone that does that is fucking pathetic.

Their claim about gender definitions is nonsense because if the function of pronouns isn’t to denote whether someone is a man, woman, group, or unknown, then what purpose do pronouns even have in existing? We might as well refer to everyone as the same uniform term at that point. Except we don’t and they don’t either because we all acknowledge, yes even them, that men and women are different. And if we weren’t different why do they bother to adopt the other sex’s pronoun at all? Why bother emulating the opposite sex like trans people do then? Their view of sex and gender doesn’t make any fucking sense and they clearly do believe men and women are different from each other.

Anyway, I wanted to bitch about this a bit in more sane circles since I watched part of SFO’s recent video where he calls one of his friends a “she” who is actually a “he” then defends it in the comments by saying she’s a her to him which is dumb as fuck because there is an objective correct and typically very obvious answer to whether someone is a man or woman and thus whether they’re a he or she:
View: https://youtu.be/w2HQnynZZtg
It’s all so tiresome. I’m tired bros, the constant top down propaganda, the constant gas lighting, the constant telling me I’m “hateful” just because I recognize the definition of words and how basic English works. How these mentally weak crazy people wield so much power and how the entire force of the western world has been placed behind getting people to believe a lie they couldn’t be more obvious is just staggering. It’s surreal to behold and clown world is killing me bros. I’m tired man. My whole family buys into this clown world shit now.
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dnr. Sodomites are disgusting we don’t need to address this pronouns garbage. Sodomy should be banned simple as
It’s all so tiresome. I’m tired bros, the constant top down propaganda, the constant gas lighting, the constant telling me I’m “hateful” just because I recognize the definition of words. How these mentally weak crazy people wield so much power and how the entire force of the western world has been placed behind getting people to believe a lie they couldn’t be more obvious is just staggering. It’s surreal to behold and clown world is killing me bros. I’m tired man. My whole family buys into this clown world shit now.
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They're intentionally given power and status in the media and culture by the PTB. For what purpose? I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
My pronouns are

dnr. Sodomites are disgusting we don’t need to address this pronouns garbage. Sodomy should be banned simple as
Anywhere else one tries to discuss it honesty the consequences are too high so it almost has to be here. At the very least you’ll get banned as I was from Reddit for example. At least this way those of us who are still honest can refine our argument and it’s nice to know not everyone in the west has lost their minds.
They're intentionally given power and status in the media and culture by the PTB. For what purpose? I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
If they can convince a whole nation of this bullshit they can convince them of probably anything given enough time and given a strong enough vice grip in terms of legal punishment, schools, and the media + censorship engines.
If they can convince a whole nation of this bullshit they can convince them of probably anything given enough time and given a strong enough vice grip in terms of legal punishment, schools, and the media + censorship engines.
:feelsthink: :bigbrain:

It's all about control.
The fact that anyone has to explain these basic concepts or argue about this at all is painful to experience. Remember when Silence of the Lambs had a train as the villain? Or Dressed to Kill too? Times have changed and the public perception apparently can be warped with enough top down force.

People need to start calling out shaming language tactics. For example, someone saying “what you just said is transphobic” should he met with statements like, “what matters is whether it’s true — if you don’t think it’s true tell me why instead of throwing out personal attacks”. Sadly that doesn’t work since they just ban you anyway. God I hate Reddit and I hope California falls off into the sea.
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Behavioural sink. Enjoy the decline, it cannot be reversed
Remember when Silence of the Lambs had a train as the villain?
Not really. I think he was a human and not a train. You might be confusing Silence of the Lambs with Thomas The Train.
Not really. I think he was a human and not a train. You might be confusing Silence of the Lambs with Thomas The Train.
lol I automatically use terms like that now as fillers since “trannie” gets you banned everywhere else :feelsclown: I sort of wonder what the point of censorship of specific words is when people will just make up a new one to take its place with exactly the same meaning.
lol I automatically use terms like that now as fillers since “trannie” gets you banned everywhere else :feelsclown: I sort of wonder what the point of censorship of specific words is when people will just make up a new one to take its place with exactly the same meaning.
You could use troons or gender benders
> “in what scenario is affirming delusions the right thing to do”

well said mate, clown world is killing my will to live. Especially women and young people have bought full on into this retardation. And if you explain logically why you think differently to them they act like you shot their dog or something. Or they fire you for “”””””hate speech””””” etc :feelsseriously: I don’t want to live on this planet anymore
I’m sure we’re all painfully aware of the trans movement and some of us may even work or live in places that effectively are compelled speech environments. E.g. You don’t call the man at work who’s clearly a man a “she/her” and play pretend with them then you’ll get canned and if you make your actual views known even family and friends will look at you like you just said something heinously evil. That kinda thing.

