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Blackpill [STUDY] Women convince other women to look like ugly dykes to wipe out intrasexual competition (and how they artificially inflate the price of sex)

Copexodius Maximus

Copexodius Maximus

Mentally destroyed by reality
Jul 21, 2020
Overview of the study:

1) Women use competitor manipulation as a form of intrasexual competition.

2) Highly competitive women advised hypothetical salon clients to cut off more hair.

3) Women told clients of similar attractiveness as themselves to cut off the most hair.

4) Female intrasexual competition may be assortative with respect to mate quality.

5) Female intrasexual competition manifests without any contextual cues to mating

Now why would they do all this? I thought it was the evil patriarchy holding women down, and women all looked out for one another? Well the inteoduction gets to the point.
Reproductive success is ultimately relative. Individuals can therefore improve their own net reproductive success by negatively impacting the reproductive success of same sex rivals. For females, reproductive success hinges on gaining access to the highest quality males, while preventing rivals from doing the same (Rosvall, 2011). To this end, women engage in intrasexual competition to reduce their female rivals' mate value, and to influence males' mate choices, to ultimately maximise their own net reproductive success.
What this boils down to is this: mogging is relative. If you want a mate, women have to either mog their competition or wipe them out.

But as the first line of the introduction says, women don’t physically attack their competition, and that “intrasexual competition between women is often covert, and targets rivals' appearance.” Maybe this is why so many women look like ugly dykes these days: widespread competition removal at a societal level.

This study also has many other damning blackpills in it that people would claim the paper was written by some incel jfl. When talking about behaviours through which it is done, the introduction says:

It may include gossiping, derogation, and exclusion (Buss, 1988; Reynolds et al., 2018)
Wow, this sounds just like how women treat incels. I guess maybe their female competition also just happens to have bad personalities who need to take showers.

as well as rival manipulation via dishonest or disingenuous advice (such as telling another woman that her clothing is flattering when it is not, Fisher & Cox, 2011)
This sound exactly like when women online gaslight incels by saying things like “you’re not ugly, it’s just your personality” or by saying “women don’t even care about looks”. This is to make sure we keep running after them, and maximizes their relative mate value when we don’t artificially decrease demand by LDAR.

When talking about female aggression:
It tends to peak around adolescence and early adulthood, when competition for mates is high (Archer, 2004; Hess & Hagen, 2006; Verona et al., 2008)
Wait, did these pedophiles just say competition is the highest for young women in their adolescence and early adulthood? Clearly this study was funded by the National Association of Misogynist Incel Studies.

And if you though it couldn’t get any more misogynistic, the study says something so misogynistic that it might actually even shock some of you on this forum.
Female indirect aggression frequently targets aspects of rivals that men prize in prospective long-term partners: attractiveness (Fisher, 2004) and chastity (Campbell, 1995, although indirect aggression in response to promiscuity may be less about damaging a promiscuous rival's reputation, and more about policing the price of sex to keep it high, see Ayers & Goetz, 2022; Regnerus, 2012; Vaillancourt, 2013).
These crypto-incel scientists are saying that women aren’t just damaging a woman’s long term prospects by accusations of being promiscuous, but artificially inflating the price of sex so actual sluts stand down or hide that shit so other females won’t have those expectations from their future beta-husbands. Chad sex for me, but not for thee.

This not only explains why women hate sluts (while being one themselves) in our society, but also in religious orthodox societies as well. It’s artificial market inflation no different than a wallstreet investor artificially raising the price of stocks to steal money from working class people.
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@The Enforcer pin this one plz, people need to see it.
Yeah I've always thought that the main reason they want to remove hot women in video games is so they look better in comparison.
WTF is wrong with women
Yeah I've always thought that the main reason they want to remove hot women in video games is so they look better in comparison.
Literally everything women do is for sex. Make no mistake. When they gaslight incels about things and say “not everything is about sex”, it’s just method to disarm intersexual competition awareness.

