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It's Over The Blackpill Manual – Reasons Why It’s Over & Answers

  • Thread starter Deleted member 30146
  • Start date
Been lurking on this forum for many years, decided to share some wisdom. I’m an oldcel, an avid student of the blackpill.

In this thread I’ll try to break the blackpill on a more in-depth level. As paradoxically as it might sound, it will be a big ropefuel and copefuel at the same time for anyone reading it till the end. It will put things into place, especially for those who’re living in the West.

When talking about the blackpill side of male/female relations we need to consider 3 things:

Society / The Current Times We Live In.

Societal norms and cultural expectations aren’t like they used to be 10, 20, 100, 300 years ago. Most incels today wouldn’t of be incels 100 years ago.


What you can offer in terms of looks, status and money (more on the latter 2 later…).

Different times would of required different ‘stats’. 10000 years ago no one would gave a shit about how ugly your face is, if you were tall and strong by dominating other men you could of just taken any foid you want, foids would of naturally preferred you because you could protect and provide for them, not that they had any choice ether, the choice was non-existent. The strong would dominate the weak and take what’s rightfully theirs.


Foids most important qualities are youth and beauty.

What do foids want?
  • Provision (food, shelter)
  • Protection (security, safety)
  • Intimate relationships (with males that have the best genes a.k.a Chads)
With the first two, for the most part taken care of the police and government (with your tax dollars cuck)


leaves us with 1 thing – intimate relationships with Chads.

The 2 Things That a Male Might Want From a Foid Are:

  • Part A. Sex.
  • Part B. Bonding/Affection

Part A. Sex

Emptying your balls is one of the highest pleasures in life. Most achieve it 2 ways:
  • Fapping
  • Fucking a women
Fucking a women is the more pleasurable and preferred option, here where things get interesting. You can achieve it 2 ways:

Pay For It

Provided you would use an escort that would provide same experience as you would get from free sex, in terms of her acting etc, it would be the same experience in terms of bodily pleasure, as unpaid sex.

You would get:
  • Sex
You wouldn’t get:
  • Validation (ego boost)
You would have to part with $100-$200 (in the West)

You can pay for sex to get 1/2 things that you want from foids. Let’s say your sexual drive is cumming 10 times a month, that’s $2k/m, which is likely a lot of money to YOU.

Average salary in US is $43k after taxes, that’s about $3,500 every month. To get your need of sex fulfilled on a regular basis you would have to spend over 50% of your monthly income.

Now imagine you’re a doctor/lawyer and make $200k after taxes, or $16,000 every month. Paying $2k/m you would be spending only 12.5% of your monthly income.

If you made that much, ordering sex on tap would be same as ordering a pizza, it wouldn’t be such a big deal paying for sex, because it’s cheap to YOU.

In US an escort that charged $500 for her services, can be had for $50 in Ukraine, so you need to be making the required amount of money where the expense of paying for pussy is negligible (making 16k/m spending $2k in US, or making 3k/m spending $500 in Ukraine, etc.)

Inb4 - “paying for pussy is cucked”, yes, if you get $1000/m in welfare paying $200 for an escort is cucked and stupid, you shouldn’t be doing that, but what if it costed same price as a 2L coca-cola bottle? Would you pay for it? That’s basically the price the above doctors and lawyers are paying, it’s same for them as buying a 2L coca-cola bottle for a neetbuxxer.

Get It For “Free”.

In what cases foids would be giving up sex for free:
  1. Finding you attractive and wanting to have sex with you for the share pleasure of it.
  2. Wanting something from you - financial provision (betabuxxing), advancing her career (fucking a boss or higher up), she wants to get famous (Hugh Hefner, Dan Bilzerian, famous 60yr old actors dating 18yr olds, etc) . Paying for sex and this option are similar in a sense that only the option A of “what do you want from a foid” would be fulfilled, without the added benefit of an ego boost.
80% of foids find 20% of men average or above average in terms of looks.


being in those top 20% as a male doesn’t mean that you’re attractive in women’s eyes, it simply means that you’re average/above average. If a 7/10 is ‘average’ to them, imagine how subhuman a 4-5 look in their eyes. Not only this, tinder and other dating apps alike, have up to x3 more males than females on them.

"But how bad it actually is?" -You ask.

If you happen to be eating right now, put that fork and knife away, or else you’ll feel an uncontrollable urge to do a harakiri after watching this video:

To cover the first part in the “2 things that a male might want from a foid”

You need to ether:
  • Be a Chad (to all bluepillers reading this and saying “why he’s going to such extremes, I’m not a chad and had/have a GF, pat yourself on the back- you had unpaid sex, but the chances that she loved/loves you are close to 0, and I’ll be discussing why that’s the case later on)
  • Be a famous celebrity, sportsman, drug cartel boss (status maxxed)
  • Be a betabuxxer for a rostie. (rope yourself already)
  • Pay for escorts (can be a lifefuel if you’re in the top 10% of earners in your country)
What about the part of “foids finding you attractive and wanting to have sex with you for the share pleasure of it.” -You ask.