Let’s consider this logically for a moment. Like, basic 2 year old toddler learning English logically because it’s genuinely that fucking stupid.

The function of pronouns is to denote whether the person you’re speaking to or about is a man (he/him), or woman (she/her), or whether they are part of a group (they/them), or if it’s unknown (they/them) — for that last one an example would be if you don’t know who they are and they have an unclear name that could be for a guy or girl like Alex or whatever, you get the idea.

That’s it. That’s been what they mean and how they’ve been used long before any of us were born.

Provided there are differences that can be identified between men and women it follows that there is a true pronoun each person has that they don’t choose. Effectively its assigned to you at birth based on what you are or even before birth as the sex of the child with modern science can be known long before the baby is born.

For ~99%+ of people, it is entirely apparent whether you are a guy or a girl. E.g. If you’re a man with the XY chromosome. you were born with a dick, your body naturally produces male hormones, and you don’t have eggs or ovaries, obviously you’re a man. It’s not some vague “question”, it’s not something you choose.

Even the rare exceptions/the people who are born hermaphrodites usually are closer to a man or woman taking their traits holistically into account, but that’s a case where a genuine real debate can be had, I don’t doubt that.

Anyway, all of this is very clear cut, it’s basic logic and it’s straight forward. Frankly the wokies and modern “people” claiming different are simply wrong. Identifying as something does not make you that thing. Simple as. It’s not how you identify, that’s never been what it means.

To side step this logic the only way they can do that is by changing the definitions themselves (they claim a woman is just anyone that identifies as one, that’s their working definition :feelsseriously:) or they claim the function of pronouns and what they represent is different (“sex and gender are different now incel!:soy:).

They claim gender means something different from sex but when pressed their only answer is that “gender is whatever you identity as or whatever present yourself as being:feelsclown: At which point they claim they don’t understand the “I identify as an Apache attack helicopter and you will refer to me as such” joke — they sneer back “Noooo you can’t use my own logic against me, it’s different because IT JUST IS and dysphoria is real OK!:feels:

>Dysphoria is real
Not a good reason to embrace delusion and worse to try an force others to indulge that delusion. I can believe I’m a woman in man’s body til I’m blue in the face, that on no level makes it true or reality. By forcing others under penalty to adopt your preferred pronouns you are forcing others to tell you a blatant lie because you’re too mentally weak to handle the truth. And anyone that does that is fucking pathetic.

Their claim about gender definitions is nonsense because if the function of pronouns isn’t to denote whether someone is a man, woman, group, or unknown, then what purpose do pronouns even have in existing? We might as well refer to everyone as the same uniform term at that point. Except we don’t and they don’t either because we all acknowledge, yes even them, that men and women are different. And if we weren’t different why do they bother to adopt the other sex’s pronoun at all? Why bother emulating the opposite sex like trans people do then? Their view of sex and gender doesn’t make any fucking sense and they clearly do believe men and women are different from each other.

Anyway, I wanted to bitch about this a bit in more sane circles since I watched part of SFO’s recent video where he calls one of his friends a “she” who is actually a “he” then defends it in the comments by saying she’s a her to him which is dumb as fuck because there is an objective correct and typically very obvious answer to whether someone is a man or woman and thus whether they’re a he or she:
View: https://youtu.be/w2HQnynZZtg
It’s all so tiresome. I’m tired bros, the constant top down propaganda, the constant gas lighting, the constant telling me I’m “hateful” just because I recognize the definition of words and how basic English works. How these mentally weak crazy people wield so much power and how the entire force of the western world has been placed behind getting people to believe a lie they couldn’t be more obvious is just staggering. It’s surreal to behold and clown world is killing me bros. I’m tired man. My whole family buys into this clown world shit now.
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man i wish i could copy paste your posts into an ai reader but anyways i read the whole thing
pronoun "people" are fucking wack
You're gonna be called what you look like.
You're gonna be called what you look like.
Realistically yeah. The confusion there though is that even if you successfully “pass” as a woman when you’re a man (eg Hunter Schafer in his staged/makeup heavy/angles/filters photos) it actually still doesn’t change what you are.

Just because people mistake you for a woman and call you as such the correct pronoun is still he/him for that scenario.

The reality is nobody should be tolerating or promoting this kind of delusional crackpot nonsense. Instead we should be valuing the truth and getting these people to come to grips with the fact that they cannot be and are not what they wish they were and it’s idiotic for them to demand others lie to them to protect their fragile ego.

They need to accept what they are and learn to live with it instead of playing a game of make believe and worse insisting everyone else play along too under penalty.

