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Story The Hijacking of the Nobel



Neo Luddite • Unknown
Oct 25, 2023
Looking at the list of Nobel Laureates, one cannot help but notice who rules the world and what political agenda they intend to impose. Sometimes, in fact, the Nobel Prize becomes a means to spread hate propaganda against the enemies of the System.

For example, this year’s Nobel prizes have aimed at supporting the struggle of the sexes in our countries (Claudia Goldin), reinforcing the dwindling confidence in the COVID vaccines (Weissman and Karikó), and slamming Israel’s main enemy in the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran, by the way they allegedly treat their women (Narges Mohammadi) — now that the United States military has been definitively driven out of the Taliban’s Afghanistan and the women there no longer matter.

Last year’s ceremony saw an unprecedented situation: The Nobel Foundation announced that its home country’s second-largest party, the Sweden Democrats, would not be welcome at the Nobel banquet because of the horrendous crime of wanting to stop a foreign invasion — including that of the evil Iranians, by the way — and opposing the extinction of the Swedes.

Political influence on the Nobel Committee by the Jewish media also translates into racial bias. According to Dr. Jan Biro:

  • They award the Prize 7 times more frequently to Jewish candidates worldwide, and 26 times more frequently to those in America, than would be expected from the size of the Jewish population. The proportion of Jewish laureates more than doubled (2.3-fold increase) after the Second World War owing to the explosion of Prizes shared between Jews and Gentiles (8.8-fold increase). Higher IQs and preferential choice of science as a profession among Jews do not fully explain this J-bias.

Not to mention the fact that the Chairman of the Nobel Foundation between 2005 and 2013 was the son of the head of the Swedish branch of the World Jewish Congress, Marcus Storch.

No doubt in most cases the Laureates receive their prizes rightfully. For the rest, however, we can detect a very pronounced bias. As would be expected, this is particularly scandalous and evident in those categories that are less merit-based, more politicized, and more loaded with subjectivity — i.e., the Nobel Peace Prizes.

Only 17 blacks have “won” any Nobel, most of them as ridiculously and undeservedly as Barack Obama. Of those, the vast majority are for peace, almost none for the arts, and not a single one for science. Also, each and every one of them was won since the establishment of the New Order that followed the Second World War.

Some of the most obvious and paradigmatic cases of this political bias are Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and Donald Trump’s lack of a Nobel. Henry Kissinger, yes; Rudolf Hess, no. Woodrow Wilson, yes; Adolf Hitler, no. Nelson Mandela, yes; Mahatma Gandhi, no. Bob Dylan receives the Nobel for Literature, but Ezra Pound does not; Winston Churchill gets his, but Pío Baroja doesn’t. I will go into the details below.

Barack Obama

The best-known case of an undeserved Nobel Peace Prize was that of Barack Obama, who received it through the crudest exercise of “affirmative action.” It simply seemed cool to give a Nobel to the first non-white President of the United States.

So, in October 2009, less than nine months after taking office, Obama was awarded the Prize on the basis of . . . nothing, to be precise. The Nobel Committee’s deserves even more ridicule when we consider that the deadline for submitting nominations for that year was only 12 days after Obama was sworn in as President.

Obama himself was as surprised as anyone else. As if that were not enough, in his speech at the award ceremony, he allowed himself a few words justifying war as a solution to conflicts and to say that war is okay on some occasions. Indeed, he would find quite a few such occasions during his presidency. He had no qualms about scorning the Prize and (half-)joking that “nowadays they give it to anyone.” In 2015, the former Director of the Nobel Institute, Geir Lundestad, implied in his statements to the BBC that the Committee which had decided to award Obama the prize regretted its decision afterwards.

In reality, Obama would prove to be a faithful follower of the precedent set by George W. Bush in the Middle East. And, although it may seem that 12 days is not enough to do much for world peace, Obama had the dubious honor of becoming a war criminal during his first months in office, causing a million people to be displaced in Pakistan, which was in fact the largest such crisis in that country to date.

For the rest of his presidency, Obama overthrew governments, armed the Islamic State, and was responsible for countless military operations in Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, and Iraq, as well as Libya and Syria, countries where he in fact provoked civil wars.

In the last year of his presidency alone, the Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs.

Albert Luthuli

But giving Nobel Prizes to blacks through affirmative action is a somewhat older practice. In October 1961 it was announced that the 1960 Nobel Peace Prize would go to black South African Albert Luthuli, “for his non-violent struggle against apartheid.” Precisely in that year, the great contribution of the African National Congress’ (ANC) main leader to their non-violent struggle was that, although he did not oppose the use of the terrorist tactics proposed by his colleague Nelson Mandela, who was then President of the ANC’s Transvaal Branch, he did not speak out in favor of them, either — not for any moral reason, but because he did not think they were prepared to undertake such a campaign. Not exactly great justifications for the award, but hey, that’s something, at least!

Mandela and other members of the ANC, in association with the South African Communist Party, co-founded the terrorist group uMkhonto we Sizwe in 1961, along with Walter Sisulu and the Jew Joe Slovo. Although initially declared to be separate from the ANC in order to protect the latter’s public image, this group was later widely recognized as being the armed wing of the African National Congress, which Luthuli led until his death in 1967.

Woodrow Wilson

The man behind the famous Fourteen Points and the international push for “self-determination,” Woodrow Wilson, was the same man who said, “I am going to teach the South American republics to elect good men,” and went about launching military interventions in several countries acros the region. Also, his Fourteen Points conveniently only applied to the losing powers, in addition to explicitly denying self-determination for Alsace-Lorraine, which was annexed to France without being consulted.

But his greatest achievement was to push his country into the First World War. Although Wilson was fully aware that the vast majority of American citizens were opposed to entering the European war, he was secretly determined to bring them into it, so he did his best to collaborate with the United Kingdom in order to provoke an incident that could be used as a casus belli. He even hired the services of the legendary Jewish publicist Edward Bernays to change public opinion in the country.

Sure enough, in May 1915 a German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania, a British ship carrying war materiel as well as American civilian passengers. It sank so fast that there was no time to launch the lifeboats due to the huge load of ammunition it was carrying, which caused a second explosion inside (although this was hypocritically denied at the time). In spite of this, it was not until 1917 when Wilson decided to begin hostilities, declaring war on the Central Powers only one month after his second inauguration as President.

To achieve his reelection, Wilson had not only promised that he would maintain neutrality and use a more conciliatory approach, but his party had also adopted the electoral slogan “He Kept Us Out of War.”

His pacifist and non-interventionist discourse had been crucial to keeping him in power, to the point that it caused Wilson to become the first Democrat since Andrew Jackson in 1832 to win two consecutive mandates. However, as a good politician ahead of his times, once he won the election he did just the opposite of what he had promised — since, as he had stated in his Declaration of War against Germany on April 2, 1917, it was necessary to go to war “to end the war” because “the world must be made safe for democracy.”

In 1919, after having brought the United States fully into the war against public opinion, but in favor of “peace” and “democracy,” Woodrow Wilson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. It was he who would definitively put an end to his country’s traditional policy of isolationism and neutrality and who would usher in a new era of military interventionism and aggression throughout the world that has characterized US foreign policy ever since, as well as a new era of growing domination by Jewry over the country’s direction.

Martin Luther King

Another case is that of Martin Luther King, a depraved man who, because of his political activities and subsequent killing, has been elevated to one of the highest positions in the Establishment’s pantheon of clay idols.

Just as Jews controlled and directed the black movement and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) from the beginning, with Jewish presidents Joel and Arthur Spingarn and Kivie Kaplan at the helm from its early decades until 1975, the Jewish lawyer Stanley Levison, previously Treasurer of the American Jewish Congress in Manhattan and having defended of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, controlled and financed Martin Luther King’s activities. Among many other things, Levison served as King’s literary agent and co-authored his famous “I have a dream” speech.

