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Only feminists support paying taxes

Even that isn't necessary. There are too many useless cops who are bored with nothing to do except harass people over minor bs, so they need to be heavily defunded. The military has to be defunded too, so they stop aiding israel and ukraine.
I completely agree. I intentionally worded this as 'national defence' and 'public safety' rather than 'military and police' because there are an awful lot of things about those two institutions which are bad and wasteful.
I very much agree with your sentiments about military aid and police harassment. Police in my area are well known for not arresting the gangs which roam the town mugging people, but they are always breaking people's doors down over a silly post on twitter.
I completely agree. I intentionally worded this as 'national defence' and 'public safety' rather than 'military and police' because there are an awful lot of things about those two institutions which are bad and wasteful.
I very much agree with your sentiments about military aid and police harassment. Police in my area are well known for not arresting the gangs which roam the town mugging people, but they are always breaking people's doors down over a silly post on twitter.
Exactly. Cops and military are nothing but thugs given authority from the state to take away our freedom. If all they did was stop violence and theft, and nothing else, we would only need to pay sales tax to cover their expenses. There are countries with almost no police with lower crime rates than here, so obviously the cops in the US are worse than useless, they actually help gangs and corrupt millionaires.
Enjoy your last days of freedom you filthy Finn bastard. The army of great Russian empire will take their property back soon you fucking kiddie fiddler:feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
(In video game)
This, but I will nab 7 Finnic wives in Minecraft.
Even that isn't necessary. There are too many useless cops who are bored with nothing to do except harass people over minor bs, so they need to be heavily defunded. The military has to be defunded too, so they stop aiding israel and ukraine.
Based. Fuck taxes and the government. I can't say this enough. :lasereyes:
taxes are good I live with government money
Give me three months and I'll read this thread
Can't believe I'm giving my hard earned cash to some fucking disgusting ass roastie
There are fat fucking foids surrounding me at my job, I just got a raise as well seriously FUCK!!
Can't believe I'm giving my hard earned cash to some fucking disgusting ass roastie
Paying taxes is more cucked than escortceling because you don't even get sex after paying it. The money is actually used to make getting pussy harder for us.
Women like free shit, alimony, child support, any sort of gibs for no effort. I get why incels want neetbux but it's because they don't feel like working for a cuck society, if I had something to works towards, like a family I would certainly feel more inclined to work hard. Unfortunately I can't attract any woman and at best I would betabux only to get divorced raped and hated my children.
Funny how people are enraged at how much rich people earn, but most of that time they had to provide some sort of service. But if we could somehow measure the difference of how much men and women get for doing NOTHING, people would realize what real inequality looks like
Women like free shit, alimony, child support, any sort of gibs for no effort. I get why incels want neetbux but it's because they don't feel like working for a cuck society, if I had something to works towards, like a family I would certainly feel more inclined to work hard. Unfortunately I can't attract any woman and at best I would betabux only to get divorced raped and hated my children.
Funny how people are enraged at how much rich people earn, but most of that time they had to provide some sort of service. But if we could somehow measure the difference of how much men and women get for doing NOTHING, people would realize what real inequality looks like
Rostie's solution to them being able to pay as much taxes as men is to "fix the pay gap" and pay them more for doing the same work, then they can pay as much taxes as men. That means they want to be paid 30% more than men for the same work using our tax money, so they can pay it back to the government. They are so stupid they shouldn't be making any political decisions.
Paying taxes is more cucked than escortceling because you don't even get sex after paying it. The money is actually used to make getting pussy harder for us.
Men pay all the taxes and foids get all the benefit. This is what a rostie wrote about stealing tax money from men:

A study from New Zealand shows fairly definitively that we (women), as a group, don’t pay any taxes.

Sure, we file tax documents and have taxes deducted from our paychecks and pay out consumer taxes at the cash register, just like men do, but in the final tally, uh…well, look at this:

View attachment 642627


Let me explain. If you pay out, say, $100 every paycheck to the IRS, but every month, you claim $200 in benefits, you have not paid a single penny in tax. In fact, you have claimed twice what you have paid. You are $100 up, and the rest of the taxpayers are footing your bill.

It’s curious that the data New Zealand doesn’t seem to mind sharing is very difficult to acquire in the US. How much money in taxes do men pay versus women? How much money is claimed every month in benefits by men versus women? What is the net difference? We begin with ….. cue ominous music …. THE WAGE GAP!

