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TeeHee Femanons in the Workplace [Humor]



Dec 3, 2020

View: https://youtu.be/XCnd7h0nd7k
I’ve worked in STEM for more than 10 years and there’s more than a little truth in this.

—> Women can get promoted and leapfrog others when they don’t deserve it.
—> Women can be hired when they don’t deserve it (we get maybe 1 in 35 applications that are women and they get bumped right to the top)
—> Hilariously they usually don’t stick around for more than a few months (either because other woke companies poach them or because, shockingly, when you hire someone who’s not competent enough they tend to fail in this kind of job fast)
—> The part about simps bending over backwards to help women with their homework and projects in Uni is 110% real. These men would never go to such lengths for other guys in the class and basically wind up doing most of the work for the women who often wouldn’t even graduate without such a high level of assistance. These men don’t understand that it isn’t gonna get them laid lol.

This ironically creates sexism because men, usually correctly, assume women were just hired because of affirmative action and not because they deserve it. Affirmative action in general has this effect (e.g. It creates racist sentiments too because people assume, again often correctly, that someone was hired or allowed into Uni because they weren’t the best candidate).

Also women do not behave like men do in a work environment in most cases. My female managers in particular have been despicable and don’t do any work. My current manager is exhibit A of all of these things I’m talking about where she leap frogged others just because “women in tech!”, doesn’t do any work, isn’t actually able to do the work (lol), and has no integrity/blames her underlings. She also has stolen my work and passed it off as her own. Fucking duplicitous cunt. And you can’t do anything about it because it’s all hierarchical positioning, office politics, popularity, and reputation with the right people (incels rarely have these). And yeah yeah, it’s all on average, there are bad male workers/managers too, but it’s like the old Bible verse:
> “while I was still searching but not finding— I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.” —Ecclesiastes 7:28
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femanons dont exist
Also if I could have sex with my boss for a promotion or to get a good job I fuckin would and you wouldn’t hear me complain. It really is true women’s problems are men’s dreams. What a relatively easy way to get ahead
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There are companies like Adobe that only exclusively hire foids. Also the wage gap among young people favors foids now.
we all live on different difficulty settings
foids are the most coddled group of all time
femanons dont exist
4chan is cucked.
I just used the video title. Obviously the green text was written by a man who used his eye balls or maybe had a sister go into STEM I dunno.
> “4chan is cucked”
Depends entirely on the board. Some of them certainly are like the LGBT board but some are as free speech oritented and as edgy as we have here in the modern world. You would never see shit like that video green text make it without removal on Reddit for example.
but it’s like the old Bible verse:
> “while I was still searching but not finding— I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.” —Ecclesiastes 7:28
I just used the video title. Obviously the green text was written by a man who used his eye balls or maybe had a sister go into STEM I dunno.
> “4chan is cucked”
Depends entirely on the board. Some of them certainly are like the LGBT board but some are as free speech oritented and as edgy as we have here in the modern world. You would never see shit like that video green text make it without removal on Reddit for example.
1. at least 60% of stuff on the internet written by "women" are actually by a guy.

2. Yes, but the LGBT leftist idiocy and mentall illness shouldn't be allowed.
you mean the wage gap that never existed?
Indeed, there is a Forbes article and iirc there was article in TIME long ago debunking is clearly where when you account for time worked for a company (assuming two people in the same role) and education level/work history, and then what jobs men and women actually choose to do the “gap” completely disappears.

Now women outperform men looking at the younger generations and it’s because men have been entirely abandoned and frankly hated by their own society. Everyone assumes you’re privileged when the opposite is obviously true lol. Most young men are lonely with no community or relationship prospects, often no friends, and have dogshit jobs that barely pay anything relative to cost of living.
Indeed, there is a Forbes article and iirc there was article in TIME long ago debunking is clearly where when you account for time worked for a company (assuming two people in the same role) and education level/work history, and then what jobs men and women actually choose to do the “gap” completely disappears.

