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Discussion [MULTIPLE STUDIES] Sex is the root of violence, crimes, bullying and even WAR in this world. (Yes Sex is a primary cause of war)



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
Sex is the root of all evil. It's the reason evil happens. Being evil is all about getting laid. Here's evidence:

Is the Male Sex Drive the Cause of Wars? - Psychology Today
Our latest research on the male warrior hypothesis, which was published last week in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the oldest science journal in the world, offers an explanation.

Based on a review of the literature we argue that men may be biologically programmed to be warriors We dubbed this the male warrior hypothesis.
'Wars caused by male sex drive,' says scientists - The Independent
Male sex drive is at the root of most conflict in the world, from football violence to wars, scientists claim.

A review of psychological evidence concludes that men are shaped by evolution to be aggressive towards "outsiders". The tendency, at the heart of all inter-tribal violence, emerged through natural selection as a result of competition for mates.

Today it can be seen in wars as well as clashes involving rival gangs, football fans or religious groups, say researchers.
The Cause of All War Boils Down to Sex and Social Status: Here's Why - Business Insider
The real question is, how have we evolved as individuals to fight for our groups? When you dig into it and you look at the data, there are only two things that are worth risking yourself in war for, as an individual. The first thing is an increase in social status. And the reason why that's worth risking yourself for is, as you rise up the status hierarchy, particularly as a man — and men do most of the fighting — you get more mates, more sexual mates. When you have more mates, you have more children. That's a reason to risk fighting in war.

But there's another reason why people fight in war. That's to ensure that they have membership of an in-group. This in-group could be a tribe or a nation-state. It's the same mechanism. It's the thing that causes us as humans to feel belonging. It's the thing that makes you feel homesick. It's the thing that sends shivers down your spine when you're at a political rally, or a football match, or you're singing in a choir in church. These are the mechanisms in your brain causing you to seek to belong.
Is male libido the ultimate cause of war? - Research Digest
From the mighty clash of two stags rutting, to the dawn raid of a chimpanzee, much violence in nature is perpetrated by males fighting each other in competition for female mates. A new study claims it’s a similar story with humans. Cultural differences, limited resources and technological developments all play a role, but a team of psychologists based in China and Hong Kong believe the ultimate cause of human war rests with the male libido. Historically, they argue that the lure of an attractive female primed the male brain for conflict with other males, an effect that persists in modern man even though its usefulness is largely outdated.

Across four experiments Lei Chang and his team showed that pictures of attractive women or women’s legs had a raft of war-relevant effects on heterosexual male participants, including: biasing their judgments to be more bellicose towards hostile countries; speeding their ability to locate an armed soldier on a computer screen; and speeding their ability to recognise and locate war-related words on a computer screen. Equivalent effects after looking at pictures of attractive men were not found for female participants.

The effects on the male participants of looking at attractive women were specific to war. For example, their ability to locate pictures of farmers, as opposed to soldiers, was not enhanced. Moreover, the war-priming effects of attractive women were greater than with other potentially provocative stimuli, such as the national flag. Finally, the men’s faster performance after looking at women’s legs versus flags was specific to war-related words, as opposed to merely aggressive words.

“The mating-warring association, as shown in these experiments … presumably unconsciously propels warring behaviour because of the behaviour’s past, but not necessarily current, link to reproductive success,” the researchers said. They conceded their study had several limitations, not least that war is a collaborative endeavour whilst they had studied individual responses. However, the new results chime with past lab research, showing for example that men, but not women, respond to intergroup threat by increasing their within-group cooperation. And they chime with anthropological research, which has found male warriors in traditional tribal societies have more sexual partners than other men, as do male members of modern street gangs.

“… This is among the first empirical studies to examine the potential mating-warring association,” the researchers concluded. “As such this study adds to the diversities of evidence on the effects of mating motives in human males as well as motivating further discussions of the origins of human warfare.”
So looking at hot women and their legs makes men more prone to war but not national flags or anything. and male warriors in traditional tribal societies alongside male gang members have more sex partners (and the study cited showed that gang leaders have the most partners).