Don’t even get started on the horrific body horror nature of bottom surgery. If you go looking there are true horror stories coming out of that procedure and it’s basically genital mutilation. And removing your dick or tits is not different to getting a surgeon to chop your arm or leg off, it’s insane and sane society should NOT allow it.
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It is literally meme warfare, getting the mentally ill and unattended children caught up as meat sheilds as they blugeon at the pillars that made society realistic in the first place. The bait to participate is feeling special and government support the cost is giving up the power that common people hold.
It is literally meme warfare, getting the mentally ill and unattended children caught up as meat sheilds as they blugeon at the pillars that made society realistic in the first place. The bait to participate is feeling special and government support the cost is giving up the power that common people hold.
Well said mate, I hear you. Honestly it’s just nuts.

Also kids who haven’t even started puberty yet don’t know shit and if they’re saying their trans or whatever they’ve been groomed by their parents, “educators”, or social media (or LGBTQWXYZ++++++ story hour).

Modern society probably just needs to fall like Rome did at this point before things get better. Regrettably any period like this is one of great suffering before things can be rebuilt. And it probably won’t be in my time sadly. Often I think that incels really are just ahead of the curve.
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Was talking about this further with Robb97 and it got me thinking:
Yeah it's still not clear why the majority of people is supporting this
I now believe that most people in a society will cave to any position, no matter how retarded and illogical it is, given enough time provided said idea is pushed hard enough in all walks of life while disagreement is harshly punished.

For example,
> educational institutions
> government
> social media giants
> news media
> employers
Every single one aggressively pushes the same globohomo dogshit and pushes the trans / pronoun nonsense.

It’s so ubiquitous you can’t get away from it and beyond that if you dare to say what I did in this thread in public or on mainstream social media or in school you will be ostracized at best and fired/brought under disciplinary action at worst.

Not everyone buys into it but most have caved at this point far as I can tell. People want to fit in and aren’t comfortable living in opposition to everyone around them. Many such cases. I think loser groups like us are more open to the truth in these situations because we’re already ostracized by society so what’s one more thing for the pile? That said I’m not dumb enough to dare tell the truth at my job for example because they will fire me. Talking with older people and reading about it, it seems like people were saner and in general life was a lot easier in western countries back in the 70s-90s :feelsbadman: Wish we could’ve lived then before all this degeneracy and pure lunacy started.

I don’t want to participate in a society that actively forces me to lie to others and affirm things I don’t actually think are true. That is deeply wrong. It’s not because I “hate” them or something, it’s because I genuinely disagree and see affirming those views as lying to them and indulging delusion which isn’t healthy in the long run. But no no I’m just a hateful evil incel bigot :feelsseriously: I’m fed up with this clown world and I want to die
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Was talking about this further with Robb97 and it got me thinking:

I now believe that most people in a society will cave to any position, no matter how retarded and illogical it is, given enough time provided said idea is pushed hard enough in all walks of life while disagreement is harshly punished.

For example,
> educational institutions
> government
> social media giants
> news media
> employers
Every single one aggressively pushes the same globohomo dogshit and pushes the trans / pronoun nonsense.

It’s so ubiquitous you can’t get away from it and beyond that if you dare to say what I did in this thread in public or on mainstream social media or in school you will be ostracized at best and fired/brought under disciplinary action at worst.

Not everyone buys into it but most have caved at this point far as I can tell. People want to fit in and aren’t comfortable living in opposition to everyone around them. Many such cases. I think loser groups like us are more open to the truth in these situations because we’re already ostracized by society so what’s one more thing for the pile? That said I’m not dumb enough to dare tell the truth at my job for example because they will fire me. Talking with older people and reading about it, it seems like people were saner and in general life was a lot easier in western countries back in the 70s-90s :feelsbadman: Wish we could’ve lived then before all this degeneracy and pure lunacy started.

I don’t want to participate in a society that actively forces me to lie to others and affirm things I don’t actually think are true. That is deeply wrong. It’s not because I “hate” them or something, it’s because I genuinely disagree and see affirming those views as lying to them and indulging delusion which isn’t healthy in the long run. But no no I’m just a hateful evil incel bigot :feelsseriously: I’m fed up with this clown world and I want to die
Blackrock pressures corporations and governments to adopt these fucked up, cancerous agendas (LGBT, pronouns, wokeism etc.).
Blackrock pressures corporations and governments to adopt these fucked up, cancerous agendas (LGBT, pronouns, wokeism etc.).
That should be illegal and the fact that the people and government are complicit in such behavior is disgusting and deeply immoral.

We’re at the point where things have gotten so bad I’m genuinely starting to wonder if only a massive backlash right wing fascist type movement can fix the west. People have a knee jerk response to the term fascist, but the truth is we’re already living under a form of left wing fascism and things just keep spiraling worse and worse — because their beliefs and values are wrong. Free speech has been dead for awhile now and it’s worse than that because we’re in the territory of compelled speech as the “pronoun” problem has demonstrated.

