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In 2013 an oldcel teacher shot himself after a student he loved got with Chad, he made a website

  • Thread starter Deleted member 14536
  • Start date
oh stfu he went through a lot he got his hopes crushes and life was cruel to him it just confirmed the blackpill so he ended it come on i can see it
He didn't just kill himself "over a foid"....

Because his infatuation with teen Becky got exposed, he went from a respected guy in the community, good enough at his job that he was seen as a role model and leader at the top of his profession, to an unemployed and unemployable pariah with no prospects who everyone saw as a dirty sexual pervert. He didn't just "lose" the gf he never really had in the first place, he also lost everything real that he'd built up for himself with a lot of hard work over a long time.

That's the real tragedy of him. Of course he should have known better, he should have had his eyes open to blackpilled reality by his age. But the fantasy of perfect naive true love blinded him. The delusion that he could have what everyone else around him seemed to have blinded him.

I'm 41, the same age as he was when he shot himself. I find his story quite hard to read... sure he was a fool, but his downfall is all too understandable, I don't know how I'd act if there was someone in front of me who I hallucinated could give me the whole life I craved 20 years ago when it would have been appropriate. I like to think I'd be much smarter than him, and not make the mistake he made, throwing it all away on something that was obviously not going to happen. But you never really know, love lust makes a man act very irrationally...
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Only a loser would kill himself over a foid. jfl
this but I guess there was more to it like a loss of a career which is the first bit of the bitching, statusmaxx for naught. All that effort, years down the shitter.
I can commiserate with his plight and at least understand the extent of the outrageous indignation he must have felt since I'm also in my 40's and work in academia so am privy to the lustful, depraved and conspicuous antics of Chad and Stacy on a daily basis. These indignations notwithstanding, it was wrong of him to have had such irrational hope and to have taken such an obviously uncalculated and imprudent risk. If he had consummated his objective then he would have undoubtedly attained fleeting and ephemeral gratification but if his indiscretions were revealed then he would suffer complete professional destruction have any viable future opportunities foreclosed upon as was seemingly fated to happen. I have no misplaced pity for those who so capriciously disregard their own best interests in favor of something so base.
Seems like he was 41 when he checked out - no wonder he went insane. Watching all these kids in the prime of their lives messing around enjoying themselves, whilst he rots and ages alone.
Yep I can sort of relate, He should not have got a job working as a secondary school teacher
He’s dead meanwhile they’re still together.

They probably got off to his death. Chad in the middle of fucking her knowing full well how much he wanted her that he killed himself over her probably turned him on
its a turbomanlet, he never had a chance.
she forgot about it in 5 minutes
The website was taken down but it's still up on the wayback machine. Unfortunately the images didn't get saved but a lot of his ranting did.

This is just to show what inceldom can do to someone. He obviously thought he had ascended with his student and it sounds like he thought he could have ascended if society didn't fuck things up. He was btiter about it all.

The oldcel was a physics teacher and got fired from his job. I'm not sure if he fucked the girl or not but they were sending messages and so on. Anyway, he eventually lost his career. The girl eventually went to college and started a new college life. Sure enough her pussy lips were wrapped around Chads 8 inch dick relatively quickly. The oldcel was in TURMOIL over this and decided to end his life. On his website he had ripped up all his degrees and accolades


The title of his website was "The pessimist was right all along"

I wish his website wasn't taken down. On it he had some "Trigger" links and they were all pictures of the girl and Chad and some of the official letters he got from the school firing him.

Here are some quotes from the website. He reached the ER stage but didn't go ER.

The pessimist was right all along.

I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.


Trigger 1 - June 11, 2012
Someone gets to live happily-ever-after in a fairytale dream.
I get to drown in an ocean of Despair.
The pessimist was right all along.

Trigger 2 - December 3, 2012
High school, college, all the work I've done.
It was all for nothing.

Trigger 3 - December 16, 2012
I cannot be with the one I love, I cannot do the work I love.
There is no hope, the dream is lost.
I'm trapped in this Hideous world,
where the twin demons of Loneliness and Despair torment,
where the Longing desiccates,
where tears fall without end.

