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Blackpill High school never ends, exists throughout life: bullies/popularity/peer pressure/gossip/rumors/cliques exist throughout life (it doesn't get better)



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
Youngcels in particular should read this: all of the things you were told ends after high school, exists throughout life, from preschool to later adulthood. Bullying, peer pressure, rumors, gossip, popular people, cliques, drama, etc. all of that shit exists throughout life. it never ends after high school. it exists in college, the workplace, everywhere. the only time it doesn't exist is infancy.

Now if you tell me you never saw these things happen after high school, you probably did. You just don't remember it because you've been taught all your life that it doesn't exist so, as a result, if you witness it after high school, you won't remember it or recognize it for it what it is or at least won't recognize it as often as it actually happens (you won't recognize the bullying you witness as bullying or won't recognize the gossip you witness as gossip). When you are told something over and over by society, you develop a subconscious confirmation bias. If you notice anything that debunks or refutes what you've been taught, you won't remember it but will easily recall anything you witness that reinforces what you've been taught by society. A good example of this is that a fair amount of workplace bullying victims don't even recognize what happened as bullying, perhaps because they are taught by society that bullying doesn't exist after high school anymore. Thus, they don't recognize the workplace bully as a true bully.

And saying "I've never seen or experienced these things after college" is an anecdotal fallacy. Anecdotes aren't real evidence. Let's rely on empirical and statistical evidence. Keep that in mind.


Studies have shown that bullying happens more frequently in elementary school and middle school than in high school contrary to this myth that it happens most in high school. It becomes less common in high school, and is less common in 12th grade compared to grades 9 to 11. Physical bullying also has been shown to decline by middle/high school, and becomes rare by that point, whereas relational bullying increases. It seems the overall prevalence of bullying decreases and decreases up until 12th grade, and then plateaus after high school. Workplace bullying, for example, is just as common, and affects many people. And if you think workplace bullying isn't as bad, you're wrong. Studies have shown links between workplace bullying and increased risk of cardio diseases, anxiety disorders (like PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder or panic attacks), depression, and suicidality. The worst thing about workplace bullying is that many times it can be your boss (and occasionally your co-workers).

And guess what? Bullying exists in college, too. I bet many college bullying victims don't recognize what happened to them as bullying because they're taught that bullying doesn't exist in college, so they don't recognize it for what it is when they get bullied in college. For example, some studies show that 21 to 25% of college students are bullied, some studies showing 15% are bullied, and even one study of 9,100 incoming freshmen at 8 college and universities in Midwestern United States, it found that 43% were bullied in college and 33% at work. When including people who were bullied only once, it found that 70% of college freshmen and 59% of them were bullied at least once at college or work, respectively. Also, some studies show that 1 to 11%, 19% or even as many as 22% of college students are cyberbullied.

Up to 60% of college students have witnessed another student get bullied. So why don't we hear about college bullying? because many victims of college bullies don't tell people about it because they feel they need to be independent and handle their own problems, so they don't get help, which means it is harder for them to get help in college than in high school. And many times the bully is a roommate or dorm-mate. Switching roommates and dormmates isn't good advice nor is walking away. Many college bullying victims can't get help for aforementioned reasons, and many people think college bullying doesn't exist so they won't believe them. so telling them to walk away or to switch roommates or move dorms or apartments is easier said than done. Also, many times bullying in college could happen between roommates or in other situations behind closed doors or when nobody else is around, so people are less likely to witness it. Many college students, however, have witnessed it, but if many more high school students have witnessed it, this is the reason. In fact, some college students may have seen it but don't remember it because since they're taught all the time that it ends in college, they develop a subconscious confirmation bias where they don't recall witnessing college bullying because it goes against their confirmation bias, which was developed subconsciously due to being taught over and over that it ends after high school.

