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Many people who are bluepilled say that teen love doesn't matter and that missing out on it doesn't do any harm. Here's proof that missing out on teen love is harmful.

In a pivotal study about involuntary celibacy from 2001, they talked to three involuntarily celibate groups of people: Involuntary virgins (those who never had sex and still are sexually inexperienced), singles (those who had sexual experience in the past but no longer are able to, and a good amount of these people resorted to hookers or even sexual surrogates), and partnered celibates (those who are married or in a relationship but their partner won't have sex). 91% of the virgins said they never dated as teenagers, compared to 52% of singles. Here's an important quote:

"In summary, while most of our sample had discussed sex with friends and experimented with masturbation as teens, most of the virgins and singles did not date. Singles were similar to partnered persons in terms of first sexual experiences, while the majority of virgins reported first sexual experiences that did not include another person. As the data illustrates, virgins and singles may have missed important transitions, and as they got older, their trajecto- ries began to differ from those of their age peers. As Thorton (1990) noted, patterns of sexuality in young adult- hood are significantly related to dating, steady dating, and sexual experience in adolescence. It is rare for a teenager to initiate sexual activity outside of a dating relationship. Thus, persons reaching young adulthood without dating may have missed an important opportunity for sexual experience. While virginity and lack of experience are fair- ly common in teenagers and young adults (Sprecher & Regan, 1996), by the time many of our respondents reached their mid-twenties they reported feeling left behind by age peers. We suspect that this is especially true for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth. In fact, all eight of the nonheterosexual respondents in our sample were either virgins or singles. As previous researchers have shown, a major reason for becoming off time in making sexual tran- sitions is the process of coming out to oneself and others (Gonsiorek & Rudolph, 1991). Even for the heterosexuals in our study, however, it appears that lack of dating and sexual experimentation in the teen years may be precursors to problems in adult sexual relationships (Thorton, 1990)."

Another quote I found from another study (which has more to do with juvenile sex offenders and autism):

"The foundation for a healthy sexuality in adulthood lies in childhood and adolescence, with the discovery of one’s own sexuality oftentimes going in phases (De Graaf et al.2009). A large population study in the Netherlands amongst 7841 boys and girls aged 12–25 has shown that half of all 15-year-old adolescents have been intimate with a partner (e.g., touching each other’s genitalia). At age 16, half of all youths have experience with mutual masturba- tion and at age 17, half of all youths have experienced sexual intercourse and/or oral sex (De Graaf et al. 2015). Eventually, relationships and sexual intimacy become more serious; relationships last longer and are more exclusive, eventually leading to the ‘adult’ model of a committed relationship (Furman and Shaffer 2003)."

Here's another study:

“One study showed that adult virgins have higher odds of being overweight and of being perceived as physically unattractive. Four additional studies reported that adult virgins have greater probabilities of never having been in a romantic relationship. Moreover, in a qualitative study conducted among 82 involuntary celibate adults aged 18 to 64 years, Donnelly and colleagues found that nearly all adult virgins never dated anyone, including in adolescence. Thus, findings converge to support the importance of romantic and sexual experiences during adolescence for ongoing romantic and sexual development in adulthood. Additionally, this study revealed that these adult virgins perceived themselves as being very shy and unable to establish social contacts, and reported body image issues, such as being overweight and perceiving their physical appearance to be an obstacle to their sexuality.”


Donnelly, D., Burgess, E., Anderson, S., Davis, R., & Dillard, J. (2001). Involuntary celibacy: A life course analysis. Journal of Sex Research, 38(2), 159–169.doi:10.1080/00224490109552083

Baarsma, M. E., Boonmann, C., ’t Hart-Kerkhoffs, L. A., de Graaf, H., Doreleijers, T. A. H., Vermeiren, R. R. J. M., & Jansen, L. M. C. (2016). Sexuality and Autistic-Like Symptoms in Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Follow-Up After 8 Years. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(8), 2679–2691. doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2805-6