Another study had found that the reason men historically fought in wars was because they worried if they didn't, their wives would cheat on them with other men. this gave them incentive to fight off to war to prevent cuckoldry. There's also some anecdotal and theoretical evidence that jihadists and Islamic terrorists commit terrorist attacks due to sexual frustration because their societies prohibit premarital sex, masturbation and encourage waiting until marriage which won't happen until their mid-late 20s/early 30s. These men commit violence due to feeling emasculated by their virginity and their desire to experience death by suicide bombing so they can experience attractive women in heaven, with the Quran being misinterpreted by them as promising women in heaven. Some anecdotes from Muslim terrorists show they experience sexual frustration over virginity.

Other studies show that physically aggressive men have more sexual partners, and the more physically aggressive he is, the more partners he has. Studies also found that women find physically aggressive men attractive for short-term encounters/flings but not long-term relationships.

Another thread I started earlier is about how studies have shown how criminals have more reproductive partners and how prisoners have more sex partners (not including their prison sex partners/rape victims). Studies have shown a lot of evidence that crime/violence is subconsciously or consciously done to attract female mates and have sex partners. Read more detail there. I have also read research about rapists and how peer pressure to have, the desire to have as many sex partners as possible, and viewing women as conquests, and sexual gratification are the primary motives for rape, shattering the myth that it's only about power over women (that could just be a secondary motive). Rapists have been shown to have consensual sex, and have far more sexual partners than most men and more dating partners. Some studies have shown that among non-pedophilic child molesters (child molesters who aren't attracted to children), they might molest children due to inability to be with an adult partner (such as an adult they are attracted to and wish to but afraid to pursue) so they pick children as a substitute. These are called regressive abusers. Most child molesters are not pedophiles but situational offenders. These child molesters might molest due to insecurity, curiosity, stress, a desire to hurt a loved one of the child, marital problems, sexual experimentation, etc. Studies have also shown that school bullies have more sex partners, and that bullies bully others subconsciously or consciously to get laid and as an effective mating strategy and bullying is part of evolution and a strategy. The only exception to this is that bullying is NOT a mediating effect for extraversion being positively associated with getting laid, showing that extroverts get laid through their extraversion, and that unless you're far more extroverted than average, bullying would be a factor in why you got laid when you engaged in bullying. Studies also show that bullies tend to be popular among their peers (except bully/victims, those who are bullies and victims at the same time. they have low popularity). Bullies tend to get laid more and this is particularly true for boys who physically bully (aka violence). Bullies don't bully due to having a shitty life, or low self-esteem or depression, with studies showing they actually have low insecurity, high self-esteem and low rates of depression. Studies have shown bullying is about increasing social status, and studies show middle/high school bullies bully their friends and people they have mutual friends with far more than they bully non-friends, and that outcasts are just as likely to be bullies as popular people. the study found people bully those with the same social status as them to increase their own social status. this makes sense, as relational bullying becomes more common in middle/high school than elementary school (elementary has more physical bullies) and people engage in gossip or character assassination to lower others' social status and increase their own. This explains why studies show that among popular people, the #1 most popular person is the nicest whereas ones who aren't are more likely to be bullies. So now you can see bullying is part of evolution. Men act violence towards other men to get laid, and once they achieve mating success, the likelihood drops. Adult virgins usually engage in less risk-taking behaviors, and are more likely to be bullied/socially withdrawn or rejected by peers when growing up. In adulthood, they tend to be in poorer physical/mental health and are less satisifed with their social lives. They also are more likely to be obese, and bullying victims are more likely to be overweight throughout adulthood. This is line with the fact that the vast majority of people on this forum were bullied growing up. A fair amount of users on this forum here and there were even bullied in adulthood.