Now women outperform men looking at the younger generations and it’s because men have been entirely abandoned and frankly hated by their own society. Everyone assumes you’re privileged when the opposite is obviously true lol. Most young men are lonely with no community or relationship prospects, often no friends, and have dogshit jobs that barely pay anything relative to cost of living.
Affirmative action for foids is just bitter ''revenge'' over men for the fact that they worked longer and harder jobs than lazy holes.

Now holes get paid more just because they are holes, often incompetent and lazy.

And when men earned more money than toilets, they betabuxxed and took lesser foids into their lives, whereas women who earn more just let everyone else who is beneath them (sub 8s and men who earn less them) to rot
2. Yes, but the LGBT leftist idiocy and mentall illness shouldn't be allowed.
I don’t like it either but I’d be more OK with it if it was actually a free speech board where people who didn’t agree could bash it. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that board does censor which is gay considering that goes against everything 4chan stands for.
There are companies like Adobe that only exclusively hire foids. Also the wage gap among young people favors foids now.
Nailed it, everything is so fucked up right now I don’t even know what we’re supposed to do as young men. Our only option is basically to wage slave for scraps in bad working conditions with poor treatment and never getting ahead because homes cost your life instead of a few years wages (what it used to be 60 years ago kek). Also I don’t mind paying taxes for things everyone benefits from but I fucking hate paying taxes knowing most of it is blown on bullshit that doesn’t matter like Ukraine or very specific groups and the laws are manipulated by lobbying groups/corpoations. The US effectively has a form of legalized corruption when it comes to how it’s run today.

It’s like we’re just getting fleeced and treated like serfs but even serfs had more affordable housing, more time off, and could complain to their lord if things were bad.
we all live on different difficulty settings
Yeah, this is so for men too. As miserable and devoid of hope for the future as I happen to be it’s certain other men are so beyond fucked in comparison I don’t know what keeps them going.

At least I have a table top group to look forward to every now and then :feelsbadman:

It’s unfortunate that people do not care and do not notice (or if they do they look the other way and don’t acknowledge) struggles they don’t personally experience. It’s how Boomers can keep spouting nonsense and have no conception of what trying to get a decent job today is like.

There’s of course that old phrase about how > > “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality looks like oppression”
Which, ordinarily I don’t like that phrase because it’s misused by the wrong groups all the time, but I’d argue it represent current female psychology well given they wrongly believe they’re oppressed when they’ve been given everything at the expense of men.
Now women outperform men looking at the younger generations and it’s because men have been entirely abandoned and frankly hated by their own society. Everyone assumes you’re privileged when the opposite is obviously true lol. Most young men are lonely with no community or relationship prospects, often no friends, and have dogshit jobs that barely pay anything relative to cost of living.
Competency crisis is likely on the horizon.
It’s fascinating going through ancient texts from various religions and philosophies how based men used to be regarding what women are like before en masse brainwashing took over where men were punished for daring to state the obvious

Seriously it’s bizarre. Every ancient religion practically, Confucianism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, etc or even philosophers like Schopenhauer — they all knew and said clearly what women were like and talked about the importance of keeping them in check lest society devolve to what it is now. Imagine how different policy would be if only men voted given we know men and women vote very differently in aggregate (eg women vote themselves men’s resources while providing nothing back to those men and so on).

I’ve talked about this before but I sort of wonder if Citizenship or the Vote for Service is actually a good idea since it would filter out 1) most women and 2) anyone who doesn’t care about their country enough to fight for it. I could be wrong on that point though there may be issues with it I’ve not thought through yet.
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No the $1 difference because foids only want cushion jobs while none of them want to do hard labor.
This is true, my sister has been unemployed for 2 years because she refuses to do any job that isn’t a remote cushy office job with a certain pay threshold. On the one hand I get wanting to use your degree and I get how terrible a lot of jobs are, but on the other hand at some point you just have to take what you can get, especially if you got a shitty degree. If it were me there is no way my family would let me slide like that. At the same time though I gotta admit the job market is very fucked up right now here.
Not a believER anymore but thERe are lots of based vERses in the bible
This ironically creates sexism because men, usually correctly, assume women were just hired because of affirmative action and not because they deserve it. Affirmative action in general has this effect (e.g. It creates racist sentiments too because people assume, again often correctly, that someone was hired or allowed into Uni because they weren’t the best candidate).

