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News It's almost over for Baby Boomers

Subhuman Niceguy

Subhuman Niceguy

Jun 18, 2021
A Baby Boomer is someone born after the post World War 2 "baby boom", generally they were born between 1946 and 1964.

"Boomers" are hated by younger generations, because:
  • Boomers enjoyed the benefits of the Sexual Revolution - their ugly sons, are now on .IS.
  • Boomers did not need to go to college to be able to afford a home, and they could afford to start a family with only a high school diploma.
  • Boomers allowed Bill Clinton to sell their children's futures away with the signing of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
  • Boomers arguably destroyed the environment more than any other generation (besides the dropping of atomic weapons), boomers polluted the world's oceans with nuclear waste, dropped depleted uranium bombs on people in the Middle East, boomers always put consumerism over the environment.
  • Boomers never looked into the September 11th terrorist attacks - because, the goym know not to bite the hand that signs their paychecks.
  • Boomers waged a 19-year-long war in the Middle East - according to Brown.edu, the "War on Terror" cost United States taxpayers $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths.
  • Boomers have left younger generations with a country that is full of illegal immigrants, the border has been left open so that human parasites can move to the United States, lower wages for the natives, create friction in the communities they invade, use resources that should be going to American citizens, and of course they are encouraged to breed like rabbits - all the while American incels go sexless.
  • Boomers could afford to live in the same city they were born in - their children are being priced out of the cities they were born in by the rise in the cost of living.
  • Boomers allowed the Jewish-media to promote nonsense that boomers never had to deal with growing up: like the legalization of gay marriage, the trend of being trans and cross dressing becoming normalized, foids becoming fat and thinking that it is alright, foids getting tattoos, foids using birth control as a means of contraception - Boomers are disgusting!
The great news is - Baby Boomers are old, weak, and lonely, and by 2030 many of them will have passed away.

Let's start with this article published yesterday on hitc.com:

Record number of baby boomers living alone – study says it harms mental health

By: Yasmine Leung

The number of baby boomers living alone in the US has increased 11 million in the past two decades following shifts in gender and marriage attitudes, according to a National Institutes Of Health report, leading to a higher risk of problems affecting physical and mental health.

Almost 30 per cent of all US households in 2022 are single-person households, a figure that has risen 13 percent since the 1960s, reports the US Census Bureau. Those statistics are boosted by the almost 26 million US residents aged 50 or above who are living alone. In 2000, that figure stood at 15 million. Baby boomers now make up the biggest share of that statistic for the first time. Attitudes towards marriage and family have visibly evolved through generations as baby boomers have placed individual fulfillment ahead of traditional family roles.

With more focus on individuality, divorce has become increasingly accepted in society as many feel being single is better than remaining trapped in an unhappy marriage.

The New York Times reports baby boomers – aged 58 to 76 – have had greater opportunities for financial independence and professional advancement than earlier generations.

College professor Donna Selman tells the newspaper she’s “mostly grateful” to be single due to the emotional and financial autonomy her mother never had.

An unnamed videographer also said he was happy to live alone but was concerned over who would care for him in his later years.

While some have opted to live alone, whether due to divorce or children moving out, some lack the security of government pensions or direct family. Difficulties for single households are also credited to the nation’s rising housing market as many senior people live in large homes with hefty maintenance costs. Only seven percent of newbuilds are smaller homes, despite surging numbers of one-person households. This, in turn, has propelled the price of small units.

The National Institute On Aging claims physical and mental problems such as high blood pressure, depression, and cognitive decline are related to social isolation and loneliness. The institute said those at greater risk of problems were people who found themselves unexpectedly alone after the sudden death of a spouse or loss of mobility.