TLDR: Sex is the root of all evil, war, violence and crime in this world, especially if perpetrated by men. Feminists complain that men are violent, but women cause men to be violent and reward them with sex for that. So this is why society long ago tried to restrict sex, but if terrorists in Islam are terrorists due to sexual frustration, then that means that restricting sex was a double edge sword but so is the sexual revolution when it tries to permit sex, an activity that is the #1 cause of war/violence. Both have consequences, and eliminating sex from this world would be much better because evolution wouldn't be as pronounced in this world. Women also cause toxic masculinity by putting pressure on men to conform to as many macho stereotypes as possible (assertive, confident, stoic, doesn't cry, never insecure, sexually experienced, taller than me, stronger than me, dominant, etc.) Maybe if women didn't exist, men wouldn't be the way they are because sex wouldn't be part of producing children and evolution wouldn't be as important. The simultaneous existence of sexual intercourse/sexual activity and two sexes (male and female) causes the worst issues on Earth, like war, crime and violence. Eliminate one of the two (or even both) to stop this from happening. Fuck everything, just annihilate humanity. Blow up Earth too so evolution doesn't start again. Turns out that thugmaxxing is a useful thing.

@Mainländer @ThoughtfulCel thoughts?
@IncelKing proven right: women are the primary motivation for men, whether it be for good or evil.
High IQ, all sexhavers should be locked up
war is usually over resourcers or territory expanding borders or ideologies not sex lol
WOMEN are the root of all evil. they are the gatekeepers of sex. they are the ones responsible for what happens when they withhold it.
yeah I agree with you, my desire for sex feels similar to the feeling I get when I'm in a fight with someone its all from the same core, all men desire dominance and power over his surroundings
Every action can be traced back to either desire for sex, or desire to care for offspring. :feelsjuice:
yeah I agree with you, my desire for sex feels similar to the feeling I get when I'm in a fight with someone its all from the same core, all men desire dominance and power over his surroundings
I’d actually want to care for and love a girl, except none of these foids want anyone other than Chad to make them feel special, because no one other than Chad can physically make them feel that way :feelsjuice:. Goddamn it, why can’t I just be tall and handsome :cryfeels:
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Every action can be traced back to either desire for sex, or desire to care for offspring. :feelsjuice:

I’d actually want to care for and love a girl, except none of these foids want anyone other than Chad to make them feel special, because no one other than Chad can physically make them feel that way :feelsjuice:. Goddamn it, why can’t I just be tall and handsome :cryfeels:
I feel like you can do the simply caring for and lighthearted stuff with a friend, my idea of love would be something deeper and more primal, taking care of a girl sounds kind of boring
war is usually over resourcers or territory expanding borders or ideologies not sex lol
dude read the fucking research. sex is the main cause of it. those are reasons but so is sex. the research fuckin proves it. sex is the reason more than anything else. religon, territory or idealogy are just secondary reasons
@IncelKing proven right: women are the primary motivation for men, whether it be for good or evil.
women literally control men like puppets. men are women's slaves.
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@Robtical pin?
war is usually over resourcers or territory expanding borders or ideologies not sex lol
I agree with this.

I don't believe war has much to do with sex at all, at least not in today's world.
Jfl and people still believe that god exists. The only thing that matters in this existence is the wet hole between foids legs, and every fucking person knows this deep down. What a cucked existence. Why was I born into this world.
I agree with this.

I don't believe war has much to do with sex at all, at least not in today's world.
Resources, territory expansion and ideologies all come from a deep yearning to either attract more women by having more resources, have more territory to make you appear more dominant for women, and new ideological views usually places one’s self at the top of a new hierarchical structure that they have conjured up in their mind, which would theoretically allow them greater sexual opportunity.

Those are the underlying subconscious reasons for those surface level ones.