WTF is wrong with women
no one is allowed to call out their evil without being name called.
Literally everything women do is for sex. Make no mistake. When they gaslight incels about things and say “not everything is about sex”, it’s just method to disarm intersexual competition awareness.

One of their favorite topics is how to look pretty.

Their favorite movies and tv shows are mostly about romance.
High IQ thread
Just spent 20 minutes arguing with a shaved hair female after my mere utterance of the article's thesis in a public online space inflamed her
based :bigbrain:

most redpill/blackpillers forget how fiercely competitive foids are for the top men and other things they desires. sabotaging other foids is very common.
As I think of it, the most the current foid trends are meant to remove competition instead of making themselves present better.
Getting buzzcuts or short hair during lockdown, alt girl fashion, becoming muscle mommies - it doesn't affect a lot naturally good looking ones (or slightly helps by making them rememberable) but looks hideous on the ones with less regular face features (that could compete if they show off what is good about them)
High IQ thread
Just spent 20 minutes arguing with a shaved hair female after my mere utterance of the article's thesis in a public online space inflamed her
Women don’t want to be reminded their gender is shallow, bitter, and just as animalistic as the physically brutish males they cry about.

As I think of it, the most the current foid trends are meant to remove competition instead of making themselves present better.
Getting buzzcuts or short hair during lockdown, alt girl fashion, becoming muscle mommies - it doesn't affect a lot naturally good looking ones (or slightly helps by making them rememberable) but looks hideous on the ones with less regular face features (that could compete if they show off what is good about them)
It’s easier to make other fail rather than make yourself better. Just like how it’s easier to convince people to stay fat or become trannies, rather than looksmax yourself.
Women are blackpilled from birth they are raised with barbies
It’s easier to make other fail rather than make yourself better. Just like how it’s easier to convince people to stay fat or become trannies, rather than looksmax yourself.
Probably yes (it's not like I achieved anything using any of these methods)
These crypto-incel scientists are saying that women aren’t just damaging a woman’s long term prospects by accusations of being promiscuous, but artificially inflating the price of sex so actual sluts stand down or hide that shit so other females won’t have those expectations from their future beta-husbands. Chad sex for me, but not for thee.
It's even worse. They don't just spread rumors about some girl being a slut when she isn't. They coach each other to be sluts, and they bully chaste girls into giving it up to chadrone so they can be worthless too.
When talking about female aggression:

Wait, did these pedophiles just say competition is the highest for young women in their adolescence and early adulthood? Clearly this study was funded by the National Association of Misogynist Incel Studies.

And if you though it couldn’t get any more misogynistic, the study says something so misogynistic that it might actually even shock some of you on this forum.

These crypto-incel scientists are saying that women aren’t just damaging a woman’s long term prospects by accusations of being promiscuous, but artificially inflating the price of sex so actual sluts stand down or hide that shit so other females won’t have those expectations from their future beta-husbands. Chad sex for me, but not for thee.

This not only explains why women hate sluts (while being one themselves) in our society, but also in religious orthodox societies as well. It’s artificial market inflation no different than a wallstreet investor artificially raising the price of stocks to steal money from working class people.

Great finds. That’s the thing though, absolutely none of the people gaslighting and bullshitting us had any problem with those truths when it was just scientists saying it. Some of the lookism studies I’ve seen and posted here have been from the 80s and 90s or so, and cited even older ones, and nobody had any problems with them for decades until a bunch of sexless, bullied male outcasts realized that they explained everything that happened in their lives and what they saw happen around them.
Even wondered why women who can freely act bitchy and sexually suggestive are usually attractive, sexually desirable and curvy?
Because they have the higher value amongst other females and they can risk conflict with other females because they are high in the [female] pecking order.
Probably yes (it's not like I achieved anything using any of these methods)
You tried trannymaxxing?

It's even worse. They don't just spread rumors about some girl being a slut when she isn't. They coach each other to be sluts, and they bully chaste girls into giving it up to chadrone so they can be worthless too.
They will do whatever it takes to destroy their competition.