Fascism isn’t necessarily a bad thing unless the ideas and policies being pushed are wrong and lead to negative outcomes. If they’re right and they’re crushing opposition which would bring the society to ruin then it can be a force for good, on paper at least.

Honestly a simple return to the norms, values, and structures that the west had a mere 50 years ago and an actual protecting of free speech would basically fix a ton of the madness. But that will never happen without some kind of regime change at this point seems to me. So, maybe it’s less that I support forcibly making people into one and more that I don’t see a solution actually happening without force or something big occurring. Eh, what do I know :feelsbadman: I just want things to get better and for these idiotic degenerates to be removed from any positions of power because they have run the west into the ground at light speed.
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That should be illegal and the fact that the people and government are complicit in such behavior is disgusting and deeply immoral.
Of course, but we've gotten complacent as a society and have allowed this to occur.

We’re at the point where things have gotten so bad I’m genuinely starting to wonder if only a massive backlash right wing fascist type movement can fix the west. People have a knee jerk response to the term fascist, but the truth is we’re already living under a form of left wing fascism and things just keep spiraling worse and worse — because their beliefs and values are wrong. Free speech has been dead for awhile now and it’s worse than that because we’re in the territory of compelled speech as the “pronoun” problem has demonstrated.

Fascism isn’t necessarily a bad thing unless the ideas and policies being pushed are wrong and lead to negative outcomes. If they’re right and they’re crushing opposition which would bring the society to ruin then it can be a force for good, on paper at least.

Honestly a simple return to the norms, values, and structures that the west had a mere 50 years ago and an actual protecting of free speech would basically fix a ton of the madness. But that will never happen without some kind of regime change at this point seems to me. So, maybe it’s less that I support forcibly making people into one and more that I don’t see a solution actually happening without force or something big occurring. Eh, what do I know :feelsbadman: I just want things to get better and for these idiotic degenerates to be removed from any positions of power because they have run the west into the ground at light speed.
You're absolutely correct that we're already living under a form of left-thing authoritarianism. This is by design. Political systems like fascism, along with philosophies that promote nationalist and ethnic unity, need to be stamped out so that corporations and private, non-state actors are able to have the kind of influence (and resultant profits) that they do today. A strong, nationalistic ethos, for example, is not conducive to corporate, capitalist growth, since such a thing depends vitally on exploitation of the people to some degree, which is systematically unrestrained today. Corporations have carte blanche to fuck nations over and run them (and the people) to the ground, because the politicians continue to push policies that favor their friends and masters in business (corporate cronyism).

In order to return a nation that is subjected to this form of manipulation back to its people there needs to be nothing less than violent revolution. The cancers that are eating away at nations and societies today need to be excised. A cancer can only be removed when it's aggressively fought and the tissue severed out of the body. Of course, such a thing is conveniently labelled as "terrorism," which means that any needed upheaval of the system - that can only happen as an outside force exerting inward, as opposed to an inward force exerting outward - is seen as bad ("it's the damn commies, Russians," etc.).

I truly wish there were another way, but you cannot fix a corrupted system using the system itself. Only a cataclysm can solve this problem. The "patriotic" glowniggers reading this are likely too brainwashed to see this and will blindly follow their orders and state-issued mandates to stamp out "insurrectionists" and "terrorists." I'm already on several watch lists, because of posts like this.
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there are trannys deal with it. take the trannypill.
I’m sure we’re all painfully aware of the trans movement and some of us may even work or live in places that effectively are compelled speech environments. E.g. You don’t call the man at work who’s clearly a man a “she/her” and play pretend with them then you’ll get canned and if you make your actual views known even family and friends will look at you like you just said something heinously evil. That kinda thing.

Let’s consider this logically for a moment. Like, basic 2 year old toddler learning English logically because it’s genuinely that fucking stupid.

The function of pronouns is to denote whether the person you’re speaking to or about is a man (he/him), or woman (she/her), or whether they are part of a group (they/them), or if it’s unknown (they/them) — for that last one an example would be if you don’t know who they are and they have an unclear name that could be for a guy or girl like Alex or whatever, you get the idea.

That’s it. That’s been what they mean and how they’ve been used long before any of us were born.

Provided there are differences that can be identified between men and women it follows that there is a true pronoun each person has that they don’t choose. Effectively its assigned to you at birth based on what you are or even before birth as the sex of the child with modern science can be known long before the baby is born.

For ~99%+ of people, it is entirely apparent whether you are a guy or a girl. E.g. If you’re a man with the XY chromosome. you were born with a dick, your body naturally produces male hormones, and you don’t have eggs or ovaries, obviously you’re a man. It’s not some vague “question”, it’s not something you choose.