Trigger 4 - January 2, 2013

I free myself from this Hideous world.
Loneliness and Despair will torment no longer.
The Longing will evaporate with my dying breath.
Tears will fall no more.

Trigger 5 - May 20, 2013
I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.
I wish I'd never been afflicted with this CURSE OF LIFE.
Trigger 6 - September 14, 2013
All I've ever wanted, the only thing I've ever truly wanted,
was to share my life with a loving partner, my Eve.
Marry, buy a house, start a family, live the dream.
It's all I've ever wanted.
Such a simple thing.
Such a simple dream.

Trigger 7 - September 14, 2013
.I finally found her. I found my Eve.
I fall in love. She falls in love.
And the Hideous world makes it impossible.
And the Hideous world destroys me.
Happiness, purpose, meaning, value: all stripped away. All gone.
Because I fell in love.

Trigger 8 - September 15, 2013
Trigger 9 - September 20, 2013

I quit the world.
.I've completely had it.

There is no reason for me to persist in this Hideous world,
where my only dream CANNOT and WILL NOT EVER come true.
There is no reason for me to exist in this Hideous world,
where I have no hope, no future, nothing.NOTHING AT ALL.

I am ending this nightmare.
I am ending the pain.


I do want to make one thing perfectly clear before I end:
Not that the truth matters in this Hideous world.

I always knew this would happen one day.
I always knew it would end like this.

I always knew.

July 29, 2003 -- "In the end, I will most likely die by my own hand."
December 16, 2007 -- "I am doomed to die alone."

November 12, 2011 -- "I will die alone, never having known love."
Christopher Reese Swanson
Afflicted with the curse of life on December 30, 1971
Freed from the curse on September 20, 2013


November 26, 2011 -- "How will it end? I'm so fearful of the answer to that question. I'm...beginning to cry just thinking about it, tears are running down my cheeks. How is this going to end? Am I doomed to lead a lonely life of tears, forced to play back our moments together, crying endlessly as I am now, stricken with such burning pain in my heart? I'm crying so hard that it's hard to write. I have to pause between sentences. She's going to Mercyhurst where she will be with Steven every day. I'm going to be left alone. She's going to leave me behind. Her life will be one of joy and happiness, while mine will be drenched in sorrow and despair. She would never love me anyways. I'm 22 years older than she is. I'm about as old as her mother. The tears keep pouring out. I hate this world. I hate it. I hate everything about it. That's all I have to look forward to: more pain, more tears, sobbing, crying. I wish I had never been born. I wish I would just drop over dead so the pain would end."​
This is too much
Bruh this shit is darker than Trevors asshole
That's a crazy story:giga:
I couldn’t care less for oldcels
oldcels meaning aged 50+, or god forbid 65+, who comment on OF models instagram pages. I'd love to make them and any normie green with envy by having a cute gf and "bragging" with her on insta and IRL... this will never happen obviously but I want to make them envious bc if THESE NORMIES see me IRL they will think damn he's ugly
it's been ten years now that foid is probably married with children, life waits for no one
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Fucking brutal :feelsrope:
Shoutout to our most forgotten ally.

His brother (who himself died in 2017) made some Youtube videos in tribute to Christopher. If you look at the titles he seems like he was pretty cut up about losing his brother. I'm wondering if he also roped??

that´s so fucked up...........
This one was what yo

I just thought I'd revive this thread to post a few final things I've found on Christopher Swanson and to kind of bring a sense of completeness to the whole tale, mostly so I can put it to to bed and never think of it again lol. Firstly, I've reactivated his website under one of his original domains (He had the same website mirrored on 4 different domains), it's in it's full working order with the music "Ethereal Remains" playing automatically as soon as you visit it (some browsers block autoplay these days, I had to re-enable it in Edge just for this one website). It's also fully backed up on the internet archive too if (which is highly unlikely) his site is again deleted.