Great finds. That’s the thing though, absolutely none of the people gaslighting and bullshitting us had any problem with those truths when it was just scientists saying it. Some of the lookism studies I’ve seen and posted here have been from the 80s and 90s or so, and cited even older ones, and nobody had any problems with them for decades until a bunch of sexless, bullied male outcasts realized that they explained everything that happened in their lives and what they saw happen around them.
jfl, that’s so true. It’s only a problem when males start pointing it out. Maybe they hoped if no one talked about it the truth would go away into obscurity. It did for a while, but then the worst fear of females was realized. Incels sharing ideas on the internet.
You tried trannymaxxing?
Never :feelspuke:
I mean that I haven't succeed with foids through improving myself neither by doing anything that makes higher smv males appear worse (because I can't). I also hadn't achieved anything else in life (no matter which way I used)
Good thread, I swear I've been saying shit like this for years.

-Men do this too. Back when I had a hairline ( :feelsrope:), there was always the occasional faggot barber who would push it WAY back unnecessarily. Men are constantly trying to one up each other but we tend to be more obvious about it.

-This is one of the reasons gigastacies often have no female friends. Other women despise them because they suck up all the attention in the room.

-I've noticed a lot of people who probably feel they can't compete along gender normative lines embrace "queer" culture. "If you can't beat them, join them". There's a subtle acknowledgement that all women are competing for the same handful chads so it's not even worth the effort the femme-maxx. Much easier to queer-maxx and go for the gay chads who are into that weird shit. Also the obvious lesbian cope. Licking snatch cuz no chad.

Female indirect aggression frequently targets aspects of rivals that men prize in prospective long-term partners: attractiveness and chastity, although indirect aggression in response to promiscuity may be less about damaging a promiscuous rival's reputation, and more about policing the price of sex to keep it high
"Oh my god your ass is SO FAT!" :foidSoy:
Never :feelspuke:
I mean that I haven't succeed with foids through improving myself neither by doing anything that makes higher smv males appear worse (because I can't). I also hadn't achieved anything else in life (no matter which way I used)
What have you tried to wipe out your competition?

Good thread, I swear I've been saying shit like this for years.

-Men do this too. Back when I had a hairline ( :feelsrope:), there was always the occasional faggot barber who would push it WAY back unnecessarily. Men are constantly trying to one up each other but we tend to be more obvious about it.

-This is one of the reasons gigastacies often have no female friends. Other women despise them because they suck up all the attention in the room.

-I've noticed a lot of people who probably feel they can't compete along gender normative lines embrace "queer" culture. "If you can't beat them, join them". There's a subtle acknowledgement that all women are competing for the same handful chads so it's not even worth the effort the femme-maxx. Much easier to queer-maxx and go for the gay chads who are into that weird shit. Also the obvious lesbian cope. Licking snatch cuz no chad.

"Oh my god your ass is SO FAT!" :foidSoy:
The leftist alt-women are rebelling against the world, but in reality they were sent their own way.
Huh thought it was men bringing woman down as these toilets say? But it turns out foids do the job. Just proves they are the biggest gas lighters
P.s nice thread mods should pin
Huh thought it was men bringing woman down as these toilets say? But it turns out foids do the job. Just proves they are the biggest gas lighters
It seems like a meme at this point. Whenever a woman is talking shit, she is secretly always talking about herself.

I didn't know how in first place but given a chance I would (in not cucked way)
I just noticed your username. I guess you don’t need to crush competition and go straight for the kill.
Whores fighting over Chad. Water is wet my brother.
-Men do this too. Back when I had a hairline ( :feelsrope:), there was always the occasional faggot barber who would push it WAY back unnecessarily. Men are constantly trying to one up each other but we tend to be more obvious about it.

I've heard this actually does permanent damage...idk...surprise surprise it was always a bald or balding barber who did it....

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Foids are very aggressive, vain and insecure. They hate each other's guts because they all want to be desert queens but they know their common goal is to inflate women worth in society.

