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Found a super old book basically saying what we are saying

It is called

Women As Sex Vendors - or, Why Women Are Conservative (Being a View of the Economic - Status of Woman)

It was written in 1918 by Roscoe Tobias and Mary Marcy. Literally no one in the manosphere has heard of it.

some quotes:

“The psychology of the sexes in youth is totally different. The ideas of the average young man are those of one who expects to become some day a producer or at least a worker; the ideas of the average young woman are those of one who expects and intends (for here, too, Youth sees only personal victory) to rise into the leisure, non-producing or supported class.“

“The young man expects to accomplish something in the world, to earn much money, or "high position," in order to be able to marry the most charming girl. The "most charming girl," if she be temporarily forced to earn her own living, expects to find somebody who will marry her, give her more luxuries than she has been accustomed to, and lift her far above her companions. She hopes to become a member of the leisure class even if she never attains it.“

“Women are potential parasites even if they never become real ones, and this is the gist of the matter we are discussing. Why are nearly all small farmers reactionary, individualistic, distrustful, competitive? Because they hope some day to become gentleman farmers. Why are most small business men narrow, egoistic, conservative? For the reason that they hope one day to become men of Big Business. The young woman in America today possesses the same psychology. Being young, she not only hopes, she expects, to rise into the leisure class when some young man asks her for the privilege of supporting her through life.“

“Women, as a sex, are the owners of a commodity vitally necessary to the health and well-being of man“ “As a sex, women occupy a position similar to the petty shop-keeper, because they possess a commodity to sell or to barter. Men, as a sex, are buyers of, or barterers for, this commodity.“

“[Man] has four vital needs to satisfy while woman has only three, and woman possesses, for barter, for sale, or for gift, the wherewithall to satisfy one of these.“

“The more economic power a group, or a class, or a sex possesses, the more the state throws the mantle of its protective laws about it. Women are owners of a commodity for which men are buyers or barterers, and our modern laws protect woman at the expense of man.“

“The beautiful woman sees no need for intelligence nor for understanding because she has always been able to outstrip her less attractive competitors in making the best match and securing the rich husbands. And so her neurones rarely "connect," or react, except to stimuli pertaining to things that will enhance her charms and increase her selling price.“

“That there are [virtually] no women hoboes in the civilized world today is, [...] incontestable proof of the superiority of the economic status of woman over man”.

“Men love to [..] provide [women] with luxurious surroundings, because this advertises to the world the fact that they are able to purchase a superior, i. e., a higher priced commodity“

“Why, do you imagine, the woman who brings to a penniless husband, not only herself but a fortune as well, is looked down upon in many countries? [...] Is it not because both are unconsciously violating the code, or the trade "understandings," in giving not only of themselves, but their substance as well? These women are selling below the market, or scabbing on the job.“

"It is one of the most absurd notions derived from eighteenth century enlightenment that in the beginning of society woman was the slave of man. Among all savages and barbarians of the lower and middle stages, sometimes even of the higher stage, women not only have freedom but are held in high esteem."

"No matter how little the provocation, legally or sentimentally, any woman may kill almost any man, and the jury will render a verdict of Not Guilty. She has only to say that he "deceived her.""
I mean you can literally just take these sentences and put in our lingo and it is like we wrote it lol

From the book
The beautiful woman sees no need for intelligence nor for understanding because she has always been able to outstrip her less attractive competitors in making the best match and securing the rich husbands. And so her neurones rarely "connect," or react, except to stimuli pertaining to things that will enhance her charms and increase her selling price.

If I rewrite it
A Stacy sees no need for intelligence or understanding because she has always been able to beat Becky in securing Chad. And so her neurones rarely "connect," or react, except to stimuli pertaining to things that will enhance her charms and raise her SMV.
Brutal truth is chasing me everywhere i go :ping:
They dont talk about looks in a male though
They dont talk about looks in a male though
Pandoras box was opened when government & man allowed women to work jobs that pay enough for them to support themselves with no need for a male breadwinner.
Pandoras box was opened when government & man allowed women to work jobs that pay enough for them to support themselves with no need for a male breadwinner.