All the "Triggers" on the website that were missing in the "Internet Archive" versions are there now. A couple of the pictures are just "Thumbnails" of the originals, so are small and blurry, plus the link to his Facebook instead links to a screenshot of his Facebook (as his Facebook is long deleted). It was as much as I could find and took me a couple of years to get everything as together as it will likely ever be. It'll stay online, I figure it was the man's suicide note so I don't think it's alot to ask for it to stay up. I always thought it a little shit how they nuked his website almost instantly after he was found dead, when the man just wanted his side of the story out there, though I kinda see why they did. Not to excuse the idiocy of his career-ending Oneitis obsession, the man was an idiot but not at all evil. The most he did was kiss her hand ffs, and give her a hug. They never had sex, nor is it even implied in the documents from the Disciplinary proceedings that they had. In fact, the guy seems far too reserved and well, beta, to have gone rushing in like that tbh.

The bits I've read (from Christopher's mothers Facebook posts, he confided in her after he was forced to resign) is that the 17 year old student confided in Christopher Swanson about troubles at home, her separated parents fighting (this is in the text messages Trigger on the website) etc and in his affection-starved brain and 40 years of Inceldom he basically allowed himself to get far too carried away with his emotions and delusions and the whole thing predictably snowballed into disaster. He went from Valedictorian of his school, worked his ass off in university to get into a job he admittedly loved, was highly respected in his profession to the point where other teachers would be asked to observe his methods of teaching, and threw it all away. Regardless of anything else, at the end of the day he was the fucking adult and in the position of trust and should have known better. The power dynamic aspect too. Hell, all he had to do was wait less than a matter of months and she'd have been graduated and no longer his student. However, this likely never would have happened anyway. At least he acknowledges that much on his website that it was all doomed to fail anyway, so he was at least that self aware.

Just an incredibly stupid, Bluepilled man. One final thing that bugged me for ages, years even and which led me ultimately to getting as far with this whole thing as I did, was a nagging feeling of "Why the hell was he an Incel?" I mean he was average looking, though by no means Chad he wasn't hideously ugly, successful career, financially stable etc. He was Bluepilled (pathetically so) and not a George Sodini/Scott Beierle figure who were of similar ages (hell Scott Beierle was a teacher too lol :feelskek:) but who were hardened Blackpillers and resentful of females (The stereotypical media image of "Inkwell") This was all pre-Tinder days too so the market would have been a slight bit easier than it is now. The only clue I ever had was that he must've been an uber-Manlet, one of the text messages he exchanges with the student backs this up. Sure enough after looking and looking I finally found irrefutable proof, I passed this image 100's of times whilst looking for information on him, and the reason I skipped over it without looking closely was because he's so short I thought it was just some generic picture of students at that school not a teacher in the photo lol :feelshaha:

View attachment 597481

So yeah, I'm gonna go with the whole "Brutal Heightpill" as to why he was Incel, it makes the most sense. To wrap it up, she's by all accounts happily married now, and not to the same guy (as if lol) that she was with when Christopher killed himself. This photo would have been Suifuel for him if he hadn't already offed himself:

View attachment 597482

Bonus last picture and 10/10 for crassness, her Graduation picture and if you look closely in the background inbetween the student and her mum, you will see a little bit of the statue of Our Lady, which is exactly where Christopher blew his head off with his grandfathers inherited 1891 Argentine Mauser rifle:

View attachment 597485

It's been a fascinating case that I enjoyed picking up every now and then and am glad to finally have (hopefully) brought some sense of an ending to it, if not a very satisfactory one but nonetheless an ending. From a relatively little-known tragedy which there is scant few articles online about (I highly think Mercyhurst University wanted this to "go away" asap) and even on that bastion of Soyness, Reddit, there was only one post about it, it was on the "WTF" Subreddit which pretty much died within a day to little fanfare. Christopher seemed like a decent guy who was a lonely Oldcel, and ultimately gambled on a totally unrealistic ,deluded fantasy which failed terribly for him, and he paid a very high price. I think this comment from someone who knew Christopher say's it best:

View attachment 597488

What's also sad is that his mother passed away 18 months later and was heartbroken by Christopher's suicide (go back a couple of pages on this thread and you'll see her Facebook posts) and his brother Bradley died in 2017. He also took it bad as post's earlier in this thread prove. Leaving only a half-brother (on the dad's side) surviving from this whole family. They're all buried in the same plot:

View attachment 597487

Some links about the case below:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1mt0v0/a_man_killed_himself_and_left_behind_this_website/

I'll tag a few people who posted in this thread previously who may be interested in this update:

@OldcelTurmoil @Cuyen @Emba @nazianime @Vermilioncore @ThisLifeKillsMe @PPEcel @FinnCel @FrothySolutions

outherebrothers out :feelsYall:

thanks for all this info,gonna cry a bit.
It's taken a while but I think I understand his connection to this song now.