Even the rare exceptions/the people who are born hermaphrodites usually are closer to a man or woman taking their traits holistically into account, but that’s a case where a genuine real debate can be had, I don’t doubt that.

Anyway, all of this is very clear cut, it’s basic logic and it’s straight forward. Frankly the wokies and modern “people” claiming different are simply wrong. Identifying as something does not make you that thing. Simple as. It’s not how you identify, that’s never been what it means.

To side step this logic the only way they can do that is by changing the definitions themselves (they claim a woman is just anyone that identifies as one, that’s their working definition :feelsseriously:) or they claim the function of pronouns and what they represent is different (“sex and gender are different now incel!:soy:).

They claim gender means something different from sex but when pressed their only answer is that “gender is whatever you identity as or whatever present yourself as being:feelsclown: At which point they claim they don’t understand the “I identify as an Apache attack helicopter and you will refer to me as such” joke — they sneer back “Noooo you can’t use my own logic against me, it’s different because IT JUST IS and dysphoria is real OK!:feels:

>Dysphoria is real
Not a good reason to embrace delusion and worse to try an force others to indulge that delusion. I can believe I’m a woman in man’s body til I’m blue in the face, that on no level makes it true or reality. By forcing others under penalty to adopt your preferred pronouns you are forcing others to tell you a blatant lie because you’re too mentally weak to handle the truth. And anyone that does that is fucking pathetic.

Their claim about gender definitions is nonsense because if the function of pronouns isn’t to denote whether someone is a man, woman, group, or unknown, then what purpose do pronouns even have in existing? We might as well refer to everyone as the same uniform term at that point. Except we don’t and they don’t either because we all acknowledge, yes even them, that men and women are different. And if we weren’t different why do they bother to adopt the other sex’s pronoun at all? Why bother emulating the opposite sex like trans people do then? Their view of sex and gender doesn’t make any fucking sense and they clearly do believe men and women are different from each other.

Anyway, I wanted to bitch about this a bit in more sane circles since I watched part of SFO’s recent video where he calls one of his friends a “she” who is actually a “he” then defends it in the comments by saying she’s a her to him which is dumb as fuck because there is an objective correct and typically very obvious answer to whether someone is a man or woman and thus whether they’re a he or she:
View: https://youtu.be/w2HQnynZZtg
It’s all so tiresome. I’m tired bros, the constant top down propaganda, the constant gas lighting, the constant telling me I’m “hateful” just because I recognize the definition of words and how basic English works. How these mentally weak crazy people wield so much power and how the entire force of the western world has been placed behind getting people to believe a lie they couldn’t be more obvious is just staggering. It’s surreal to behold and clown world is killing me bros. I’m tired man. My whole family buys into this clown world shit now.
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This could've been cured if we just hit their cerebral Cortex hard enough with biology textbooks.
Of course, but we've gotten complacent as a society and have allowed this to occur.

You're absolutely correct that we're already living under a form of left-thing authoritarianism. This is by design. Political systems like fascism, along with philosophies that promote nationalist and ethnic unity, need to be stamped out so that corporations and private, non-state actors are able to have the kind of influence (and resultant profits) that they do today. A strong, nationalistic ethos, for example, is not conducive to corporate, capitalist growth, since such a thing depends vitally on exploitation of the people to some degree, which is systematically unrestrained today. Corporations have carte blanche to fuck nations over and run them (and the people) to the ground, because the politicians continue to push policies that favor their friends and masters in business (corporate cronyism).

In order to return a nation that is subjected to this form of manipulation back to its people there needs to be nothing less than violent revolution. The cancers that are eating away at nations and societies today need to be excised. A cancer can only be removed when it's aggressively fought and the tissue severed out of the body. Of course, such a thing is conveniently labelled as "terrorism," which means that any needed upheaval of the system - that can only happen as an outside force exerting inward, as opposed to an inward force exerting outward - is seen as bad ("it's the damn commies, Russians," etc.).

I truly wish there were another way, but you cannot fix a corrupted system using the system itself. Only a cataclysm can solve this problem. The "patriotic" glowniggers reading this are likely too brainwashed to see this and will blindly follow their orders and state-issued mandates to stamp out "insurrectionists" and "terrorists." I'm already on several watch lists, because of posts like this.
High IQ mate, this was a thoughtful read. You could basically make a whole thread about this subject and I’d certainly read it.
This could've been cured if we just hit their cerebral Cortex hard enough with biology textbooks.
It is truly incredible that half or more of the population will now insist it is us who don’t grasp basic biology :feelsseriously: and that it is us who just don’t get the new way sex and gender differ etc etc. We’ve hashed to death why that’s nonsense of course. I just can’t with this clown world anymore.