Id rather be judged on looks than money, its just the standards for looks are too damn high.
Id rather be judged on looks than money, its just the standards for looks are too damn high.
Well you cannot really change the looks you have as it's down to your genetics & you had no say in that but you had more of a chance to get yourself some wealth by whatever means & that second reason is why so many guys a generation or two & before could secure a wife whilst a guy looking like he did back then would today be an incel wageslave, the old methods are obsolete.
Are you just a sociopath or stupid?
Elaborate? You think surgery solves all issues, does everyone have the money? Can you put on makeup as a male & not be seen as queer?
Elaborate? You think surgery solves all issues, does everyone have the money? Can you put on makeup as a male & not be seen as queer?

According to a study by UCLA, muscle-bound men report almost 3 times as many sexual partners as men without a muscular physique.<ref>http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/Lift-More-Weights-Get-More-Mates-8069?RelNum=8069</ref>
if you have a medical condition that prevents weightlifting or you are feminine person then obviously this does not apply, but most incels here can do this as most seem to want to be masculine anyway
Was divorce rape a thing back then? Or was the law not that cucked like now?
Was divorce rape a thing back then? Or was the law not that cucked like now?

The law was worse towards men back then

this quote from the book is relevant
If her husband seeks satisfaction for his desires elsewhere, she may divorce him and secure alimony; if he deserts her the law will return him to her side, if it can find him. If he fails to bring home the wherewithall to provide for her, she may have him sent to jail. If she discovers that he is getting the affection and the sex life which she has denied him, outside of his home, and if she buys a revolver and murders him in cold blood, the jury will exonerate her.
If a wife deserts her husband and her children, the law does not make her a [Pg 51]criminal; for wife abandonment, the husband is held criminally liable.
No matter what the offense of the woman, custom and public opinion demand that every "decent" man permit his wife to accuse him on "just grounds" and to secure the divorce and call on the law to force him to pay her alimony for the rest of their natural lives.
No matter what the provocation, legally or sentimentally, no man can be exonerated for killing a woman. No matter how little the provocation, legally or sentimentally, any woman may kill almost any man, and the jury will render a verdict of Not Guilty. She has only to say that he "deceived her."
A husband may become crippled or invalided and there is no law even suggesting that it is the duty of his wife to support him; most communities would lynch a man who neglected a sick or helpless wife, and the law would certainly deal [Pg 52]most harshly with him. The law throws no safeguards about the man, to protect him against his wife's failure to live up to her theoretical marital obligations, to protect him when he is ill, or in the enjoyment of separate maintenance, alimony, or against non-support or abandonment.
According to a study by UCLA, muscle-bound men report almost 3 times as many sexual partners as men without a muscular physique.<ref>http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/Lift-More-Weights-Get-More-Mates-8069?RelNum=8069</ref>
if you have a medical condition that prevents weightlifting or you are feminine person then obviously this does not apply, but most incels here can do this as most seem to want to be masculine anyway
state of graycels
The law was worse towards men back then

this quote from the book is relevant
Overrr. Did it ever began? It turns out that the law is always cucked since the beginning of time
Overrr. Did it ever began? It turns out that the law is always cucked since the beginning of time

Also the MRA movement was arguably started from what was called the Heart Balm Racket. Which was some mass societal problem where women would get engaged to men and then break up with them and then sue them for breaking up lol.
the grounds of their law suits was termed “Breach of Promise.”
cope they always cared about looks first
Unproveable, what is known is that they selected for money as relationships were designed around the beta provider - housewife model
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According to a study by UCLA, muscle-bound men report almost 3 times as many sexual partners as men without a muscular physique.<ref>http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/Lift-More-Weights-Get-More-Mates-8069?RelNum=8069</ref>
if you have a medical condition that prevents weightlifting or you are feminine person then obviously this does not apply, but most incels here can do this as most seem to want to be masculine anyway
Would someone that sticks to a bodybuilding routine not be normal enough to be around NT's in a gym setting, having not resorted to LDAR. I agree that lowering bf % enough can show more definition on the jawline & increase the perception of high fighting success; both of which are a big help. I just couldn't see this benefiting midgets, autists, other assorted mentalcels, deformed faces, chinlets or small framed men.
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It was over longer than 100 years ago.
This medieval book is very blackpilled too.