Because Stanley Levison was a member of the Communist Party, and because King admitted to him that he was a Marxist, King himself was eventually investigated by the FBI, and we now know many aspects of his true personality. King was not only a notorious plagiarist (for which he should have been stripped of his undeserved doctorate), but a sexual degenerate who participated in orgies, used money from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to pay for alcohol and prostitutes (with whom he was violent), had more than 40 lovers, and even witnessed and encouraged the rape of a woman by another reverend (Logan Kearse) while laughing about it. On another occasion, one of the prostitutes he hired for a threesome said it had been her worst experience due to King’s alcohol abuse and aggressiveness.

Although his demonstrations consistently led to violence, his merits for the Nobel Peace Prize seem to have been that, although he worked with violent people, he tried to convince them to use “tactical non-violence.”

His family has since proven to have the same moral character, but is more focused on money.

Elie Wiesel

Another darling of the establishment media was Elie Wiesel, self-proclaimed Holocaust survivor.

This champion of the rights of oppressed peoples everywhere — except Palestine and anywhere else where the oppressors are Jews — became very wealthy from his lectures and the sales of his holocaustic books.

As a defender of the criminal state of Israel and its expansion into new, illegal settlements, he dismissed any criticism of Jewish crimes in Palestine on the grounds that they are “Israel’s internal debates,” while speaking harshly about “the perils of indifference” when the foot stepped on is a Jewish one.

His greatest merit is to have pushed for the creation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, indoctrinating tens of millions of children and adults in hatred of certain people and their self-defense movements.

In Legends of Our Time, Wiesel wrote:

Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate — healthy, virile hate — for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead.​

Thanks to Obama, we know that war is wrong . . . sometimes. Thanks to Wiesel, we know that hate is wrong . . . sometimes. It all depends on who it is directed against. If it is against them, it’s wrong; if it’s against their rivals and detractors, it’s right. Elie Wiesel wrote the above paragraph a few years before he won the Nobel Peace Prize. There can hardly be a better example of what hate speech really means than this quote.

This didn’t stop Wiesel from lobbying for laws against what he called “hate speech,” which is nothing more than criticism of Jewry: among them, mere doubt about the victors’ version of an alleged historical event, the simple pointing out of contradictions in his autobiographical account, or curiosity about why he preferred to go with the Germans when they left the camp rather than wait to be liberated by the Soviets.

As we can see, furious hatred – even when provoking it under false pretexts — is justified as long as it is directed against the right target. Thus, this Nobel Peace Prize winner also declared, “I cannot and I do not want to forgive the killers of children; I ask God not to forgive,” in reference to the children he was supposed to have seen burning in giant open-air bonfires.

However, as Professor Robert Faurisson wrote:

He does indeed say that the Germans executed Jews, but . . . by fire; by throwing them alive into flaming ditches, before the very eyes of the deportees! No less than that! Here Wiesel the false witness had some bad luck. Forced to choose from among several Allied war propaganda lies, he chose to defend the fire lie instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution lies. In 1956, when he published his testimony in Yiddish, the fire lie was still alive in certain circles. This lie is the origin of the term Holocaust. Today there is no longer a single historian who believes that Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of electrocution have also disappeared. Only the gas remains.​

Wangari Mathai

The first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize was Wangari Mathai. Arguably, she encouraged peace among blacks by criticizing one of the many dictatorial and corrupt regimes that characterize black societies. She certainly did not favor racial peace with whites, however, saying, according to The Standard of Kenya, that HIV was artificially created by white scientists as a biological weapon to destroy blacks.

Rigoberta Menchú

Hatred against the white man seems to be a merit when it comes to winning a Nobel Peace Prize. This is also the case for Rigoberta Menchú, an Amerindian leader and supporter of terrorist groups such as the Basque ETA-Batasuna. Although she is not as creative as Wiesel, she too suffers from an overly fertile imagination when it comes to crafting her autobiographical account, especially considering that her autobiography was precisely what brought her popularity and prestige in the first place — and which is why some researchers have unsuccessfully called for the revocation of her award.

In it, she unashamedly altered the facts about much of her life to portray herself and her family as radical fighters for the social rights of indigenous peoples. According to her, she was illiterate as a girl since her father had refused to send her to school because he did not want her to lose her cultural sense of belonging. In reality, she studied in a private school. She likewise invented a younger brother whom claimed to have seen die of hunger; he in fact never existed. She also claimed to have witnessed the death of another brother who was burned alive in a square, when in fact he neither died that way, nor she present at his death. She claimed her family was kept in slavery conditions on a coffee plantation, which was false, nor does she seem to have participated in any agricultural activity with her family whatsoever in her village. She has systematically turned what were in reality conflicts between Amerindians as a struggle against white oppression and for indigenous rights.

As usual in these cases, her only response to accusations of lying has been to scream “racism!” Later, after having a copyright dispute with the Venezuelan author of her book, she changed her mind and tried to blame her for any “mistakes” there are in the book. However, this convenient charge has also run into difficulties, since the Venezuelan writer defended herself by saying that every sentence in the book comes from recordings she made of Rigoberta Menchú that are still in her possession.

Nelson Mandela

What is there to say of Nelson Mandela, who, as a young man, was in whiteface as part of his tribe’s rituals!

Seriously, however, unlike many identitarian dissidents in today’s Europe, he was not put in prison for a thought crime, but for terrorism. Not armed struggle, but indiscriminate terrorism, which involved victims of his own race who weren’t even involved in politics. Today as yesterday, black lives never matter if it is other blacks who take them.

Despite the way the media tries to portray Mandela, and despite all the movies about him featuring epic and solemn settings, as the founder and leader of a terrorist group, he dedicated himself to killing innocents without making any distinctions between men, women, or children. He was found guilty of 156 acts of public violence, including waves of bombings, many of them in public places, such as the Johannesburg railroad station bombing. Although it sent an observer, Amnesty International did not support him, claiming that he had received a fair trial and a reasonable sentence.

Unlike Timothy McVeigh, he was sentenced to life imprisonment as a show of clemency by the South African judicial system and as a way to avoid making martyrs out of scoundrels such as he. However, since the Western media is in the hands of Joe Slovo’s tribe, this was irrelevant in the long run, and he was turned into an idolized martyr anyway. When it comes to imposing a narrative, media ownership is more important than the facts themselves.

South African President Botha officially offered this future Nobel Peace Prize winner the opportunity to be released in 1985 in exchange for renouncing violence, which he flatly refused. Only two years earlier, the paramilitary wing of the African National Congress had carried out one of its most bloody attacks, the Church Street bombing, which killed 19 people and wounded 217. The group had also mined rural roads used by white farmers, killing at least 120 people, including black workers.

The killings and massacres were not directed exclusively against whites, either. Among their victims were other minorities, such as Indians, but also blacks of different ethnic origins or political affiliation. The Bisho and Boipatong massacres are just two examples of this.

Subsequently, without offering any concessions, and thanks only to South African white clemency and tremendous pressure from the Jewish media in the West, the South African government decided to release him and hand power over to the country’s black majority, which voted the old terrorist into the President’s office.

Even after his release from prison, he still allowed himself to sing, fist raised high, songs such as “Kill the Boer” alongside his Jewish colleague, Joe Slovo.

After being released for no reason and handed the presidency, Mandela turned a blind eye to the genocide of thousands of whites that ensued with the complicit silence of the same media that had hitherto been so concerned about human rights in the country. South Africa quickly and quietly became the country with the highest rape and murder rates in the world. And when it came to foreign policy, Mandela’s government was a supporter of genocidal anti-white regimes such as Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.