If I see someone with pronouns in their bio or pushing this retardation it’s a massive red flag that they’re actually an idiot who’s easily influenced by current thing propaganda. It also shows you that their values lie in acceptance and social brownie points instead of valuing objective truth. Those are the actual reasons I tend to not like these people. How can you respect someone so willfully ignorant (or incapable or doesn’t care) about basic reason and the truth? So many people fell for this psyop it’s unreal.

I compare it to the emperors new clothes often because it’s about as perfect a comparison as could be. They need to start reading that story to kids again. But then again our institutions don’t actually want people that observe reality and come to their own conclusions. They want obedient workers who tow the party line no matter nonsensical it may be.
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I agree with most of what you said. I want to add that the average normie is so gender-RP-fixated, which becomes apparent by looking at all those "yassss queeen"- and "that is not manly, bro"-type-phrases in conversations.
To me, lacking a proper bio except he/him makes you look like you think gender rp is the most important thing about a person. I love how much normies liked to shit on my dating profile bios for shit like "not having pro social hobbies" when this is the meta.
he/him + location + astrology sign gang

I'm not sure if there's much of a point in normies putting pronouns in their description besides it actually not being clear from looking at /hearing you. The average normie doesn't seem to know why they're doing it either, at least the ones I asked. I suspect most of them do it because of sheep mentality or virtue signaling. I guess you could argue that it shows solidarity towards people whose gender isn't immediately clear because it's awkward if they're the only people who'd have to clarify their gender.

On a side note, I can't take seriously how these low iq busters need to write out the declined form of a pronoun which takes up even more space for something so trivial. But no, they want to feel special and use the pseudo woke npc type phrasing for it. My trans acquaintance couldn't tell me a pragmatic reason for it, what about you guys?

That being said, I still feel like granting an emotionally troubled person their wish to be called the way prefer to be as long as there's no repercussions for doing it incorrectly. I'd also argue that deliberately calling a person a pronoun they make clear they don't like is obnoxious. I remember my "mother" misgendering me in the past because she's a foreigner and used the female german article + noun declension to refer to me as "the little (girl)" in front of others which was quite uncomfortable.
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My pronouns are HEinrich HIMmler
Quite a shocking revelation...

Can't reason with those people anyway, they live in a completely separate reality, and are very delusional.

Sometimes I wish I can be as delusional they are (probably better for my mental health imo).
I’m sure we’re all painfully aware of the trans movement and some of us may even work or live in places that effectively are compelled speech environments. E.g. You don’t call the man at work who’s clearly a man a “she/her” and play pretend with them then you’ll get canned and if you make your actual views known even family and friends will look at you like you just said something heinously evil. That kinda thing.

Let’s consider this logically for a moment. Like, basic 2 year old toddler learning English logically because it’s genuinely that fucking stupid.

The function of pronouns is to denote whether the person you’re speaking to or about is a man (he/him), or woman (she/her), or whether they are part of a group (they/them), or if it’s unknown (they/them) — for that last one an example would be if you don’t know who they are and they have an unclear name that could be for a guy or girl like Alex or whatever, you get the idea.

That’s it. That’s been what they mean and how they’ve been used long before any of us were born.

Provided there are differences that can be identified between men and women it follows that there is a true pronoun each person has that they don’t choose. Effectively its assigned to you at birth based on what you are or even before birth as the sex of the child with modern science can be known long before the baby is born.

For ~99%+ of people, it is entirely apparent whether you are a guy or a girl. E.g. If you’re a man with the XY chromosome. you were born with a dick, your body naturally produces male hormones, and you don’t have eggs or ovaries, obviously you’re a man. It’s not some vague “question”, it’s not something you choose.

Even the rare exceptions/the people who are born hermaphrodites usually are closer to a man or woman taking their traits holistically into account, but that’s a case where a genuine real debate can be had, I don’t doubt that.

Anyway, all of this is very clear cut, it’s basic logic and it’s straight forward. Frankly the wokies and modern “people” claiming different are simply wrong. Identifying as something does not make you that thing. Simple as. It’s not how you identify, that’s never been what it means.

To side step this logic the only way they can do that is by changing the definitions themselves (they claim a woman is just anyone that identifies as one, that’s their working definition :feelsseriously:) or they claim the function of pronouns and what they represent is different (“sex and gender are different now incel!:soy:).

They claim gender means something different from sex but when pressed their only answer is that “gender is whatever you identity as or whatever present yourself as being:feelsclown: At which point they claim they don’t understand the “I identify as an Apache attack helicopter and you will refer to me as such” joke — they sneer back “Noooo you can’t use my own logic against me, it’s different because IT JUST IS and dysphoria is real OK!:feels:

>Dysphoria is real
Not a good reason to embrace delusion and worse to try an force others to indulge that delusion. I can believe I’m a woman in man’s body til I’m blue in the face, that on no level makes it true or reality. By forcing others under penalty to adopt your preferred pronouns you are forcing others to tell you a blatant lie because you’re too mentally weak to handle the truth. And anyone that does that is fucking pathetic.