And guess what? Some college cyberbullying victims were cyberbullied in high school, too (35-50%). So if you're getting cyberbullied in HS, it might happen in college. and don't forget how common workplace cyberbullying is. As many as 100,000 college students drop out a year due to college bullies. And although many bullying victims stop being bullied after HS, studies show that they sometimes after bullied after HS:
Developmental research suggests there is continuity between bully or victim status across childhood, adolescence, and into college (Chapell et al., 2006; Isaacs, Hodges, & Salmivalli, 2008). Among those who identify as bullies or victims of bullying during college, many have had similar experiences during primary and secondary school. Longitudinal studies of children and adolescents indicate that there is a moderate to strong relationship between being peer-nominated as a bully or a victim across different time points. One such study found that a child’s status as a bully or victim at age eight was positively correlated with their status at age 16 as well as in college (Sourander, Helstela, Helenius, & Piha, 2000). Additional studies have found support for the continuity of bullying experiences for both victims and perpetrators of bullying (Bauman & Newman, 2013; Chapell et al., 2006; Isaacs et al., 2008). These studies provide evidence of a relatively high level of continuity between in the experience of bullying across grade school through high school, and into college.
If you're being bullied in high school, you have a higher possibility of being bullied in college. And HS bullies might still bully in college, as shown in the quote above. In fact, research shows that 70% of people bullied in elementary school or high school are also bullied in college.

And studies have also shown that school bullying victims also are more likely to be bullied in the workplace.


Think the popular crowd doesn't exist after high school? Think again. They do exist after high school. Throughout life. They exist in college (Greek life duh) and they exist in the workplace. They exist on dating apps, where some people get more matches than others. Attractive people are popular in life. They receive so many benefits in life because they are attractive and ugly people receive disadvantages. Tall men are more popular and treated favorably than short men. White people are treated more favorably and receive more benefits in life than black people, who endure racism. These people are more popular because they are treated favorably.

In college, we do have popularity. I mean what the fuck resembles the popular people in high school? They're good looking, they have lots of friends, they party a lot and are extraverts. In college, Greek lifers resemble all those traits. All of it. They are literal clones of the jocks/cheerleaders in HS. Like jocks, frat boys are hypermasculine chick magnet chads who are good looking and get lots of women and throw ragers all day. And like cheerleaders, sorority girls are blond, attractive, skinny, party all day, take instagram pics and put it on social media for thousands of likes from horny men, etc. They all make friends easily by merely joining greek life, and they all party regularly and binge drink a lot and many frats/sororities won't allow you in if you can't attract the opposite gender enough or aren't pretty enough or handsome enough or are too shy. High school jocks jjust wanna win their football game. Frat boys want to throw the most popular parties and have formals with the hottest sororities, and they only allow in girls (they only allow exceptional guys) but not guys to prevent intrasexual competition. And I know you say that nobody will know who the greek lifers are or their names or will care who they are. well yeah, people DO care who they are, why else do people try to get into frat parties all the time? the only reason people stop going by junior year is because they now can throw their own off-campus house parties/apartment parties or go to bars by turning 21 so they don't need to rely on frats to party. but as a freshman/sophomore they all want to get into frat parties. And even if you don't know who they are or their names, you'll know they exist at the college, and you might even meet a few at the least when at college. hell, in some universities you might meet them regularly if you're at a southern or private uni which is infested with greek lifers. They party all the fucking time. and many college students experience FOMO because they worry they don't have as many friends as other college students, or don't have as much sex or hookups as other peers, or worry they don't party enough, and this bothers many college students. Many college students will say they don't care about their popularity if you were to ask, but actions speak louder than words. Just ask it differently, ask if they feel they don't have as many friends as others and want more, or if they have FOMO or wish they could experience more parties and other social events, and they'll say yes. that's how people might feel in HS too but even more so in college because there's more pressure to have sex, hook up, party or drink in college. Many college students envy those they think have a better college experience and greek lifers have the ultimate college experience. they might pay attention to other people in college they don't know, but they'll know those party people or greek lifers exist and envy their physical attractiveness and social success of large friend groups, attractive romantic partners, parties, and extroverted lives.

In a study, researchers examined the prevalence of popularity in college. The sample consists of 408 (297 women, 104 men) undergraduate students at a small liberal arts college. Participants took a short online Qualtrics survey and rated 61 potential descriptors of a popular person on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (a lot). These potential descriptors tapped into three dimensions 1) behavioral attributes ("is well liked", "is a leader", "is disliked") 2) risk taking behaviors ("drinks alcohol", "has multiple sexual partners", "does drugs") and 3) social media presence ("uses snapchat", "has lots of followers"). Participants were also asked to indicate the degree which they believed popularity exists in college on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (a lot). Most of the participants (86.3%) rated that popularity is a relevant part of the peer landscape in college. Three separate univariate factor analysis were conducted. Then, composite scores were made and used in the following analyses. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant gender and race effects (p < .05). Perceptions of the attributes associated with popularity varied as a function of gender and race. Women more than men believed that affluence, admiration, and social media presence were connected with popularity. Caucasians more than non-Caucasians believed that admiration, and sexual-, and drug-risk behaviors were connected with popularity. The results give a better understanding of the peer social landscape among young adults in college and how popularity appears different from previous stages in development.