No wonder the United States listed the African National Congress as a terrorist organization and Nelson Mandela himself as a terrorist until 2008.

It is often said that behind a great man there is always a great woman. In this case, behind this criminal man there was a criminal woman. The wife of this wife abuser (at least with his first one), who was unfaithful by nature and a murderer to boot, was “Winnie” Mandela. She was even more radical than her husband, and a firm supporter of “necklacing” (burning people alive using rubber tires filled with petrol) suspected police informers and collaborators. While her husband was in prison, in addition to cheating on him, she dedicated herself to further radicalizing the party and supporting terrorism, including her own private terrorism, for which she established a group of thugs drawn from her bodyguards. She gave this group the name of the “Mandela United Football Club,” and she used it to commit a whole series of crimes, murders, and kidnappings.

She then presided over a reign of terror against her own relatives and neighbors, intimidating and punishing those she considered “apartheid collaborators” as well as her personal enemies. She took this as far as killing black children such as Stompie Sepei (SayHisName, remember!) as well as black women — out of jealousy, for having shared her lover. Winnie was implicated in at least 15 deaths. Her own infidelities were notorious; in fact, it was Nelson’s official excuse for getting a divorce. One of those with whom she was unfaithful to her imprisoned husband was the leader of his very “soccer team.”

Nelson Mandela, after his release from prison, separated from his wife so that her outbursts would not affect his political career. He nevertheless appointed her as a minister in his government, a position from which the “Mother of the Nation” had to resign after only 11 months for corruption (something she had already practiced in her own party long before), and was later convicted on hundreds of counts of fraud. She likewise associated with Israeli organized crime figures operating in South Africa. And, despite her rhetoric in favor of the poor, she always led a decadent lifestyle.

After all this, Winnie was still able to return to political life and to the South African parliament some years later. Her most enduring legacy is having mentored Julius Malema, former leader of the ANC Youth, who, after also facing various charges of corruption, fraud, and money laundering, founded a more radically anti-white party: the Economic Freedom Fighters. He now encourages white genocide and openly sings songs before stadium crowds about killing whites, just as Mandela and Joe Slovo had once done.

Menachem Begin

The same happened with Menachem Begin, founder of the Likud, who, as leader of the Irgun terrorist group, was the author of the bomb attack against the British Mandate forces in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, where he caused the death of 91 people. He was also behind the Deir Yassin Massacre in 1948, where his men massacred 254 Palestinian civilians in a single village. And these are just two examples among many.

Of course, Begin was awarded with a Nobel Peace Prize, after the Jews had awarded him the post of Prime Minister of Israel. The Jewish people are in the habit of rewarding those who have previously been noted for massacres and terrorist actions, far more often even than the Nobel Committee itself.

Begin’s book The Revolt is among the classics most studied by terrorist organizations around the world, including the Irish Republican Army and the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna. He was implicated as the organizer of an assassination attempt against West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, but the Germans kept Jewish involvement secret. The five Israelis who were arrested were returned to Israel without having to face any charges. Begin’s role was reported in the memoirs of Elieser Sudit, one of the plot’s participants.

Menachen Begin received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978 for the Camp David Accords, but by 1982 he had already carried out his invasion of Lebanon, and had authorized the massacres of Sabra and Shatila, where between 1,500 and 3,000 Palestinian refugees were killed.

Henry Kissinger

For “his efforts to end the war in Vietnam,” a war which the United States was unable to win, the Jewish Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize together with the Vietnamese diplomat Le Duc Tho. The latter was notable for being the only person to ever refuse the prize, and he did so precisely in protest at its being given to Kissinger, who went on to violate the truce the two had agreed upon.

Kissinger was also responsible for the indiscriminate bombing of the population of Cambodia, where the US Air Force dropped more bombs in 1973 alone than it had on Japan throughout the entire Second World War. These bombings and the alliance established with the Khmer Rouge were in turn essential for Pol Pot to come to power and his regime to kill more than a quarter of the country’s population.

Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, and Yasser Arafat

In 1994, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, his Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, and Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize for the Oslo Accords they had reached the previous year — and which ultimately failed.

The Jewish media have long reminded us of Arafat’s history with the militant group Fatah. In fact, the shabbos goy Kåre Kristiansen, who is more Zionist than the Israelis themselves, resigned from the Norwegian Nobel Committee in protest for having awarded the prize to Yasser Arafat, whom he labeled the “world’s most prominent terrorist.”

What is mentioned less often is that Yitzhak Rabin, as a Haganah officer, participated in and ordered the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians during the Nakba terrorist campaign.

Yitzhak Rabin, as Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, “intentionally led Israel into war with Syria . . . because he thought this was the only way to prevent the Syrians from supporting Fatah attacks against Israel,” according to the historian and former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami.

As Defense Minister, Rabin led the sadistic repression of the First Intifada, which began as a protest against the murder of four Palestinian workers in the Jabalia refugee camp. They had been rammed by an Israeli military truck on December 9, 1987. It was precisely the First Intifada that the Oslo Accords had sought to end. Rabin continued to build new settlements, regardless of the peace agreements he had signed.

In the case of Shimon Peres, only two years after winning the Nobel Peace Prize he was responsible for the Qana Massacre, which led to the deaths of 106 civilians in a United Nations refugee camp in southern Lebanon.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

If we consider peace as a means toward the end of avoiding pain, there is no doubt that Mother Teresa of Calcutta would be one of the least suitable people to receive a Nobel Peace Prize. She was also known as Tere-Saw, because of her praise of pain (in others) as a religious experience and due to her refusal to provide painkillers in her homes for the dying.

In these Teresa centers, diseases were not diagnosed, and no distinction was made between curable and incurable patients. All were assumed to be terminal patients, so syringes were reused, hygiene was non-existent, and those who could actually survive were put at risk of dying from infections or mere lack of proper treatment.

Attempts have been made to justify the appalling conditions of her mortuaries by comparing them to other Indian medical centers, but she was not a Hindu, nor was there a shortage of donations scarce, nor was any of ths related to her cult of suffering for religious reasons.

Bob Dylan

The Nobel Committee’s chutzpah and lack of sense has been increasing and, in 2016, in a clear case of J-bias, the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to the Jewish singer-songwriter Bob Dylan for “having created a new poetic expression within the great tradition of the American song,” making him the only musician to have ever received the prize.

Never before has anyone received a Nobel Prize in Literature for such scant written material — some song lyrics — and it is especially grating that he has been placed ahead of a multitude of actual poets and writers.

The discrediting of the Nobel Prize as a consequence of this kind of bias is twofold. In a case of poetic justice, those who do not deserve the prize usually despise it. As happened with Obama, Bob Dylan likewise scorned the prize that was supposed to honor him.

One member of the Swedish Academy, the writer Per Wästberg, accused Dylan of being “rude and arrogant” for ignoring the Nobel Committee’s attempts to contact him, and for his total indifference after the prize’s announcement — to the point that it was not even clear whether he would show up at the ceremony to collect it.

The Jew Albert Einstein, to give another example, similarly snubbed the academy after being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Winston Churchill

But speaking of gratuitous Nobel prizes, and as further proof that not only Peace Prizes can be perverted, we cannot overlook Winston Churchill.

In both world wars, Churchill stood out for his attempts to either start wars or escalate them, irresponsibly dragging as many peoples as possible into the conflict — most especially the United States, if it would help him win.

In the First World War, Churchill, then Lord of the Admiralty, conspired with US President Woodrow Wilson to involve the United States in the conflict against Germany. The idea was, according to Churchill’s own correspondence, to attract as much neutral ship traffic as possible to the English coast in the hope that the Germans would attack one by mistake, which would in turn serve as a pretext in the eyes of American public opinion to enter the war that their President was waiting for.