Their claim about gender definitions is nonsense because if the function of pronouns isn’t to denote whether someone is a man, woman, group, or unknown, then what purpose do pronouns even have in existing? We might as well refer to everyone as the same uniform term at that point. Except we don’t and they don’t either because we all acknowledge, yes even them, that men and women are different. And if we weren’t different why do they bother to adopt the other sex’s pronoun at all? Why bother emulating the opposite sex like trans people do then? Their view of sex and gender doesn’t make any fucking sense and they clearly do believe men and women are different from each other.

Anyway, I wanted to bitch about this a bit in more sane circles since I watched part of SFO’s recent video where he calls one of his friends a “she” who is actually a “he” then defends it in the comments by saying she’s a her to him which is dumb as fuck because there is an objective correct and typically very obvious answer to whether someone is a man or woman and thus whether they’re a he or she:
View: https://youtu.be/w2HQnynZZtg
It’s all so tiresome. I’m tired bros, the constant top down propaganda, the constant gas lighting, the constant telling me I’m “hateful” just because I recognize the definition of words and how basic English works. How these mentally weak crazy people wield so much power and how the entire force of the western world has been placed behind getting people to believe a lie they couldn’t be more obvious is just staggering. It’s surreal to behold and clown world is killing me bros. I’m tired man. My whole family buys into this clown world shit now.
View attachment 975682

The whole thing is ideological and the pronouns are just their nu speech :soy: the thing about the nu trans fuckers is that they are backed by some old established power. this is all the old money liberals destroying peoples' lives for profit and ideological goals. sfo isn't very smart, I've caught him proving himself wrong. when he attacked the foundation for the victims of communism, he showed their article,proving that heis afatass liberal fuck whoseriously is so fuckin dumb thathe didn't catch himself tripping up.
"Anyway, all of this is very clear cut, it’s basic logic and it’s straight forward. Frankly the wokies and modern “people” claiming different are simply wrong. Identifying as something does not make you that thing. Simple as. It’s not how you identify, that’s never been what it means."
the thing is that identity is not what you are. it's how you see yourself like a nation[not a state, which is your birthplace or XX/XY]. these people are a bunch of deluded fucks who think that feelings==logic
dnr. Sodomites are disgusting we don’t need to address this pronouns garbage. Sodomy should be banned simple as
Personally I find the notion of sodomy/homosexuality disgusting. I feel revulsion when I see this shit pushed on tv, it makes me want to puke. Lefties act like men “choose” to feel that or like it’s culturally ingrained but I don’t think so. A lot of cultures across the globe across different time periods felt similarly and these types cherry pick one or two societies which were lenient on the practice and act like history was kinder to the practice when it broadly wasn’t. Even the societies they reference often weren’t as down with it as they allege.

Other than my personal disgust and not wanting to hear about it, on a macro level I wonder what do you think the negative affects are on broad society?

Maybe I’ve just lived in cities too long but I never hear any criticism like that ever (it’s not allowed these days I suppose). I wouldn’t mind gays if they just acted like normal non-radicalized non-hyper-effeminate attention whores. It’s like the old joke about vegans, but you can certainly apply it gays too (eg how can you tell someone is gay? Don’t worry they’ll tell you). But 100% of gays I’ve known/worked with were insufferable people with that hyper gay communist permanently on Reddit personality type. They’re just unbearable people you have to walk on eggshells around but women just loooove to hang around them and watch them on tv for whatever reason. Seriously all the women I know at work watch drag shows. It’s all so tiresome. Then these people indoctrinate children and make being gay the cool “in” thing and provide special protected group status/victim points which is how they reproduce.
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"Anyway, all of this is very clear cut, it’s basic logic and it’s straight forward. Frankly the wokies and modern “people” claiming different are simply wrong. Identifying as something does not make you that thing. Simple as. It’s not how you identify, that’s never been what it means."
the thing is that identity is not what you are. it's how you see yourself like a nation[not a state, which is your birthplace or XX/XY]. these people are a bunch of deluded fucks who think that feelings==logic
Yeah, I know what you mean. We’ve reached levels of retardation which shouldn’t even be possible.