When foids fight among themselves they are first to use as an insult "whore, ugly, fat, old, everyone fucked you" etc

If you want to make a foid mad, just praise another foid in her presence, especially her youthfulness and weight, she will go full retard in nanoseconds.
The biggest enemy of a woman is another woman.

Pinned this btw
Overview of the study:

1) Women use competitor manipulation as a form of intrasexual competition.

2) Highly competitive women advised hypothetical salon clients to cut off more hair.

3) Women told clients of similar attractiveness as themselves to cut off the most hair.

4) Female intrasexual competition may be assortative with respect to mate quality.

5) Female intrasexual competition manifests without any contextual cues to mating

Now why would they do all this? I thought it was the evil patriarchy holding women down, and women all looked out for one another? Well the inteoduction gets to the point.

What this boils down to is this: mogging is relative. If you want a mate, women have to either mog their competition or wipe them out.

But as the first line of the introduction says, women don’t physically attack their competition, and that “intrasexual competition between women is often covert, and targets rivals' appearance.” Maybe this is why so many women look like ugly dykes these days: widespread competition removal at a societal level.

This study also has many other damning blackpills in it that people would claim the paper was written by some incel jfl. When talking about behaviours through which it is done, the introduction says:

Wow, this sounds just like how women treat incels. I guess maybe their female competition also just happens to have bad personalities who need to take showers.

This sound exactly like when women online gaslight incels by saying things like “you’re not ugly, it’s just your personality” or by saying “women don’t even care about looks”. This is to make sure we keep running after them, and maximizes their relative mate value when we don’t artificially decrease demand by LDAR.

When talking about female aggression:

Wait, did these pedophiles just say competition is the highest for young women in their adolescence and early adulthood? Clearly this study was funded by the National Association of Misogynist Incel Studies.

And if you though it couldn’t get any more misogynistic, the study says something so misogynistic that it might actually even shock some of you on this forum.

These crypto-incel scientists are saying that women aren’t just damaging a woman’s long term prospects by accusations of being promiscuous, but artificially inflating the price of sex so actual sluts stand down or hide that shit so other females won’t have those expectations from their future beta-husbands. Chad sex for me, but not for thee.

This not only explains why women hate sluts (while being one themselves) in our society, but also in religious orthodox societies as well. It’s artificial market inflation no different than a wallstreet investor artificially raising the price of stocks to steal money from working class people.
200 IQ post.
And they pretend women have solidarity and want to help each other lol. J F L. I love how foids are all about 'girlhood' 'female sisterhood teehee' and yet hate each to their very core while men openly mock and bully each other but would even die for a true brother.
I've heard this actually does permanent damage...idk...surprise surprise it was always a bald or balding barber who did it....

View attachment 1070544
It’s over for stephen A smithcels. I always wondered why he’s one of the few black people I’ve seen with a receding hairline at his age. Now it all makes sense.

Foids are very aggressive, vain and insecure. They hate each other's guts because they all want to be desert queens but they know their common goal is to inflate women worth in society.

When foids fight among themselves they are first to use as an insult "whore, ugly, fat, old, everyone fucked you" etc

If you want to make a foid mad, just praise another foid in her presence, especially her youthfulness and weight, she will go full retard in nanoseconds.
I would try this experiment, but I wouldn’t know who to compliment because I genuinely don’t want to boost the ego of any woman who is a pos.

The biggest enemy of a woman is another woman.

Pinned this btw
Thanks :feelsokman:
If you want to make a foid mad, just praise another foid in her presence, especially her youthfulness and weight, she will go full retard in nanoseconds.

I have legit seen Mayofoids get pissed online whenever any nigga simps for Noodlewhores. Obviously they can't be racist so they instead try to accuse the male in question of 'yellow fever' or 'fetishisation'. Whenever they are rightfully questioned why they are concerned over noodles they repeat immediate feminist drivel.
Men hate all other men by default because of resource (pussy) competition.
Men will watch another man have his life destroyed and rot, and he will no sympathy. He will become captain save-a-ho if a woman even thinks something is wrong.