An active social life was also concluded to help “moderately buffer” loneliness at an older age. The study by Markus Schafer, a sociologist at Baylor University, claimed extra-household connections didn’t fully replace the companionship offered by living with someone. :blackpill:

Lastly, I wanted to share this article that was also published yesterday, this was published on the website, The Straits Times.com:

As Gen X and baby boomers age, they confront living alone​

PHILADELPHIA – Mr Jay Miles has lived his 52 years without marriage or children, which has suited his creative ambitions as a videographer in Connecticut and, he said, his mix of “independence and stubbornness”. But he worries about who will take care of him as he gets older.

Ms Donna Selman, a 55-year-old college professor in Illinois, is mostly grateful to be single, she said, because her mother and aunts never had the financial and emotional autonomy that she enjoys.

Ms Mary Felder, 65, raised her children, now grown, in her row house in Philadelphia. Her home has plenty of space for one person, but upkeep is expensive on the century-old house.

Ms Felder, Mr Miles and Prof Selman are members of one of the country’s fastest-growing demographic groups: people 50 and older who live alone.

In 1960, just 13 per cent of American households had a single occupant. But that figure has risen steadily, and today it is approaching 30 per cent. For households headed by someone 50 or older, that figure is 36 per cent. Nearly 26 million Americans 50 or older now live alone, up from 15 million in 2000. Older people have always been more likely than others to live by themselves, and now that age group – baby boomers and Gen Xers – makes up a bigger share of the population than at any time in US history.

The trend has also been driven by deep changes in attitudes surrounding gender and marriage. People 50-plus today are more likely than earlier generations to be divorced, separated or never married. Women in this category have had opportunities for professional advancement, homeownership and financial independence that were all but out of reach for previous generations of older women. More than 60 per cent of older adults living by themselves are female.

“There is this huge, kind of explosive social and demographic change happening,” said Professor Markus Schafer, a sociologist at Baylor University who studies older populations.

In interviews, many older adults said they feel positively about their lives.

But while many people in their 50s and 60s thrive living solo, research is unequivocal that people ageing alone experience worse physical and mental health outcomes and shorter life spans.

And even with an active social and family life, people in this group are generally more lonely than those who live with others, according to Prof Schafer’s research.

In many ways, the nation’s housing stock has grown out of sync with these shifting demographics. Many solo adults live in homes with at least three bedrooms, census data shows, but find that downsizing is not easy because of a shortage of smaller homes in their towns and neighborhoods.

Compounding the challenge of living solo, a growing share of older adults – about 1 in 6 Americans 55 and older – do not have children, raising questions about how elder care will be managed in the coming decades.

“What will happen to this cohort?” Prof Schafer asked. “Can they continue to find other supports that compensate for living alone?”

For many solo adults, the pandemic highlighted the challenges of ageing.

Prof Selman, 55, lived in Terre Haute, Indiana, when Covid-19 hit. Divorced for 17 years, she said she used the enforced isolation to establish new routines to stave off loneliness and depression. She quit drinking and began regularly calling a group of female friends. In 2022, she got a new job and moved to Normal, Illinois, in part because she wanted to live in a state that better reflected her progressive politics. She has met new friends at a farmers’ market, she said, and is happier than she was before the pandemic, even though she occasionally wishes she had a romantic partner to take motorcycle rides with her or just to help carry laundry up and down the stairs of her three-bedroom home. She regularly drives 12 hours round trip to care for her parents near Detroit, an obligation that has persuaded her to put away her retirement fantasy of living near the beach, and move someday closer to her daughter and grandson, who live in Louisville, Kentucky.

“I don’t want my daughter to stress out about me,” she said.

Watching their own parents age seems to have had a profound effect on many members of Gen X, born between 1965 and 1980, who say they doubt that they can lean on the same support that their parents did: long marriages, pensions, homes that sometimes skyrocketed in value.

When his mother died two years ago, Mr Miles, the videographer, took comfort in moving some of her furniture into his house in New Haven, Connecticut.

“It was a coming home psychologically,” he said, allowing him to feel rooted after decades of cross-country moves and peripatetic career explorations, shifting from the music business to high school teaching to producing films for nonprofits and companies.