The US tax system is progressive, meaning the more money you make, the more tax you pay. If men make more money than women, they must pay more tax by definition. There can be no argument that men pay more in gross tax than women. If you tally up at the end of the year all the pennies men gave to the government and compare that to all the pennies women gave, men paid more on that measure alone.

But that is an incomplete measure. We need to know how much money men are withdrawing from the government coffers, compared to women, but let’s not include salaries, since a salary is in theory a trade-off for vital services performed. Let’s only consider payouts within the social safety net.

What are the main government expenditures that don’t include salary?

View attachment 642628

Of course, women live longer than men and thus draw more social security benefits.

Healthcare? We know that men don’t access healthcare at the same rates as women because masculinity is toxic and men prefer to benefit themselves systematically by directing healthcare dollars to women, and thus we can reasonably presume that women are withdrawing more in healthcare dollars than men.

If we were going to consider salaries paid as a withdrawal from government resources, men would win in the military category of spending, but this would be balanced out by healthcare, social services administration and education, all of which are dominated by women. In terms of withdrawing resources from the military in the form of non-salary benefits, neither women nor men have the advantage. Domestic military benefits are probably restricted to natural disasters and feminists haven’t yet figured out how to make earthquakes kill only men, although I would not be surprised to discover they are trying.

There are considerably more men who have placed themselves in harm’s way in service of the nation, so men likely win the Veteran’s Affairs category hands down, and men are the primary producers of food and drivers of agriculture, so it’s probably safe to assume most of the subsidies and supports in agriculture and food are going to men. But then we have education, and the much vaunted statistic that there are more women than men earning college degrees (In Feminist Dance Therapy, not Particle Physics, but that’s another story), so once again, women are consuming the majority of education dollars.

Men take the majority of government money in the form of agriculture subsidies and veteran’s benefits. In every other major spending category, women are the primary beneficiaries. Women pay less in tax than men pay, while withdrawing significantly more in benefits.

Ergo …

We really don’t pay any tax. We contribute to a system, and then withdraw far more, all of it meaning of course that men – all men – support women – all women – whether they like it or not. When libertarian leaning pundits quip that ‘taxation is theft’, they are missing a piece of the puzzle. Taxation might be theft, but more accurately, it’s theft for our benefit. The government steals money from men and gives it to women.
The foids aren't gonna like this one
Yes, "tight-->right", if you mean this (i spotted an annoying typo in my post later when I could no longer fix it). I mean, not even joking: let us try to consider various positions/programmes and their coherency. Just like a mathematical logician considers assertions.

If the state has to tax very succesful businessmen, sometimes quite heavily (btw, like most incels i'm near-broke myself!) so as to help prevent poor, untalented, lazy, hapless, disabled etc. people from starving, it goes without saying that the state also needs to intervene to ensure at least some sexual welfare to anyone, in a way that center-left countries like Sweden afford economic welfare to anyone. Thusly, if you are a left-wing redistributionist, it is illogical to support economic welfare redistribution and oppose capitalist jungle laws, whilst simultaneously refusing to oppose the jungle laws of the current sexual market! WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!:feelshaha:
Statism is a trait of the female mind. Collectivism and organization is, by it's very nature, feminine. The independent mind is a male's mind. Females crave the safety of the group. A male doesn't need this since he is in no danger of any threat. He is the threat.
A male doesn't need this since he is in no danger of any threat. He is the threat.
That's why being forced to pay for police as a man is cucked, the cops never helped me with anything, even when I was being robbed, but they will always be there to arrest you if a foid accuses you of anything, and give you a ticket if you drive 2 miles over the speed limit.
Statism is a trait of the female mind. Collectivism and organization is, by it's very nature, feminine. The independent mind is a male's mind. Females crave the safety of the group. A male doesn't need this since he is in no danger of any threat. He is the threat.
Yup. Welfare and entitlement programs i.e. socialism is for women. And bums. 99% of the things taxes supposedly or actually pay for either is no direct benefit to me as a taxpayer or it could be privatized and an added bonus would probably be more efficient than any state run program(like the police).
Tax evasion is actually theft evasion.
that's just common sense, or at least it should be, jfl @ normies saying proudly "I PAY MY TAXES" lol good job idiot
that's just common sense, or at least it should be, jfl @ normies saying proudly "I PAY MY TAXES" lol good job idiot
They might as well say, I proudly suck my wife's bull's dick. That's freedom.
that's just common sense, or at least it should be, jfl @ normies saying proudly "I PAY MY TAXES" lol good job idiot
Like when people use not having a job as an insult. People have been brainwashed into thinking that a person has no value if they don't slave away for CEO Stacy Goldberg.
funny thing is I heard North Korea doesn't force anyone to pay their taxes.
If you go to work, you are a betabuxx cuck

It’s pretty sad that we work a majority of our lives only to retire when we’re close to our death graves with nothing to show for it.