Boislard, M.-A., van de Bongardt, D., & Blais, M. (2016). Sexuality (and Lack Thereof) in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Review of the Literature. Behavioral Sciences, 6(1), 8.doi:10.3390/bs6010008
Marvelous thread
If you can't get a foid to be even remotely interested in you during your teens it's over, you just gotta cope or rope.
"Teen love isn't important you silly inkler, 16yo girls are just innocent little girls without any experience!!111 :soy::soy::soy:"
TL;DR: no teen love = no adult love
Teen love/losing virginity is such an important milestone in your life. If you aren’t able to reach that milestone in time then your life is ruined. It’s like not learning how to walk or talk at the respective ages that one should. Even if you are able to learn those later you will still be disabled to a degree. Same thing with losing virginity. Imo you should be considered legally disabled if you aren’t able to lose your virginity before 20
Teen love/losing virginity is such an important milestone in your life. If you aren’t able to reach that milestone in time then your life is ruined. It’s like not learning how to walk or talk at the respective ages that one should. Even if you are able to learn those later you will still be disabled to a degree. Same thing with losing virginity. Imo you should be considered legally disabled if you aren’t able to lose your virginity before 20
Yeah after all it's such a huge part of life. Dates, intimacy, sex, building a family, having children etc. These things find their way in every form of media or advertisement, they are everywhere. Humans can't stop talking about those things and yet we're told that missing out on those is no big deal at all jfl
"Teen love isn't important you silly inkler, 16yo girls are just innocent little girls without any experience!!111 :soy::soy::soy:"
I hate it when people infantilize teenagers. The immaturity of teens isn’t inherent. It’s merely caused by society infantilizing them
Teen love/losing virginity is such an important milestone in your life. If you aren’t able to reach that milestone in time then your life is ruined. It’s like not learning how to walk or talk at the respective ages that one should. Even if you are able to learn those later you will still be disabled to a degree. Same thing with losing virginity. Imo you should be considered legally disabled if you aren’t able to lose your virginity before 20
high IQ. Many virgins and singles the first study reported feeling behind their peers
the point of teen love is so you can focus on love and affection without the responsibilities an adult has.

if you are trying to learn this stuff when you're an adult and have responsibilities you'll be handicapped
Yeah after all it's such a huge part of life. Dates, intimacy, sex, building a family, having children etc. These things find their way in every form of media or advertisement, they are everywhere. Humans can't stop talking about those things and yet we're told that missing out on those is no big deal at all jfl
They are very hypocritical. It is one of the most important aspects of life. Having sex is a basic human right but I am getting denied of this right
high IQ. Many virgins and singles the first study reported feeling behind their peers
But people still have the nerve to say it isn’t a big deal
the point of teen love is so you can focus on love and affection without the responsibilities an adult has.

if you are trying to learn this stuff when you're an adult and have responsibilities you'll be handicapped
Inceldom should be labeled a disability by society
They are very hypocritical. It is one of the most important aspects of life. Having sex is a basic human right but I am getting denied of this right

But people still have the nerve to say it isn’t a big deal
and they say sex is the best thing in the world but apparently even the most mild sex crime is more traumatic than being experimented on at Auschwitz
and they say sex is the best thing in the world but apparently even the most mild sex crime is more traumatic than being experimented on at Auschwitz
Sex “crimes” are fake. It doesn’t even hurt anyone as long as it’s not gay. All heterosexual sex “crimes” should be legalized.
Sex “crimes” are fake. It doesn’t even hurt anyone as long as it’s not gay. All heterosexual sex “crimes” should be legalized.
And foids claim to be terrified when being catcalled jfl
Pretty bizarre since men are at high risk of getting beaten up
Bluepillers: 75

IT is probably gonna do their mental gymnastics to “debunk” the study

but yeah being catcalled isn’t that bad. Foids are just pussies
Bluepillers: 75

IT is probably gonna do their mental gymnastics to “debunk” the study

but yeah being catcalled isn’t that bad. Foids are just pussies
Probably got featured jfl. Catcalling isn’t shit. Foids will just go to extraordinary lengths to avoid ugly men
Probably got featured jfl. Catcalling isn’t shit. Foids will just go to extraordinary lengths to avoid ugly men
Fun fact: half of the respondents in the first study claim they feel they are ugly
Fun fact: half of the respondents in the first study claim they feel they are ugly
Yes because they are and as a result they struggle socially and aren’t able to have any sexual experiences
Yes because they are and as a result they struggle socially and aren’t able to have any sexual experiences
They are more Blackpilled than IT ngl
Some also consider themselves jobcels who don’t have opportunities because of their all-male job and some might consider themself incel due to being shy or having bad social skills

none of them claim to have a bad personality

I should tag more users this thread isn’t getting replies. In fact it should be pinned