200 IQ post.
And they pretend women have solidarity and want to help each other lol. J F L. I love how foids are all about 'girlhood' 'female sisterhood teehee' and yet hate each to their very core while men openly mock and bully each other but would even die for a true brother.
They follow the advice of “keep your friends close but your enemies closer”.

I have legit seen Mayofoids get pissed online whenever any nigga simps for Noodlewhores. Obviously they can't be racist so they instead try to accuse the male in question of 'yellow fever' or 'fetishisation'. Whenever they are rightfully questioned why they are concerned over noodles they repeat immediate feminist drivel.
That is such a blatant attempt at trying to crush their intrasexual competition that it’s comical. It’s normal when ethnics are chasing after white women, but it’s fetishization when it’s some other group being chased by white men. Some noodles actually far for it jfl.

This is the funniest shit I've read. My le hecking supportive and caring gender.
If it really is the funniest, then that’s a pretty low bar jfl.

I have legit seen Mayofoids get pissed online whenever any nigga simps for Noodlewhores. Obviously they can't be racist so they instead try to accuse the male in question of 'yellow fever' or 'fetishisation'. Whenever they are rightfully questioned why they are concerned over noodles they repeat immediate feminist drivel.
Yeah, i noticed this too. They try to shame both guys and noodlewhores into hating each others. Noodlewhores make them insecure because they look younger+ are slimmer+ have the anime/waifu neoteny submissive halo.
Men will watch another man have his life destroyed and rot, and he will no sympathy. He will become captain save-a-ho if a woman even thinks something is wrong.
When something becomes hard to obtain, like in time of famine, all brotherhood falls into water.
Foids are more cruel and judgmental towards other foids than any incel is :feelshaha:
Great post. I bet this is why flat chested foids keep convincing their big titty friends to get breast reductions too.
Yeah I've always thought that the main reason they want to remove hot women in video games is so they look better in comparison.
90% of men would date them.
They are competing for CHAD
Overview of the study:

1) Women use competitor manipulation as a form of intrasexual competition.

2) Highly competitive women advised hypothetical salon clients to cut off more hair.

3) Women told clients of similar attractiveness as themselves to cut off the most hair.

4) Female intrasexual competition may be assortative with respect to mate quality.

5) Female intrasexual competition manifests without any contextual cues to mating

Now why would they do all this? I thought it was the evil patriarchy holding women down, and women all looked out for one another? Well the inteoduction gets to the point.

What this boils down to is this: mogging is relative. If you want a mate, women have to either mog their competition or wipe them out.

But as the first line of the introduction says, women don’t physically attack their competition, and that “intrasexual competition between women is often covert, and targets rivals' appearance.” Maybe this is why so many women look like ugly dykes these days: widespread competition removal at a societal level.

This study also has many other damning blackpills in it that people would claim the paper was written by some incel jfl. When talking about behaviours through which it is done, the introduction says:

Wow, this sounds just like how women treat incels. I guess maybe their female competition also just happens to have bad personalities who need to take showers.

This sound exactly like when women online gaslight incels by saying things like “you’re not ugly, it’s just your personality” or by saying “women don’t even care about looks”. This is to make sure we keep running after them, and maximizes their relative mate value when we don’t artificially decrease demand by LDAR.

When talking about female aggression:

Wait, did these pedophiles just say competition is the highest for young women in their adolescence and early adulthood? Clearly this study was funded by the National Association of Misogynist Incel Studies.

And if you though it couldn’t get any more misogynistic, the study says something so misogynistic that it might actually even shock some of you on this forum.

These crypto-incel scientists are saying that women aren’t just damaging a woman’s long term prospects by accusations of being promiscuous, but artificially inflating the price of sex so actual sluts stand down or hide that shit so other females won’t have those expectations from their future beta-husbands. Chad sex for me, but not for thee.