It’s all about stinky roast beef flaps. Anything else is cope
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Jfl and people still believe that god exists. The only thing that matters in this existence is the wet hole between foids legs, and every fucking person knows this deep down. What a cucked existence. Why was I born into this world.

Resources, territory expansion and ideologies all come from a deep yearning to either attract more women by having more resources, have more territory to make you appear more dominant for women, and new ideological views usually places one’s self at the top of a new hierarchical structure that they have conjured up in their mind, which would theoretically allow them greater sexual opportunity.

Those are the underlying subconscious reasons for those surface level ones.

It’s all about stinky roast beef flaps. Anything else is cope
This is why to progress as a species we must take the transhumanism-pill. Humanity must artificially evolve beyond the crude drives that have kept our lineage alive until now. Our species will never truly progress until we move beyond base instincts. As of now, we are chimps with language, nothing more. All human evils and suffering can be linked back to our uncontrolled base drives. In the race to evolve, it has been a gift, but now we have the sentience and intellect to realise the weakness of Darwinist evolution, we must become the designers of our own species. We must create our own Gods. Ultimately, we have two paths: choose our own destiny, or let ourselves be eternally blown about by the winds of circumstance.
This is why to progress as a species we must take the transhumanism-pill. Humanity must artificially evolve beyond the crude drives that have kept our lineage alive until now. Our species will never truly progress until we move beyond base instincts. As of now, we are chimps with language, nothing more. All human evils and suffering can be linked back to our uncontrolled base drives. In the race to evolve, it has been a gift, but now we have the sentience and intellect to realise the weakness of Darwinist evolution, we must become the designers of our own species. We must create our own Gods. Ultimately, we have two paths: choose our own destiny, or let ourselves be eternally blown about by the winds of circumstance.
I don't think humanity is going to make it tbh. Most people don't value reason and would rather be controlled by their instincts and emotions.
I don't think humanity is going to make it tbh. Most people don't value reason and would rather be controlled by their instincts and emotions.
There are three options for humanity's future. Two are acceptable, one is horrific. The two acceptable avenues are:
1) Humanity transcends itself, artificially evolving to overcome the inherently negative traits that have been left over from the Darwinian evolutionary process. We throw off pain, lust, anger, ego, and become an ascended species only interested in logic, science (real science not modern scientist cultism) and the accumualtion of wisdom and knowledge.
2) Extinction event. Either natural or manmade, our species is utterly decimated or at least civilisation is reduced to rubble in order to give another chance at becoming something better.

The third option is what chills me to my core:
3) Humanity survives. "Civilisation" survives. But we do not evolve. We continue to be a race of NPC slaves toiling away for the sake of a handful of elite working only for their own pleasure. We devolve into a perpetual slavery, with no meaning, just an endless toil for our masters in the vein of the modern wage slave, but forever and ever, fanning out into space and spreading our cancer into and endless empire of woe and ignorance in the vein of the worst parts of the 40K universe. This is the worst outcome.

I hope and pray that one of the first two options occurs. So many people cannot comprehend the depths of how utterly fucked our species is already. The NPCs do not even complain when their freedoms are stripped from them for the sake of a rebranded common cold. I honestly think that out of the positive outcomes, praying for the luck of anihilation is our best option.

The third option is what chills me to my core:
3) Humanity survives. "Civilisation" survives. But we do not evolve. We continue to be a race of NPC slaves toiling away for the sake of a handful of elite working only for their own pleasure. We devolve into a perpetual slavery, with no meaning, just an endless toil for our masters in the vein of the modern wage slave, but forever and ever, fanning out into space and spreading our cancer into and endless empire of woe and ignorance in the vein of the worst parts of the 40K universe. This is the worst outcome.
this seems most likely to happen if it hasn't started already. You're a high-iq poster, your posts are appreciated.
Robert California was right
There is only sex. Everything is sex.
There are three options for humanity's future. Two are acceptable, one is horrific. The two acceptable avenues are:
1) Humanity transcends itself, artificially evolving to overcome the inherently negative traits that have been left over from the Darwinian evolutionary process. We throw off pain, lust, anger, ego, and become an ascended species only interested in logic, science (real science not modern scientist cultism) and the accumualtion of wisdom and knowledge.
2) Extinction event. Either natural or manmade, our species is utterly decimated or at least civilisation is reduced to rubble in order to give another chance at becoming something better.