@FastBananaCEO @gymletethnicel @Diocel @RREEEEEEEEE @RemoveNormalfags @ordinaryotaku @Snow Dushman @Snowstormhigh @Alone75 @Robtical @Mainländer @mental_out
If you didn't get to have teen love when you were a teen then you should be allowed to get it as an adult.
Fucking brutal :feelscry: , remember one of my friends back in high school bragged about cheating on his girl and her not finding out:reeeeee:, meanwhile I couldn't and still can't get shit. Even with all this the bluepilled cucks that view this will still try to argue.
Fucking brutal :feelscry: , remember one of my friends back in high school bragged about cheating on his girl and her not finding out:reeeeee:, meanwhile I couldn't and still can't get shit. Even with all this the bluepilled cucks that view this will still try to argue.
IT just can’t let go of their just world perspective
If you didn't get to have teen love when you were a teen then you should be allowed to get it as an adult.
Based thread, read every word. I've been left in the dust since I was 10, and haven't mentally aged since then.
Many people who are bluepilled say that teen love doesn't matter and that missing out on it doesn't do any harm. Here's proof that missing out on teen love is harmful.

In a pivotal study about involuntary celibacy from 2001, they talked to three involuntarily celibate groups of people: Involuntary virgins (those who never had sex and still are sexually inexperienced), singles (those who had sexual experience in the past but no longer are able to, and a good amount of these people resorted to hookers or even sexual surrogates), and partnered celibates (those who are married or in a relationship but their partner won't have sex). 91% of the virgins said they never dated as teenagers, compared to 52% of singles. Here's an important quote:

"In summary, while most of our sample had discussed sex with friends and experimented with masturbation as teens, most of the virgins and singles did not date. Singles were similar to partnered persons in terms of first sexual experiences, while the majority of virgins reported first sexual experiences that did not include another person. As the data illustrates, virgins and singles may have missed important transitions, and as they got older, their trajecto- ries began to differ from those of their age peers. As Thorton (1990) noted, patterns of sexuality in young adult- hood are significantly related to dating, steady dating, and sexual experience in adolescence. It is rare for a teenager to initiate sexual activity outside of a dating relationship. Thus, persons reaching young adulthood without dating may have missed an important opportunity for sexual experience. While virginity and lack of experience are fair- ly common in teenagers and young adults (Sprecher & Regan, 1996), by the time many of our respondents reached their mid-twenties they reported feeling left behind by age peers. We suspect that this is especially true for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth. In fact, all eight of the nonheterosexual respondents in our sample were either virgins or singles. As previous researchers have shown, a major reason for becoming off time in making sexual tran- sitions is the process of coming out to oneself and others (Gonsiorek & Rudolph, 1991). Even for the heterosexuals in our study, however, it appears that lack of dating and sexual experimentation in the teen years may be precursors to problems in adult sexual relationships (Thorton, 1990)."

Another quote I found from another study (which has more to do with juvenile sex offenders and autism):

"The foundation for a healthy sexuality in adulthood lies in childhood and adolescence, with the discovery of one’s own sexuality oftentimes going in phases (De Graaf et al.2009). A large population study in the Netherlands amongst 7841 boys and girls aged 12–25 has shown that half of all 15-year-old adolescents have been intimate with a partner (e.g., touching each other’s genitalia). At age 16, half of all youths have experience with mutual masturba- tion and at age 17, half of all youths have experienced sexual intercourse and/or oral sex (De Graaf et al. 2015). Eventually, relationships and sexual intimacy become more serious; relationships last longer and are more exclusive, eventually leading to the ‘adult’ model of a committed relationship (Furman and Shaffer 2003)."

Here's another study:

“One study showed that adult virgins have higher odds of being overweight and of being perceived as physically unattractive. Four additional studies reported that adult virgins have greater probabilities of never having been in a romantic relationship. Moreover, in a qualitative study conducted among 82 involuntary celibate adults aged 18 to 64 years, Donnelly and colleagues found that nearly all adult virgins never dated anyone, including in adolescence. Thus, findings converge to support the importance of romantic and sexual experiences during adolescence for ongoing romantic and sexual development in adulthood. Additionally, this study revealed that these adult virgins perceived themselves as being very shy and unable to establish social contacts, and reported body image issues, such as being overweight and perceiving their physical appearance to be an obstacle to their sexuality.”