Even research shows and confirms popularity's existence in college and emerging adulthood (18-25 year olds).

In a research paper about popularity in college, it revealed:

"Drug risk. Social and counterculture crowd affiliations positively predicted drug-related risk-taking behaviors, whereas scholastic and athletic crowd affiliations negatively predicted drug-related risk-taking behaviors.
Academic risk. Counterculture crowd affiliation positively predicted academic-related risk-taking behaviors, whereas scholastic crowd affiliation negatively predicted academic-related risk-taking behaviors.
Alcohol risk. Social and counterculture crowd affiliations positively predicted alcohol-related risk-taking behaviors, whereas scholastic crowd affiliation negatively predicted alcohol-related risk-taking behaviors.
Sex risk. Social and counterculture crowd affiliations positively predicted sex-related risk-taking behaviors
Social–emotional adjustment. Counterculture crowd affiliation positively predicted loneliness, whereas social, athletic, and scholastic crowd affiliations negatively predicted loneliness. Social and scholastic crowd affiliations positively predicted college belongingness, whereas counterculture affiliation negatively predicted college belongingness."
In a research paper by authors Tessa A M Lansu and Antonius H N Cillessen, they wrote:

"There is no good reason to assume that social interaction and social hierarchy lose their valence in emerging adulthood. It is believed that throughout adult life, social relationships remain influential, affecting self-esteem, health, and leading to 'social pain,' that shares common physiological mechanisms with physical pain, when one is socially excluded. Evidence that social status is particularly salient in emerging adult- hood comes from findings of LaFontana and Cillessen (2010), who find both late adolescents (Grades 9-12) and emerging adults (Grades 13-16) to prioritize enhancing popularity over other social goals including romantic relation- ships. The fact that emerging adults are more likely to prioritize status enhancement over romantic relationships and rule adherence than adolescents indicates that peer status plays a large role in the social decision making of emerging adults."

"Together, these findings suggest that peer status in a school setting in emerging adulthood is quite similar to peer status in adolescence. Research with younger age groups has shown consistently that preference is associated with prosocial traits and behaviors only, whereas popularity is associated with a mixture of prosocial and antisocial traits and behaviors. Exactly the same happened in the current emerging adult sample: Preference was related to being prosocial and included but not aggressive. Popularity was related to being prosocial and included and aggressive. The consistency of these results in an 18- to 25-year-old sample with results found across the 10- to 18-year age range is remarkable and points to a universality of the structure of the peer group across a wide age range. These findings also lead to the conclusion that power is still a salient part of group dynamics in emerging adulthood."

And the workplace also has popular people too:

Research has shown that the popularity we experience as a teen in high school is not different at all from the popularity and status we experience in the workplace as adults later in life. This article explains it further. Some co-workers are very popular and have high status/likeability. And it's similar to what you see in HS.

And we have new hierarchies appear after HS too like job hierarchies and money hierarchies, with homeless people or low-income people envying the rich. and janitors envying white collar workers


Anyone who tells you this shit ends after high school is utterly retarded. People get cliquer as you get older. Universities have cliques all the time. In high school, everyone knows each other so everyone talks to each other, even their acquiantances. In college, if you ain't their friend, they ignore you. When you're a transfer student, everyone has their own peer group by now and nobody wants new friends. they won't be your friend even if you have a lot in common. Greek lifers hang out with other greek lifers. computer science and honors students hang out with each other. the party people hang out with party people. people hang out with their own race. cliques exist in college. and many idiots will say that everyone is more open minded in college or more accepting of those who are different. well with bullying still common in college and the fact that people are even cliquier in college than HS, i beg to differ. if you aren't just like them, they don't wanna be friends and if they have their friend group, having a lot in common with them won't even help. And workplace cliques exist too. Many people say their office has cliques. and the ones who didn't say that, probably still had cliques in their office and they don't recognize it for what it is because they're taught it ends after HS. And as you get older, people finished forming their circle of friends and nobody wants new friends. As you get older it becomes harder making friends and that's one of the reasons alongside the fact it's harder to meet people. even coworkers have their own friend group by now that they established and don't want new friends. people become cliquier and cliquier as you get older because as you get older people are more likely to have their own established friend group.