When having free sex it comes with a women validating you as a man (ego boost), which gives you a different type of pleasure than a mare sex, as oppose to paid sex and option 2.

Do not, and I repeat DO NOT confuse ego validation through unpaid sex and bonding/affection. That’s the biggest mistake a man can make.

With unpaid sex, it’s only that - your ego. You fucking an escort and the same escort fucking some guy from a club for free are the SAME things in terms of bodily pleasure, except you don’t get your ego stroked as she’s doing it not because she’s into you, but because she gets paid.

“Chad doesn’t have to, the tinder foids come to his house and go down straight to fucking“ -You say.

You would have to be 1% in terms of looks to make that happen, even if you’re a lower tier Chad you still have to keep them entertained (jestermaxx) for an hour or two before the sex happens, then on top of that you need to have a thick dick and do an outstanding performance in bed to get “repeated customers”.

If you could, would rather pay the price of a 2L coca-cola bottle, and use her as a human fleshlight, than have to go through all of that bullshit of getting it for free to only get that “ego boost”, what would you choose?

We covered the purely “sex” part, now let’s talk about long term relationships.

With Part B. Bonding/Affection, the ego boost is included by default. But is it achievable?

Part B. Bonding/Affection

Bonding/Affection - biological want to provide/take care of a female and get affection in return, you can call it “love”. Most want to bond and feel affection more than the sex itself.

"Romantic love is considerably stronger than the sex drive." Fisher, 2004 citation

Sexual Desire, Affection and Respect (respect and love are mutual, if a women doesn’t respect you she can’t love you).

The biggest question is - can a modern female give you the romantic love - affection, validation and respect that you desire? Societal norms and religion form/hold the values and mold the behavior of foids such as being feminine and submissiveness, they also curb promiscuity.

“After the Reformation, citizens were not only expected to adhere to the official brand of Christianity but to maintain the highest standards of Christian behaviour: to be sober, chaste, compliant and conscientious. Some historians have identified the period from the middle of the sixteenth century to the Civil War in the 1640s as being particularly hazardous for women because a general obsession with social disorder meant they were under enormous pressure to conform to accepted gender roles.” citation

Indeed, encouraging foids to not be degenerates was hazardous, according to cucked historians. JFL

The glue that holds the society is (or should I say was) the religion, ongoing deterioration of the social fabric and norms of what’s accepted and not accepted has been completely destroyed in most countries. I’m a non believer myself, but I just state the fact that the low IQ masses desperately need religion to keep even the basic moral principles and keeping society from falling apart, look at what the west has become…?

Women’s Sexual Partner Count and Ability To Pair Bond

“When individuals fall in love for the first time they can find enjoyment in having a partner that gives them a feeling of completeness. The relationship sets the stage for the merging of two beings, closer than the bonds of friendship. Each individual is in tune with the feelings and moods of the other, not feeling completely whole without the other.” citation

When you say you want a virgin I understand, but is it because:
  • You’re a virgin yourself.
  • You want an ego boost from having a virgin.
  • You want her to be ‘pure’.

Any of the above answer is fine by me, but the real reason why you would want a virgin is not because of any of the above, but because her sexual partner count greatly affects her ability to bond/feel affection (which is the main thing that most of us want).

“Above all else do you want to marry a woman who has voluntarily accepted being used as a cum dumpster by other men, or who kisses your child with lips that have been previously wrapped around many other cocks?” NO!

Let’s Look at The Science and Data


The chances of marrying a virgin was 5% in a pre-tinder era, in 2020? 1% at best.

Female psyche was not made for having multiple sexual partners without getting her short circuits fried. The more sexual partners she has the lesser the ability to pair bond and be affectionate (in its truest sense) becomes.

Some argue that the brains get completely shorted after having more than 5-10 sexual partners, Einstein IQ anon said:

“This means that she will always compare her feelings that she is getting from you at the moment with the feelings that she got from other partners in the past. So, if she had several strong emotional connections with other partners, it is really hard to match up even if you are objectively (in looks, attitude, status etc) the best she ever had.

If a man wants to marry, his must find a woman that is either a virgin or low notch count (She should not have passed the rubricock threshhold: the sufficient number of partners until she finds her first chad that gives her extreme tingles and then dumps her, after him she is a lost cause…)”

I beg to differ and say IT’S OVER as soon as the digit hits 1.

