Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill If you think your "want for validation" is biological rather than socialized, you aren't blackpilled.

1. Validation isn't real

The males of nearly every species employ the use of force (rape) in order to pass on their genes, because what the female thinks of them (validation) is irrelevant to them, their primary goal is to reproduce (desire for sex is biological). In fact, in the animal world, the whole concept of validation is non-existant. Validation is a social construct, it is a figment of imagination and only exists in the minds of humans.

2. Men of the past didn't care about validation

If validation is inherent to human nature, then men of the past should also have chased after validation, seeing as though nature is a constant throughout the time-space continuum. But this is not the case, as evidenced by the prevalence of arranged marriages, which took place in order to establish a union/alliance between 2 clans/houses. Marriage was an institution which was established with the purpose of cementing a relationship between 2 families by merging their bloodlines, enabling unquestionable loyalty of the families to each other. The men of the past were aware of this fact, thus they didnt care what the women whom they were marrying thought of them, they cared more about forming powerful unions/alliances which would elevate their respective families/houses to a position of strength.

The only reason men of the present chase after illusory concepts such as "love" and "female validation" is because they have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to do so via feminist propaganda masquerading in the form of the education system and media. Feminism is a movement with the objective of establishing female superiority, disguised as a movement for equality. The ultimate goal of feminists is to make men subservient to women, what better way to do this then by influencing men to value female validation, implicitly influencing men to value females themselves, creating a generation of men who are essentially pussy beggars and female worshippers.

The difference between the men of the past (who didnt care about validation at all) and the men of the present (who seek female validation) is socialization.


3. Valuing Female validation whilst devaluing females themselves is contradictory.

@BlkPillPres pretty much sums it up perfectly:

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.

I tried to explain this shit to some retards in the Incel Discord server, namely @Lester and even a mod @knajjd who said that desire for validation is biological, but without even listening to my arguments they verbally attacked me, calling me stupid and low IQ (lol, the irony) and kicked me from the server.

We've reached a point where this forum has become inundated by users who think they're blackpilled (when they really aren't), and to top it all off they have turnip level IQ.

This isnt even a surprise at this point considering the fact that AT LEAST ONE OF THE MODS aren't blackpilled. I felt initially frustrated that there are people who are so low IQ that they dont have the IQ to comprehend the fact that they're low IQ :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, but later i just felt sorry for them, life must be really tough when you are THAT mentally challenged :feelskek::feelskek:
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Claiming ownership of a positive trait isn't by default a brag, because by that logic, nobody can ever say anything positive about themselves if its true
Correct. You can't state anything positive about yourself without it being bragging. That's what bragging is.

If a modest man says - "I'm a very modest person", he's stating something he knows to be true due to his own actions and the testament of others, by your logic, JUST BY HIM MERELY CLAIMING THE TRAIT HE KNOWS HE HAS, HE IS NO LONGER MODEST
Correct, true modesty isn't even claiming you are most. Instead you should be talking about how immodest you are compared to more modest people, as modesty is entirely a relative trait.

That is a very ridiculous, illogical and disingenuous framework to argue under, because one now cannot claim any trait even if its true or not, you can't assert anything I guess by that logic
You CAN assert it, but it would be bragging and not modest to do so.

There are DEGREES of these things though. You're still relatively modest if you brag but downplay your attributes, while you're more immodest if you exaggerate your virtues.

"I'm a nice person"

You're moving the goalposts. There isn't anything "not nice" about being confident and bragging about yourself as long as you don't think you're making anyone uncomfortable in doing so.

You literally can't say anything good about yourself if we apply your logic universally

Incorrect, it only applies to modesty.

You can say "I donate food to homeless orphans".

Although this is immodest bragging, saying it does not at all neutralize the good thing you have said about yourself: because you are describing BEHAVIOR rather than intentions.

You can even say "I give food to orphans because I care about them".

You might ALSO do it because you want to brag about it later, but you could still care about them in addition to that.

It's only a lie if you say some bullshit like "I donate food because I am selfless". But that would apply even if you didn't brag about it, because giving to people because it feels good or you feel guilty is still selfishly motivated to feel better.
So we should turn into prehistoric oonga boongas and start bashing whores over the head and raping them?
Very high iq post tbh i didn't read everything tho maybe later
Not every incel devalues females, i'd say its one big cope. If females had no value, why would we persue them?

A cows milk has value, a cows meat has value, the cow in of itself, as in the cow which is just an animal that exists (Cow #9999999"), doesn't have any value, sorry, it doesn't

Men valuing women's holes for pleasure and their reproductive capabilities is not the same thing as men valuing women

Ask yourself this, does chad devalue females? No. Why not you may ask? Because he doesn't get the short end of the stick

Exactly, I don't get your point here, you treat others that treat you well, that makes perfect sense, also I think you are assuming Chad doesn't devalue females, I think its more like he pretends not to, we on the other hand have no reason to pretend, Chad pretends so he can keep peacefully enjoying his life, we don't get any enjoyment so there's no point in us pretending

If females gave you sex, compansionship, a soft feminine energy and balance to your life, would you still devalue them?
No you pretend to not value them as a defense mechanism. "Oh i didnt get rejected by women, i rejected them first!" Its the same cope MGTOW uses.