Rumors and gossip

A lot of dumbasses think this shit ends after high school. it never ends. Studies show most co-workers gossip and they gossip on average 40 min per week. They gossip about other coworkers most of the time and sometimes the executive/management team. And at uni, i heard people gossip/start rumors much more than i heard people gossip or start rumors in HS. this shit doesn't end, anyone who thinks that it does is a moron.

Peer pressure

This definitely exists in college. There's more pressure to drink, fuck and party or hook up in college than in HS. and if you think peer pressure doesn't exist in college, well it self-evidently does. even at parties you can receive flak if you don't drink. and that ain't the only example. Even in later life, peer pressure exists, but its more subtle but it still exists. Even in the workplace it exists.

None of these things end after high school. They exist after high school and before high school. The only life stage they don't exist in is infancy. To all the youngcels thinking its hard, it doesn't get better. Studies have shown that adult virgins often were bullied, socially withdrawn and ostracized or socially withdrawn growing up, and are less satisifed with their social life in adulthood than other adults. It doesn't get better. Humans never mature. This is a myth just to cheer outcasts up. And peaking in high school is a myth. Bullying victims and outcasts studies show are more likely to be obese throughout adulthood and live in poverty or suffer mental problems in adulthood. Here's more information about what really happens to popular people later in life. they don't become fat hobos like in movies. it's a myth. Research shows high school athletes have better grades and better jobs in the future (same with cheerleaders).

TLDR: high school never ends. popular people, rumors, gossip, peer pressure, drama, cliques, exclusion, bullies, etc exist throughout life. and life satisfaction plummets after your teenage years. These studies didn't show people under 15. Apparently life satisfaction reaches its very peak at ages 10-12 then falls in the teen years, and falls more after the teen years. no study shows people under 10, i bet its higher for people under 10.

@Robtical pin?

JFL if you think I'm reading this

Everyone already knows this. High school never ends. the bullies get high paying jobs. incels will stay incels.
Yes, the social hierarchy of high school doesn't go away but actually worsens exponentially afterwards. The kind of people who act like they are somehow more mature and say the same platitudes ad-nauseum on how high school was their "awkward" or "immature" phase are exactly the same people still reinforcing that shit as an adult, they still look down on people who do not conform such as non-NT ugly males or ethniccels, they still gravitate towards the people on top of the social hierarchy whether in the workplace or social media and shit on the bottom barrel outcasts at the bottom. But obviously as the saying goes, psychopaths do not know they are one.
Nice, will read later.
I'm 46, it's happen all the time. The cure for this is to be considered insane and dangerous. People know where did I serve in the military, so nobody mess with me at work.
who carez, i got kicked out of high school anyway :feelsLSD:
I dropped out/ flunked out of highschool half way through sophomore year,
finished highschool at some indpendent studies place where I didn't have to interact with people my age,
In college I didn't interact with anyone
Yes, the social hierarchy of high school doesn't go away but actually worsens exponentially afterwards. The kind of people who act like they are somehow more mature and say the same platitudes ad-nauseum on how high school was their "awkward" or "immature" phase are exactly the same people still reinforcing that shit as an adult, they still look down on people who do not conform such as non-NT ugly males or ethniccels, they still gravitate towards the people on top of the social hierarchy whether in the workplace or social media and shit on the bottom barrel outcasts at the bottom. But obviously as the saying goes, psychopaths do not know they are one.
Social media has way more popularity than high school.
Social media has way more popularity than high school.
Obviously. One below average sub-becky-tier girl on TikTok can get way more followers and simps at her command than a 2000's era top of the school cheerleading squad captain stacy-tier girl.
Yeah its brutal. Life doesn't really change at all from kindergarten to your adult work life, its all the same with social drama, social exclusion, bullying, feelings of inadequacy etc. I remember thinking at my job that this is like high school again. Sometimes things won't get better.

Bullying is a built-in mechanism to ensure your own social status with your peers.
Yeah its brutal. Life doesn't really change at all from kindergarten to your adult work life, its all the same with social drama, social exclusion, bullying, feelings of inadequacy etc. I remember thinking at my job that this is like high school again. Sometimes things won't get better.