If you’re her second one before you get married, the likelihood of divorce increases from 6% (virgin wife) to…how much…? 5%... maybe 10%... ? Not so fast buddy boyo, it merely goes up 4 times, you god damn right, the chances of divorce goes up 400%, from 6% to 22%.


For females the bond with her first romantic partner is something special in more ways than she can imagine, first time experiences of romantic love have heightened sensations from having someone to be completely open with and with whom she can share all her dreams, hopes and fears. THE SECOND TIME IS NOT

What Does The Science Say About It?

“These emotional and hormonal imprints of first love (at a time when our brains are in such an important growing stage or peak) cause life-long effects not only to our psyche but our biology as well.” Helen Fisher's 2005 fMRI study.

“First love takes longer to heal and leaves an “imprint” on the sensory areas of your brain”

All of these feelings and experiences we had with our first loves then become a "blueprint" for how we approach relationships later on in our lives. In other words, our personal definition of love is based upon everything we went through with our firsts.“ - Dr. Dardashti citation

Think about it, why marrying a virgin .vs marrying someone with 1 notch count has that much of a difference?

Is it because you’re not her first one and she compares you .vs him or anyone other previous partner before, or could it be that you wasn’t the one who caused the life-long effects that affected her psyche and biology, in ways that the current science only beginning go grasp?


“According to Dr. Dardashti, people often compare their current relationship to their first love in order to determine if their feelings for their current partner align with that definition of love they created from their first experience with it. Because the romantic feelings we had for our first loves felt so great, we want to duplicate them, to experience them again and again with as many people as possible.”

“The fact that these women are in more developed relationships doesn't rid them of the pleasure that arises from remembering their first real taste of pure, unfettered desire.

So, perhaps a first love really is the deepest. For one, first loves seem to help us craft our definition of love -- which, as we all know, varies from person to person. And this definition appears to be the one off which we've based all of our relationships.

Throughout our romantic lives, the emotions we felt for our first loves have acted as a standard for every subsequent love. And even though those loves came and went, and even though that first one faded into the past, the standard remained. In that sense, perhaps a first love is the deepest in a literal way.” source

Add up all the scientific data you’ve read and take into account the chart of divorce chances increasing by 400% if she has 1 notch count, what conclusions can you make?

Her “Love” Short Circuits Are Fried.

If she’s not a virgin she will never love you
. You might think that she loves you, she might think that she loves you, but as we already established, the love she had for her first romantic partner is different, it’s “pure”.

Even for a Chad finding a virgin in the West would be a daunting task and for us IT’S TRULLY OVER.

Relationships Old .vs Modern

Back in the olden days you would ether be in an arranged marriage or a marriage of convenience and get a virgin submissive wife.

“Sexuality for the medieval woman began before marriage as a young virgin. It was not necessary for her to be beautiful to be married off because marriage was traditionally based on politics, material wealth, and social status. It would have been intensely disapproved of for a man and woman to marry based on physical attraction or love. When a family made a match for the daughter, choosing a mate based on sexual attraction was never considered. It was very rare to find references to love and beauty in the negotiations for marriage between two families.”

“A man was supposed to transform his wife from a virgin to a woman by consummating the marriage, ideally with a pregnancy.”

“The act of adultery was considered by far the worst of sexual sins, but it is noteworthy that usually only women would be punished for it. A husband would be forbidden to murder his adulterous wife, but if he did, the courts were reluctant to punish him.” Based AF?

“The ultimate purity for the Church was for one to maintain virginity throughout one's life, but if one must have a sexual life, it would then only be legitimate for procreation through marriage.” citation


Once again, religion keeping hoes in check from hoeing. Don’t forget that IT’S OVER for Christianity in the West, the only way you can get a virgin wife is if you ether Islammaxx and find a virgin wife in a 3rd world country or Christianitymaxx somewhere in an small Philippines village where there’s no access to JBW’s to local foids.

150 years ago “Women were expected to have sex with only one man, her husband.“ “If a woman had sexual contact with another man, she was seen as "ruined" or "fallen". Citation

Societal norms keeping hoes in check.

In today’s society there are no checks and balances, you can be coming home from work and find your wife being spit-roasted by 2 chads, if you divorce her she’ll get the house, child support and alimony and you’ll be sleeping in a car and paying her through your ass (or end up in jail for missing a child support payment and pay with your ass literally).

Marrying in today’s day and age is cucked and any of you that happen to ascend in the future who do get marred while knowing the blackpill, you deserve everything you’ll get.

The uglier you are the more it’s required of you to keep the relationship going

Keeping her entertained, jestermaxxing, betabuxxing are just a few of the things that normies do, and the uglier you are the more you have to ‘bring to the table’.