The third option is what chills me to my core:
3) Humanity survives. "Civilisation" survives. But we do not evolve. We continue to be a race of NPC slaves toiling away for the sake of a handful of elite working only for their own pleasure. We devolve into a perpetual slavery, with no meaning, just an endless toil for our masters in the vein of the modern wage slave, but forever and ever, fanning out into space and spreading our cancer into and endless empire of woe and ignorance in the vein of the worst parts of the 40K universe. This is the worst outcome.

I hope and pray that one of the first two options occurs. So many people cannot comprehend the depths of how utterly fucked our species is already. The NPCs do not even complain when their freedoms are stripped from them for the sake of a rebranded common cold. I honestly think that out of the positive outcomes, praying for the luck of anihilation is our best option.

human extinction should happen
@Words2_live_bye dude i explained everything i said it's just subconsciosu.
Polygamy is a major cause I can imagine. MAny men dont get laid get violent turn into groups and fight over the woman. Many civil wars are fought in polygamous nations. Too many men not getting laid/married and access to women is a recipe for disaster. Soon to happen in the west.
Polygamy is a major cause I can imagine. MAny men dont get laid get violent turn into groups and fight over the woman. Many civil wars are fought in polygamous nations. Too many men not getting laid/married and access to women is a recipe for disaster. Soon to happen in the west.
Polygamy causes war
How is atheism cope? It’s the polar opposite
The bluepill is that when you die everything goes black (wishful thinking.) The very reason you have that wishful thinking is because subconsciously you already know that it isn't the case. That's how bluepills work, it keeps you distracted but it isn't the truth. The redpill is that you are part of something much bigger, that goes beyond body, so that on the breakup of the body, a transcendent phenomena occurs (evidenced by NDE cases--which no one looks into--ad nauseam)
Jfl and people still believe that god exists. The only thing that matters in this existence is the wet hole between foids legs, and every fucking person knows this deep down. What a cucked existence. Why was I born into this world.

Resources, territory expansion and ideologies all come from a deep yearning to either attract more women by having more resources, have more territory to make you appear more dominant for women, and new ideological views usually places one’s self at the top of a new hierarchical structure that they have conjured up in their mind, which would theoretically allow them greater sexual opportunity.

Those are the underlying subconscious reasons for those surface level ones.

It’s all about stinky roast beef flaps. Anything else is cope
Both have consequences, and eliminating sex from this world would be much better because evolution wouldn't be as pronounced in this world. Women also cause toxic masculinity by putting pressure on men to conform to as many macho stereotypes as possible (assertive, confident, stoic, doesn't cry, never insecure, sexually experienced, taller than me, stronger than me, dominant, etc.)

Women evolved to incite male intrasexual competition and to reward men who have the traits you describe. The phenomenon described in Bowling Alone is likely caused by men becoming more competitive and antisocial towards other men as a result of women's increasing participation in society.

Putting even one young woman in a room will subvert the dynamics of male bonding instantly, especially in a room of single men. The suppression of all-male spaces and the integration of women in the economy and public life has allowed women to isolate men from each other, to weaken them politically and inhibit them from collectively defending themselves from feminist attacks. Likewise, the promotion of all-female spaces is instrumental in further empowering women, even in areas where they are now dominant, such as in higher education.

It's not a coincidence that school schootings became much more common after coeducation had become the norm and sexual competition began to occur at schools. 'Normal' male socializing in the presence of women only really starts to become possible when those women are all the wives of the all of the men, and even then, their presence can cause problems.