All while there is females retiring before 25 selling pics of their feet on the internet.
Paying taxes is literally cuckoldry.
In so many ways too, blood.

it’s over
Men pay all the taxes and foids get all the benefit. This is what a rostie wrote about stealing tax money from men:

A study from New Zealand shows fairly definitively that we (women), as a group, don’t pay any taxes.

Sure, we file tax documents and have taxes deducted from our paychecks and pay out consumer taxes at the cash register, just like men do, but in the final tally, uh…well, look at this:

View attachment 642627


Let me explain. If you pay out, say, $100 every paycheck to the IRS, but every month, you claim $200 in benefits, you have not paid a single penny in tax. In fact, you have claimed twice what you have paid. You are $100 up, and the rest of the taxpayers are footing your bill.

It’s curious that the data New Zealand doesn’t seem to mind sharing is very difficult to acquire in the US. How much money in taxes do men pay versus women? How much money is claimed every month in benefits by men versus women? What is the net difference? We begin with ….. cue ominous music …. THE WAGE GAP!

The US tax system is progressive, meaning the more money you make, the more tax you pay. If men make more money than women, they must pay more tax by definition. There can be no argument that men pay more in gross tax than women. If you tally up at the end of the year all the pennies men gave to the government and compare that to all the pennies women gave, men paid more on that measure alone.

But that is an incomplete measure. We need to know how much money men are withdrawing from the government coffers, compared to women, but let’s not include salaries, since a salary is in theory a trade-off for vital services performed. Let’s only consider payouts within the social safety net.

What are the main government expenditures that don’t include salary?

View attachment 642628

Of course, women live longer than men and thus draw more social security benefits.

Healthcare? We know that men don’t access healthcare at the same rates as women because masculinity is toxic and men prefer to benefit themselves systematically by directing healthcare dollars to women, and thus we can reasonably presume that women are withdrawing more in healthcare dollars than men.

If we were going to consider salaries paid as a withdrawal from government resources, men would win in the military category of spending, but this would be balanced out by healthcare, social services administration and education, all of which are dominated by women. In terms of withdrawing resources from the military in the form of non-salary benefits, neither women nor men have the advantage. Domestic military benefits are probably restricted to natural disasters and feminists haven’t yet figured out how to make earthquakes kill only men, although I would not be surprised to discover they are trying.

There are considerably more men who have placed themselves in harm’s way in service of the nation, so men likely win the Veteran’s Affairs category hands down, and men are the primary producers of food and drivers of agriculture, so it’s probably safe to assume most of the subsidies and supports in agriculture and food are going to men. But then we have education, and the much vaunted statistic that there are more women than men earning college degrees (In Feminist Dance Therapy, not Particle Physics, but that’s another story), so once again, women are consuming the majority of education dollars.

Men take the majority of government money in the form of agriculture subsidies and veteran’s benefits. In every other major spending category, women are the primary beneficiaries. Women pay less in tax than men pay, while withdrawing significantly more in benefits.

Ergo …

We really don’t pay any tax. We contribute to a system, and then withdraw far more, all of it meaning of course that men – all men – support women – all women – whether they like it or not. When libertarian leaning pundits quip that ‘taxation is theft’, they are missing a piece of the puzzle. Taxation might be theft, but more accurately, it’s theft for our benefit. The government steals money from men and gives it to women.

404 Not Found​

No sex no taxes
Don't mind this drugged low IQ 2022 filth, fellow 2018cel.
Kinda funny how you think of this join date thing as a graduating class faggot fraternity kek.
Kinda funny how you think of this join date thing as a graduating class faggot fraternity kek.
I think it's funny that a 40 year old indian man is obsessed with dogs and has nothing better to do in his life than sperging about my year-old posts kek
I think it's funny that a 40 year old indian man is obsessed with dogs.
This part is awesome come on, you wish you could be as happy as I am with this. Sorry man.
and has nothing better to do in his life than sperging about my year-old posts kek
It suggested it as some related posts. I didn't look at the date. Oh wells. Incels fraternity all the same..
This part is awesome come on, you wish you could be as happy as I am with this. Sorry man.