Solution For Part A. Sex:

  • Moneymaxx and then escortmaxx, to the point where paying for an escort is same for you as buying a 2L coca-cola bottle for a peasant is.
  • Gold-diggermaxxing: flashing your wealth, pretending that you’re looking for a long term relationship/marriage, attracting gold-diggers, fucking and tossing them out like the used-up hoes that they are.
  • Betabuxxing: if you earn average bucks, when you become older, it’s likely you will end up as a betabuxxing for an old, used up, single mother who’s only after your money. It’s not a solution, and you should feel deeply ashamed of yourself if you end up in this category.
How to moneymaxx?
  • Get a degree in a field where salaries are high: lawyer, doctor, engineer.
  • Learn how to code, there are plenty of remote jobs, and then move to SEA or any other 3rd world shithole.
  • If you’re too low IQ/lazy to learn how to code, but from an English speaking country then become a freelancer, offering cold calling or content writing services. I personally know a guy from US who lives in SEA and makes a good income from cold calling, if 1000’s of other people can do it, so can you!

Solution For Part B. Bonding/Affection and Validation:

In this researched and science based thread we established that if she’s not a virgin she will never love you.

The the only way you can get a virgin wife is if you ether Islammaxx and find a virgin wife in a 3rd world country or Christianitymaxx somewhere in a small Philippines village where there’s no access to JBW’s to local foids.

You can’t bring her back to the West ether, even though the chances of a breakup/divorce are greatly reduced if she’s a virgin, bringing her to the West would change the playing field from traditional uncucked society to a Western ceasspit of moral degeneracy, if you don’t want to risk her mind being corrupted by this, after the marriage you have to stay in THAT country.

Knowing that’s it’s TRULLY OVER, is liberating after you come to terms with it.

If you want to rope on the spot after reading this thread, don’t. With time it’ll get better and after enough time you’ll come to accept that there’s nothing you can do to get romantic love in the West and the only way to get it is to change your life in ways that most just won’t (moving to a 3rd world shithole and staying there).

You can’t change the way you were born, you can’t change the way your face looks like. The only thing in your control are the decisions you make everyday, moneymaxxing is the only legit cope that’s left to us.

Citations used:

Further recommended readings:

Some good copes:

Pursue mastery in your chosen craft. When you are pursuing a craft you realize that the better you get, the humbler you are. Because you understand there’s always something you can learn and you are inherently humbled by this fascinating craft or career you’re after.” citation

Fleshlight with some POV porn can give you mind-bending orgasms, it’s way better than fapping, and you should definitely try it.
good post ngl. a bunch of water is wet too.
TLDR: If you want to be treated like a human being, don't be an ugly man
Good thread from a lurker tbh
the only way you can get a virgin wife is if you either Islammaxx and find a virgin wife in a 3rd world country
LifeFuel for me. Also great thread.
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Are you planning to convert?
No, I'm already religious, I just plan to actually read my book in a few years, I live in Turkey and while this country has a lot of cucks and whores in more leftist cities, it is still really religious, especially in more conservative cities, I plan to Islammaxx and visit Mosque's in a few years, maybe I can get a virgin wife that way, I hope I can.
Very good read, articulated in ways I wish I could convert from my thoughts to the written word.

You need a virgin otherwise she'll always consider you not up to par in many ways. The more you've experienced the less you're wowed thus a woman is more likely to ditch what she has on a gamble she'll find better which she won't as even if that happens he will dump her instead, it's not sustainable.
Water is h20 and the sky is blue....

Btw Coco-Cola is for cucks because think about it water, sugar....pfff noobs cucks.
Total Number of posts ever made on this forum x Graham's Number IQ

IT won't touch this.


I'm archiving it as a word document.
That video is so brutal. Even good looking men simp hard
The part of "people compare their actual partners with their first love" it is imposible due to foids only fucking with chads
The part of "people compare their actual partners with their first love" it is imposible due to foids only fucking with chads
All Chads are not created equally, if 2 Chads looked 9/10, but one had 8 inch penis while another one was rich and provided her with a luxury lifestyle, then there'll be comparisons like that.
It's "funny" to see how over it is regardless of the angle you take the situation
That was beautifully well-written, and it explains a concept that I've been trying to tell people on this forum for a long time: That "Ascension" doesnt exist, everyone but Chad gets shit on, and "Ascension" isn't finding that dream girl that loves you and accepts who you are, but jestermaxxing and making a fool out of yourself just to get mediocre sex with a vapid 3/10 that was left on hold by Chad and had literally nothing better to do.
The game was rigged from the very beginning. The only way to win is not to play.
Really good thread, read it all ,needs more replies. I guess ill be moneymaxxing I guess.
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, I hope it ends up in the "must read" section as well. It took a long time to write this, I did it for myself as much as everyone else, it helped me put all the puzzle pieces in my head. And after realizing that's virtually unattainable to get what I want, not only because of my looks, but because of the times we live in, I no longer feel depressed.
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, I hope it ends up in the "must read" section as well. It took a long time to write this, I did it for myself as much as everyone else, it helped me put all the puzzle pieces in my head. And after realizing that's virtually unattainable to get what I want, not only because of my looks, but because of the times we live in, I no longer feel depressed.
I guess it's best to just let go sometimes, also this deserves to be in the must read section imo.