Its funny how you can't conceive of the reverse, that if females gave us sex and companionship we'd instead just pretend to value them (which basically every other man is doing), when I speak to normie males about women when women are present and when were alone, its drastically different, I think its the opposite and you haven't interacted with normie men enough to realize that



Men are just as shallow as women

Based on my experience, no, a lot of men are romantics, men care more about "love", "honor", etc than women, a guy will stick with a woman who he doesn't think is really attractive but is "good enough" based on "romantic feelings" and a "sense of honor", you are rarely seeing that shit with any woman
not sure what is your point OP? men and women clearly need both sex and validation, so you could say it is biological need. if you close them without other people for few years they will go crazy or at least a bit nutz in the head due to lack of validation.
not sure what is your point OP? men and women clearly need both sex and validation, so you could say it is biological need. if you close them without other people for few years they will go crazy or at least a bit nutz in the head due to lack of validation.

Dude I'm not sure what your point is

1. No human concept is a "need", that's like saying "morality" is a need, we've yet to decide with absolute certainity which acts are completely immoral, throughout our history we keep going back and forth and creating new rules, things that were once immoral and now moral, and some things have switched multiple times throughout history (moral>immoral>moral)

No human concept is a "need"

2. Again its like guys like you are forgetting history, we have centuries worth of time periods of when men treated women as absolute property, raped, pillageds, married for political reasons, paid for brides, fathers sold daughters, etc

So were all these men of the past "starved of validation" and just feeling like going crazy because of it? JFL
I never made that claim, I was talking not from the point of humans, but the point of an overall species and how it reacts to it's environment. We are programmed to pass on our genes no matter what, for the survival of the species, and sexual and environmental selection weed out the undesirable traits.
my point is that the process of evolution isn't moved forward by what individuals do for the sake of the species, it is moved forward by what they do for their own genes sake, evolution is a natural consequence of interpersonal competition between all genetic units. we feel the need to reproduce and have sex not to benefit the genes of our species as a whole, its to exclusively propagate the ones that we posses, evolution is not the goal, it is the outcome.
I was talking not from the point of humans, but the point of an overall species and how it reacts to it's environment
not sure what you mean by this

humanity is the species were talking about here, unless you are talking about humans on an individual level in contrast to humanity in its entirety(species wide) if so refer to my post above.
You guys need to listen to your higher IQ better, blkpillpresident.


Nothing wrong with that. It's true that men over the last 30-50 years have been socialised, maybe over-socialised to care excessively about female validation and the laws are reflecting this. We never used to cared to let women vote or work. We never used to cared about what women say or think. There was no such thing as "marital rape" until the 1990's. It's only in the last 100 years men are convincing women for sex, asking for consent and avoid upsetting them etc. Before they were de facto property of men or their fathers. Men have clearly been socialised in recent times to get validation from women. Now obviously men today like validation from women and this is today a precursor for sex and relationships, but this was NOT the case over 100 years ago or further back.
1. Yes, and we are humans. Only humans have morality too, does that make it any less valuable or real? Inb4 "morality is stupid" or some nonsense like that

Do you ever think before you make arguments? Morality is also a social construct, a figment of imagination and a concept which only exists in the minds of humans. Morality changes from era to era, from place to place, you need to realise that MORALITY IS SUBJECTIVE. It doesn't even exist in a sense because it's not a constant variable, it is always changing and adapting from society to society, from civilization to civilization.

2. I would argue the reason men are worshippers and pussy beggars is because most men are sex starved. We have not lived in a culture/society where the SMV of an average male have virtually ever been this low. It creates a supply and demand problem, combine that with out high sex drive and you have this mess..

If most men are "sex-starved", then shouldnt men pursue sex (rather than validation) in order to quench their sexual starvation?

It makes no sense to pursue validation in order to alleviate suffering in relation to sexual starvation.

3. Not every incel devalues females, i'd say its one big cope. If females had no value, why would we persue them?

Different men pursue women for different reasons.

Men who are blackpilled have abandoned their ego, consequently pursuing women not for their validation, but for their sexual and reproductive resources.

Only egoists (bluepillers) like yourself, care about validation and what a female actually thinks of them.

Ask yourself this, does chad devalue females? No. Why not you may ask? Because he doesn't get the short end of the stick.

People are inherently selfish, and they value/devalue things based on their objective benefit/cost to THEMSELVES.

Chad has no reason to devalue females, seeing as though he benefits from them. We have reason to devalue females because we dont obtain any benefit from them.