Bullying is a built-in mechanism to ensure your own social status with your peers.
@Robtical @Infinity @Fat Link this should be pinned for youngcels
wow high effort. well done:feelsmage:
@trying to ascend @MountainGorilla @dreadtheblackpill
true shit. i was dumb and tried to tell some old foids today that the new bitch is just as bad as the old and they were like "nah that other girl didn't have respect for nobody". all normies are flying monkey
i am unemployable i fear because of this

judt thinkinh about the first day at any future job makes me anxious
One of the greatest posts ever on this site. Should be well-preserved somewhere. It's an amazing write-up. Maybe the best post I've seen here.
Women and their white knights hold an almost complete monopoly on bullying. Especially in the workplace.
Some people (like us) will forever be inferior to normies and will never fit in to their cliques.:feelsrope: Which is why bullying happens at all stages of life:feelsjuice:
I'm 46, it's happen all the time. The cure for this is to be considered insane and dangerous. People know where did I serve in the military, so nobody mess with me at work.
Nice, im roughlu 2 decades later and follow this, invluding the military seevice. Needless to say, im able to be a loner in peace at work :feelsokman:
Become a shuttin and you don't have to deal with shits like that.
In my town, there were suicides of doctors because of mobbing, emotional violence from hospital administators, bullying. Imagine working in a 'respected' field and still be treated like trash :feelsclown:.
In my town, there were suicides of doctors because of mobbing, emotional violence from hospital administators, bullying. Imagine working in a 'respected' field and still be treated like trash :feelsclown:.
Adulthood in a nutshell
I'm 46, it's happen all the time. The cure for this is to be considered insane and dangerous. People know where did I serve in the military, so nobody mess with me at work.
you were in the military?that's brutal.i have a lot of respect for oldcels.i already feel like jumping off a bridge and i am not even 25.i don't want to rope because of christ,but man it's tempting to throw dice on a life of uncertainties. i am a weak man.
you were in the military?that's brutal.i have a lot of respect for oldcels.i already feel like jumping off a bridge and i am not even 25.i don't want to rope because of christ,but man it's tempting to throw dice on a life of uncertainties. i am a weak man.
Make money, get copes like high-end escorts or stacy sugar-baby, at age 35 the urge for women is fading and you start to see how chads starting to get divorce-raped.
Make money, get copes like high-end escorts or stacy sugar-baby, at age 35 the urge for women is fading and you start to see how chads starting to get divorce-raped.
you saw many chads getting divorced raped in your life?i can't fornicate as i am catholic, but i can see that keeping some brothers dreaming.(even though i don't agree with it). do you care much about your inceldom now that you escortcel(that's the impression i got from your posts).
you saw many chads getting divorced raped in your life?i can't fornicate as i am catholic, but i can see that keeping some brothers dreaming.(even though i don't agree with it). do you care much about your inceldom now that you escortcel(that's the impression i got from your posts).
When chad is already not that good looking as he was in his 20-s, stacy is starting to look for the next victim or just want to take his money. So they initiate a divorce.
I don't care much now. Having a relationship with a foid has huge downsides. I need sex with barely over AOC girls, and that what I'm getting now for money.
Youngcels in particular should read this: all of the things you were told ends after high school, exists throughout life, from preschool to later adulthood. Bullying, peer pressure, rumors, gossip, popular people, cliques, drama, etc. all of that shit exists throughout life. it never ends after high school. it exists in college, the workplace, everywhere. the only time it doesn't exist is infancy.

Now if you tell me you never saw these things happen after high school, you probably did. You just don't remember it because you've been taught all your life that it doesn't exist so, as a result, if you witness it after high school, you won't remember it or recognize it for it what it is or at least won't recognize it as often as it actually happens (you won't recognize the bullying you witness as bullying or won't recognize the gossip you witness as gossip). When you are told something over and over by society, you develop a subconscious confirmation bias. If you notice anything that debunks or refutes what you've been taught, you won't remember it but will easily recall anything you witness that reinforces what you've been taught by society. A good example of this is that a fair amount of workplace bullying victims don't even recognize what happened as bullying, perhaps because they are taught by society that bullying doesn't exist after high school anymore. Thus, they don't recognize the workplace bully as a true bully.

And saying "I've never seen or experienced these things after college" is an anecdotal fallacy. Anecdotes aren't real evidence. Let's rely on empirical and statistical evidence. Keep that in mind.