@SergeantIncel do it or we riot. :feelsLSD:
Circumference of the sun in nanometers IQ
Great thread and high effort.Bookmarked and saved it as a word document.
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That video is so brutal. Even good looking men simp hard
I don't care if even chads become cucks, I'd never do it. But this guy probably has something wrong with him in person, like he's short or a framelet or a voicecel, or looks different because the picture is many years old.
High IQ formatting
Can't deny the :blackpill:
Good post greycel
Absolutely motivating thread, OP.
Been lurking on this forum for many years, decided to share some wisdom. I’m an oldcel, an avid student of the blackpill.

In this thread I’ll try to break the blackpill on a more in-depth level. As paradoxically as it might sound, it will be a big ropefuel and copefuel at the same time for anyone reading it till the end. It will put things into place, especially for those who’re living in the West.

When talking about the blackpill side of male/female relations we need to consider 3 things:

Society / The Current Times We Live In.

Societal norms and cultural expectations aren’t like they used to be 10, 20, 100, 300 years ago. Most incels today wouldn’t of be incels 100 years ago.


What you can offer in terms of looks, status and money (more on the latter 2 later…).

Different times would of required different ‘stats’. 10000 years ago no one would gave a shit about how ugly your face is, if you were tall and strong by dominating other men you could of just taken any foid you want, foids would of naturally preferred you because you could protect and provide for them, not that they had any choice ether, the choice was non-existent. The strong would dominate the weak and take what’s rightfully theirs.


Foids most important qualities are youth and beauty.

What do foids want?
  • Provision (food, shelter)
  • Protection (security, safety)
  • Intimate relationships (with males that have the best genes a.k.a Chads)
With the first two, for the most part taken care of the police and government (with your tax dollars cuck)


leaves us with 1 thing – intimate relationships with Chads.

The 2 Things That a Male Might Want From a Foid Are:

  • Part A. Sex.
  • Part B. Bonding/Affection

Part A. Sex

Emptying your balls is one of the highest pleasures in life. Most achieve it 2 ways:
  • Fapping
  • Fucking a women
Fucking a women is the more pleasurable and preferred option, here where things get interesting. You can achieve it 2 ways:

Pay For It

Provided you would use an escort that would provide same experience as you would get from free sex, in terms of her acting etc, it would be the same experience in terms of bodily pleasure, as unpaid sex.

You would get:
  • Sex
You wouldn’t get:
  • Validation (ego boost)
You would have to part with $100-$200 (in the West)

You can pay for sex to get 1/2 things that you want from foids. Let’s say your sexual drive is cumming 10 times a month, that’s $2k/m, which is likely a lot of money to YOU.

Average salary in US is $43k after taxes, that’s about $3,500 every month. To get your need of sex fulfilled on a regular basis you would have to spend over 50% of your monthly income.

Now imagine you’re a doctor/lawyer and make $200k after taxes, or $16,000 every month. Paying $2k/m you would be spending only 12.5% of your monthly income.

If you made that much, ordering sex on tap would be same as ordering a pizza, it wouldn’t be such a big deal paying for sex, because it’s cheap to YOU.

In US an escort that charged $500 for her services, can be had for $50 in Ukraine, so you need to be making the required amount of money where the expense of paying for pussy is negligible (making 16k/m spending $2k in US, or making 3k/m spending $500 in Ukraine, etc.)

Inb4 - “paying for pussy is cucked”, yes, if you get $1000/m in welfare paying $200 for an escort is cucked and stupid, you shouldn’t be doing that, but what if it costed same price as a 2L coca-cola bottle? Would you pay for it? That’s basically the price the above doctors and lawyers are paying, it’s same for them as buying a 2L coca-cola bottle for a neetbuxxer.

Get It For “Free”.