You cant expect chads and incels to treat women the same seeing as though women dont provide the same benefit/cost to chads and incels.

No you pretend to not value them as a defense mechanism. "Oh i didnt get rejected by women, i rejected them first!" Its the same cope MGTOW uses.

Listen you fucking low IQ retard, I value the sexual and reproductive resources which women possess, i dont value their validation.

This forum should really have an IQ-test to filter out stupid low-IQ fags like yourself, then you and 80% of the forum who is also low-IQ wouldn't even be on the forum, and we'd actually have intellectual discussions among the few high IQ members, instead of explaining basic concepts to plebs like you who think they're blackpilled when they're really not.

Men are just as shallow as women, only they have higher standards.

Once again, If you think this, you aren't blackpilled. The main premise of the blackpill (backed up by evolutionary biology/psychology) is that women are more shallow than men.
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Men who are blackpilled have abandoned their ego, consequently pursuing women not for their validation, but for their sexual and reproductive resources.
I bet chads don't even care about validation as long as they're getting sex. It would be a nice bonus for them to have but it's not their main priority. People like obama, michael moore, and brazilian cuclma might get a lot of validation from foids, but a chad "fuck boy" gets a thousand times more unpaid sex than them. I'd rather be the slayer chad that all the foids think is an asshole than a highly validated foid panderer.
1. Do you ever think before you make arguments? Morality is also a social construct, a figment of imagination and a concept which only exists in the minds of humans. Morality changes from era to era, from place to place, you need to realise that MORALITY IS SUBJECTIVE. It doesn't even exist in a sense because it's not a constant variable, it is always changing and adapting from society to society, from civilization to civilization.

2.Listen you fucking low IQ retard, I value the sexual and reproductive resources which women possess, i dont value their validation.

This forum should really have an IQ-test to filter out stupid low-IQ fags like yourself, then you and 80% of the forum who is also low-IQ wouldn't even be on the forum, and we'd actually have intellectual discussions among the few high IQ members, instead of explaining basic concepts to plebs like you who think they're blackpilled when they're really not.

3. Once again, If you think this, you aren't blackpilled. The main premise of the blackpill (backed up by evolutionary biology/psychology) is that women are more shallow than men.
1. I never said morality wasn't a social construct. But that doesnt make it any less valid or valuable. You cant even comprehend my argument yet you attack it. If everything that is a social construct is bad, maybe we should drop morality and i should come over and kill you and fuck your mother(hypothetical not a threat jfl)

2. I kinda agree with your argument in some ways and it was thought provoking to be honest. But resorting to call people low IQ retards because they dont immediately swallow your wordview just makes you look like a 4chan troll. This is what happens when you only debate in forums and lack experience.

3."The main premise of the blackpill (backed up by evolutionary biology/psychology) is that women are more shallow than men."
You don't get to decide what is the main premise of the blackpill, especially when you are wrong about it and take it out of your own ass.
I've never heard any blackpill channel or science talk about how women are more shallow than men. Maybe you lack the intellegence to see the difference between shallowness and STANDARDS.

Womens standards are outrageously high and ever increasing with hypergamy. That doesn't make them more shallow, just way more hypergamous.
Men care about looks just as much as women, the blackpill is that women have higher standards and alot of men won't make the cut.
A cows milk has value, a cows meat has value, the cow in of itself, as in the cow which is just an animal that exists (Cow #9999999"), doesn't have any value, sorry, it doesn't

Men valuing women's holes for pleasure and their reproductive capabilities is not the same thing as men valuing women
Does the same rule apply to you? Is there no intrinsic value to anything or any human? Do you have no value if you don't pay taxes?
Does a LDAR incel have the same value as a female with your logic? Should we start dehumanizing LDARcels?

If i don't have acces to a cow to milk, does that cow have no value?
Do women have no value because im not attractive enough to get said value?
Exactly, I don't get your point here, you treat others that treat you well, that makes perfect sense, also I think you are assuming Chad doesn't devalue females, I think its more like he pretends not to, we on the other hand have no reason to pretend, Chad pretends so he can keep peacefully enjoying his life, we don't get any enjoyment so there's no point in us pretending
Okay but you have to admit this is just an empty assumption on your part. But ask yourself, why would Chad not value a female?
She will bring sex, compansionship, a sense of female energy. Ying to the yang. Even if its only for Chad.
Humans have an intrinsic need for the opposite sex, which goes further than just sex. Why do you think so many here crave cuddles and affection, and not just sex?
Based on my experience, no, a lot of men are romantics, men care more about "love", "honor", etc than women, a guy will stick with a woman who he doesn't think is really attractive but is "good enough" based on "romantic feelings" and a "sense of honor", you are rarely seeing that shit with any woman
You need to watch more Chadfishing experiments. Women are equally as romantic and care about "love" "honor" etc when its with Chad. She will go above and beyond for Chad. She will write him book long texts about their "love" and how pure it is.
The reason you rarely see women being romantic and stuff is because they are Chadsexual. And very few men are Chad
Women's Chadsexuality is the fundamental pillar of blackpill.
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3."The main premise of the blackpill (backed up by evolutionary biology/psychology) is that women are more shallow than men."
You don't get to decide what is the main premise of the blackpill, especially when you are wrong about it and take it out of your own ass.
I've never heard any blackpill channel or science talk about how women are more shallow than men. Maybe you lack the intellegence to see the difference between shallowness and STANDARDS.