“I still feel pretty indestructible, foolishly or not,” he said.

Still, caring for his divorced mother made him think about his own future. She had a government pension, security he lacks. Nor does he have children.

“I can’t call my kid,” he added, “the way I used to go to my mom’s house to change light bulbs.”

His options for maintaining independence are “all terrible”, he said. “I’m totally freaked out by it.”

Living solo in homes with three or more bedrooms sounds like a luxury but, experts said, it is a trend driven less by personal choice than by the nation’s limited housing supply. Because of zoning and construction limitations in many cities and towns, there is a nationwide shortage of homes below 1,400 sq ft, which has driven up the cost of the smaller units, according to research from Freddie Mac. Forty years ago, units of less than 1,400 sq ft made up about 40 per cent of all new home construction; today, just 7 per cent of new builds are smaller homes, despite the fact that the number of single-person households has surged. This has made it more difficult for older Americans to downsize, as a large, ageing house can often command less than what a single adult needs to establish a new, smaller home and pay for their living and health care expenses in retirement. :blackpill:

Boomers were born within an 18 year gap, so it will take an 18 year gap until they all pass away. So, no matter what my mom will be gone by 2050... I'm ready. :feelscomfy:
They may be disappearing, but the effects of what they wrought on society will continue to reverbate in this deteriorating society; loss of jobs and globalization leading to the state of moral degeneracy and hypergamy in the modern world, ruining the overall economy and continuing to strain it through simply staying alive, and the retarded ideology of everyone somehow having an equal chance and anything else purely being your fault, especially in the case of the average extremely discriminated against subhuman... :society:

They perhaps at least continue to minimally push against degeneracy and the subsequent hypergamy of the modern foid, as well as those mentally ill crossdressers and such, but the damage has already been done; they, of course, will not be around to see it, leading the modern subhuman with no fault of their own to reap the devastating discriminatory consequences. :feelsUgh:
The old hippies are in their late 60s and early 70s
A Baby Boomer is someone born after the post World War 2 "baby boom", generally they were born between 1946 and 1964.

"Boomers" are hated by younger generations, because:
  • Boomers enjoyed the benefits of the Sexual Revolution - their ugly sons, are now on .IS.
  • Boomers did not need to go to college to be able to afford a home, and they could afford to start a family with only a high school diploma.
  • Boomers allowed Bill Clinton to sell their children's futures away with the signing of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
  • Boomers arguably destroyed the environment more than any other generation (besides the dropping of atomic weapons), boomers polluted the world's oceans with nuclear waste, dropped depleted uranium bombs on people in the Middle East, boomers always put consumerism over the environment.
  • Boomers never looked into the September 11th terrorist attacks - because, the goym know not to bite the hand that signs their paychecks.
  • Boomers waged a 19-year-long war in the Middle East - according to Brown.edu, the "War on Terror" cost United States taxpayers $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths.
  • Boomers have left younger generations with a country that is full of illegal immigrants, the border has been left open so that human parasites can move to the United States, lower wages for the natives, create friction in the communities they invade, use resources that should be going to American citizens, and of course they are encouraged to breed like rabbits - all the while American incels go sexless.
  • Boomers could afford to live in the same city they were born in - their children are being priced out of the cities they were born in by the rise in the cost of living.
  • Boomers allowed the Jewish-media to promote nonsense that boomers never had to deal with growing up: like the legalization of gay marriage, the trend of being trans and cross dressing becoming normalized, foids becoming fat and thinking that it is alright, foids getting tattoos, foids using birth control as a means of contraception - Boomers are disgusting!
The great news is - Baby Boomers are old, weak, and lonely, and by 2030 many of them will have passed away.

Let's start with this article published yesterday on hitc.com:

Record number of baby boomers living alone – study says it harms mental health

By: Yasmine Leung

The number of baby boomers living alone in the US has increased 11 million in the past two decades following shifts in gender and marriage attitudes, according to a National Institutes Of Health report, leading to a higher risk of problems affecting physical and mental health.