In the Second World War, being the most vociferously warmongering politician against Germany (despite the fact that before 1938 he had dedicated great praise to both Hitler and Mussolini), he pushed Europe into the most devastating world conflict in history under the pretext of recovering the Dantzig corridor and defending a Polish independence that nobody cared about when the occupier was Soviet.

Given this record, the level of chutzpah required to give Churchill a Nobel Peace Prize was beyond any reasonable limit. Thus, in the end he was given a Nobel Prize . . . for Literature. Why not? After all, he had been a journalist for a while, and then wrote a memoir. It should moreover be remembered that many of Churchill’s most famous expressions and quotations are misattributions or outright plagiarism from other authors.

Even so, all the genocidal leaders of the Second World War’s victorious powers were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Roosevelt and Churchill, the warmongers who practiced massive aerial terrorism against residential neighborhoods; Truman, who dropped the atomic bomb; and even Stalin, the greatest mass murderer who ever existed in the white world. They received their respective nominations for such ridiculous reasons as their “efforts to end World War II,” as if there was anyone in the world who did not want to end the war (in their favor, of course).

The reality was the opposite. Churchill, after succeeding in getting war declared on Germany, resisted at all costs to end the conflict and dragged it out as long as he could in the hope of being able to involve half the world on his side. This was in order to avoid the stalemate peace that the Anglophilic leader of Germany offered him, even when Great Britain, after the fall of France, no longer had any chance of victory on its own. Roosevelt sought to provoke Germany and used Japan as a way to enter the war by the back door. Stalin was waiting for Germany and the Western powers to bleed out in the war so that he could attack when all were exhausted. So all of them prolonged the war, as uselessly as it was criminal, by demanding from Germany something never previously heard of: “unconditional surrender.”

Thus, Churchill was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature. De Gaulle was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature as well, although the Norwegian Committee settled for giving it to only one of them.

Those who did not receive a Nobel

At the same time, someone such as Rudolf Hess, who lost his freedom for 46 years and eventually his life for the crime of seeking peace (to his credit, at a time of absolute military hegemony in his country), was not only not awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, but was silenced and ridiculed. And yet no one has ever given so much to achieve peace. If he does not deserve the Nobel, no one does.

Mahatma Gandhi did not get one, either, despite his many nominations. Perhaps his support for the caste system, his awareness of race differences, and the fact that he was only interested in the rights of Hindus — whom he considered superior to blacks — had something to do with it. Nor did it his advocacy of maintaining the racial purity of all races help, which is why during his stay in South Africa he did not oppose apartheid. He rather fought for it to be extended to his own people, so that Hindus and blacks would not have to use the same facilities.

After the Munich Agreement, which was marked with great popular celebrations in the United Kingdom and France, Adolf Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Indeed, since 1934 the American Jewish writer Gertrude Stein had led a campaign in favor of awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Hitler, for having suppressed the elements causing disunity within Germany. To this must be added all the efforts that were made at the international level to achieve a multilateral disarmament agreement and to put an end to the revanchism of the First World War, as well as the numerous generous offers of peace on an equal footing and without demands that were made once France and Great Britain had already declared war on Germany. All of these were scorned by the Western powers.

It is significant that before the war, in a situation of relative equilibrium, we have those who had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for genuine efforts toward peace such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. In the post-war period, when a unique New World Order had been established, the victors compensated themselves with nominations on the insane pretext of “their efforts to end the war.”

Unlike Obama, Donald Trump, the only US President in several decades who has not initiated any new wars, has not received any award, despite his impressive progress with North Korean, Russia, the Abraham Accords, and so on. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in several years during his term, but the Nobel Committee was too busy giving the prize to the likes of the Ethiopian black Abiy Ahmed, who 11 months later declared a war in his country, defying an international community that was demanding a greater effort at dialogue.

Some of the writers who, unlike Bob Dylan and Winston Churchill, did not receive the Nobel Prize for Literature include Henrik Ibsen, Leo Tolstoy, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Miguel de Unamuno, Aldous Huxley, Carl Gustav Jung, Giovanni Papini, Jorge Luis Borges, Yukio Mishima, Martin Heidegger, Mircea Eliade, and others.

Ezra Pound was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in no less than 14 different years. In fact, in 1959 Anders Österling, who was the Nobel Committee’s Chairman from 1947 to 1970, was quite explicit about the reasons why he refused to give the Nobel Prize to Ezra Pound. It was because his work propagated ideas that, according to him, “stand in stark contrast to the spirit of the Nobel Prize” — or at least the current one.

When in 1954 Ernest Hemingway received the Nobel Prize for Literature, he said that he would have preferred that it had been given to Pound instead of him. He said the same about the Basque author Pío Baroja, whose work he deeply admired and whom he visited on his deathbed. In fact, several of Pío Baroja’s disciples and epigones received the Nobel, such as Camilo José Cela, and they tirelessly asked for the Nobel for their master — but he never got it. I suspect that his book of essays entitled Communists, Jews, and Other Riffraff had something to do with it.
Did you write this or copy+paste from somewhere?
Who the fuck let you back in
Liked your posts, glad to see you’re unbanned
They're not, I don't know why but this person has a weird obsession with me, I'm trying to avoid him as it adds nothing but hate, which I dislike , see post - " Thinking of quitting the movement?"

This forum is rotten. @SlayerSlayer didn’t you literally ban them for being a foid?
I had been strongly and vociferously advocating for his restoration as well as for a reduction in the magnitude of the penalty which he had originally received on both the basis of basic due process considerations as well as principles of equity. I didn't see his incipient offense as rising to a level that warranted a permaban although retrospectively and, especially after this post, I am honestly having some reservations about working pro bono on his behalf as I think this is probably a copy and past job as well.
I had been strongly and vociferously advocating for his restoration as well as for a reduction in the magnitude of the penalty which he had originally received on both the basis of basic due process considerations as well as principles of equity. I didn't see his incipient offense as rising to a level that warranted a permaban although retrospectively and, especially after this post, I am honestly having some reservations about working pro bono on his behalf as I think this is probably a copy and past job as well.
Hope she sees this bro. :feelsokman:
Interesting read regardless if it was copy pasted or not.

More "the lounge"-material though since it has nothing to do with inceldom.
No I had this written before I was banned. So now I posted it.
Jews are high IQ. They create and accomplish. Ashkenazi have IQs of 107-115. East Asians are around 106. Whites around 100.

Kissinger is the worst on this list. Guy was a vicious, genocidal warlord. The carpet bombing of Cambodia killed an estimated 150,000 people, and Christ knows how many more indirectly due to the destruction of infrastructure etc.
Jews are high IQ. They create and accomplish. Ashkenazi have IQs of 107-115. East Asians are around 106. Whites around 100.

Kissinger is the worst on this list. Guy was a vicious, genocidal warlord. The carpet bombing of Cambodia killed an estimated 150,000 people, and Christ knows how many more indirectly due to the destruction of infrastructure etc.