Womens standards are outrageously high and ever increasing with hypergamy. That doesn't make them more shallow, just way more hypergamous.
Men care about looks just as much as women, the blackpill is that women have higher standards and alot of men won't make the cut.

Dude you make no sense, there is no difference between a person's standards (applied to physical appearance/looks) and shallowness, because the application of standards to superficial characteristics (physical appearance, looks) IS THE DEFINITION OF SHALLOWNESS.

Women having higher standards for physical attractiveness (in relation to mate selection) than men, whilst at the same time being less shallow than men, makes no sense given the definition of shallowness.

So if women have higher looks threshold for men than that which men hold towards their female counterparts (according to the blackpill), then women are more shallow than men ACCORDING TO THE BLACKPILL
Dude you make no sense, there is no difference between a person's standards (applied to physical appearance/looks) and shallowness, because the application of standards to superficial characteristics (physical appearance, looks) IS THE DEFINITION OF SHALLOWNESS.

Women having higher standards for physical attractiveness (in relation to mate selection) than men, whilst at the same time being less shallow than men, makes no sense given the definition of shallowness.

So if women have higher looks threshold for men than that which men hold towards their female counterparts (according to the blackpill), then women are more shallow than men ACCORDING TO THE BLACKPILL
No, its you messing up the definitions again, even tho its just semantics.
Shallowness = how much you are attracted to superficial things like looks for example.
Standard = what lookslevel pleases you

Men are easily physically attracted to women while women are not easily physically attracted to men. This doesn't mean men don't care about looks just as much, it just means we have a lower threshold of what we genuinely find attractive due to our difference in biology.
Seeking validation could have possibly offered evolutionary advantages making the seeking for it an evolutionary successful and persiatent trait. There might be an overlap between mate and male group validation though.

Incels are far to hesitant to build systems with male validation. Maybe they would actually be content with prostitutes then.
High IQ post. Men are discarded if they don't look like Chad. Females can makeupMaxx and if any normal life event happens to them, they are coddled with "oh my God you poor angel! I'll give you whatever you want hun! Keep slaying!". Men are pretty much told "that sucks man.oh well" or "lol you should just go die. Life isn't working for you."

This is why you see homeless people go crazy. No one talks to them or validates their existence so they go crazy and snap. Unwanted attention is better than no attention.
Idgaf. I want a good life in general.
Men are easily physically attracted to women while women are not easily physically attracted to men. This doesn't mean men don't care about looks just as much, it just means we have a lower threshold of what we genuinely find attractive due to our difference in biology.
That's incorrect, because before feminism non-chads were able to find relationships and fuck foids just fine. Rosties of today are as shallow as a baking pan. They would rather be with an abusive tyrone and neglect their looksmatches because they're selfish and fucked in the heads.
That's incorrect, because before feminism non-chads were able to find relationships and fuck foids just fine. Rosties of today are as shallow as a baking pan. They would rather be with an abusive tyrone and neglect their looksmatches because they're selfish and fucked in the heads.
That doesn't go against anything i've ever said...
I agree that It's real.I just don't crave it that much and if do,it's not from those who won't give it to me.
This thread should be moved to “Must-Read Content”. @SergeantIncel
Its high iq post,But we arent in caveman times dude,deal with it,the validation Is the only way now to gwt sex AND only Chad gets it,it's over :feelsrope:
Nowadays the prey Is not the prey,AND the hunters are not the hunters. It's like if zebras got bodyguards,laws protecting em from lions,AND the 90% lions were castrated and the rest were able to hunt zebras . That's my analogy to your post AND reality.
High iq analogy
Dude not sure you quite make sense.

1) sex is easy to get, anyone can just pay a hooker

2) LTR is really easy to get, anyone unless you're the elephant Man can get one

3) hooking up with a girl/cold approach / nightclub pick up / make out is hard to get because you have to demonstrate relative value, in a real time market, and then have that value validated.
4) you're point about how when we were oogga-booga cavemen doesn't really count, because we aren't a bunch of starving marvins anymore. Yes I agree in China and India you can get guys who are PSL 2 dating girls who are PSL 7, but that's cos the guys are rich and the girls are poor. Those guys have been SOCIALLY programmed from birth to avoid validation and cope.