Almost 30 per cent of all US households in 2022 are single-person households, a figure that has risen 13 percent since the 1960s, reports the US Census Bureau. Those statistics are boosted by the almost 26 million US residents aged 50 or above who are living alone. In 2000, that figure stood at 15 million. Baby boomers now make up the biggest share of that statistic for the first time. Attitudes towards marriage and family have visibly evolved through generations as baby boomers have placed individual fulfillment ahead of traditional family roles.

With more focus on individuality, divorce has become increasingly accepted in society as many feel being single is better than remaining trapped in an unhappy marriage.

The New York Times reports baby boomers – aged 58 to 76 – have had greater opportunities for financial independence and professional advancement than earlier generations.

College professor Donna Selman tells the newspaper she’s “mostly grateful” to be single due to the emotional and financial autonomy her mother never had.

An unnamed videographer also said he was happy to live alone but was concerned over who would care for him in his later years.

While some have opted to live alone, whether due to divorce or children moving out, some lack the security of government pensions or direct family. Difficulties for single households are also credited to the nation’s rising housing market as many senior people live in large homes with hefty maintenance costs. Only seven percent of newbuilds are smaller homes, despite surging numbers of one-person households. This, in turn, has propelled the price of small units.

The National Institute On Aging claims physical and mental problems such as high blood pressure, depression, and cognitive decline are related to social isolation and loneliness. The institute said those at greater risk of problems were people who found themselves unexpectedly alone after the sudden death of a spouse or loss of mobility.

An active social life was also concluded to help “moderately buffer” loneliness at an older age. The study by Markus Schafer, a sociologist at Baylor University, claimed extra-household connections didn’t fully replace the companionship offered by living with someone. :blackpill:

Lastly, I wanted to share this article that was also published yesterday, this was published on the website, The Straits Times.com:

As Gen X and baby boomers age, they confront living alone​

PHILADELPHIA – Mr Jay Miles has lived his 52 years without marriage or children, which has suited his creative ambitions as a videographer in Connecticut and, he said, his mix of “independence and stubbornness”. But he worries about who will take care of him as he gets older.

Ms Donna Selman, a 55-year-old college professor in Illinois, is mostly grateful to be single, she said, because her mother and aunts never had the financial and emotional autonomy that she enjoys.

Ms Mary Felder, 65, raised her children, now grown, in her row house in Philadelphia. Her home has plenty of space for one person, but upkeep is expensive on the century-old house.

Ms Felder, Mr Miles and Prof Selman are members of one of the country’s fastest-growing demographic groups: people 50 and older who live alone.

In 1960, just 13 per cent of American households had a single occupant. But that figure has risen steadily, and today it is approaching 30 per cent. For households headed by someone 50 or older, that figure is 36 per cent. Nearly 26 million Americans 50 or older now live alone, up from 15 million in 2000. Older people have always been more likely than others to live by themselves, and now that age group – baby boomers and Gen Xers – makes up a bigger share of the population than at any time in US history.

The trend has also been driven by deep changes in attitudes surrounding gender and marriage. People 50-plus today are more likely than earlier generations to be divorced, separated or never married. Women in this category have had opportunities for professional advancement, homeownership and financial independence that were all but out of reach for previous generations of older women. More than 60 per cent of older adults living by themselves are female.

“There is this huge, kind of explosive social and demographic change happening,” said Professor Markus Schafer, a sociologist at Baylor University who studies older populations.

In interviews, many older adults said they feel positively about their lives.

But while many people in their 50s and 60s thrive living solo, research is unequivocal that people ageing alone experience worse physical and mental health outcomes and shorter life spans.

And even with an active social and family life, people in this group are generally more lonely than those who live with others, according to Prof Schafer’s research.