Ea63dae0b6dfdb2f 1


Nazi ideology is as low IQ as it gets.
Not really the Nazis were very high IQ. ( Their ideology is obsecure and still kept in tact it hasn't been ruined to the extent of what I know it's fairly pure with small but very vocal intellectual minority which the msm is trying their hardest to destroy and demonise just like incels) This is a common mistake the world made when dealing with them they thought the Nazis were a bunch of rednecks. Also Hitler was right. I'm sure @Darth_Aurelius could say more about this as I'm on probation on what I can talk about
Last edited:
Not really the Nazis were very high IQ, this is a common mistake the world made when dealing with them they thought the Nazis were a bunch of rednecks. Also Hitler was right. I'm sure @Darth_Aurelius could say more about this as I'm on probation on what I can talk about
I said Nazi ideology, not Nazis. Strawmanning is also very low IQ. Invading Russia because your ideology dictates you hate Slavs and Bolshevism = low IQ. Hating Jews, who are a miniscule percentage of the population with sky high IQs = low IQ. Basing your whole thought process around racial animus (ie emotions) = low IQ.
I said Nazi ideology, not Nazis. Strawmanning is also very low IQ. Invading Russia because your ideology dictates you hate Slavs and Bolshevism = low IQ. Hating Jews, who are a miniscule percentage of the population with sky high IQs = low IQ. Basing your whole thought process around racial animus (ie emotions) = low IQ.
Go back to /r/antiwork faggot.
Not really the Nazis were very high IQ. ( Their ideology is obsecure and still kept in tact it hasn't been ruined to the extent of what I know it's fairly pure with small but very vocal intellectual minority which the msm is trying their hardest to destroy and demonise just like incels) This is a common mistake the world made when dealing with them they thought the Nazis were a bunch of rednecks. Also Hitler was right. I'm sure @Darth_Aurelius could say more about this as I'm on probation on what I can talk about
Feel free to elaborate as much as you see fit since I haven't imposed any sort of gag order on you nor would I want anyone to feel as though there is a constructive restraint on speech or impediment to the marketplace of ideas which these forums ought to strive to be. But yes, I do have some very strong opinions on the matter of the historical, biological and philosophical validity of NS ideology. It seems to me to be predicated on the idea that international jewry and a righteous contempt for all its invidious machinations can serve to solidify the cultural Germanic bonds of the Volk in so far as is necessitated by a war of annihilation. Likewise, while there is much nonsense involved in Himmler's ideas of blood and soil, there is great salience to the notion that a people ought to be tied to their land and that their manifest national destiny can be determined by their common ancestry and shared heritage. Finally, the ends always justify the means whenever it comes to destroying the jews so that Nazism, like Wahabi Islam, is vindicated historically through the consequentialist analysis.
I said Nazi ideology, not Nazis. Strawmanning is also very low IQ. Invading Russia because your ideology dictates you hate Slavs and Bolshevism = low IQ. Hating Jews, who are a miniscule percentage of the population with sky high IQs = low IQ. Basing your whole thought process around racial animus (ie emotions) = low IQ.
I also edited my message to include Nazi ideology. No the Jews run the world which is an observation and a fact proven right countless of times. The Jews are behind the NWO. The Jews use technology which is applied, such as processing of information and the regulation of human behavior (e.g., through propaganda) and is constituted to conclude the decisive factor in determining the character of a society.

Once again it's not just animus, there is truth behind the hatred it's not skin-deep. We're tribial creatures by nature and being xenophobic is the true way to go. As we can monitor the race mixing in our society has had a desastrous affect and with this correlates more psychological suffering. It's not a conspiracy to comment that the academic sphere is leftist controlled and the decay of humanity along with it. There is an moral, spiritual social and cultural reason behind the ideas that are being conveyed. This is in fact actually very high IQ because you're deeply thinking about society and how things effect it.

More people have articulated this in greater detail but there is also data and stats to prove this to be right.
I see you've been refining your arguments. :bigbrain:
I don't argue with communist fags, it's advice, you'll fit right in with the redditor crybaby faggots who want free money, deny jewish power and deny the importance of race.
I also edited my message to include Nazi ideology. No the Jews run the world which is an observation and a fact proven right countless of times. The Jews are behind the NWO. The Jews use technology which is applied, such as processing of information and the regulation of human behavior (e.g., through propaganda) and is constituted to conclude the decisive factor in determining the character of a society.
NWO = conspiracy theory nonsense.
It's not a conspiracy to comment that the academic sphere is leftist controlled
Yes it is. Neoliberalism isn't "left". Wokeness isn't left. Social "progressivism" isn't left. Only Yanks this way.

If you believe that a people of 16 million control the world then you're retarded. Especially if you believe that people aren't of above average intelligence. At least pick one, so your conspiracy theory makes sense. :feelskek:
I don't argue with communist fags, it's advice, you'll fit right in with the redditor crybaby faggots who want free money, deny jewish power and deny the importance of race.
communism broke down because of its own inefficiency
I don't argue with communist fags, it's advice, you'll fit right in with the redditor crybaby faggots who want free money, deny jewish power and deny the importance of race.
Evidently not, as I'm banned from reddit 15 times over. Usually for talking about race.
NWO = conspiracy theory nonsense.

Yes it is. Neoliberalism isn't "left". Wokeness isn't left. Social "progressivism" isn't left. Only Yanks this way.

If you believe that a people of 16 million control the world then you're retarded. Especially if you believe that people aren't of above average intelligence. At least pick one, so your conspiracy theory makes sense. :feelskek:

It's only nonsense if you're Ignorant and blind to the truth of the world, in fact you're very naive

You conducted that I was strawmanning but ironically that is you. Academia is leftist controlled.

View: https://youtu.be/W3aTnYQVTOk?si=EiMxUT0exzNnetr6

You're being disingenuous lol I didn't expect much from a tankie but do better.
NWO = conspiracy theory nonsense.

Yes it is. Neoliberalism isn't "left". Wokeness isn't left. Social "progressivism" isn't left. Only Yanks this way.

If you believe that a people of 16 million control the world then you're retarded. Especially if you believe that people aren't of above average intelligence. At least pick one, so your conspiracy theory makes sense. :feelskek:
If you actually read then you would know why. It explains it in the picture itself
Mahatma Gandhi did not get one, either, despite his many nominations. Perhaps his support for the caste system, his awareness of race differences, and the fact that he was only interested in the rights of Hindus — whom he considered superior to blacks — had something to do with it. Nor did it his advocacy of maintaining the racial purity of all races help, which is why during his stay in South Africa he did not oppose apartheid. He rather fought for it to be extended to his own people, so that Hindus and blacks would not have to use the same facilities.
while it's correct that gandhi was one of the earliest pro-white pajeet but his so called support for caste system things hurr durr was in sense that he did not want Hindus to engage in caste based civil wars and all - he practically wanted low castes to be elevated at same level in socio-economic terms as other upper castes WHILE keeping the caste boundaries intact; he in fact gave a word "HariJan" (people of Hari = Lord Vishnu) for 'depressed' dalits and all and ran things were upper caste hindus had meals together with lower castes to reduce stigma of untouchability and so, due to his insistence many prominent upper caste people of that era got their sons/daughters married to lower castes and all...if anything Gandhi was miles better social unifier for Hindu pajeets of that era than an outright snake called Ambedkar here - so called 'uplifter' of lower castes

so yeah that line doesn't really make sense that he was supporter of caste system which many would mistake as 'upper caste' thing. A lot of upper castes and hindutwa folks criticise gandhi a lot for the kind of nonsensical things he had done in his era so he doesn't exactly have much positive views among Indians to be honest.

in big picture way, Gandhi have had ever changing 'transitioning' views about a lot of things as he got to experience them.

Thanks for proving my point. "Leftism" doesn't exist in Yankland. "Leftism" means left wing economic and material policies. Again, wokism is NOT left, it's centrist neoliberalism (at best). It's right wing economics concealed by supposedly left wing social policy. Mass immigration is right wing, it's driven by right wing economics, the desire for cheap labour, increasing GDP and ready-made tax slaves. The selling point of "diversity" is just a pretext. The very first thing listed as evidence of "left wing" academia in your link is "equity and diversity" policies lol. Again, NOT REMOTELY LEFT. Only Yanks think this shit is left, because Yanks have no left wing politics whatsoever in their country, and haven't since the New Deal collapsed under Nixon. Voting for the corporate-owned Democrat party is NOT LEFT WING. The Democrats don't even support the most basic left wing shit like universal healthcare.