5) you can't say validation in itself is not a biological concept. I agree validation from women might be a new concept, and you are right about the reasons, but if you make this soy cucked stupid society you can't really go back. It's the same way I would argue the need to compete and dominate is biological, but then go to any rice country and you will see clearly it's not, the guys don't give a shit. Point is what's biologically entrenched changes over generations, and social change accelerates it
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High iq analogy
Dude not sure you quite make sense.

1) sex is easy to get, anyone can just pay a hooker

2) LTR is really easy to get, anyone unless you're the elephant Man can get one

3) hooking up with a girl/cold approach / nightclub pick up / make out is hard to get because you have to demonstrate relative value, in a real time market, and then have that value validated.

How does a man have their value validated?


is just the pre-requisite to what we really want, SEX. So stop chasing the pre-requisite to the goal, chase the ACTUAL GOAL.

4) you're point about how when we were oogga-booga cavemen doesn't really count, because we aren't a bunch of starving marvins anymore. Yes I agree in China and India you can get guys who are PSL 2 dating girls who are PSL 7, but that's cos the guys are rich and the girls are poor. Those guys have been SOCIALLY programmed from birth to avoid validation and cope.

In the same way some men have been SOCIALLY PROGRAMMED TO AVOID VALIDATION, the only reason other men CHASE VALIDATION is due to SOCIAL CONDITIONING (seeking validation is NOT A BIOLOGICAL IMPERATIVE).

5) you can't say validation in itself is not a biological concept. I agree validation from women might be a new concept, and you are right about the reasons, but if you make this soy cucked stupid society you can't really go back. It's the same way I would argue the need to compete and dominate is biological, but then go to any rice country and you will see clearly it's not, the guys don't give a shit. Point is what's biologically entrenched changes over generations, and social change accelerates it

A biological concept is something related to a person's BODY. Validation is something which only exists in the MIND,

Validation can't provide any PHYSICAL fulfillment, it only provides MENTAL fulfillment (if you are an EGOIST), learn the definition of the word "biological" before making BS arguments.
Low IQ

The validation you get from being wanted by women dramatically carries over to success in many other areas of life in general.

If you attract women, other men (who can open doors for you for you to successmax) will want to be around you, and involve you in the elite aspects of society, that is the endgame.

Essentially the validation you get from women makes society in general want you to succeed and will go out of their way to make you succeed.

Meeks is the perfect example of this, but there are many Meeks out there you don’t know about.

I’m sorry op but I just BTFO your thread with facts, logic and evidence
high IQ

@Gymcelled had a picture on this
You underestimate the power of male mother need.
high IQ

@Gymcelled had a picture on this
This one?

Starve someone for food for days, and when that person start getting desperate for food, you say "But people in the past didn't care about food."

Sure, this is an extreme analogy because you will not die because you lack validation. But the argument that something does not matter because people in the past didn't care about it completely misses the point: they didn't care because they already had enough social links, affection and a sense of worth.

I think this bitch from Psychology Today explains it best:

Internally, the source of love and value is self-esteem. And externally, this love and value tends to take one of two forms — either the long-term reinforcement of the self that comes from good friends, family, or a committed relationship, or the short-term benefits of narcissistic behaviors in which we seek attention, admiration or adoration. One is a cure, the other is a Band-Aid.

In other words, our desire for validation comes from our narcissistic behavior which is a consequence of an incel life.
JFL at even bothering to make this statement, as if anybody actually gives a shit what you think :feelskek:
True.but The same can be said to all of you psuedo intellectuals. Least I know my place. After all you're the one comparing us to animals. As if you made a ground breaking discovery and not just repeat the same stuff others said for a millionth time.

Like onecel before me said. We're not cavemen anymore.deal with it.
Low IQ

The validation you get from being wanted by women dramatically carries over to success in many other areas of life in general.

If you attract women, other men (who can open doors for you for you to successmax) will want to be around you, and involve you in the elite aspects of society, that is the endgame.

Essentially the validation you get from women makes society in general want you to succeed and will go out of their way to make you succeed.

Meeks is the perfect example of this, but there are many Meeks out there you don’t know about.

I’m sorry op but I just BTFO your thread with facts, logic and evidence
True.but The same can be said to all of you psuedo intellectuals. Least I know my place. After all you're the one comparing us to animals. As if you made a ground breaking discovery and not just repeat the same stuff others said for a millionth time.

Like onecel before me said. We're not cavemen anymore.deal with it.

JFL "comparing us to animals". We ARE animals retard. We aren't some godly entity JFL, humans are a species of animals.

You idiots literally cant see past the illusion of society/civilization that we've created for ourselves, no matter how much scientific and technological progress we make, we are still biological organisms who eat, drink, sleep, shit, have sex/procreate (well not for us incels), just like any other animal we are mortal and will die one day etc.

We might be a more advanced animal species, but we are still ANIMALS who are bound by our NATURE.