In many ways, the nation’s housing stock has grown out of sync with these shifting demographics. Many solo adults live in homes with at least three bedrooms, census data shows, but find that downsizing is not easy because of a shortage of smaller homes in their towns and neighborhoods.

Compounding the challenge of living solo, a growing share of older adults – about 1 in 6 Americans 55 and older – do not have children, raising questions about how elder care will be managed in the coming decades.

“What will happen to this cohort?” Prof Schafer asked. “Can they continue to find other supports that compensate for living alone?”

For many solo adults, the pandemic highlighted the challenges of ageing.

Prof Selman, 55, lived in Terre Haute, Indiana, when Covid-19 hit. Divorced for 17 years, she said she used the enforced isolation to establish new routines to stave off loneliness and depression. She quit drinking and began regularly calling a group of female friends. In 2022, she got a new job and moved to Normal, Illinois, in part because she wanted to live in a state that better reflected her progressive politics. She has met new friends at a farmers’ market, she said, and is happier than she was before the pandemic, even though she occasionally wishes she had a romantic partner to take motorcycle rides with her or just to help carry laundry up and down the stairs of her three-bedroom home. She regularly drives 12 hours round trip to care for her parents near Detroit, an obligation that has persuaded her to put away her retirement fantasy of living near the beach, and move someday closer to her daughter and grandson, who live in Louisville, Kentucky.

“I don’t want my daughter to stress out about me,” she said.

Watching their own parents age seems to have had a profound effect on many members of Gen X, born between 1965 and 1980, who say they doubt that they can lean on the same support that their parents did: long marriages, pensions, homes that sometimes skyrocketed in value.

When his mother died two years ago, Mr Miles, the videographer, took comfort in moving some of her furniture into his house in New Haven, Connecticut.

“It was a coming home psychologically,” he said, allowing him to feel rooted after decades of cross-country moves and peripatetic career explorations, shifting from the music business to high school teaching to producing films for nonprofits and companies.

“I still feel pretty indestructible, foolishly or not,” he said.

Still, caring for his divorced mother made him think about his own future. She had a government pension, security he lacks. Nor does he have children.

“I can’t call my kid,” he added, “the way I used to go to my mom’s house to change light bulbs.”

His options for maintaining independence are “all terrible”, he said. “I’m totally freaked out by it.”

Living solo in homes with three or more bedrooms sounds like a luxury but, experts said, it is a trend driven less by personal choice than by the nation’s limited housing supply. Because of zoning and construction limitations in many cities and towns, there is a nationwide shortage of homes below 1,400 sq ft, which has driven up the cost of the smaller units, according to research from Freddie Mac. Forty years ago, units of less than 1,400 sq ft made up about 40 per cent of all new home construction; today, just 7 per cent of new builds are smaller homes, despite the fact that the number of single-person households has surged. This has made it more difficult for older Americans to downsize, as a large, ageing house can often command less than what a single adult needs to establish a new, smaller home and pay for their living and health care expenses in retirement. :blackpill:

Dnr great wall of text, mang
It's lifefuel to see boomers suffer, but it's a kind of bittersweet vengeance at this point. God, these fuckers got to experience decades of the greatest prosperity and hedonistic degeneracy the world has ever known, at the expense of the future descendents they themselves breeded. So many of them fucking and drugging and doing stupid delinquent shit to entertain themselves for decades.

But now that they have to live like an incel for the last few years of their pathetic lives, it's a media event and national concern. :feelsseriously: I spit on them and the entirety of this society

They may be disappearing, but the effects of what they wrought on society will continue to reverbate in this deteriorating society; loss of jobs and globalization leading to the state of moral degeneracy and hypergamy in the modern world, ruining the overall economy and continuing to strain it through simply staying alive, and the retarded ideology of everyone somehow having an equal chance and anything else purely being your fault, especially in the case of the average extremely discriminated against subhuman... :society:

They perhaps at least continue to minimally push against degeneracy and the subsequent hypergamy of the modern foid, as well as those mentally ill crossdressers and such, but the damage has already been done; they, of course, will not be around to see it, leading the modern subhuman with no fault of their own to reap the devastating discriminatory consequences. :feelsUgh:
High IQ
Glad they are suffering. Those niggers ruined this world and its future. There is nothing left
Fucking generation of locusts can't die fast enough. :feelsjuice:
Boomers took everything and left nothing for future generations.
See you tomorrow
Fuck baby boomers & Gen x
I mostly hate more Negrittors and zoomies tbh
I mostly hate more Negrittors and zoomies tbh
I'm zoomie :(

Anyway, while most boomers suck some can be pretty based. I'll be sad to see my grandpa go. Really sucks I couldn't have kids to give them the experience I had of great grandparents.
Reminder that boomers were either uncircumcised or the first men in their family tree to be circumcised (usually). Having more money and opportunities than their children wasn’t enough. They needed to have more penis too.
The agepill is the ultimate pill. Media loves to Write stories about lonely old people. Its not really a problem in any way. Old people are ugly, they dont do anything and they cant procreate. Who would choose to hang out with a geriatric old man that cant even deadlifg130 lbs, other than possibly his children? Nobody has anything to gain from seeing him. Its kinda baffling to that I've never heard anyone say this out loud. The agepill gets every single one
The agepill is the ultimate pill. Media loves to Write stories about lonely old people. Its not really a problem in any way. Old people are ugly, they dont do anything and they cant procreate. Who would choose to hang out with a geriatric old man that cant even deadlifg130 lbs, other than possibly his children? Nobody has anything to gain from seeing him. Its kinda baffling to that I've never heard anyone say this out loud. The agepill gets every single one
Historically, old people were seen as respected elders because they managed to live so long in a time when living another day was a real struggle. They had experienced wars and major events of a community and tribe so they would tell stories to the younger generations.

Sometimes I think it would be cool being old, but at the same time it would be miserable if I never got to experience sex and all the other things I could've experienced in my youth now that my libido would be almost dead and no one really wants to sleep with an old guy.

Either way, I have doubts if I get to live for that long. My grandmother and possibly my parents would be dead, I'd be much less physically capable (makes me want to stop LDARing and staying fat too, I'm just wasting my youth).
Historically, old people were seen as respected elders because they managed to live so long in a time when living another day was a real struggle. They had experienced wars and major events of a community and tribe so they would tell stories to the younger generations.

Sometimes I think it would be cool being old, but at the same time it would be miserable if I never got to experience sex and all the other things I could've experienced in my youth now that my libido would be almost dead and no one really wants to sleep with an old guy.
Cool being old? Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Being old is the same as you currently, just weaker and uglier and less capable
Cool being old? Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Being old is the same as you currently, just weaker and uglier and less capable
I mean it kinda depends. If you got to do cool shit in your youth so you can have some stories to tell, talk about how the past used to be different and all the technology that would be in the future then yeah.
I mean it kinda depends. If you got to do cool shit in your youth so you can have some stories to tell, talk about how the past used to be different and all the technology that would be in the future then yeah.
Nah, you live in some kind of romantic fantasy. Peoples stories are terribly dull. Especially when they happened 30+ years ago. My dad has told me the same stories tens of times
boomers were the scum reveling as hippies while mlk and other civil rights movements were undermining america and burning it down. they could get a gf and a family and a house after just a few years of wageslaving on a modest income. i hate these cunts so much. if you drive past a golf course it's 90% boomers enjoying their old age while their grandchildren are slaving away competing with shitskin immigrants for poverty shekels. i always see them smiling as well which makes me want to take a metal bat to their osteoporosis-addled leg bones and laugh at the vermin as they are writhing in pain. that would make them stop smiling
May all boomers rot in hell :feelsdevil:
Historically, old people were seen as respected elders because they managed to live so long in a time when living another day was a real struggle. They had experienced wars and major events of a community and tribe so they would tell stories to the younger generations.
Boomers want to become the wise, respected elders like their ancestors, but the reality is they’re a bunch of blissfully retarded suckers who fell for every dumb trick in the book. They’re just as stupid and arrogant now as they were in their 20s.