Donnelly, D., Burgess, E., Anderson, S., Davis, R., & Dillard, J. (2001). Involuntary celibacy: A life course analysis. Journal of Sex Research, 38(2), 159–169.doi:10.1080/00224490109552083

Baarsma, M. E., Boonmann, C., ’t Hart-Kerkhoffs, L. A., de Graaf, H., Doreleijers, T. A. H., Vermeiren, R. R. J. M., & Jansen, L. M. C. (2016). Sexuality and Autistic-Like Symptoms in Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Follow-Up After 8 Years. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(8), 2679–2691. doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2805-6

Boislard, M.-A., van de Bongardt, D., & Blais, M. (2016). Sexuality (and Lack Thereof) in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Review of the Literature. Behavioral Sciences, 6(1), 8.doi:10.3390/bs6010008
Water is wet post. HighIQ dough.
I knew all this without the need of studies. How I became an hebephile? By lack of touch, 'mutual masturbation' (as they say) and no oral sex. It left me trapped in an only age gap desire without been able to further develop my sexuality.
If you didn't get to have teen love when you were a teen then you should be allowed to get it as an adult.
We seem to be brain brothers boyo
Teen love/losing virginity is such an important milestone in your life. If you aren’t able to reach that milestone in time then your life is ruined. It’s like not learning how to walk or talk at the respective ages that one should. Even if you are able to learn those later you will still be disabled to a degree. Same thing with losing virginity. Imo you should be considered legally disabled if you aren’t able to lose your virginity before 20
I agree. Being an incel virgin by 17 fucked up mi mind in ways adults and shrinks still dont understand today.
the point of teen love is so you can focus on love and affection without the responsibilities an adult has.

if you are trying to learn this stuff when you're an adult and have responsibilities you'll be handicapped
the world is upside down man. They put you working before having sex and intimacy WTF. How can men thru centuries been able to cope with it?
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Based thread, read every word. I've been left in the dust since I was 10, and haven't mentally aged since then.
I was ahead of my peers in elementary school because nobody had sex or dated then and I was simply ahead just by hitting puberty early. (I first ejaculated and had pubic hair at age 11, maybe even age 10). Then in my teen years I fell way behind.

now I’m 23 and I’m still mentally 15
I was ahead of my peers in elementary school because nobody had sex or dated then and I was simply ahead just by hitting puberty early. (I first ejaculated and had pubic hair at age 11, maybe even age 10). Then in my teen years I fell way behind.

now I’m 23 and I’m still mentally 15
Brutal tbh. At least you pubertymogged early on.
You will never have this, incels don’t deserve this because we are subhuman orcs. We deserve to fuck other incels or to meet our end at the gallows if we don’t wageslave and provide for our corporate feminist overlords. We are the worker bees of society, we are sterile (incel). We don’t get to breed.
Many people who are bluepilled say that teen love doesn't matter and that missing out on it doesn't do any harm. Here's proof that missing out on teen love is harmful.

In a pivotal study about involuntary celibacy from 2001, they talked to three involuntarily celibate groups of people: Involuntary virgins (those who never had sex and still are sexually inexperienced), singles (those who had sexual experience in the past but no longer are able to, and a good amount of these people resorted to hookers or even sexual surrogates), and partnered celibates (those who are married or in a relationship but their partner won't have sex). 91% of the virgins said they never dated as teenagers, compared to 52% of singles. Here's an important quote:

"In summary, while most of our sample had discussed sex with friends and experimented with masturbation as teens, most of the virgins and singles did not date. Singles were similar to partnered persons in terms of first sexual experiences, while the majority of virgins reported first sexual experiences that did not include another person. As the data illustrates, virgins and singles may have missed important transitions, and as they got older, their trajecto- ries began to differ from those of their age peers. As Thorton (1990) noted, patterns of sexuality in young adult- hood are significantly related to dating, steady dating, and sexual experience in adolescence. It is rare for a teenager to initiate sexual activity outside of a dating relationship. Thus, persons reaching young adulthood without dating may have missed an important opportunity for sexual experience. While virginity and lack of experience are fair- ly common in teenagers and young adults (Sprecher & Regan, 1996), by the time many of our respondents reached their mid-twenties they reported feeling left behind by age peers. We suspect that this is especially true for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth. In fact, all eight of the nonheterosexual respondents in our sample were either virgins or singles. As previous researchers have shown, a major reason for becoming off time in making sexual tran- sitions is the process of coming out to oneself and others (Gonsiorek & Rudolph, 1991). Even for the heterosexuals in our study, however, it appears that lack of dating and sexual experimentation in the teen years may be precursors to problems in adult sexual relationships (Thorton, 1990)."

Another quote I found from another study (which has more to do with juvenile sex offenders and autism):

"The foundation for a healthy sexuality in adulthood lies in childhood and adolescence, with the discovery of one’s own sexuality oftentimes going in phases (De Graaf et al.2009). A large population study in the Netherlands amongst 7841 boys and girls aged 12–25 has shown that half of all 15-year-old adolescents have been intimate with a partner (e.g., touching each other’s genitalia). At age 16, half of all youths have experience with mutual masturba- tion and at age 17, half of all youths have experienced sexual intercourse and/or oral sex (De Graaf et al. 2015). Eventually, relationships and sexual intimacy become more serious; relationships last longer and are more exclusive, eventually leading to the ‘adult’ model of a committed relationship (Furman and Shaffer 2003)."