Do you retards not realise the irony in saying that WOMEN are basically ANIMALS whose sexual preferences are in accordance to FEMALE NATURE, that women are GENETICALLY HARDWIRED and BIOLOGICALLY PROGRAMMED towards mating with genetically elite men, yet on the other hand make the argument that "humans are different to animals?"

Do you not see the obvious contradiction?

You low IQ morons are the reason the blackpill will never spread, you couldn't think logically to save your life. I'm done. Believe whatever you want, jfl at writing "didnt read" as if you're a significant enough user for that to even matter lmao. You're blocked.
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As the guy in my avi (Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger) said "Only when we admit what we are, can we get what want"
unbelievable what happened to him in the series, he was the most blackpilled character for sure
JFL "comparing us to animals". We ARE animals retard. We aren't some godly entity JFL, humans are a species of animals.

You idiots literally cant see past the illusion of society/civilization that we've created for ourselves, no matter how much scientific and technological progress we make, we are still biological organisms who eat, drink, sleep, shit, have sex/procreate (well not for us incels), just like any other animal we are mortal and will die one day etc.

We might be a more advanced animal species, but we are still ANIMALS who are bound by our NATURE.

Do you retards not realise the irony in saying that WOMEN are basically ANIMALS whose sexual preferences are in accordance to FEMALE NATURE, that women are GENETICALLY HARDWIRED and BIOLOGICALLY PROGRAMMED towards mating with genetically elite men, yet on the other hand make the argument that "humans are different to animals?"

Do you not see the obvious contradiction?

You low IQ morons are the reason the blackpill will never spread, you couldn't think logically to save your life. I'm done. Believe whatever you want, jfl at writing "didnt read" as if you're a significant enough user for that to even matter lmao. You're blocked.
We have similar traits with most other animals. doesn't mean WE ARE EXACTLY LIKE THEM. We are homosapiens not ants or lions. That is what I mean. It literary goes without saying .

"Bro we both eat and shit. we're like super alike" We are far more complex than your average baboon living in a jungle.
society/civilization that we've created for ourselves, no matter how much scientific and technological progress we make, we are still biological organisms who eat, drink, sleep, shit, have sex/procreate (well not for us incels), just like any other animal we are mortal and will die one day etc.
WE ARE SOCIAL BEINGS. Through society most men were able to create means (money for instance) by which they created complex systems to overcome the harsh reality of life until we started viewing females as equals. Name a fuckin animal who took a piece of paper .painted it green then used it to convince the female members of its species to have sex with. Our intellect is what separate us from other animals That only act on instincts. We are not comparable just because we both share the same label. An incel and chad are both humans but in many ways.and sometimes in every way.they are not comparable.

"We" are the ONLY species that is literally using scientific research to find a way to live forever. YOU WILL DIE SOON. same as me. You don't get to say what the future holds. You're not a fuckin soothsayer.

as if you're a significant enough user
No boys. This is why the blackpill wouldn't matter even if you spread it. it's like a right winger who thinks his shitposts on 4chan are equal to left wing protesters rioting on the street and forcing the government to meet their demands. You actually think a site of "virgins'" has "significant" people that actually matter. LOL . The most "important" users are trying to figure out how to wealthmaxx cuz they're poor. Others are straight up homeless or were homeless. And some are rich yet too autistic to figure out what to do with their money. You're not out there spreading the gospel .You're here circle jerking with people who already know this shit.

Do you retards not realise the irony in saying that WOMEN are basically ANIMALS whose sexual preferences are in accordance to FEMALE NATURE, that women are GENETICALLY HARDWIRED and BIOLOGICALLY PROGRAMMED towards mating with genetically elite men, yet on the other hand make the argument that "humans are different to animals
Ever wondered why they were viewed as objects by men and had their freedom restricted ? Almost like we can bend nature to our own will. Sadly it's a problem of reseourcess that lead us to destroying ourselves.

You can keep your egotistical ranting to yourself. You're not saying anything new. Incel "King"
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I think that, as with almost everything about humans, this need for validation is both biological and environmental. Sure, such things as romance and love don't really exist on a biological level, but people wouldn't be so attracted to such ideas if we weren't hardwired to seek social circles and acceptance.

Further, I think you would want a female to accept you rather than just forcing yourself onto her since it validates your genetic value as a mate on a subconscious level. This isn't to say that it's crucial to reproducing or anything like that, but that it is one of the many feedback-response loops that exist within human social circles.
but people wouldn't be so attracted to such ideas if we weren't hardwired to seek social circles and acceptance

Wrong, the human mind is an anomoly which makes it prone to anomalous behaviour, think of something like "fear of the dark" or "fear of clowns", do you know any other animal that has these weird psychological conditions?