This not only explains why women hate sluts (while being one themselves) in our society, but also in religious orthodox societies as well. It’s artificial market inflation no different than a wallstreet investor artificially raising the price of stocks to steal money from working class people.
im tired but will add to this:

this article supports what you are saying by pointing out a few very little known facts:

- women, not men, used to enforce prudishness and anti-slut rules in the past. Early feminists would go to beaches and measure foids bathing suits and arrest them if they were too short

- in islamic countries, its women that enforce decency laws on women, not men. Women literally walk around looking for women to police that have nails that are too long in their eyes and shit.

- women are the biggest anti-porn faction in society

im tired, so you will have to read it yourself but yeah.
also remember how women got sex doll brothels banned?
isnt it beneficial for both genders? women dont have to be prostitutes and men get theirs too?
think about this, they try to control the sexual landscape through this shit
WTF is wrong with women
They're hyper competitive and manipulative.
Foids are more cruel and judgmental towards other foids than any incel is :feelshaha:
Absolutely, and they always have been. Women will play nice with each other publicly, but they are vicious and cut throat when it matters in their quest for social status.

Always remember that things drilled in our heads like women are the empathic gender, maternal instinct, women want to support a good man... that's all gaslighting bullshit.
High IQ brutal thread .The question is what can we do to combat this when all the laws are made to benefit only women?
Overview of the study:

1) Women use competitor manipulation as a form of intrasexual competition.

2) Highly competitive women advised hypothetical salon clients to cut off more hair.

3) Women told clients of similar attractiveness as themselves to cut off the most hair.

4) Female intrasexual competition may be assortative with respect to mate quality.

5) Female intrasexual competition manifests without any contextual cues to mating

Now why would they do all this? I thought it was the evil patriarchy holding women down, and women all looked out for one another? Well the inteoduction gets to the point.

What this boils down to is this: mogging is relative. If you want a mate, women have to either mog their competition or wipe them out.

But as the first line of the introduction says, women don’t physically attack their competition, and that “intrasexual competition between women is often covert, and targets rivals' appearance.” Maybe this is why so many women look like ugly dykes these days: widespread competition removal at a societal level.

This study also has many other damning blackpills in it that people would claim the paper was written by some incel jfl. When talking about behaviours through which it is done, the introduction says:

Wow, this sounds just like how women treat incels. I guess maybe their female competition also just happens to have bad personalities who need to take showers.

This sound exactly like when women online gaslight incels by saying things like “you’re not ugly, it’s just your personality” or by saying “women don’t even care about looks”. This is to make sure we keep running after them, and maximizes their relative mate value when we don’t artificially decrease demand by LDAR.

When talking about female aggression:

Wait, did these pedophiles just say competition is the highest for young women in their adolescence and early adulthood? Clearly this study was funded by the National Association of Misogynist Incel Studies.

And if you though it couldn’t get any more misogynistic, the study says something so misogynistic that it might actually even shock some of you on this forum.

These crypto-incel scientists are saying that women aren’t just damaging a woman’s long term prospects by accusations of being promiscuous, but artificially inflating the price of sex so actual sluts stand down or hide that shit so other females won’t have those expectations from their future beta-husbands. Chad sex for me, but not for thee.

This not only explains why women hate sluts (while being one themselves) in our society, but also in religious orthodox societies as well. It’s artificial market inflation no different than a wallstreet investor artificially raising the price of stocks to steal money from working class people.
I Always know this . When a good looking good say: I like that guy I want to fuck , uglys foids start saying: nooooo you are lesbian nooooo stop being sluttt.
When a ugly foid say : I like to fuck I want to fuck that guy they said : yessss gooo it's good
I have seen this in school. Now I have the confirmation with the study . Anyway somebody pin this
Yeah, i noticed this too. They try to shame both guys and noodlewhores into hating each others. Noodlewhores make them insecure because they look younger+ are slimmer+ have the anime/waifu neoteny submissive halo.
There are copers on this forum and say “bro, noodles aren’t even attractive”. The example they always use is some ugly bloated foid who is clearly chubby af with extremely small eyes as their proof. Then use a stacey to show what white women look like. It’s always some delusional ethnic worshipping whites (as usual) or probably a secret mayo foid posting here.