It suggested it as some related posts. I didn't look at the date. Oh wells. Incels fraternity all the same..
I think there's not a single community on earth where long-term members don't receive a certain level of respect because of their long-term commitment to the group.
It's also an indicator of quality when somebody has been around for longer because it shows that he's not just a shitposter who just wants to kill time and then leave, like so many do.
I think there's not a single community on earth where long-term members don't receive a certain level of respect because of their long-term commitment to the group.
It's also an indicator of quality when somebody has been around for longer because it shows that he's not just a shitposter who just wants to kill time and then leave, like so many do.
I agree with the premise in thinking here, yes. But grouping together by year, not so found of. Reminds me dear pledge classes etc. A better way to render judgment on a user for what you described, is to just see 1. how much they post, 2. The quality of posts (ideas expressed, word count etc) 3. Whether they comment using #2 on a wide range of topics. This would eliminate shit posters. And why even have a sewers? Low effort shit posts by autistics is pathetic. The Bunker can be used for trash talk or jokes or low level stuff (once a member stays long enough to prove himself) but the sewers, of going to be used for shitposting, will certainly negate this "certain level of respect" you mentioned.
Paying taxes is literally cuckoldry.
In so many ways too, blood.

it’s over
Yes, taxes are what's required for feminism to function, without it there would be no one to enforce foid affirmative action in the top jobs, single mom programs for chad chasers, and cops who enforce their cucked sex laws that they only apply to low status non chad men.
Men pay all the taxes and foids get all the benefit. This is what a rostie wrote about stealing tax money from men:

A study from New Zealand shows fairly definitively that we (women), as a group, don’t pay any taxes.

Sure, we file tax documents and have taxes deducted from our paychecks and pay out consumer taxes at the cash register, just like men do, but in the final tally, uh…well, look at this:

View attachment 642627


Let me explain. If you pay out, say, $100 every paycheck to the IRS, but every month, you claim $200 in benefits, you have not paid a single penny in tax. In fact, you have claimed twice what you have paid. You are $100 up, and the rest of the taxpayers are footing your bill.

It’s curious that the data New Zealand doesn’t seem to mind sharing is very difficult to acquire in the US. How much money in taxes do men pay versus women? How much money is claimed every month in benefits by men versus women? What is the net difference? We begin with ….. cue ominous music …. THE WAGE GAP!

The US tax system is progressive, meaning the more money you make, the more tax you pay. If men make more money than women, they must pay more tax by definition. There can be no argument that men pay more in gross tax than women. If you tally up at the end of the year all the pennies men gave to the government and compare that to all the pennies women gave, men paid more on that measure alone.

But that is an incomplete measure. We need to know how much money men are withdrawing from the government coffers, compared to women, but let’s not include salaries, since a salary is in theory a trade-off for vital services performed. Let’s only consider payouts within the social safety net.

What are the main government expenditures that don’t include salary?

View attachment 642628

Of course, women live longer than men and thus draw more social security benefits.

Healthcare? We know that men don’t access healthcare at the same rates as women because masculinity is toxic and men prefer to benefit themselves systematically by directing healthcare dollars to women, and thus we can reasonably presume that women are withdrawing more in healthcare dollars than men.

If we were going to consider salaries paid as a withdrawal from government resources, men would win in the military category of spending, but this would be balanced out by healthcare, social services administration and education, all of which are dominated by women. In terms of withdrawing resources from the military in the form of non-salary benefits, neither women nor men have the advantage. Domestic military benefits are probably restricted to natural disasters and feminists haven’t yet figured out how to make earthquakes kill only men, although I would not be surprised to discover they are trying.

There are considerably more men who have placed themselves in harm’s way in service of the nation, so men likely win the Veteran’s Affairs category hands down, and men are the primary producers of food and drivers of agriculture, so it’s probably safe to assume most of the subsidies and supports in agriculture and food are going to men. But then we have education, and the much vaunted statistic that there are more women than men earning college degrees (In Feminist Dance Therapy, not Particle Physics, but that’s another story), so once again, women are consuming the majority of education dollars.

Men take the majority of government money in the form of agriculture subsidies and veteran’s benefits. In every other major spending category, women are the primary beneficiaries. Women pay less in tax than men pay, while withdrawing significantly more in benefits.

Ergo …

We really don’t pay any tax. We contribute to a system, and then withdraw far more, all of it meaning of course that men – all men – support women – all women – whether they like it or not. When libertarian leaning pundits quip that ‘taxation is theft’, they are missing a piece of the puzzle. Taxation might be theft, but more accurately, it’s theft for our benefit. The government steals money from men and gives it to women.