Studies have shown that bullying happens more frequently in elementary school and middle school than in high school contrary to this myth that it happens most in high school. It becomes less common in high school, and is less common in 12th grade compared to grades 9 to 11. Physical bullying also has been shown to decline by middle/high school, and becomes rare by that point, whereas relational bullying increases. It seems the overall prevalence of bullying decreases and decreases up until 12th grade, and then plateaus after high school. Workplace bullying, for example, is just as common, and affects many people. And if you think workplace bullying isn't as bad, you're wrong. Studies have shown links between workplace bullying and increased risk of cardio diseases, anxiety disorders (like PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder or panic attacks), depression, and suicidality. The worst thing about workplace bullying is that many times it can be your boss (and occasionally your co-workers).

And guess what? Bullying exists in college, too. I bet many college bullying victims don't recognize what happened to them as bullying because they're taught that bullying doesn't exist in college, so they don't recognize it for what it is when they get bullied in college. For example, some studies show that 21 to 25% of college students are bullied, some studies showing 15% are bullied, and even one study of 9,100 incoming freshmen at 8 college and universities in Midwestern United States, it found that 43% were bullied in college and 33% at work. When including people who were bullied only once, it found that 70% of college freshmen and 59% of them were bullied at least once at college or work, respectively. Also, some studies show that 1 to 11%, 19% or even as many as 22% of college students are cyberbullied.

Up to 60% of college students have witnessed another student get bullied. So why don't we hear about college bullying? because many victims of college bullies don't tell people about it because they feel they need to be independent and handle their own problems, so they don't get help, which means it is harder for them to get help in college than in high school. And many times the bully is a roommate or dorm-mate. Switching roommates and dormmates isn't good advice nor is walking away. Many college bullying victims can't get help for aforementioned reasons, and many people think college bullying doesn't exist so they won't believe them. so telling them to walk away or to switch roommates or move dorms or apartments is easier said than done. Also, many times bullying in college could happen between roommates or in other situations behind closed doors or when nobody else is around, so people are less likely to witness it. Many college students, however, have witnessed it, but if many more high school students have witnessed it, this is the reason. In fact, some college students may have seen it but don't remember it because since they're taught all the time that it ends in college, they develop a subconscious confirmation bias where they don't recall witnessing college bullying because it goes against their confirmation bias, which was developed subconsciously due to being taught over and over that it ends after high school.

And guess what? Some college cyberbullying victims were cyberbullied in high school, too (35-50%). So if you're getting cyberbullied in HS, it might happen in college. and don't forget how common workplace cyberbullying is. As many as 100,000 college students drop out a year due to college bullies. And although many bullying victims stop being bullied after HS, studies show that they sometimes after bullied after HS:

If you're being bullied in high school, you have a higher possibility of being bullied in college. And HS bullies might still bully in college, as shown in the quote above. In fact, research shows that 70% of people bullied in elementary school or high school are also bullied in college.

And studies have also shown that school bullying victims also are more likely to be bullied in the workplace.


Think the popular crowd doesn't exist after high school? Think again. They do exist after high school. Throughout life. They exist in college (Greek life duh) and they exist in the workplace. They exist on dating apps, where some people get more matches than others. Attractive people are popular in life. They receive so many benefits in life because they are attractive and ugly people receive disadvantages. Tall men are more popular and treated favorably than short men. White people are treated more favorably and receive more benefits in life than black people, who endure racism. These people are more popular because they are treated favorably.

