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Serious Does longterm inceldom destroy a man's pairbonding ability?

My mind is littered with consumerism and materialism mixed in with no community or identity beyond my favorite music or video games and plastic trinkets. Due to years of bullying and social isolation I believe I am unable to form friendships let alone a romantic/sexual partnership.

Bullying and social isolation is used to insert complete domination over the sub 5s to prevent their flawed genes form being passed on. Being born the way I am, then factor in these things. It’s Ultra over
very blackpilled and relatable
It absolutely does. My friends tried set me up with a few girls one time and obviously nothing happened. I simply couldn't like them as once the blackpill is engrained deeply enough into your head you will NEVER be able to go back

Even if we somehow managed to "ascend" (which isn't possible, but let's just say it is for the sake of this argument) it wouldn't be able to compensate for all the rejection and social isolation that we've suffered.

We're not like other people, we're broken to the point where the idea of a "relationship" is something completely alien to us.
High IQ
I'm incel because of how autistic I am but even if I wasn't and was good looking, I still wouldn't be able to reciprocate any feelings
So true, even if I became a fucking gigachad pussy-magnet tomorrow, the conditioning of over a decade of solitary blackpilled adult life is too strong, I would never be able to feel love, the hyper self-consciousness is set in stone. Young love theory is so real, its like how children who don't learn to speak by a certain age literally will literally never be able to and essentially become retarded, unless someone develops a time machine that also wipes your mind theres simply no hope.
Most likely. While other guys have years of experience in relationships you are at 0 and can't even look a beautiful woman in her eyes. You will also probably be very (emotionally) dependend of her because you know that she can leave you any time and replace you in seconds.
Revisiting this thread...all facts here. This one of the more brutal blackpills. Though I was always aromantic from the start, inceldom was the final nail in the coffin for my pair-bonding abilities.
like the old saying - doing something over enough times, one becomes desensitized and it becomes normal.

incel is no different. a tragedy? no, but it is kind of like a prison of the mind like many other things in life.

is it better or worse? what is good or bad? imagine a guy who can sleep around with more women than he can count - ultmately he also becomes desensitized.

too much of anything will inevitably devalue it.
Women are to blame for this mindset in the first place.
i think for me it probably has
im beyond jaded and bitter towards women
i genuinely hate them
i dont think i will ever had a normal helathy loving relationship with one
thats why i look forward towards ai robot gf's. finally theres a real possibility of me experiencing love and sex with something i can love and trust and be vulnerable with

on a side note i especially hate roastie whores who are anti-sex bots
I'd just treat her like an organical sex-doll whose ciphered persona is set to perma-girlish. foids aren't interesting anyway.
I generally really hate everything and everyone and I will never trust anybody because I got to much hate in my heart.
Once we reach this age and point, no matter whether that hole comes or not, the hatred will be always there.
Not sure if this is inability to pairbond and just caution due to past traumas and experience. If you found the right person, incels would pair bond massively due to a lifetime of minimal oxytocin.
heck idk. i won't let all that scare me though
Not sure if this is inability to pairbond and just caution due to past traumas and experience. If you found the right person, incels would pair bond massively due to a lifetime of minimal oxytocin.
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :whitepill::whitepill:that's why i am not too scared. having many secksual partners can damage your emotional bonding. maybe it is hard for us at first, but we will win in the end
I feel like this is pretty obvious. Sex is necessary, and to be so genetically unfortunate to the point of being unable to obtain it WILL have a detrimental effect on your mental health, whether you want it to or not. Only way to not feel so bad as a genetic failure is to resort to some fiction or idealized world in your head. If there is no God, then it would be necessary for the unfortunate, being us, to invent one in order to feel stable and feel like there will be peace at some point. Human nature knows no boundaries.
I'd just treat her like an organical sex-doll whose ciphered persona is set to perma-girlish. foids aren't interesting anyway.
I don't know. I can't really imagine a scenario where I would experience the opportunity to pair bond so I just can't personally say yes or no one way or the other. I think biologically however, incels still have capability to pair bond. Psychologically, probably not definitely not the same way at least that a normal person would.
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :whitepill::whitepill:that's why i am not too scared. having many secksual partners can damage your emotional bonding. maybe it is hard for us at first, but we will win in the end
its not hard to see examples of incelibate men who get played by some online prostitute. They believe it's real because they know no better... Just watch how simpy they get over it. They're in a dream state. They're full of bliss and trying their best to cater to a person that doesnt give a fuck about them. If that translated to a genuine relationship, they'd be there straight away.