Also women do not behave like men do in a work environment in most cases. My female managers in particular have been despicable and don’t do any work. My current manager is exhibit A of all of these things I’m talking about where she leap frogged others just because “women in tech!”, doesn’t do any work, isn’t actually able to do the work (lol), and has no integrity/blames her underlings. She also has stolen my work and passed it off as her own. Fucking duplicitous cunt. And you can’t do anything about it because it’s all hierarchical positioning, office politics, popularity, and reputation with the right people (incels rarely have these). And yeah yeah, it’s all on average, there are bad male workers/managers too, but it’s like the old Bible verse:
> “while I was still searching but not finding— I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.” —Ecclesiastes 7:28
Perhaps it’s a case where women are talented rote learners but not so talented in abstract thinking. A person who’s talented at rote learning doesn’t have to be an advanced critical thinker; a rote learner can also major in a STEM university degree. But innovation comes from abstract thinking, and STEM academia is widely based on ideas that were proposed by rote learners who were also talented thinkers in terms of creativity and abstraction. A rote learner who’s not talented in abstract or creative thought can only apply what they learn in practice without contributing anything new to the field of study - Basically they’ll be a biological robot under supervised training or supervised working. Anyone can come up with their own excuses as to why women are underrepresented in higher education for STEM subjects. But if you look at the hard facts, more men than women have made major discoveries and significant contributions to the academia of science, tech, mathematics and engineering

A neoliberal might say "Women are underrepresented cause they’re less motivated to pursue a career in STEM due to sex-based discrimination in the world of STEM, which is reflected by unequal salaries across sexes and a male-favoring culture in STEM workplaces". But I could counter-argue and say “The individual’s salary in STEM is reflective of the individual’s level of performance in the field, and it could be that women who work in STEM are paid less than men who work in STEM for the simple reason that men largely perform better than women in STEM jobs even when they’re placed in the same work conditions”. At the end of the day, one can only speculate why women today are still underrepresented in STEM
These men would never go to such lengths for other guys
Yep, unfortunately if they do this a better alliance could be created , instead they waste time on foids
while I was still searching but not finding— I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.” —Ecclesiastes 7:28
Sorry I didn't get it, some explains plz
They ain't even happy

Half of them (at least) are mental and on medication

Get back in the home and stay there
For your own fuckin sanity
Yep, unfortunately if they do this a better alliance could be created , instead they waste time on foids
Men have to be taught by other men not to be simps and to shame simping behavior. It achieves absolutely nothing for men but to spoil women and make them entitled. Perhaps in our ancient past providing value to women in simping ways could work but in the modern it just doesn’t anymore.
Sorry I didn't get it, some explains plz
Basically most ancient religions understood unrestrained female nature well and they said a lot of the same things across cultures and religious texts.

This particular one presumably King Solomon is saying that a righteous man is truly rare. But a righteous woman is a unicorn that doesn’t exist or is extraordinarily rare indeed.
They ain't even happy

Half of them (at least) are mental and on medication

Get back in the home and stay there
For your own fuckin sanity
Nailed it, every woman I work with or in my immediate family are all on mind altering drugs or pharma meth variants just so they don’t have a nervous breakdown in the work environment. They obviously hate it but they’ve been brainwashed by a lifetime of propaganda and most of my generation male or female will die childless.