Even thousands of years before of this book, the true nature of women as traitorous whores was knew.
makes you wonder how many other books there are out there lost to history not just on sexual dynamics but all sorts of other subjects, not just in English either but in all the languages of the world
Good advice. I’ll read this guy
makes you wonder how many other books there are out there lost to history not just on sexual dynamics but all sorts of other subjects, not just in English either but in all the languages of the world
It’s almost like (((someone))) has been suppressing history and actively rewriting it.
Nothing is new under the sun. Some societies and religions understand what is female nature and actually enforce a system that deals with them properly. Such as Indias marriage system.
No, this is back when women selected more for money than they do now.

Liberated whores suck cock for career advancement.

I've lost count of the times I've seen incompetent women in positions who looked good. Everyone knows "she sucked someone's dick."
"It is one of the most absurd notions derived from eighteenth century enlightenment that in the beginning of society woman was the slave of man. Among all savages and barbarians of the lower and middle stages, sometimes even of the higher stage, women not only have freedom but are held in high esteem."
"No matter how little the provocation, legally or sentimentally, any woman may kill almost any man, and the jury will render a verdict of Not Guilty. She has only to say that he "deceived her.""
Incredible , that man was a an erudite of the female nature, my respects.
incontestable proof of the superiority of the economic status of woman over man”.

this is the brutal truth we are in right now.
Wtf. Maybe in that age foids were more sincere? nowadays they are members of a sect known as feminism.

Feminism was less institutional at the time of this book (the media etc). So yea your average woman was probably less ideological about gender. Although as a movement it was in full swing, but mainly in the political instead of the social sphere.

The first MRA writer was arguably Belfort Bax, a prominent early 20th century Marxist from around the time of Marcy
Most modern MRAs copypasta him

The political affiliations of MRAs and feminists are transitory

One decade the MRAs are socialist, the next they are liberals, the next they are neoliberals, then they are conserative, then liberal, then alt-right

Itll keep changing and circling around to different political ideologies depending on who the main leader happens to be at the time

Right now its Paul Elam, who is Republican leaning, but if it were someone else the scene would be politically different

tl;dr Things change and return over and over
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This is worth a read. Thanks for bringing attention to it.
This is worth a read. Thanks for bringing attention to it.
Its actually kind of boring apart from the quotes I picked out. The most interesting thing to me is that it simply exists and no one references it ever.
Pandoras box was opened when government & man allowed women to work jobs that pay enough for them to support themselves with no need for a male breadwinner.
Agree, that makes them too much overthinking

@Fiddlesticks03, thanks for the awesome quotes! Thinking of getting that book now
women are conservative :feelshaha:
This guy is either a prophet or a time traveller, it's crazy how he figured all of this out in a time period with much less information available
It is called

Women As Sex Vendors - or, Why Women Are Conservative (Being a View of the Economic - Status of Woman)

It was written in 1918 by Roscoe Tobias and Mary Marcy. Literally no one in the manosphere has heard of it.

some quotes:
I think it's spot on about some things but also too redpilled, and doesn't go into the full brutal truth that is the blackpill.

Mainly women do have sexual needs and can be attracted to men, but only to chads, but this book sounds like mgtow thinking in that sense.
Pandoras box was opened when government & man allowed women to work jobs that pay enough for them to support themselves with no need for a male breadwinner.
It's not like it was much better before.

Things were better for sure, because if you were blackpilled and somehow figured out the dynamics of sexual attraction (even though it must've been hard back then), you could try to find a wife that likes you for real and standards were probably much lower because they had no tinder, no instagram, and a higher demand for men due to all the women needing a betabux.

However, the average man was just a betabux in a shitty marriage, you can tell because of all the boomer stereotypes and jokes about women being bitter etc. They thought women were naturally bitter because most of them were as they had to be married to men who weren't chad. Jfl.
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This thread definitely belongs here. Men were black pilled about women long ago. Before the current SJW, PC, feminist cultural climate, you could openly state the truth about these things and people - both men and women - would look at you like, "yeah, no shit. What about it?"

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