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News Incel charged with sexual assault for touching a womans arm

JFL at this clown world, what nightmare society do we live in where you can potentially be imprisoned for lightly touching someones arm
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"Sensitive gender"
Women are totally replaceable
This world is beyond saving.

Some people will argue that he’s 19 and old enough to understand and autism isn’t an excuse etc etc etc, but the same thing happened a few weeks ago to an autistic boy who was five years old. FIVE.

Autistic men and boys (and the male sex in general) are under attack.
Society wanted him in jail long before he touched any woman. Now they have an excuse.
Nobody should ever touch anybody without their consent
Same women who say this, will demand that the man takes charge and shows initiative, by touching and even kissing her.
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clown world.

just imagine a world where your life could potentially be ruined because you were a non - chad and touched a womans arm.

oh wait its this world
He is not even that ugly, like a 4-5 at worst, just autistic.

Just proves that all the pua shit and just about any other normie advice about approaching foids will only get you jailed or beat up by white knights if you try that shit as a sub 7 male.
Imma try and find out his sentencing date
From the sounds of it she's trying to use him just to get into oxford without having to do the exam and interview, probably hoping to gain extenuating circumstances from it. It's absolutely disgusting and even worse that the legal system is backing her on this

This. She wants a victim card free pass into a good life and fucking up his life is worth it to her obviously as she is a cruel heartless monster.
'I think it would have been on my breast had I not moved. When it first happened I didn't think much of it. I forgot about it because I had my exams and just thought it was weird behaviour.'

it's over
Incel tries to escalate Chad advice just escalate bro
Make him an account here and buy the roastie and the judge some watches.

JFL at this clown world, what nightmare society do we live in where you can potentially be imprisoned for lightly touching someones arm
A world where people are over sensitive and don't take the time and effort to defend themselves. If she didn't like it, she ought to have punched him but no, she has to get other people to fight her battles.

-this guy is not fucking incel. Lookswise, I'll give him benefit of doubt and say he's mentalcel but holy shit he's rich and dressy that should make up for awkwardness especially if he's low inhibition enough to actually go out and touch a stranger *multiple fucking times, what the fuck*.

-Her chances of going to Oxford being crushed? Really? Out of fear or embarassment? It's not like this happened in front of an interviewer or her new friend group there. Tons of people are scared shitless of potential of rape, stabbings, and many other on campus crimes, and still pull themselves up and go. That's a reason she's exaggerating to gain symapthy to punish the mofo who got wise and touched her not once but twice. Literally screaming over a paper cut kind of attitude but because of the climate around sexual assault and "shy awkward men" it works.
Magistrates told Griffiths: 'The complainant's evidence was very clear, logical and without embellishment. We can think of no motivation for you to touch the victim other than sexual.

So magistrates think that someone who's willing to go as far as assaulting someone would just go like: "Nah forget it" cause the "victim" moved a couple of feet away as he tried to touch her? :feelskek: That's it? Does that just end there? How anticlimactic...
I remember this
She must've detected his evil misogynistic rapey personality I guess
welcome to earth. foids can now run to the police and get you imprisoned just for touching their arm in an attempt to make friends. there was never any hope to begin with. it's over.
Wtf? Someone "almost" touches your breast in a non-threatening way and you're so distraught that you can't take an exam and go to the police? What the fuck?

And how the fuck do you get sent to jail for "almost" touching a breast? I don't care if he fucking motorboated her, that should've been a minor fine at best.

Edit: wait, this is from last year. Well, I guess it's still as rage-inducing as ever.


welcome to earth. foids can now run to the police and get you imprisoned just for touching their arm in an attempt to make friends. there was never any hope to begin with. it's over.
Thank God I don't live in the cuck world aka anglo world.
The guy just wanted a friend, he wasn't even trying to hit on her. Imagine being so fucking lonely that you google ''how to make a friend'' and then the merciless rostacy fucking reports you for sexual assault just because you wanted to engage in conversation with her. If it was Chad he would only say ''Let's fuck'' and she would be drooling over him. ffs this is [RageFuel] and [ERfuel] tbh
Its over for him. He'll never recover from the shame this will bring him. The people that will want to make friends with him will just be virtue-signaling.
And so it begins.
I wonder if he is in jail rn
Probably prison ascending with Ahmed
welcome to earth. foids can now run to the police and get you imprisoned just for touching their arm in an attempt to make friends. there was never any hope to begin with. it's over.
Touching their arm is too far. American culture and white culture (like British culture and Yankee as well) is EXTREMELY anti-touch.
As an autist who is both scared of touch and very much in need of hugs for pressure, this fucking confounds me,
How can people be so snowflakey and yet call ME a snowflake?
Fuck this upside down twisted social world. Everyone is a liar or a hypocrite these days.
Thank God I don't live in the cuck world aka anglo world.
This world is spreading everywhere, the strongest force in our world today are the perfidious Albion, and it has been since Brits became powerful. This is what black people want to stop, rightly. It's also what Jews want to undermine, supposedly. It's a terrible thing but the alternatives are just as bad of course or almost so.
There is no good race in this world. Every race is fucked. I guess I'm not racist if I hate all races equally.
What do you expect from a country that jails guys for upskirting?
This is about feminization of the society. It is the brainwashing of feminism. Feminazis and the agenda causes this. This would have not been possible 10 years ago. Not even being a men but being normal will be criminalized soon. We have to get our rights back before too late.
This tough was not an assault, nor was it sexual.

Kind of makes you hate society when this guy is going to suffer for a non-crime while Jeremy Meeks ruined some kid's life and became a millionaire for it.
He was later convicted for sexual assault. 200 hours unpaid work and 5 years on the sex offender register and a restraining order.
Imagine being a judge and actually calling this assault.
Whatever happens, the st of approaching is the ethnic in Glasgow who got 3 years in jail for TALKING to foids.

From what maplecels say, this might happen in Toronto one day...
he's not even ugly:feelstrash:
U don't need to be in 2020
Whatever happens, the st of approaching is the ethnic in Glasgow who got 3 years in jail for TALKING to foids.

From what maplecels say, this might happen in Toronto one day...

U don't need to be in 2020

Which ethnic? You got a link?
Lolololol PUA coping dumbass.

He shouldn't have been jailed, but nevetheless I have less sympathy for a redpilling, loudmouthed coper than an autistic teencel
Moreso because Shilling incels to pay him.
I could start a PUA camp for ethnics in HK, tell them to transfer 10k to my bank account, meet me in LKF, do fuck all except tell them to loosen up a bit and go talk to noodles, and then just make sure they never see me again, and I'd be a PUA

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