Another example is the people who shit on the very few guys in these spaces who ascend... "muh you abandoned the blackpill" or whatever else. Even if they dont abandon it. Rather telling when that happens. You can still understand the blackpill regardless. Its probably better to know just in case you get fucked over anyway. Inceldom wont destroy your pair-bonding ability. Your own stupidity will.

Id probably have a heart attack if I got a hug at my age given i've never truly had one. This is in part due to the ability to appreciate connection if I ever got lucky enough to have a crumb of it. Anyone who says otherwise is either deluded, or purposely sabotaging themselves with stupid mindgames that affect nobody but themselves.
Not sure if this is inability to pairbond and just caution due to past traumas and experience. If you found the right person, incels would pair bond massively due to a lifetime of minimal oxytocin.
I obviously cannot confirm that about myself due to inceldom, but I genuinely cannot imagine being romantic with a foid even if I try as much as I could nowadays. Their pus-filled rotten nature just overpowers my thoughts. Something inside my mind definitely has broken, and I'd be glad if so.
Yes it does due to long disconnection from having contact with any foid , etc. It would be hard since we've spent our time alone most of time.
I'm 39... I have no idea if pair-bonding ability is impacted, to me I suspect it's more that at my age everyone else has years of experience and knows how to share life / holidays / a household with one main significant other.
And most importantly: everyone knows that they can do it. Because they have done it.

One of my normie bros said there's really nothing mysterious or difficult about the couple life. It's just like having a best friend with a side of lust. (But then, his wife divorced him after she caught him cheating, so who can say how good his perspectives are? That made me sad, I liked her and they were a really cool couple, it absolutely boggles my mind that she wasn't enough for him.)

What I believe long-term inceldom does destroy, is self esteem. The bluepilled ability to believe that you could one day be good enough for somebody, could be desired by somebody.

It's not just the 100% rejections, as much as those hurt. It's everything else. Its the daily reminders that your results aren't typical, and most people have what you want, and most of it comes to them pretty easily.
It's the normies pretending to be mad about having to spend money on domestic gadgets and shit ( :soy: "happy wife, happy life lol amirite?)
It's everyone you work with having some story about the time at university when he had to kick some foid out of bed who unexpectedly fucked him in the afternoon because the one he really wanted to fuck was coming over soon.
It's your normie friends trying to introduce you to / hook you up with single friends of their girlfriends, and you fail every time.
It's when your friends stop doing that because they know it's a waste of everyone's time.
It's seeing your normie bro get divorced for being a lying cheating cheater, and within a year he's moving in with a new foid who apparently wants his lying, cheating, child-support-paying cheater ass.
It's seeing women flirt with other men all the damn time. It's seeing the way women look at, talk to, and treat other men all the damn time.

You come to have just zero expectations, zero hope, zero faith that any of that could happen for you. That's what long term inceldom does.
In my case, I'm afraid it has. If an attractive foid were to land on my doorstep today, I simply wouldn't know what to do with her, nor how to handle any kind of intimite relationship with her. All the adversity I've experienced over the last 20 years of trying to find a romantic partner (I'm an oldcel at 37) have definitely put a damper on my belief in things like "love" and romantic relationships. The youthful fire and enthusiasm with which I would have greeted any woman into my life have long left me. Additionally, taking the blackpill has severely diminished my tolerance for the usual annoying foid behavior and mannerisms. I often look with amazement at my bluepill normie male friends tolerating all this crap from their "loved ones".
Yeah, I don't really want to associate with any females that aren't family, close family friends, or childhood friends. The narcissism and sociopathy is insane.

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