People absolutely were happier before in aggregate with traditional gender roles before this fucking dark age were clearly in now.
The only foids at my work place are fat pigs. Only some exceptions
Also if I could have sex with my boss for a promotion or to get a good job I fuckin would and you wouldn’t hear me complain. It really is true women’s problems are men’s dreams. What a relatively easy way to get ahead
They have an easy way to a life without ever needing to work, i.e being a housewife, but that doesn't allow them to ride the CC so they opt to make things harder for themselves and everyone else in order to get Chad's dick
They have an easy way to a life without ever needing to work, i.e being a housewife, but that doesn't allow them to ride the CC so they opt to make things harder for themselves and everyone else in order to get Chad's dick
Indeed, it boggles the mind how women prior to the sexual revolution had the easiest ride probably in history and in their greed still wanted even more. Most jobs are not these cushy Instagram “do nothing” positions women seek, most jobs men do are miserable and women do not want them.

Being a stay at home parent where you cook, clean, shop for groceries, and raise your kids while someone else works and pays the bills is a dream come true assuming your working spouse isn’t insane and doesn’t beat you or whatever. Most men never did those things and loved their wives, when women claim otherwise it’s just a lie which is unrepresentative of the norm.

Even if the husband was terrible divorce laws have favored women tremendously for a long long time. That may have made some sense before feminism / sexual revolution but today it makes no sense at all how they still receive this favoritism in divorce court. Basically women who were stay at home moms had a golden parachute waiting for them if they ever decided to divorce rape their husbands.

There was a survey I saw long ago indicating that men also have a desire to stay home and raise kids/that they’d rather do that then work. The difference is that women will not accept a husband who doesn’t work and provide (unless he’s already rich or unless he’s extremely attractive anyway). Most men are simply going to have to work. Our society never changed what it demands of men while women get the luxury to choose — it’s not fair at all that women now get a real choice between careers and being a stay at home mom while men never got a choice before and still don’t get a choice now (you just have to work).

This is something I think about often — people in the modern day only acknowledge the ways female behavior was restrained in the past and they never acknowledge the ways male behavior is restrained and directed because that doesn’t even cross their minds.

Modern western society is infuriating. This trannified clown world is disgusting and almost everyone seems to be brainwashed into believing nonsense or they’re so greedy and detached from others suffering that they couldn’t care less. If I said any of the, frankly true, things I talk about here IRL I would get fired and lose family and acquaintances.
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i know one based curry redpilled/blackpilled who helped foids in uni
now you're wondering how is he so based?? if hes helping toilets?

easy he asked for sex in return:bigbrain:
i know one based curry redpilled/blackpilled who helped foids in uni
now you're wondering how is he so based?? if hes helping toilets?

easy he asked for sex in return:bigbrain:
Did it work? Or was it just a clever way to tell them to fuck off?
Did it work? Or was it just a clever way to tell them to fuck off?

it worked for some of them
goes to show what foids thing of sex, just a way to get shit
All my male bosses are ugly - but they have powER and money so of course they are married.
All my male bosses are ugly - but they have powER and money so of course they are married.
Yeah, part of it is they’re usually old (or older) which means they probably were able to lock down a wife in the period before the internet/online dating/super accelerated feminazism really went into the terminal velocity stage.

It used to be far far easier for men and women to pair off roughly with their approximate value match because there were soft pressures built into the system to somewhat curb hypergamy, things have definitely gotten way worse.

It’s true to say if you reverted all of western societies social norms/societal norms of those of the 1930s and reinstituted gender roles/monogamy and abolished affirmative action and feminism and turned the engines of propaganda towards traditional nuclear families, children, and painting men positively (so you know, the exact opposite of what the west has been doing top down for ages now) and if women couldn’t vote and thus ruin nations by selfishly voting for their own interests at the expense of men as a whole then probably everything would start to turn around.

But yes the other end of it is as you say where these men represent the lucky ones (or perhaps in some cases the brute force most skilled ones, sure) who found themselves in extremely high paying cushy jobs that came with wealth and status. They may not have the looks but if you have everything else and are willing to trade way way down it can be done. Though many of these guys will still get divorce raped and lose their kids without ever seeing it coming mark my words.
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