No, its just humans, because humans can be made to believe anything because our minds are so much more vast that there's a lot of room for manipulation and indoctrination

If you take a "blank template" human, raise them in the wild, with no religious influence, no influence from society, etc

They would never care about validation, if they saw other humans they'd just be glad to see "another one of them" JUST LIKE ANY OTHER ANIMAL because it feels safer, it has nothing to do with socialization being "hardwired", just like "fear of the dark" or "fear of spiders" aren't hardwired either, those are concepts that are socialized and we accept them SO STRONGLY as humans that they become our reality


Its ridiculous to argue that is biological and not socialized, I don't think you realize how much being raised in a culture/environment influences humans

People are only affected be these concepts (FEAR OF X) because they are raised in a culture that teaches them to be and allows them to be

You couldn't afford to be afraid of spiders in the hunter gatherer days, you didn't have that luxury or excuse, nor did you have all these movies showing you "sacry giant spiders", humans are very prone to indoctrination and manipulation through media


Further, I think you would want a female to accept you rather than just forcing yourself onto her since it validates your genetic value as a mate on a subconscious level

You don't realize the irony of what you are saying, your ancestors didn't give a shit about this, it was a norm for men to CLAIM wives from other tribes, it was a norm to MARRY DAUGHTERS OFF to the sons of other men to create familial ties, even to even feuds and wars, mutual consensual attraction IS A RATHER NEW CONCEPT IN HUMAN HISTORY


You are just refusing to let go of your indoctrination, if you were raised in a raider tribe how many hundreds of years ago YOU WOULD NOT CARE ABOUT FEMALE VALIDATION
1. Validation isn't real

The males of nearly every species employ the use of force (rape) in order to pass on their genes, because what the female thinks of them (validation) is irrelevant to them, their primary goal is to reproduce (desire for sex is biological). In fact, in the animal world, the whole concept of validation is non-existant. Validation is a social construct, it is a figment of imagination and only exists in the minds of humans.

2. Men of the past didn't care about validation

If validation is inherent to human nature, then men of the past should also have chased after validation, seeing as though nature is a constant throughout the time-space continuum. But this is not the case, as evidenced by the prevalence of arranged marriages, which took place in order to establish a union/alliance between 2 clans/houses. Marriage was an institution which was established with the purpose of cementing a relationship between 2 families by merging their bloodlines, enabling unquestionable loyalty of the families to each other. The men of the past were aware of this fact, thus they didnt care what the women whom they were marrying thought of them, they cared more about forming powerful unions/alliances which would elevate their respective families/houses to a position of strength.

The only reason men of the present chase after illusory concepts such as "love" and "female validation" is because they have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to do so via feminist propaganda masquerading in the form of the education system and media. Feminism is a movement with the objective of establishing female superiority, disguised as a movement for equality. The ultimate goal of feminists is to make men subservient to women, what better way to do this then by influencing men to value female validation, implicitly influencing men to value females themselves, creating a generation of men who are essentially pussy beggars and female worshippers.

The difference between the men of the past (who didnt care about validation at all) and the men of the present (who seek female validation) is socialization.


3. Valuing Female validation whilst devaluing females themselves is contradictory.

@BlkPillPres pretty much sums it up perfectly:

I tried to explain this shit to some retards in the Incel Discord server, namely @Lester and even a mod @knajjd who said that desire for validation is biological, but without even listening to my arguments they verbally attacked me, calling me stupid and low IQ (lol, the irony) and kicked me from the server.

We've reached a point where this forum has become inundated by users who think they're blackpilled (when they really aren't), and to top it all off they have turnip level IQ.

This isnt even a surprise at this point considering the fact that AT LEAST ONE OF THE MODS aren't blackpilled. I felt initially frustrated that there are people who are so low IQ that they dont have the IQ to comprehend the fact that they're low IQ :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, but later i just felt sorry for them, life must be really tough when you are THAT mentally challenged :feelskek::feelskek:
In ancient times, you couldn't get to the woman without getting through her father, brothers, and rest of her family. That's why women had to go with male relatives outside, they pretty much have a personal bodyguard. You had to still appease her family to be able to get with a woman, and in most societies the woman has to agree to the marriage.
Wrong, the human mind is an anomoly which makes it prone to anomalous behaviour, think of something like "fear of the dark" or "fear of clowns", do you know any other animal that has these weird psychological conditions?

No, its just humans, because humans can be made to believe anything because our minds are so much more vast that there's a lot of room for manipulation and indoctrination

If you take a "blank template" human, raise them in the wild, with no religious influence, no influence from society, etc

They would never care about validation, if they saw other humans they'd just be glad to see "another one of them" JUST LIKE ANY OTHER ANIMAL because it feels safer, it has nothing to do with socialization being "hardwired", just like "fear of the dark" or "fear of spiders" aren't hardwired either, those are concepts that are socialized and we accept them SO STRONGLY as humans that they become our reality


Its ridiculous to argue that is biological and not socialized, I don't think you realize how much being raised in a culture/environment influences humans

People are only affected be these concepts (FEAR OF X) because they are raised in a culture that teaches them to be and allows them to be