In college, we do have popularity. I mean what the fuck resembles the popular people in high school? They're good looking, they have lots of friends, they party a lot and are extraverts. In college, Greek lifers resemble all those traits. All of it. They are literal clones of the jocks/cheerleaders in HS. Like jocks, frat boys are hypermasculine chick magnet chads who are good looking and get lots of women and throw ragers all day. And like cheerleaders, sorority girls are blond, attractive, skinny, party all day, take instagram pics and put it on social media for thousands of likes from horny men, etc. They all make friends easily by merely joining greek life, and they all party regularly and binge drink a lot and many frats/sororities won't allow you in if you can't attract the opposite gender enough or aren't pretty enough or handsome enough or are too shy. High school jocks jjust wanna win their football game. Frat boys want to throw the most popular parties and have formals with the hottest sororities, and they only allow in girls (they only allow exceptional guys) but not guys to prevent intrasexual competition. And I know you say that nobody will know who the greek lifers are or their names or will care who they are. well yeah, people DO care who they are, why else do people try to get into frat parties all the time? the only reason people stop going by junior year is because they now can throw their own off-campus house parties/apartment parties or go to bars by turning 21 so they don't need to rely on frats to party. but as a freshman/sophomore they all want to get into frat parties. And even if you don't know who they are or their names, you'll know they exist at the college, and you might even meet a few at the least when at college. hell, in some universities you might meet them regularly if you're at a southern or private uni which is infested with greek lifers. They party all the fucking time. and many college students experience FOMO because they worry they don't have as many friends as other college students, or don't have as much sex or hookups as other peers, or worry they don't party enough, and this bothers many college students. Many college students will say they don't care about their popularity if you were to ask, but actions speak louder than words. Just ask it differently, ask if they feel they don't have as many friends as others and want more, or if they have FOMO or wish they could experience more parties and other social events, and they'll say yes. that's how people might feel in HS too but even more so in college because there's more pressure to have sex, hook up, party or drink in college. Many college students envy those they think have a better college experience and greek lifers have the ultimate college experience. they might pay attention to other people in college they don't know, but they'll know those party people or greek lifers exist and envy their physical attractiveness and social success of large friend groups, attractive romantic partners, parties, and extroverted lives.

In a study, researchers examined the prevalence of popularity in college. The sample consists of 408 (297 women, 104 men) undergraduate students at a small liberal arts college. Participants took a short online Qualtrics survey and rated 61 potential descriptors of a popular person on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (a lot). These potential descriptors tapped into three dimensions 1) behavioral attributes ("is well liked", "is a leader", "is disliked") 2) risk taking behaviors ("drinks alcohol", "has multiple sexual partners", "does drugs") and 3) social media presence ("uses snapchat", "has lots of followers"). Participants were also asked to indicate the degree which they believed popularity exists in college on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (a lot). Most of the participants (86.3%) rated that popularity is a relevant part of the peer landscape in college. Three separate univariate factor analysis were conducted. Then, composite scores were made and used in the following analyses. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant gender and race effects (p < .05). Perceptions of the attributes associated with popularity varied as a function of gender and race. Women more than men believed that affluence, admiration, and social media presence were connected with popularity. Caucasians more than non-Caucasians believed that admiration, and sexual-, and drug-risk behaviors were connected with popularity. The results give a better understanding of the peer social landscape among young adults in college and how popularity appears different from previous stages in development.

Even research shows and confirms popularity's existence in college and emerging adulthood (18-25 year olds).

In a research paper about popularity in college, it revealed:

In a research paper by authors Tessa A M Lansu and Antonius H N Cillessen, they wrote:

And the workplace also has popular people too:

Research has shown that the popularity we experience as a teen in high school is not different at all from the popularity and status we experience in the workplace as adults later in life. This article explains it further. Some co-workers are very popular and have high status/likeability. And it's similar to what you see in HS.

And we have new hierarchies appear after HS too like job hierarchies and money hierarchies, with homeless people or low-income people envying the rich. and janitors envying white collar workers


Anyone who tells you this shit ends after high school is utterly retarded. People get cliquer as you get older. Universities have cliques all the time. In high school, everyone knows each other so everyone talks to each other, even their acquiantances. In college, if you ain't their friend, they ignore you. When you're a transfer student, everyone has their own peer group by now and nobody wants new friends. they won't be your friend even if you have a lot in common. Greek lifers hang out with other greek lifers. computer science and honors students hang out with each other. the party people hang out with party people. people hang out with their own race. cliques exist in college. and many idiots will say that everyone is more open minded in college or more accepting of those who are different. well with bullying still common in college and the fact that people are even cliquier in college than HS, i beg to differ. if you aren't just like them, they don't wanna be friends and if they have their friend group, having a lot in common with them won't even help. And workplace cliques exist too. Many people say their office has cliques. and the ones who didn't say that, probably still had cliques in their office and they don't recognize it for what it is because they're taught it ends after HS. And as you get older, people finished forming their circle of friends and nobody wants new friends. As you get older it becomes harder making friends and that's one of the reasons alongside the fact it's harder to meet people. even coworkers have their own friend group by now that they established and don't want new friends. people become cliquier and cliquier as you get older because as you get older people are more likely to have their own established friend group.

Rumors and gossip

A lot of dumbasses think this shit ends after high school. it never ends. Studies show most co-workers gossip and they gossip on average 40 min per week. They gossip about other coworkers most of the time and sometimes the executive/management team. And at uni, i heard people gossip/start rumors much more than i heard people gossip or start rumors in HS. this shit doesn't end, anyone who thinks that it does is a moron.