View: https://youtu.be/vqzoA3HUnEg?si=wmvS4wUDhzKFsucR

He had an alt Facebook account called "Henrik Elizabeth" and on the day he exited, it said that those were the names he would have given his children.

He clearly wanted (and seems to have imagined / fantasized in some detail) a whole perfect life together with this Jacquie chick, and Henrik & Elizabeth would have been their children. I don't know what's sadder: how bluepilled and naive that is, or how beautiful and wholesome it is.

That song starts with what sounds a lot like little kid's voices. And then really elegaic choral music takes over. In his head it must have been a lament to that life and those children.

How deeply sad to see what a bluepill overdose can to to a simple, genuine, good guy. When Chad-chasing women want to know "where have all the good men gone?" an answer might be: in the ground.
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If the girl is under the age of eighteen than this sounds like a pedophile to me. That's not a safe person to support. I completely condemn his actions and it's a good thing he killed himself so he didn't harm anybody. I would never compor myself to any of these people that prey on children. And they should not be considered martyrs.
well, at least i don;t have to pay for his imprisonment
If the girl is under the age of eighteen than this sounds like a pedophile to me. That's not a safe person to support. I completely condemn his actions and it's a good thing he killed himself so he didn't harm anybody. I would never compor myself to any of these people that prey on children. And they should not be considered martyrs.
dude there's incels who would seriously screw minors. at least we don;t have to pay for his incarceration
I don't have a ton of sympathy/empathy for the guy; he knew it was against the rules to engage in a relationship
like that with a student(and yes those rules exist for a reason) and yet he did anyways......what he did was clearly wrong.
Whitcels go crazy and homicidal over their lolita crushes lol just watch true crime
i feel in a certain sort of way the opposite because 8 billion people are alive that is what gets me down in the dumps not loneliness if i was the only person alive on planet AErth in my sleep deprived state of mind hallucinating and starving than i would be closer to peace not @ peace but closer to it.
Tons of redditors and normiefaggots infiltrated here, go back to r/IncelTears to defend ethics and cheap morality niggers.

  1. You’re so lovely. I love how old-fashioned you are too, not many people are anymore. You’re a rare gem :)
  2. "Proceeds to suck Chad's cock while typing"

Women are demons.
Loneliness and Despair will torment no longer.
"I will die alone, never having known love."
"High school, college, all the work I've done. It was all for nothing ... I cannot be with the one I love"
" I'm going to shoot myself in the head with [ ], a rifle I inherited from my grandfather. I was hoping this heirloom would be something that I would pass on to my children, along with stories about my grandfather, but I'm going to kill myself with it instead ...

He endured 41 years of loneliness, his mind was tired, the guy was not an idiot, he knew he had no chance with the girl, I think he wanted to feel for the last time the thing that ruined his life, love and the absence of it.

He wanted enough suifuel to bring him closer to the rope

Haibane Artwork   03
He endured 41 years of loneliness, his mind was tired, the guy was not an idiot, he knew he had no chance with the girl, I think he wanted to feel for the last time the thing that ruined his life, love and the absence of it.

He wanted enough suifuel to bring him closer to the rope

View attachment 981623

A kind of suicide by bluepill?
The website was taken down but it's still up on the wayback machine. Unfortunately the images didn't get saved but a lot of his ranting did.

This is just to show what inceldom can do to someone. He obviously thought he had ascended with his student and it sounds like he thought he could have ascended if society didn't fuck things up. He was btiter about it all.