My grandfather kept pestering my father to circumcise me on the 8th day when I was in the womb, even though my grandfather is uncut and raised by Irish Catholics. I don’t give a shit about the old fart. I’m only nice to him because he gives me gas money. Hopefully he keels over soon.
My grandfather kept pestering my father to circumcise me on the 8th day when I was in the womb, even though my grandfather is uncut and raised by Irish Catholics.
Imagine being Jewed.

Eat grass and drink water.

View: https://youtu.be/Mleq2sCf7Ds

They vill eat ze bugs and be happy

Reall high iq post, I hate my boomer and gen x parents too. Although I think Gen Xrs is signifigantly better than Boomers.
Fuck boomers hope they all die a slow death
fuck them for ruining the economy. pieces of old shits. they are the reason that i have to wage slave and work 12+ hours six days a week to keep afloat.
Baby boomers are the ones that fucked everything up. They were the first generation where literally fucking everyone was a liberal cocksucking woke faggot-loving hippie. The world we live in is the baby boomer "utopia" that they created. Fucking complete idiots. All of them.

My parents are boomers. They are so goddamned fucking dumb they vote Liberal/Trudeau every time no matter what, and believe everything, literally everything CBC says. My mom watches The View, and Wheel of Fortune, and soap operas all day long. But not just that, she never skips a commercial, ever, even though she has a DVR and has all the shows recorded. Like seriously, why would someone watch commercials for 30% of their waking hours ever day?
I hope they get reincarnated as future trucels.
Fuck boomers hope they all die ASAP
Baby boomers are the ones that fucked everything up. They were the first generation where literally fucking everyone was a liberal cocksucking woke faggot-loving hippie.


R 9OIP 31
I just tried to have a conversation with my boomer mom - useless, as I expected. There is no hope for boomers, especially American boomers.
I just tried to have a conversation with my boomer mom - useless, as I expected. There is no hope for boomers, especially American boomers.
I hate my mom so much, I just jokingly thought to myself, “This boomer is not worth the ¢.90 that a bullet cost”.
They had it good for too long
where the boomer remover at
Things are really going backwards. Imagine this: the current president of America isn't even a boomer, but he's from a generation before that, silent generation. How are these old fucks still in power? They literally belong in retirement homes. Whatever is juicing and powering them up needs to be stopped asap. Pretty much all politicians in the western world have to bow to these old rancid fucks who only want more and more pensions and don't give a fuck about future or younger generations. These fucking entitled boomers who lived all their lives in a upward economic curve which they surfed and now they complain how younger people are "spoiled" and "entitled" even though they themselves bought their million dollar properties for 80k dollars. Its ridiculous. These old fucks ruined everything
Boomers took everything and left nothing for future generations.
Boomers hate me for being short. I just wanted to grow up in a happy home and I never got that
Boomers hate me for being short. I just wanted to grow up in a happy home and I never got that
I never got that either. Home was completely dysfunctional.
I never got that either. Home was completely dysfunctional.
Everyone depressed also took their shit out on me and Everytime I cry and say I'm sick of it and just want nice people to talk to me I continued to get floord.
Boomers hate me for being short. I just wanted to grow up in a happy home and I never got that
I never got that either. Home was completely dysfunctional.
Everyone depressed also took their shit out on me and Everytime I cry and say I'm sick of it and just want nice people to talk to me I continued to get floord.
Sad existence. I would explain mine but don’t want to spend all day here writing paragraphs.
I never got that either. Home was completely dysfunctional.

Sad existence. I would explain mine but don’t want to spend all day here writing paragraphs.
That's fair you can dm me. Beats sitting on a screen looking through threads of threads

May Allah prolong their suffering

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