In what cases foids would be giving up sex for free:
  1. Finding you attractive and wanting to have sex with you for the share pleasure of it.
  2. Wanting something from you - financial provision (betabuxxing), advancing her career (fucking a boss or higher up), she wants to get famous (Hugh Hefner, Dan Bilzerian, famous 60yr old actors dating 18yr olds, etc) . Paying for sex and this option are similar in a sense that only the option A of “what do you want from a foid” would be fulfilled, without the added benefit of an ego boost.
80% of foids find 20% of men average or above average in terms of looks.


being in those top 20% as a male doesn’t mean that you’re attractive in women’s eyes, it simply means that you’re average/above average. If a 7/10 is ‘average’ to them, imagine how subhuman a 4-5 look in their eyes. Not only this, tinder and other dating apps alike, have up to x3 more males than females on them.

"But how bad it actually is?" -You ask.

If you happen to be eating right now, put that fork and knife away, or else you’ll feel an uncontrollable urge to do a harakiri after watching this video:

To cover the first part in the “2 things that a male might want from a foid”

You need to ether:
  • Be a Chad (to all bluepillers reading this and saying “why he’s going to such extremes, I’m not a chad and had/have a GF, pat yourself on the back- you had unpaid sex, but the chances that she loved/loves you are close to 0, and I’ll be discussing why that’s the case later on)
  • Be a famous celebrity, sportsman, drug cartel boss (status maxxed)
  • Be a betabuxxer for a rostie. (rope yourself already)
  • Pay for escorts (can be a lifefuel if you’re in the top 10% of earners in your country)
What about the part of “foids finding you attractive and wanting to have sex with you for the share pleasure of it.” -You ask.

When having free sex it comes with a women validating you as a man (ego boost), which gives you a different type of pleasure than a mare sex, as oppose to paid sex and option 2.

Do not, and I repeat DO NOT confuse ego validation through unpaid sex and bonding/affection. That’s the biggest mistake a man can make.

With unpaid sex, it’s only that - your ego. You fucking an escort and the same escort fucking some guy from a club for free are the SAME things in terms of bodily pleasure, except you don’t get your ego stroked as she’s doing it not because she’s into you, but because she gets paid.

“Chad doesn’t have to, the tinder foids come to his house and go down straight to fucking“ -You say.

You would have to be 1% in terms of looks to make that happen, even if you’re a lower tier Chad you still have to keep them entertained (jestermaxx) for an hour or two before the sex happens, then on top of that you need to have a thick dick and do an outstanding performance in bed to get “repeated customers”.

If you could, would rather pay the price of a 2L coca-cola bottle, and use her as a human fleshlight, than have to go through all of that bullshit of getting it for free to only get that “ego boost”, what would you choose?

We covered the purely “sex” part, now let’s talk about long term relationships.

With Part B. Bonding/Affection, the ego boost is included by default. But is it achievable?

Part B. Bonding/Affection

Bonding/Affection - biological want to provide/take care of a female and get affection in return, you can call it “love”. Most want to bond and feel affection more than the sex itself.

"Romantic love is considerably stronger than the sex drive." Fisher, 2004 citation

Sexual Desire, Affection and Respect (respect and love are mutual, if a women doesn’t respect you she can’t love you).

The biggest question is - can a modern female give you the romantic love - affection, validation and respect that you desire? Societal norms and religion form/hold the values and mold the behavior of foids such as being feminine and submissiveness, they also curb promiscuity.

“After the Reformation, citizens were not only expected to adhere to the official brand of Christianity but to maintain the highest standards of Christian behaviour: to be sober, chaste, compliant and conscientious. Some historians have identified the period from the middle of the sixteenth century to the Civil War in the 1640s as being particularly hazardous for women because a general obsession with social disorder meant they were under enormous pressure to conform to accepted gender roles.” citation

Indeed, encouraging foids to not be degenerates was hazardous, according to cucked historians. JFL

The glue that holds the society is (or should I say was) the religion, ongoing deterioration of the social fabric and norms of what’s accepted and not accepted has been completely destroyed in most countries. I’m a non believer myself, but I just state the fact that the low IQ masses desperately need religion to keep even the basic moral principles and keeping society from falling apart, look at what the west has become…?

Women’s Sexual Partner Count and Ability To Pair Bond

“When individuals fall in love for the first time they can find enjoyment in having a partner that gives them a feeling of completeness. The relationship sets the stage for the merging of two beings, closer than the bonds of friendship. Each individual is in tune with the feelings and moods of the other, not feeling completely whole without the other.” citation

When you say you want a virgin I understand, but is it because:
  • You’re a virgin yourself.
  • You want an ego boost from having a virgin.
  • You want her to be ‘pure’.

Any of the above answer is fine by me, but the real reason why you would want a virgin is not because of any of the above, but because her sexual partner count greatly affects her ability to bond/feel affection (which is the main thing that most of us want).