im tired but will add to this:

this article supports what you are saying by pointing out a few very little known facts:

- women, not men, used to enforce prudishness and anti-slut rules in the past. Early feminists would go to beaches and measure foids bathing suits and arrest them if they were too short

- in islamic countries, its women that enforce decency laws on women, not men. Women literally walk around looking for women to police that have nails that are too long in their eyes and shit.

- women are the biggest anti-porn faction in society

im tired, so you will have to read it yourself but yeah.
also remember how women got sex doll brothels banned?
isnt it beneficial for both genders? women dont have to be prostitutes and men get theirs too?
think about this, they try to control the sexual landscape through this shit
Thanks for sharing, I never heard of the beach feminst stuff. You should make a post about it and tag me, cause I want to look more into that. That is funny af.
There are copers on this forum and say “bro, noodles aren’t even attractive”. The example they always use is some ugly bloated foid who is clearly chubby af with extremely small eyes as their proof. Then use a stacey to show what white women look like. It’s always some delusional ethnic worshipping whites (as usual) or probably a secret mayo foid posting here.

Thanks for sharing, I never heard of the beach feminst stuff. You should make a post about it and tag me, cause I want to look more into that. That is funny af.

Feminists in USA supported social purity laws, which were used to prosecute women wearing bathing suits that were judged too revealing.

Chicago policewoman checking a woman’s bathing-suit length 1921


April 1922 Chicago, Illinois – Two bathers being escorted off the beach by a policewoman for violating the modesty law

an undercover woman volunteer for the Iranian morality police warns a woman about her clothing

A rally in Tehran in favor of arresting improperly veiled women. Note the sex ratio

Research shows almost all women aggress against a sexy peer​

OTTAWA, November 22, 2011
A study published in the journal Aggressive Behavior confirms what is often seen on the popular reality show The Bachelor: that most women aggress against sexual rivals.
The Bachelor provides insight into the cut-throat tactics women use to “compete” and demonstrates that vying for the affections of an eligible bachelor tends to bring out the worst in women. It often leads them to gossip about a rival’s level of promiscuity or disparage her appearance, so as to reduce her “mate value.” Professor Vaillancourt’s study demonstrates that this type of behaviour is not only a TV phenomenon, but also a reality in our schools, workplaces, etc.
Researchers conducted two experiments to examine this phenomenon. In the first, women were paired with a friend or stranger and randomly placed in one of two situations: in the first, participants were exposed to an attractive female peer who was dressed in a sexy outfit (Figure 1); in the second, women were exposed to the same peer, with the difference that she was dressed conservatively (Figure 2). In both situations, participants were secretly videotaped to capture their reactions to the peer. Independent female raters blind to the experimental condition were asked to rate each participant’s reaction in terms of aggression. “We asked women who knew nothing about the context or reason for the person’s reaction to rate how “bitchy” (or not) they thought she was being,” says Vaillancourt.

Results showed that almost all women were aggressive toward the attractive female whose only indiscretion was to dress in a sexually provocative manner. The women in this situation were more likely to roll their eyes at their peer, stare her up and down and show anger while she was in the room. When she left the room, many of them laughed at her, ridiculed her appearance, and/or suggested that she was sexually available. By contrast, when the same attractive peer was dressed conservatively, the group of women assigned to this second scenario barely noticed her, and none of them discussed her when she left the room.

A second experiment confirmed that the sexy colleague was indeed seen as a sexual rival by women. Results indicated that women did not want to introduce her to their boyfriend, allow him to spend time alone with her, or be friends with her.

Collectively, these results provide support for the idea that women do engage in intrasexual competition by aggressing towards sexy female counterparts.


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