You couldn't afford to be afraid of spiders in the hunter gatherer days, you didn't have that luxury or excuse, nor did you have all these movies showing you "sacry giant spiders", humans are very prone to indoctrination and manipulation through media


You don't realize the irony of what you are saying, your ancestors didn't give a shit about this, it was a norm for men to CLAIM wives from other tribes, it was a norm to MARRY DAUGHTERS OFF to the sons of other men to create familial ties, even to even feuds and wars, mutual consensual attraction IS A RATHER NEW CONCEPT IN HUMAN HISTORY


You are just refusing to let go of your indoctrination, if you were raised in a raider tribe how many hundreds of years ago YOU WOULD NOT CARE ABOUT FEMALE VALIDATION

You're choosing the worst examples to try to prove your point. Humans from any culture, anywhere in the world have been shown to have fear of things like the dark and insects. This has been studied. It's innate.

Hollywood couldn't condition people to enjoy repeatedly hitting themselves in the head with a bat, could they? unless they're already predisposed to that type of masochism, that seems like a long shot. Why can they condition people to chase fairy tale romantic relationships, then? because they're appealing to something innate. Masochism would also be innate, just less common.

Also, just because in the past the need to procreate or form family connections was more important than any need for validation doesn't mean it didn't 't exist. It's a false dichotomy.
Also, just because in the past the need to procreate or form family connections was more important than any need for validation doesn't mean it didn't 't exist. It's a false dichotomy.

His thread shows a complete lack of any socio-historic insight. Lol @the mods for picking this ahistoric cope.

There are antique texts, plays, dramas, stories dealing with courtship and romantic jealously from times when women were "property" of men. So even in those times your "property" (a wife or concubine) cucking you with another man was a uniqely gendered emotional phenomenon, different from that of your slaves escaping to Canada for example.

To paraphrase Hegel; the master-slave relationship depends on their mutual recognition, the master could only become a master if he was recognized as a master by someone. For this to happen the to be slave had to be left alive, and accept authority over him. If the slave would rather die than live on his knees the master's role was undermined. A similar dynamic applies to the husband-wife relationship -- the husband needed to be recognized by the woman, as her man, her owner or whatever the fuck he wanted to be recognized as. If he does it by courtship or forced marraige doesn't matter -- he needs her to recognize him, validate his being as hubby or owner. If she's a rabid feminist that would rather drink cyanide that accept marriage with him, he's still nothing but a cuck.
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His thread shows a complete lack of any socio-historic insight. Lol @the mods for picking this ahistoric cope.

There are antique texts, plays, dramas, stories dealing with courtship and romantic jealously from times when women were "property" of men. So even in those times your "property" (a wife or concubine) cucking you with another man was a uniqely gendered emotional phenomenon, different from that of your slaves escaping to Canada for example.

To paraphrase Hegel; the master-slave relationship depends on their mutual recognition, the master could only become a master if he was recognized as a master by someone. For this to happen the to be slave had to be left alive, and accept authority over him. If the slave would rather die than live on his knees the master's role was undermined. A similar dynamic applies to the husband-wife relationship -- the husband needed to be recognized by the woman, as her man, her owner or whatever the fuck he wanted to be recognized as. If he does it by courtship or forced marraige doesn't matter -- he needs her to recognize him, validate his being as hubby or owner. If she's a rabid feminist that would rather drink cyanide that accept marriage with him, he's still nothing but a cuck.
IQ mogs me tbh
Its real after u watch bladerunner 2049 :cryfeels:
His thread shows a complete lack of any socio-historic insight. Lol @the mods for picking this ahistoric cope.

There are antique texts, plays, dramas, stories dealing with courtship and romantic jealously from times when women were "property" of men. So even in those times your "property" (a wife or concubine) cucking you with another man was a uniqely gendered emotional phenomenon, different from that of your slaves escaping to Canada for example.

To paraphrase Hegel; the master-slave relationship depends on their mutual recognition, the master could only become a master if he was recognized as a master by someone. For this to happen the to be slave had to be left alive, and accept authority over him. If the slave would rather die than live on his knees the master's role was undermined. A similar dynamic applies to the husband-wife relationship -- the husband needed to be recognized by the woman, as her man, her owner or whatever the fuck he wanted to be recognized as. If he does it by courtship or forced marraige doesn't matter -- he needs her to recognize him, validate his being as hubby or owner. If she's a rabid feminist that would rather drink cyanide that accept marriage with him, he's still nothing but a cuck.

That's a really good point. Cucking is so devastating for men because we're wired to avoid it at all cost, since we obviously want to pass on our genes and raising another man's child completely destroys that.

I think this thread is the prime example of what happens when you try to think something so autistically that you either end up ignoring everything that doesn't fit to your "logical" conclusions or you're simply ignorant of other factors and therefore don't even include them. Either way, it's a very limited view of human nature.

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