“Above all else do you want to marry a woman who has voluntarily accepted being used as a cum dumpster by other men, or who kisses your child with lips that have been previously wrapped around many other cocks?” NO!

Let’s Look at The Science and Data


The chances of marrying a virgin was 5% in a pre-tinder era, in 2020? 1% at best.

Female psyche was not made for having multiple sexual partners without getting her short circuits fried. The more sexual partners she has the lesser the ability to pair bond and be affectionate (in its truest sense) becomes.

Some argue that the brains get completely shorted after having more than 5-10 sexual partners, Einstein IQ anon said:

“This means that she will always compare her feelings that she is getting from you at the moment with the feelings that she got from other partners in the past. So, if she had several strong emotional connections with other partners, it is really hard to match up even if you are objectively (in looks, attitude, status etc) the best she ever had.

If a man wants to marry, his must find a woman that is either a virgin or low notch count (She should not have passed the rubricock threshhold: the sufficient number of partners until she finds her first chad that gives her extreme tingles and then dumps her, after him she is a lost cause…)”

I beg to differ and say IT’S OVER as soon as the digit hits 1.

If you’re her second one before you get married, the likelihood of divorce increases from 6% (virgin wife) to…how much…? 5%... maybe 10%... ? Not so fast buddy boyo, it merely goes up 4 times, you god damn right, the chances of divorce goes up 400%, from 6% to 22%.


For females the bond with her first romantic partner is something special in more ways than she can imagine, first time experiences of romantic love have heightened sensations from having someone to be completely open with and with whom she can share all her dreams, hopes and fears. THE SECOND TIME IS NOT

What Does The Science Say About It?

“These emotional and hormonal imprints of first love (at a time when our brains are in such an important growing stage or peak) cause life-long effects not only to our psyche but our biology as well.” Helen Fisher's 2005 fMRI study.

“First love takes longer to heal and leaves an “imprint” on the sensory areas of your brain”

All of these feelings and experiences we had with our first loves then become a "blueprint" for how we approach relationships later on in our lives. In other words, our personal definition of love is based upon everything we went through with our firsts.“ - Dr. Dardashti citation

Think about it, why marrying a virgin .vs marrying someone with 1 notch count has that much of a difference?

Is it because you’re not her first one and she compares you .vs him or anyone other previous partner before, or could it be that you wasn’t the one who caused the life-long effects that affected her psyche and biology, in ways that the current science only beginning go grasp?


“According to Dr. Dardashti, people often compare their current relationship to their first love in order to determine if their feelings for their current partner align with that definition of love they created from their first experience with it. Because the romantic feelings we had for our first loves felt so great, we want to duplicate them, to experience them again and again with as many people as possible.”

“The fact that these women are in more developed relationships doesn't rid them of the pleasure that arises from remembering their first real taste of pure, unfettered desire.

So, perhaps a first love really is the deepest. For one, first loves seem to help us craft our definition of love -- which, as we all know, varies from person to person. And this definition appears to be the one off which we've based all of our relationships.

Throughout our romantic lives, the emotions we felt for our first loves have acted as a standard for every subsequent love. And even though those loves came and went, and even though that first one faded into the past, the standard remained. In that sense, perhaps a first love is the deepest in a literal way.” source

Add up all the scientific data you’ve read and take into account the chart of divorce chances increasing by 400% if she has 1 notch count, what conclusions can you make?

Her “Love” Short Circuits Are Fried.

If she’s not a virgin she will never love you
. You might think that she loves you, she might think that she loves you, but as we already established, the love she had for her first romantic partner is different, it’s “pure”.

Even for a Chad finding a virgin in the West would be a daunting task and for us IT’S TRULLY OVER.

Relationships Old .vs Modern

Back in the olden days you would ether be in an arranged marriage or a marriage of convenience and get a virgin submissive wife.

“Sexuality for the medieval woman began before marriage as a young virgin. It was not necessary for her to be beautiful to be married off because marriage was traditionally based on politics, material wealth, and social status. It would have been intensely disapproved of for a man and woman to marry based on physical attraction or love. When a family made a match for the daughter, choosing a mate based on sexual attraction was never considered. It was very rare to find references to love and beauty in the negotiations for marriage between two families.”

“A man was supposed to transform his wife from a virgin to a woman by consummating the marriage, ideally with a pregnancy.”

“The act of adultery was considered by far the worst of sexual sins, but it is noteworthy that usually only women would be punished for it. A husband would be forbidden to murder his adulterous wife, but if he did, the courts were reluctant to punish him.” Based AF?