Here's another study:

“One study showed that adult virgins have higher odds of being overweight and of being perceived as physically unattractive. Four additional studies reported that adult virgins have greater probabilities of never having been in a romantic relationship. Moreover, in a qualitative study conducted among 82 involuntary celibate adults aged 18 to 64 years, Donnelly and colleagues found that nearly all adult virgins never dated anyone, including in adolescence. Thus, findings converge to support the importance of romantic and sexual experiences during adolescence for ongoing romantic and sexual development in adulthood. Additionally, this study revealed that these adult virgins perceived themselves as being very shy and unable to establish social contacts, and reported body image issues, such as being overweight and perceiving their physical appearance to be an obstacle to their sexuality.”


Donnelly, D., Burgess, E., Anderson, S., Davis, R., & Dillard, J. (2001). Involuntary celibacy: A life course analysis. Journal of Sex Research, 38(2), 159–169.doi:10.1080/00224490109552083

Baarsma, M. E., Boonmann, C., ’t Hart-Kerkhoffs, L. A., de Graaf, H., Doreleijers, T. A. H., Vermeiren, R. R. J. M., & Jansen, L. M. C. (2016). Sexuality and Autistic-Like Symptoms in Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Follow-Up After 8 Years. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(8), 2679–2691. doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2805-6

Boislard, M.-A., van de Bongardt, D., & Blais, M. (2016). Sexuality (and Lack Thereof) in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Review of the Literature. Behavioral Sciences, 6(1), 8.doi:10.3390/bs6010008
TLDR please
No shit it's harmful, I remember feeling so worthless when I turned 20 and was still a virgin. Turning 30 was brutal and its all been a total wasteland after that!
No shit it's harmful, I remember feeling so worthless when I turned 20 and was still a virgin. Turning 30 was brutal and its all been a total wasteland after that!
What is it like being KHHV in your 40s? Does anyone know irl you’re a KHHV?
How to congregate all the low iq .co users in a single place?

Make a thread glorifying teen love
What is it like being KHHV in your 40s? Does anyone know irl you’re a KHHV?

No, some guys at work know I'm single and don't have kids and make jokes about me being a queer though. It makes me angry, but I keep it inside. I'm not technically KHH as I got lucky drunk in clubs a few times 20 years ago, but trying taking it to anything sexual got the door slammed in my face!
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How to congregate all the low iq .co users in a single place?

Make a thread glorifying teen love
It's either that or grolifying old hag love. Seems pretty clear cut to me what is preferable.
The clock is ticking keep it together luthercel


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Then don't allow women to suck and fuck at 14. Jfl how is this even an argument. Blackpill should ultimately lead to taking away women's rights so they can't fuck chad endlessly. And here we have losers defending a concept that is build to allow women to fuck chads as young as possible. Just so they can have something more to cry about.

There's a reason no high iq respectable incel is present in these threads. Teenage sex is not a milestone and not doing it in teenage years is not gonna fuck up your mind lol. I would be lucky if I got to date a woman my age.
Brutal. I guess I now know where i'm headed.
How to congregate all the low iq .co users in a single place?

Make a thread glorifying teen love
I found studies confirming teen love is important and you still deny it because you’re stubborn and unwilling to hear information you don’t like
Then don't allow women to suck and fuck at 14. Jfl how is this even an argument. Blackpill should ultimately lead to taking away women's rights so they can't fuck chad endlessly. And here we have losers defending a concept that is build to allow women to fuck chads as young as possible. Just so they can have something more to cry about.

There's a reason no high iq respectable incel is present in these threads. Teenage sex is not a milestone and not doing it in teenage years is not gonna fuck up your mind lol. I would be lucky if I got to date a woman my age.
Studies here confirm teen love is important

and how old are you? Because women lose their looks in their early 30s sometimes even late20s
No, some guys at work know I'm single and don't have kids and make jokes about me being a queer though. It makes me angry, but I keep it inside. I'm not technically KHH as I got lucky drunk in clubs a few times 20 years ago, but trying taking it to anything sexual got the door slammed in my face!
But you’re still a virgin and had any sexual activity (intercourse, oral sex, etc)?
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@SergeantIncel @Master should this be pinned?

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