So this is why society long ago tried to restrict sex, but if terrorists in Islam are terrorists due to sexual frustration, then that means that restricting sex was a double edge sword

Islamic culture only causes widespread male sexlessness in a modern context of overpopulation, females being allowed to pursue an education, poverty, and great pressure on vital economic resources. Modern Islamic societies are very different from traditional Islamic societies. For example, the population of Egypt increased sevenfold since 1900 and the population of Syria increased tenfold. By comparison, the population of the UK is not even twice as high today as it was in 1900. In the colonial era, after the introduction of Western technology and the elimination of childhood mortality, poor rural Muslims began to breed uncontrollably, having far more children than they could afford, whereas educated urban Muslims began to imitate Western social customs and to have smaller families.

As a result of this, there are now a lot of young men in Islamic countries who can't afford to get married and whose families are too poor to help them, and this makes them more prone to radicalization. However, in traditional Muslim societies, people married young, and few men were sexually frustrated. Polygamy was mostly only practiced by the upperclass, and the custom of child marriage reduced its negative effect, as it didn't take very long for girls to reach marriageable age. If you couldn't marry your cousin, you could always wait a few years and marry her daughter.

but so is the sexual revolution when it tries to permit sex, an activity that is the #1 cause of war/violence.
The sexual revolution actually resulted in less sex for most men and inflated the value of pussy. People born in the 1930s had the most sex. Every generation after that has seen a decline in sexual frequency. There's no data for earlier, but I would hazard a guess that they did better than the 1930s-born cohort because the further you go back in time, the fewer rights women had and the more dependent they were on men.
  • "With age and time period controlled, those born in the 1930s (Silent Generation) had sex the most often, whereas those born in the 1990s (Millennials and iGen) had sex the least often. The decline was not linked to longer working hours or increased pornography use. Age had a strong effect on sexual frequency: Americans in their 20s had sex an average of about 80 times per year,compared to about 20 times per year for those in their 60s" (source)
The sexual revolution affected the Silent Generation much less than it affected Baby Boomers and succeeding generations because most of them were already married before the 1960s. Destigmatizing casual sex actually had a negative effect on most men's ability to obtain regular sex because it exacerbated female hypergamy and sexual inequality.
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It's anecdotal evidence but in school all the thugs got foids like crazy. Even when they weren't that good looking
It's anecdotal evidence but in school all the thugs got foids like crazy. Even when they weren't that good looking
My mom lied to me and told me when i was a kid that women hated "bad boys". That women went for guys who behaved well, followed rules, worked hard etc

I remember the exact day this world view was shattered. I was 12 and i saw several of the worst thugs make out with girls, grab their boobs etc on the playground.

Parents shouldn't lie to their kids
My mom lied to me and told me when i was a kid that women hated "bad boys". That women went for guys who behaved well, followed rules, worked hard etc

I remember the exact day this world view was shattered. I was 12 and i saw several of the worst thugs make out with girls, grab their boobs etc on the playground.

Parents shouldn't lie to their kids
And people wonder why nice guy syndrome on the internet exists
My mom lied to me and told me when i was a kid that women hated "bad boys". That women went for guys who behaved well, followed rules, worked hard etc
How many times I heard this blatant lie being repeated over and over again in my child and teen years from boomers:

Shame on you all, back in my day, the kids with the best grades were the coolest, they were the ones admired and envied by everyone

I fell for several huge normie lies before consuming the blackpill, but this one I never believed for a second.
Having sex is a war crime. Religion and sex are the main contributors to war... Oh and oil
My mom lied to me and told me when i was a kid that women hated "bad boys". That women went for guys who behaved well, followed rules, worked hard etc

I remember the exact day this world view was shattered. I was 12 and i saw several of the worst thugs make out with girls, grab their boobs etc on the playground.

Parents shouldn't lie to their kids

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