The oldcel was a physics teacher and got fired from his job. I'm not sure if he fucked the girl or not but they were sending messages and so on. Anyway, he eventually lost his career. The girl eventually went to college and started a new college life. Sure enough her pussy lips were wrapped around Chads 8 inch dick relatively quickly. The oldcel was in TURMOIL over this and decided to end his life. On his website he had ripped up all his degrees and accolades


The title of his website was "The pessimist was right all along"

I wish his website wasn't taken down. On it he had some "Trigger" links and they were all pictures of the girl and Chad and some of the official letters he got from the school firing him.

Here are some quotes from the website. He reached the ER stage but didn't go ER.

The pessimist was right all along.

I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.


Trigger 1 - June 11, 2012
Someone gets to live happily-ever-after in a fairytale dream.
I get to drown in an ocean of Despair.
The pessimist was right all along.

Trigger 2 - December 3, 2012
High school, college, all the work I've done.
It was all for nothing.

Trigger 3 - December 16, 2012
I cannot be with the one I love, I cannot do the work I love.
There is no hope, the dream is lost.
I'm trapped in this Hideous world,
where the twin demons of Loneliness and Despair torment,
where the Longing desiccates,
where tears fall without end.

Trigger 4 - January 2, 2013

I free myself from this Hideous world.
Loneliness and Despair will torment no longer.
The Longing will evaporate with my dying breath.
Tears will fall no more.

Trigger 5 - May 20, 2013
I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.
I wish I'd never been afflicted with this CURSE OF LIFE.
Trigger 6 - September 14, 2013
All I've ever wanted, the only thing I've ever truly wanted,
was to share my life with a loving partner, my Eve.
Marry, buy a house, start a family, live the dream.
It's all I've ever wanted.
Such a simple thing.
Such a simple dream.

Trigger 7 - September 14, 2013
.I finally found her. I found my Eve.
I fall in love. She falls in love.
And the Hideous world makes it impossible.
And the Hideous world destroys me.
Happiness, purpose, meaning, value: all stripped away. All gone.
Because I fell in love.

Trigger 8 - September 15, 2013
Trigger 9 - September 20, 2013

I quit the world.
.I've completely had it.

There is no reason for me to persist in this Hideous world,
where my only dream CANNOT and WILL NOT EVER come true.
There is no reason for me to exist in this Hideous world,
where I have no hope, no future, nothing.NOTHING AT ALL.

I am ending this nightmare.
I am ending the pain.


I do want to make one thing perfectly clear before I end:
Not that the truth matters in this Hideous world.

I always knew this would happen one day.
I always knew it would end like this.

I always knew.

July 29, 2003 -- "In the end, I will most likely die by my own hand."
December 16, 2007 -- "I am doomed to die alone."

November 12, 2011 -- "I will die alone, never having known love."
Christopher Reese Swanson
Afflicted with the curse of life on December 30, 1971
Freed from the curse on September 20, 2013


November 26, 2011 -- "How will it end? I'm so fearful of the answer to that question. I'm...beginning to cry just thinking about it, tears are running down my cheeks. How is this going to end? Am I doomed to lead a lonely life of tears, forced to play back our moments together, crying endlessly as I am now, stricken with such burning pain in my heart? I'm crying so hard that it's hard to write. I have to pause between sentences. She's going to Mercyhurst where she will be with Steven every day. I'm going to be left alone. She's going to leave me behind. Her life will be one of joy and happiness, while mine will be drenched in sorrow and despair. She would never love me anyways. I'm 22 years older than she is. I'm about as old as her mother. The tears keep pouring out. I hate this world. I hate it. I hate everything about it. That's all I have to look forward to: more pain, more tears, sobbing, crying. I wish I had never been born. I wish I would just drop over dead so the pain would end."​
fucking loser lol common woman move though

Deleted member 14536


fucking loser lol common woman move though

Joined: Dec 20, 2023
Posts: 2

Why is it that zoomer newfags always feel emboldened to join a forum, and just immediately start covering people in shit?

It must be this nu-age "every child gets a medal" style of schooling?
The website was taken down but it's still up on the wayback machine. Unfortunately the images didn't get saved but a lot of his ranting did.

This is just to show what inceldom can do to someone. He obviously thought he had ascended with his student and it sounds like he thought he could have ascended if society didn't fuck things up. He was btiter about it all.