Error 404: Not found.​

Images error

Error 404: Not found.​

Images error
I linked the pictures of the graphs when I posted it, but after I made their article popular the soys took it down, because it proved foids benefit from taxes and men have a negative benefit.
I linked the pictures of the graphs when I posted it, but after I made their article popular the soys took it down, because it proved foids benefit from taxes and men have a negative benefit.
Brutal, WTF will a man do now?
Brutal, WTF will a man do now?
We have to go and look for the graphs. Maybe it can be found on the way back machine or archive.is, if someone uploaded the old site page there.
Men pay all the taxes and foids get all the benefit. This is what a rostie wrote about stealing tax money from men:

A study from New Zealand shows fairly definitively that we (women), as a group, don’t pay any taxes.

Sure, we file tax documents and have taxes deducted from our paychecks and pay out consumer taxes at the cash register, just like men do, but in the final tally, uh…well, look at this:

View attachment 642627


Let me explain. If you pay out, say, $100 every paycheck to the IRS, but every month, you claim $200 in benefits, you have not paid a single penny in tax. In fact, you have claimed twice what you have paid. You are $100 up, and the rest of the taxpayers are footing your bill.

It’s curious that the data New Zealand doesn’t seem to mind sharing is very difficult to acquire in the US. How much money in taxes do men pay versus women? How much money is claimed every month in benefits by men versus women? What is the net difference? We begin with ….. cue ominous music …. THE WAGE GAP!

The US tax system is progressive, meaning the more money you make, the more tax you pay. If men make more money than women, they must pay more tax by definition. There can be no argument that men pay more in gross tax than women. If you tally up at the end of the year all the pennies men gave to the government and compare that to all the pennies women gave, men paid more on that measure alone.

But that is an incomplete measure. We need to know how much money men are withdrawing from the government coffers, compared to women, but let’s not include salaries, since a salary is in theory a trade-off for vital services performed. Let’s only consider payouts within the social safety net.

What are the main government expenditures that don’t include salary?

View attachment 642628

Of course, women live longer than men and thus draw more social security benefits.

Healthcare? We know that men don’t access healthcare at the same rates as women because masculinity is toxic and men prefer to benefit themselves systematically by directing healthcare dollars to women, and thus we can reasonably presume that women are withdrawing more in healthcare dollars than men.

If we were going to consider salaries paid as a withdrawal from government resources, men would win in the military category of spending, but this would be balanced out by healthcare, social services administration and education, all of which are dominated by women. In terms of withdrawing resources from the military in the form of non-salary benefits, neither women nor men have the advantage. Domestic military benefits are probably restricted to natural disasters and feminists haven’t yet figured out how to make earthquakes kill only men, although I would not be surprised to discover they are trying.

There are considerably more men who have placed themselves in harm’s way in service of the nation, so men likely win the Veteran’s Affairs category hands down, and men are the primary producers of food and drivers of agriculture, so it’s probably safe to assume most of the subsidies and supports in agriculture and food are going to men. But then we have education, and the much vaunted statistic that there are more women than men earning college degrees (In Feminist Dance Therapy, not Particle Physics, but that’s another story), so once again, women are consuming the majority of education dollars.

Men take the majority of government money in the form of agriculture subsidies and veteran’s benefits. In every other major spending category, women are the primary beneficiaries. Women pay less in tax than men pay, while withdrawing significantly more in benefits.

Ergo …

We really don’t pay any tax. We contribute to a system, and then withdraw far more, all of it meaning of course that men – all men – support women – all women – whether they like it or not. When libertarian leaning pundits quip that ‘taxation is theft’, they are missing a piece of the puzzle. Taxation might be theft, but more accurately, it’s theft for our benefit. The government steals money from men and gives it to women.
Extremely fucking based post. I would drop out and NEET if I could. Sadly I must pay taxes because I must work to live and that means paying taxes.
If you go to work, you are a betabuxx cuck
Unless you’re in Europe or somewhere with nice social safety nets you’re forced to work.

I’m in a red state and welfare basically doesn’t exist unless you are severely disabled or a single mother/minority. You work or become homeless, there’s not really an in between unless you’ve got family to mooch off of.

I think they set the system up like this on purpose because they know more and more men are giving up.
Extremely fucking based post. I would drop out and NEET if I could. Sadly I must pay taxes because I must work to live and that means paying taxes.
If you work under the table, or only work by getting paid in cash or crypto you don't have to report your earnings, and you can evade them. It's based to evade taxes aka evading theft.
If you work under the table, or only work by getting paid in cash or crypto you don't have to report your earnings, and you can evade them. It's based to evade taxes aka evading theft.
High iq.
Taxes to to that single mother support shit. Cuckery.

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