I’m not religious anymore, but it’s baffling that lefties act like Christcucks are “haha so delusional” when they literally believe men are women and vice versa. It doesn’t get more delusional than “I wish I was a thing therefore I am that thing”. At least western religious people don’t force everyone else to lie to them and affirm belief they don’t think are real. That makes religious people 100x times better than these assholes.
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The whole thing is ideological and the pronouns are just their nu speech :soy: the thing about the nu trans fuckers is that they are backed by some old established power. this is all the old money liberals destroying peoples' lives for profit and ideological goals. sfo isn't very smart, I've caught him proving himself wrong. when he attacked the foundation for the victims of communism, he showed their article,proving that heis afatass liberal fuck whoseriously is so fuckin dumb thathe didn't catch himself tripping up.
SFO fence sits too much and he tends to bend the knee if people he personally knows/is friends with have certain views (his modern trans views appear to stem from his friendship/conversations with a trans person he talks about a lot/who comments on his videos).

I think he’s more reasonable than your average Canadian by a country mile and he’s not as bad as your average redditor retard — I appreciate he at least discusses controversial issues without just spitting out woke talking points — but yeah, especially recently he’s had bad takes seems to me.

Somewhat related every fuckin time someone becomes a “transman” they have this experience (pic related) and they’re like:

> “Oh my I’m so shocked! Who knew being a man was so lonely and that women treat men like dogshit!”

They never believe anyone who tells them how bad it is as the average guy because women are all fucking brainwashed about “muh male privilege” :feelsseriously:

I hate this world and I wish I could’ve lived and worked before all this clown world shit and had a real life where I’m more than a wifeless childless taxpayer serf who will never have his own home.
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Other than my personal disgust and not wanting to hear about it, on a macro level I wonder what do you think the negative affects are on broad society?
They spread aids, are very promiscuous, engage in harmful acts and are more prone to raping kids to start off. Also increase of sodomy = signs of a dying society
They spread aids, are very promiscuous, engage in harmful acts and are more prone to raping kids to start off. Also increase of sodomy = signs of a dying society
Thanks, yeah, I don’t disagree. At the very least I don’t think the west should be actively encouraging LGBTQXYZ groups and giving them privileged status.
View attachment 1049922
Somewhat related every fuckin time someone becomes a “transman” they have this experience (pic related) and they’re like:

> “Oh my I’m so shocked! Who knew being a man was so lonely and that women treat men like dogshit!”

They never believe anyone who tells them how bad it is as the average guy because women are all fucking brainwashed about “muh male privilege” :feelsseriously:

I hate this world and I wish I could’ve lived and worked before all this clown world shit and had a real life where I’m more than a wifeless childless taxpayer serf who will never have his own home.
Of course they blame it at the end on "White Imperialism" JFL these retards
Of course they blame it at the end on "White Imperialism" JFL these retards
Just think, people THAT retarded have jobs better than you and me JFL :feelskek: People who believe this ideological drivel are working as corpos or in medicine :feelsPop: Anyone who doesn’t think like that is being driven out of art too. The unis are chock full of this mental illness. Clown world needs to crash and burn at this point, too many retards have fucked up our society and pushed bad policy and we’re just unlucky enough to be caught in the middle of it where we have to watch and experience it all go to shit.

And if you speak out against it or try to organize then you’re punished/fired/ostracized. Honestly most days I just wanna die rather than live in this fucked up disgusting hell hole world. Well, that’s not quite right — what I’d really like is an avenue for meaningful change, but that requires power. Unfortunately the wrong people have held it for far too long which is how we got into this mess.

> “muh white imperialism”
Tons of white men only hate them now because of their vocal anti-white anti-male bigotry being shoved down our throat all the time for shit we weren’t even alive for or have nothing to do with. These people have no conception of what actual white supremacy or white imperialism look like and what they’re doing ironically makes straight young white men much more likely to oppose them.
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Just think, people THAT retarded have jobs better than you and me JFL :feelskek: People who believe this ideological drivel are working as corpos or in medicine :feelsPop: Anyone who doesn’t think like that is being driven out of art too. The unis are chock full of this mental illness. Clown world needs to crash and burn at this point, too many retards have fucked up our society and pushed bad policy and we’re just unlucky enough to be caught in the middle of it where we have to watch and experience it all go to shit.
The West has fallen.
And if you speak out against it or try to organize then you’re punished/fired/ostracized. Honestly most days I just wanna die rather than live in this fucked up disgusting hell hole world. Well, that’s not quite right — what I’d really like is an avenue for meaningful change, but that requires power. Unfortunately the wrong people have held it for far too long which is how we got into this mess.
I think we all know who the wrong people are

> “muh white imperialism”
Tons of white men only hate them now because of their vocal anti-white anti-male bigotry being shoved down our throat all the time for shit we weren’t even alive for or have nothing to do with. These people have no conception of what actual white supremacy or white imperialism look like and what they’re doing ironically makes straight young white men much more likely to oppose them.
(((They))) hate white western civilization because it is a threat to (((them))). I guess at least the more they keep pushing this shit, the more men are going to go in the other direction. But it seems it'll only get worse before it gets better.

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