Marx was a fucking nationalist, the Communist Manifesto included confiscating all property of emigrants and rebels-- ie if you wanted to leave the country, you have all your shit taken. The idea that mass immigration is left wing is hilarious. Genuine left wingers are against immigration because they know basic economics, and they know why it exists and how it undermines workers and enriches business owners.
Thanks for proving my point. "Leftism" doesn't exist in Yankland. "Leftism" means left wing economic and material policies. Again, wokism is NOT left, it's centrist neoliberalism (at best). It's right wing economics concealed by supposedly left wing social policy. Mass immigration is right wing, it's driven by right wing economics, the desire for cheap labour, increasing GDP and ready-made tax slaves. The selling point of "diversity" is just a pretext. The very first thing listed as evidence of "left wing" academia in your link is "equity and diversity" policies lol. Again, NOT REMOTELY LEFT. Only Yanks think this shit is left, because Yanks have no left wing politics whatsoever in their country, and haven't since the New Deal collapsed under Nixon. Voting for the corporate-owned Democrat party is NOT LEFT WING. The Democrats don't even support the most basic left wing shit like universal healthcare.

Marx was a fucking nationalist, the Communist Manifesto included confiscating all property of emigrants and rebels-- ie if you wanted to leave the country, you have all your shit taken. The idea that mass immigration is left wing is hilarious. Genuine left wingers are against immigration because they know basic economics, and they know why it exists and how it undermines workers and enriches business owners.

its numbers of people is heavily low but it has projects, plans techniques and strategies to keep the common man conformed. This is is exactly what the Jews did. I don't get why you're so surprised even the Nazis were the smallest party of their time and they rose ahead with businesses politicians, tight community, and propaganda to the world which they used to bring people in to their eccentric ideology but they did it publicly. Hitler was a charming ( in terms of personality) and very cunning, a man who knew how to speak and relate to the people which he did and he helped them immensely. But causation ≠ correlation. The Nazis were good hearted people who vowed to expose evil and help their people.

So I don't get why the number of the Jews has anything to do with this, they're the elite they control the world from behind the shadows. It's more logical to do so in fewer numbers to keep plans under control and secrets.

Or take the gypsies. The gypsies commonly get away with theft and fraud because their loyalties are such that they can always get other gypsies to give testimony that “proves” their innocence. Obviously the system would be in serious trouble if too many people belonged to such groups.

A genuine leftist becomes a right winger. Or a liberal right winger at best.

Industrial Revolution is a dysgenic collapse, resulting in a steep decline in mental and physical health, as well as the decline of vital social institutions and social cohesion. Mainly the Jews use this to coerce individuals and restrict their lives.


It goes into details on how the system works which essentially is talking about the Jews and Leftists ( which you are)

Also I made a thread not so long ago asking for data on proof of how much the leftists run the world ( especially social services which is the easiest way to manipulate people) and manipulation in itself is very easy because the IQ of the individuals in these fields are fairly low.

Thanks to @OutcompetedByRoomba

See https://incels.is/threads/need-studies.541943/#post-12404407

Also for more in detail ' politically incorrect ' channels who are bearable to watch and entertainment see. https://youtube.com/@MentisWave?si=UYdVdrq2C2fz_5Ep

He is very concise and coherent and does it in an efficient manner without taking up your whole day ( his videos span from 5-10 minutes)

I will let @Darth_Aurelius continue on this matter of Jews and Nazis as I'm fairly a new comrade and he has well more versed on theses subjects. than me

Learn to read the articles fully and see the videos completely before making a point.

Semantics aside, it is undeniably true that the type you are referring to can be categorized as leftist in nature. Those who identify as right tend to oppose such ideologies, often shifting their allegiances much like a commies individual lacking self-accountability. Surprisingly, the Nazi faction has swiftly gained significant influence despite their relatively lower standing in the political landscape, driven by their unwavering conviction.

I'd say people like you would suggest hat the Jews engaged in mass genocide against the Palestine population is just a ' muh conspiracy ' funny how these alleged conspiracies tend to be proven right over and over again, you're heavily delusional and very stupid ( sorry for the ad hominems but you really are it's apparent especially with the argument you had with the autist about opioids) the control perpetuated over generations by the Jews. Furthermore, it is worth noting that Stalin has been responsible for the deaths of millions due to a pervasive and systematic influence. It is not merely a matter of numbers, but rather the level of power they wield.

Also check out https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...AQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2c2GgP4KSGh-cAMbSwiG94

For more information about how the slimy Jews run things and keep goys like you asleep.

While the government's control over the populace may seem disproportionately low compared to its size, it employs various projects, plans, techniques, and strategies to ensure conformity among the common citizenry. This is reminiscent of the tactics employed by the Jews who manipulate global affairs from behind the scenes. Their objective of maintaining control and secrecy suggests that operating in smaller numbers would be more prudent. This is done generationally once again mainly through media ( early political and commercial papers was that they were published largely for commercial and political elites and public control) also most religions stem from Judaism surprise surprise.

Consider the case of the Gypsy and Jews known for evading punishment for theft and fraud through the loyalty and testimonies of their fellow members. If too many individuals belonged to such groups, it would undoubtedly destabilize the system.

In essence, a genuine Liberal individual may, at best, adopt a Right Wing Approach or even a Central Left stance. The Industrial Revolution, often seen as a period of great progress, is also seen by some as a dysgenic collapse, resulting in a decline in both mental and physical health, as well as the erosion of vital social institutions and cohesion.

It is important to thoroughly read articles and thoroughly watch videos before forming opinions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

1. The claim that "leftism doesn't exist" is patently false. Leftism, like any major political ideology, consists of a coherent set of beliefs, values and policy positions that are distinct from those on the right. Key tenets of leftism include support for economic equality, workers' rights, social welfare, progressive taxation, regulation of capitalism, and egalitarian social values. These positions are recognized and analyzed by political scientists worldwide. The ideological substance of leftism is undeniable.

2. The notion that leftism is solely about "left wing economic and material policies" is overly reductive. While economics is a major component, leftism also encompasses social and cultural progressivism on issues like racial justice, women's rights, LGBTQ rights and immigrant rights. Reducing leftism solely to economics fails to capture the full intellectual complexity of the ideology.

3. Describing wokism as "centrist neoliberalism" rather than true leftism is questionable at best. Wokism emerges directly from postmodernism, critical theory and other intellectual traditions with deep roots on the academic left. Its focus on systemic racism, implicit bias and identity mirrors leftist commitments to radical equality. While specifics are debated, wokism is firmly grounded in leftist critical social theories.

4. Immigration and diversity are not solely "right wing" policies. The left sees open immigration and diversity as fulfilling core values of tolerance, egalitarianism and global justice. There is a strong left-wing case for immigration and diversity on both economic and moral grounds. Viewing these only as right-wing policies ignores thoughtful leftist perspectives.

5. The Democratic Party encompasses a wide coalition, but academics widely recognize it as a center-left party, especially relative to the GOP. Democrats support expanding healthcare access, workers' rights, racial justice, gender equity, etc. which clearly align with mainstream left goals, even if some on the far

- There are clear ideological differences between left-wing and right-wing politics. The left supports greater economic equality, workers rights, social welfare programs, progressive taxation, etc. while the right supports free markets, low taxes, limited government, traditional values, etc. These are real and substantive differences.

- Just because some ideas like immigration and diversity get supported by both sides does not mean there is no left vs right. There is a wide range of issues where there are clear left-right divisions.

- While the Democrats in the US may not be as far left as European social democratic parties, most political scientists would consider them center-left. They support policies like expanding healthcare access, workers rights, LGBTQ rights, racial justice, etc. which align with mainstream leftist goals.

- The fact that some on the left like Marx had anti-immigration views does not invalidate leftism - the left encompasses a diverse spectrum of thought. Many modern leftists see open immigration as compatible with or even required by their egalitarian values.