Peer pressure

This definitely exists in college. There's more pressure to drink, fuck and party or hook up in college than in HS. and if you think peer pressure doesn't exist in college, well it self-evidently does. even at parties you can receive flak if you don't drink. and that ain't the only example. Even in later life, peer pressure exists, but its more subtle but it still exists. Even in the workplace it exists.

None of these things end after high school. They exist after high school and before high school. The only life stage they don't exist in is infancy. To all the youngcels thinking its hard, it doesn't get better. Studies have shown that adult virgins often were bullied, socially withdrawn and ostracized or socially withdrawn growing up, and are less satisifed with their social life in adulthood than other adults. It doesn't get better. Humans never mature. This is a myth just to cheer outcasts up. And peaking in high school is a myth. Bullying victims and outcasts studies show are more likely to be obese throughout adulthood and live in poverty or suffer mental problems in adulthood. Here's more information about what really happens to popular people later in life. they don't become fat hobos like in movies. it's a myth. Research shows high school athletes have better grades and better jobs in the future (same with cheerleaders).

TLDR: high school never ends. popular people, rumors, gossip, peer pressure, drama, cliques, exclusion, bullies, etc exist throughout life. and life satisfaction plummets after your teenage years. These studies didn't show people under 15. Apparently life satisfaction reaches its very peak at ages 10-12 then falls in the teen years, and falls more after the teen years. no study shows people under 10, i bet its higher for people under 10.

@Robtical pin?
Ive known for a while that social hierarchys are always going to be part of human nature. Just look at this forum as an example ,GrAycel Then Ultimate OG wizard. But the rest in this thread was new to me.
The worst thing about this in my opinion is when bluepillers look at an ugly male bullying victim and come to the conclusion that he must have deserved it somehow.

More to that point, after suffering years/decades of bullying and ostracization, if you show even the slightest amount of resentment back, it means that you were always a bad person.
It doesn't for sure
The worst thing about this in my opinion is when bluepillers look at an ugly male bullying victim and come to the conclusion that he must have deserved it somehow.

More to that point, after suffering years/decades of bullying and ostracization, if you show even the slightest amount of resentment back, it means that you were always a bad person.
Even if they are self aware of it their chimp brain takes over and they resort back to default behaviour.
For this reason I only have one friend who is high IQ and doesn't judge based on social demeanor.
The worst thing any incel can do is feel inadequate because we can't socially keep up with normies.
Wherever you go a normgroid will talk shit about you behind your back (because they never have the balls to say it to your face) about "teehee i mean some people a little bit awkward but he's just so disrespectful I mean it's not hard to just be polite and peepeepoopoo etc. etc."
Does not matter how proactive you are, does not matter how competent you are. You will always be regarded as the bottom of the pile.
Normgroids will never realise that their so called social """skills""" are completely useless in the workplace unless dealing with other normgroids.
They will attack you for being even slightly conversationally awkward or standoffish. If you make a mistake it will be amplified x10. Everyone is acknowledged to have strengths and weaknesses but social weakness is regarded as totally unacceptable. For this reason in job interviews, when they ask about your strengths and weaknesses I just use the scripted bullshit response "I find it hard to see the big picture I pay too much attention to detail".
Only way you can get any respect for yourself from normgroids is to be feared. Gymcel to the max boyos. Better to be regarded as a high t psycho killer than some sort of cringe goblin pedo nonce.
In my town, there were suicides of doctors because of mobbing, emotional violence from hospital administators, bullying. Imagine working in a 'respected' field and still be treated like trash :feelsclown:.

Any articles about this?
Fuck it, I’ve basically decided to not attend college not because I can’t do it but because I don’t want to be mogged or be bullied
Go attend college and ascend it might be your only chancw
Thanks for this suicide fuel
You don't have to go out to work or school to find bullies. There are bullies right here in the incelosphere. Despite having done absolutely no wrong to anyone, a band of literally psychos continues to threaten and harass BrettyBoy. It makes me so angry that despite being outcasts, we inflict the same violent and psychotic behavior among ourselves that society does to us. It blackpills me deeply.
Life's a bitch and then you die. Another human is just another enemy most of the times ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As incels we should rise above that.
With common goal we can make union of egoists and accomplish common goal. Then we gonna dissolve that group into individuals once again.

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