“The ultimate purity for the Church was for one to maintain virginity throughout one's life, but if one must have a sexual life, it would then only be legitimate for procreation through marriage.” citation


Once again, religion keeping hoes in check from hoeing. Don’t forget that IT’S OVER for Christianity in the West, the only way you can get a virgin wife is if you ether Islammaxx and find a virgin wife in a 3rd world country or Christianitymaxx somewhere in an small Philippines village where there’s no access to JBW’s to local foids.

150 years ago “Women were expected to have sex with only one man, her husband.“ “If a woman had sexual contact with another man, she was seen as "ruined" or "fallen". Citation

Societal norms keeping hoes in check.

In today’s society there are no checks and balances, you can be coming home from work and find your wife being spit-roasted by 2 chads, if you divorce her she’ll get the house, child support and alimony and you’ll be sleeping in a car and paying her through your ass (or end up in jail for missing a child support payment and pay with your ass literally).

Marrying in today’s day and age is cucked and any of you that happen to ascend in the future who do get marred while knowing the blackpill, you deserve everything you’ll get.

The uglier you are the more it’s required of you to keep the relationship going

Keeping her entertained, jestermaxxing, betabuxxing are just a few of the things that normies do, and the uglier you are the more you have to ‘bring to the table’.


Solution For Part A. Sex:

  • Moneymaxx and then escortmaxx, to the point where paying for an escort is same for you as buying a 2L coca-cola bottle for a peasant is.
  • Gold-diggermaxxing: flashing your wealth, pretending that you’re looking for a long term relationship/marriage, attracting gold-diggers, fucking and tossing them out like the used-up hoes that they are.
  • Betabuxxing: if you earn average bucks, when you become older, it’s likely you will end up as a betabuxxing for an old, used up, single mother who’s only after your money. It’s not a solution, and you should feel deeply ashamed of yourself if you end up in this category.
How to moneymaxx?
  • Get a degree in a field where salaries are high: lawyer, doctor, engineer.
  • Learn how to code, there are plenty of remote jobs, and then move to SEA or any other 3rd world shithole.
  • If you’re too low IQ/lazy to learn how to code, but from an English speaking country then become a freelancer, offering cold calling or content writing services. I personally know a guy from US who lives in SEA and makes a good income from cold calling, if 1000’s of other people can do it, so can you!

Solution For Part B. Bonding/Affection and Validation:

In this researched and science based thread we established that if she’s not a virgin she will never love you.

The the only way you can get a virgin wife is if you ether Islammaxx and find a virgin wife in a 3rd world country or Christianitymaxx somewhere in a small Philippines village where there’s no access to JBW’s to local foids.

You can’t bring her back to the West ether, even though the chances of a breakup/divorce are greatly reduced if she’s a virgin, bringing her to the West would change the playing field from traditional uncucked society to a Western ceasspit of moral degeneracy, if you don’t want to risk her mind being corrupted by this, after the marriage you have to stay in THAT country.

Knowing that’s it’s TRULLY OVER, is liberating after you come to terms with it.

If you want to rope on the spot after reading this thread, don’t. With time it’ll get better and after enough time you’ll come to accept that there’s nothing you can do to get romantic love in the West and the only way to get it is to change your life in ways that most just won’t (moving to a 3rd world shithole and staying there).

You can’t change the way you were born, you can’t change the way your face looks like. The only thing in your control are the decisions you make everyday, moneymaxxing is the only legit cope that’s left to us.

Citations used:

Further recommended readings:

Some good copes:

Pursue mastery in your chosen craft. When you are pursuing a craft you realize that the better you get, the humbler you are. Because you understand there’s always something you can learn and you are inherently humbled by this fascinating craft or career you’re after.” citation

Fleshlight with some POV porn can give you mind-bending orgasms, it’s way better than fapping, and you should definitely try it.

Great read. This place really needs more posts like that.
Interesting and high iq post however I seriously question the five paragraphs of quotes you posted from Dr. Niloo Dardashti who is a foid “adult and couples therapist in New York”. I wouldn’t take what this foid says at face value with no sources of her own. Outside of that, you made some fantastic insights, and made me reconsider escortcelling.
Great thread, my felow oldcel. Cliffs, it's over. Inceldom sucks but being a cucked, robbed, enslaved and betrayed ex-husband after going through the cleaners ans having to pay alimony is even much worse.
Great thread, my felow oldcel. Cliffs, it's over. Inceldom sucks but being a cucked, robbed, enslaved and betrayed ex-husband after going through the cleaners ans having to pay alimony is even much worse.
The studies you provided are excellent nice work man
great that you mentioned that foids wants a shelter and protection

that why despite many incels opinion that betabuxxing is not provided strategy, but their are wrong
also you didn't say why they want so much shelter and resources ( money ), reason for this is that women wants a good and safe space for raising children

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