- "Wokism" emerges from left-wing intellectual traditions like critical theory and focuses on systemic injustices, which connects it to broader leftist ideological goals of equality and social justice, even if some specifics are debated.

In summary, while the left encompasses a range of views, it is simply false to claim leftism does not exist. There are clear and consistent ideological differences between left vs right perspectives that are recognized by political scientists and theorists across the world. The core tenets of leftism like economic equality, workers rights, social welfare, etc. endure despite diversity of thought on the left.

The assertion that economic and material factors do not constitute real leftism collapses when subjected to rigorous dialectical analysis. It relies on a bourgeois tendency toward idealism rather than materialism, contradicting fundamental Marxist principles.

Leftism emerged from Enlightenment critiques of feudal economic structures by thinkers like Locke and Smith. But it was Marx who elevated economics to the forefront of leftist ideology, articulating a scientific critique of capitalism and class relations. Reducing leftism to mere social justice obscures over 150 years of intellectual struggle to understand the economic bases of inequality.

Leftism cannot be abstracted from material conditions—it fundamentally arises from them. Cultural and social spheres are inextricably tied to economic relations, a first principle in Marxist thought. Any attempt to separate leftism from its roots in economic justice and material flourishing demonstrates a profound idealism and philosophical naivete antithetical to leftism's most groundbreaking insights.

In advanced postindustrial societies, this connection may appear attenuated, but only superficially. Racial, gender, and postcolonial hierarchies are still fundamentally rooted in material conditions, despite gains toward more equitable economic relations. Even postmodern identity discourse reinforces, rather than transcends, the primacy of economic justice as the wellspring of leftist thought.

In essence, extracting leftism from its basis in economic conditions relinquishes its most analytically incisive frameworks. It regresses toward pre-Marxist idealism and a token superficial politics of recognition disconnected from substantive redistribution. This represents philosophical sophistry that violates leftism's core axioms.

Nevertheless, I must decline your invitation for engagement due to concerns regarding the perceived lack of sincerity in our conversation. Additionally, given the limitations imposed on my phone usage, I must prioritize my time and allocate it to more pressing matters. While I would have liked to provide additional sources and references, the aforementioned restrictions prevent me from doing so.
Last edited:
its numbers of people is heavily low but it has projects, plans techniques and strategies to keep the common man conformed. This is is exactly what the Jews did. I don't get why you're so surprised even the Nazis were the smallest party of their time and they rose ahead with businesses politicians, tight community, and propaganda to the world which they used to bring people in to their eccentric ideology but they did it publicly. Hitler was a charming ( in terms of personality) and very cunning, a man who knew how to speak and relate to the people which he did and he helped them immensely. But causation ≠ correlation. The Nazis were good hearted people who vowed to expose evil and help their people.

So I don't get why the number of the Jews has anything to do with this, they're the elite they control the world from behind the shadows. It's more logical to do so in fewer numbers to keep plans under control and secrets.

Or take the gypsies. The gypsies commonly get away with theft and fraud because their loyalties are such that they can always get other gypsies to give testimony that “proves” their innocence. Obviously the system would be in serious trouble if too many people belonged to such groups.

A genuine leftist becomes a right winger. Or a liberal right winger at best.

Industrial Revolution is a dysgenic collapse, resulting in a steep decline in mental and physical health, as well as the decline of vital social institutions and social cohesion. Mainly the Jews use this to coerce individuals and restrict their lives.


It goes into details on how the system works which essentially is talking about the Jews and Leftists ( which you are)

Also I made a thread not so long ago asking for data on proof of how much the leftists run the world ( especially social services which is the easiest way to manipulate people) and manipulation in itself is very easy because the IQ of the individuals in these fields are fairly low.

Thanks to @OutcompetedByRoomba

See https://incels.is/threads/need-studies.541943/#post-12404407

Also for more in detail ' politically incorrect ' channels who are bearable to watch and entertainment see. https://youtube.com/@MentisWave?si=UYdVdrq2C2fz_5Ep

He is very concise and coherent and does it in an efficient manner without taking up your whole day ( his videos span from 5-10 minutes)

I will let @Darth_Aurelius continue on this matter of Jews and Nazis as I'm fairly a new comrade and he has well more versed on theses subjects. than me

Learn to read the articles fully and see the videos completely before making a point.

Semantics aside, it is undeniably true that the type you are referring to can be categorized as leftist in nature. Those who identify as right tend to oppose such ideologies, often shifting their allegiances much like a commies individual lacking self-accountability. Surprisingly, the Nazi faction has swiftly gained significant influence despite their relatively lower standing in the political landscape, driven by their unwavering conviction.

I'd say people like you would suggest hat the Jews engaged in mass genocide against the Palestine population is just a ' muh conspiracy ' funny how these alleged conspiracies tend to be proven right over and over again, you're heavily delusional and very stupid ( sorry for the ad hominems but you really are it's apparent especially with the argument you had with the autist about opioids) the control perpetuated over generations by the Jews. Furthermore, it is worth noting that Stalin has been responsible for the deaths of millions due to a pervasive and systematic influence. It is not merely a matter of numbers, but rather the level of power they wield.

Also check out https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...AQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2c2GgP4KSGh-cAMbSwiG94

For more information about how the slimy Jews run things and keep goys like you asleep.

While the government's control over the populace may seem disproportionately low compared to its size, it employs various projects, plans, techniques, and strategies to ensure conformity among the common citizenry. This is reminiscent of the tactics employed by the Jews who manipulate global affairs from behind the scenes. Their objective of maintaining control and secrecy suggests that operating in smaller numbers would be more prudent. This is done generationally once again mainly through media ( early political and commercial papers was that they were published largely for commercial and political elites and public control) also most religions stem from Judaism surprise surprise.

Consider the case of the Gypsy and Jews known for evading punishment for theft and fraud through the loyalty and testimonies of their fellow members. If too many individuals belonged to such groups, it would undoubtedly destabilize the system.

In essence, a genuine Liberal individual may, at best, adopt a Right Wing Approach or even a Central Left stance. The Industrial Revolution, often seen as a period of great progress, is also seen by some as a dysgenic collapse, resulting in a decline in both mental and physical health, as well as the erosion of vital social institutions and cohesion.

It is important to thoroughly read articles and thoroughly watch videos before forming opinions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

1. The claim that "leftism doesn't exist" is patently false. Leftism, like any major political ideology, consists of a coherent set of beliefs, values and policy positions that are distinct from those on the right. Key tenets of leftism include support for economic equality, workers' rights, social welfare, progressive taxation, regulation of capitalism, and egalitarian social values. These positions are recognized and analyzed by political scientists worldwide. The ideological substance of leftism is undeniable.

2. The notion that leftism is solely about "left wing economic and material policies" is overly reductive. While economics is a major component, leftism also encompasses social and cultural progressivism on issues like racial justice, women's rights, LGBTQ rights and immigrant rights. Reducing leftism solely to economics fails to capture the full intellectual complexity of the ideology.

3. Describing wokism as "centrist neoliberalism" rather than true leftism is questionable at best. Wokism emerges directly from postmodernism, critical theory and other intellectual traditions with deep roots on the academic left. Its focus on systemic racism, implicit bias and identity mirrors leftist commitments to radical equality. While specifics are debated, wokism is firmly grounded in leftist critical social theories.

4. Immigration and diversity are not solely "right wing" policies. The left sees open immigration and diversity as fulfilling core values of tolerance, egalitarianism and global justice. There is a strong left-wing case for immigration and diversity on both economic and moral grounds. Viewing these only as right-wing policies ignores thoughtful leftist perspectives.