The oldcel was a physics teacher and got fired from his job. I'm not sure if he fucked the girl or not but they were sending messages and so on. Anyway, he eventually lost his career. The girl eventually went to college and started a new college life. Sure enough her pussy lips were wrapped around Chads 8 inch dick relatively quickly. The oldcel was in TURMOIL over this and decided to end his life. On his website he had ripped up all his degrees and accolades


The title of his website was "The pessimist was right all along"

I wish his website wasn't taken down. On it he had some "Trigger" links and they were all pictures of the girl and Chad and some of the official letters he got from the school firing him.

Here are some quotes from the website. He reached the ER stage but didn't go ER.

The pessimist was right all along.

I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.


Trigger 1 - June 11, 2012
Someone gets to live happily-ever-after in a fairytale dream.
I get to drown in an ocean of Despair.
The pessimist was right all along.

Trigger 2 - December 3, 2012
High school, college, all the work I've done.
It was all for nothing.

Trigger 3 - December 16, 2012
I cannot be with the one I love, I cannot do the work I love.
There is no hope, the dream is lost.
I'm trapped in this Hideous world,
where the twin demons of Loneliness and Despair torment,
where the Longing desiccates,
where tears fall without end.

Trigger 4 - January 2, 2013

I free myself from this Hideous world.
Loneliness and Despair will torment no longer.
The Longing will evaporate with my dying breath.
Tears will fall no more.

Trigger 5 - May 20, 2013
I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.
I wish I'd never been afflicted with this CURSE OF LIFE.
Trigger 6 - September 14, 2013
All I've ever wanted, the only thing I've ever truly wanted,
was to share my life with a loving partner, my Eve.
Marry, buy a house, start a family, live the dream.
It's all I've ever wanted.
Such a simple thing.
Such a simple dream.

Trigger 7 - September 14, 2013
.I finally found her. I found my Eve.
I fall in love. She falls in love.
And the Hideous world makes it impossible.
And the Hideous world destroys me.
Happiness, purpose, meaning, value: all stripped away. All gone.
Because I fell in love.

Trigger 8 - September 15, 2013
Trigger 9 - September 20, 2013

I quit the world.
.I've completely had it.

There is no reason for me to persist in this Hideous world,
where my only dream CANNOT and WILL NOT EVER come true.
There is no reason for me to exist in this Hideous world,
where I have no hope, no future, nothing.NOTHING AT ALL.

I am ending this nightmare.
I am ending the pain.


I do want to make one thing perfectly clear before I end:
Not that the truth matters in this Hideous world.

I always knew this would happen one day.
I always knew it would end like this.

I always knew.

July 29, 2003 -- "In the end, I will most likely die by my own hand."
December 16, 2007 -- "I am doomed to die alone."

November 12, 2011 -- "I will die alone, never having known love."
Christopher Reese Swanson
Afflicted with the curse of life on December 30, 1971
Freed from the curse on September 20, 2013


November 26, 2011 -- "How will it end? I'm so fearful of the answer to that question. I'm...beginning to cry just thinking about it, tears are running down my cheeks. How is this going to end? Am I doomed to lead a lonely life of tears, forced to play back our moments together, crying endlessly as I am now, stricken with such burning pain in my heart? I'm crying so hard that it's hard to write. I have to pause between sentences. She's going to Mercyhurst where she will be with Steven every day. I'm going to be left alone. She's going to leave me behind. Her life will be one of joy and happiness, while mine will be drenched in sorrow and despair. She would never love me anyways. I'm 22 years older than she is. I'm about as old as her mother. The tears keep pouring out. I hate this world. I hate it. I hate everything about it. That's all I have to look forward to: more pain, more tears, sobbing, crying. I wish I had never been born. I wish I would just drop over dead so the pain would end."​
Hate when chads always win and leave none for the rest of us.
Seems like he was 41 when he checked out - no wonder he went insane. Watching all these kids in the prime of their lives messing around enjoying themselves, whilst he rots and ages alone.
does anyone else document their thoughts to the likes of this man's and ER's nowadays? The idea seems nice, just don't know how nor motivated to do it
What white jailbait does to a porkskinned faggot
I vaguely remember this

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