5. The Democratic Party encompasses a wide coalition, but academics widely recognize it as a center-left party, especially relative to the GOP. Democrats support expanding healthcare access, workers' rights, racial justice, gender equity, etc. which clearly align with mainstream left goals, even if some on the far

- There are clear ideological differences between left-wing and right-wing politics. The left supports greater economic equality, workers rights, social welfare programs, progressive taxation, etc. while the right supports free markets, low taxes, limited government, traditional values, etc. These are real and substantive differences.

- Just because some ideas like immigration and diversity get supported by both sides does not mean there is no left vs right. There is a wide range of issues where there are clear left-right divisions.

- While the Democrats in the US may not be as far left as European social democratic parties, most political scientists would consider them center-left. They support policies like expanding healthcare access, workers rights, LGBTQ rights, racial justice, etc. which align with mainstream leftist goals.

- The fact that some on the left like Marx had anti-immigration views does not invalidate leftism - the left encompasses a diverse spectrum of thought. Many modern leftists see open immigration as compatible with or even required by their egalitarian values.

- "Wokism" emerges from left-wing intellectual traditions like critical theory and focuses on systemic injustices, which connects it to broader leftist ideological goals of equality and social justice, even if some specifics are debated.

In summary, while the left encompasses a range of views, it is simply false to claim leftism does not exist. There are clear and consistent ideological differences between left vs right perspectives that are recognized by political scientists and theorists across the world. The core tenets of leftism like economic equality, workers rights, social welfare, etc. endure despite diversity of thought on the left.

The assertion that economic and material factors do not constitute real leftism collapses when subjected to rigorous dialectical analysis. It relies on a bourgeois tendency toward idealism rather than materialism, contradicting fundamental Marxist principles.

Leftism emerged from Enlightenment critiques of feudal economic structures by thinkers like Locke and Smith. But it was Marx who elevated economics to the forefront of leftist ideology, articulating a scientific critique of capitalism and class relations. Reducing leftism to mere social justice obscures over 150 years of intellectual struggle to understand the economic bases of inequality.

Leftism cannot be abstracted from material conditions—it fundamentally arises from them. Cultural and social spheres are inextricably tied to economic relations, a first principle in Marxist thought. Any attempt to separate leftism from its roots in economic justice and material flourishing demonstrates a profound idealism and philosophical naivete antithetical to leftism's most groundbreaking insights.

In advanced postindustrial societies, this connection may appear attenuated, but only superficially. Racial, gender, and postcolonial hierarchies are still fundamentally rooted in material conditions, despite gains toward more equitable economic relations. Even postmodern identity discourse reinforces, rather than transcends, the primacy of economic justice as the wellspring of leftist thought.

In essence, extracting leftism from its basis in economic conditions relinquishes its most analytically incisive frameworks. It regresses toward pre-Marxist idealism and a token superficial politics of recognition disconnected from substantive redistribution. This represents philosophical sophistry that violates leftism's core axioms.

Nevertheless, I must decline your invitation for engagement due to concerns regarding the perceived lack of sincerity in our conversation. Additionally, given the limitations imposed on my phone usage, I must prioritize my time and allocate it to more pressing matters. While I would have liked to provide additional sources and references, the aforementioned restrictions prevent me from doing so.
while it's correct that gandhi was one of the earliest pro-white pajeet but his so called support for caste system things hurr durr was in sense that he did not want Hindus to engage in caste based civil wars and all - he practically wanted low castes to be elevated at same level in socio-economic terms as other upper castes WHILE keeping the caste boundaries intact; he in fact gave a word "HariJan" (people of Hari = Lord Vishnu) for 'depressed' dalits and all and ran things were upper caste hindus had meals together with lower castes to reduce stigma of untouchability and so, due to his insistence many prominent upper caste people of that era got their sons/daughters married to lower castes and all...if anything Gandhi was miles better social unifier for Hindu pajeets of that era than an outright snake called Ambedkar here - so called 'uplifter' of lower castes

so yeah that line doesn't really make sense that he was supporter of caste system which many would mistake as 'upper caste' thing. A lot of upper castes and hindutwa folks criticise gandhi a lot for the kind of nonsensical things he had done in his era so he doesn't exactly have much positive views among Indians to be honest.

in big picture way, Gandhi have had ever changing 'transitioning' views about a lot of things as he got to experience them.
Ok so you're agreeing with me, also how's the situation with Pakistan.
while it's correct that gandhi was one of the earliest pro-white pajeet but his so called support for caste system things hurr durr was in sense that he did not want Hindus to engage in caste based civil wars and all - he practically wanted low castes to be elevated at same level in socio-economic terms as other upper castes WHILE keeping the caste boundaries intact; he in fact gave a word "HariJan" (people of Hari = Lord Vishnu) for 'depressed' dalits and all and ran things were upper caste hindus had meals together with lower castes to reduce stigma of untouchability and so, due to his insistence many prominent upper caste people of that era got their sons/daughters married to lower castes and all...if anything Gandhi was miles better social unifier for Hindu pajeets of that era than an outright snake called Ambedkar here - so called 'uplifter' of lower castes

so yeah that line doesn't really make sense that he was supporter of caste system which many would mistake as 'upper caste' thing. A lot of upper castes and hindutwa folks criticise gandhi a lot for the kind of nonsensical things he had done in his era so he doesn't exactly have much positive views among Indians to be honest.

in big picture way, Gandhi have had ever changing 'transitioning' views about a lot of things as he got to experience them.
“In my opinion an ideal bhangi should have a thorough knowledge of the principles of sanitation. He should know how a right kind of latrine is constructed and the correct way of cleaning it. He should know how to overcome and destroy the odour of excreta and the various disinfectants to render them innocuous.”

If the Mahatma believes, as he does, in everyone following his or her ancestral calling, then most certainly he is advocating the Caste System, and in calling it the Varna System, he is not only guilty of terminological inexactitude, but he is causing confusion worse confounded.

I do agree with his views on women although.

Rita Banerjee, in her book, ‘Sex and Power’ has stated:

“He believed menstruation was a manifestation of the distortion of a woman’s soul by her sexuality.

"Women, who should be the queens of households, wander in the streets or they slave away in factories. For the sake of a pittance, half a million women in England alone are labouring under trying circumstances in factories or similar institutions. This awful fact is one of the causes of the daily growing suffragette movement"

"The condition of England at present is pitiable. I pray to God that India may never be in that plight. That which you consider to be the Mother of Parliaments is like a sterile woman and a prostitute. Both these are harsh terms, but exactly fit the case. That Parliament has not yet, of its own accord, done a single good thing. Hence I have compared it to a sterile woman"

Overall a very good man.

Revelation 2:9

"I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are J00s and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
while it's correct that gandhi was one of the earliest pro-white pajeet but his so called support for caste system things hurr durr was in sense that he did not want Hindus to engage in caste based civil wars and all - he practically wanted low castes to be elevated at same level in socio-economic terms as other upper castes WHILE keeping the caste boundaries intact; he in fact gave a word "HariJan" (people of Hari = Lord Vishnu) for 'depressed' dalits and all and ran things were upper caste hindus had meals together with lower castes to reduce stigma of untouchability and so, due to his insistence many prominent upper caste people of that era got their sons/daughters married to lower castes and all...if anything Gandhi was miles better social unifier for Hindu pajeets of that era than an outright snake called Ambedkar here - so called 'uplifter' of lower castes

so yeah that line doesn't really make sense that he was supporter of caste system which many would mistake as 'upper caste' thing. A lot of upper castes and hindutwa folks criticise gandhi a lot for the kind of nonsensical things he had done in his era so he doesn't exactly have much positive views among Indians to be honest.

in big picture way, Gandhi have had ever changing 'transitioning' views about a lot of things as he got to experience them.
Yes I agree with you on the fact that his views did ' transition ' as he got to experience a lot of different things

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