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Venting Teenage girls are whores, not "children" (Rant, Water, My life)

This is why the whole controversy over age gaps is fucking stupid. I haven't matured sexually or romantically since middle school. Yet if I date a girl 10 years younger than me somehow i'm the one taking advantage of her when her knowledge of sex and relationships in general probably eclipses mine. The average teenage girl would find it far more easy to manipulate a 30 year old incels feelings than he would hers.

And its not just theoretical. Every 30 year old roastie who decides to settle with some nerd who has no sexual experience is committing the equivalent of statutory rape. Most of these guys have the sexual maturity of 13 year old which is why they are so easy to manipulate into giving up everything when its obvious the woman doesn't love them and is just using them for sex. The only "advantage" men have over women in a relationship is physical. Generally the woman is much better at getting what she wants out of the relationship, even if the guy is 10 years older than her.
This is extremely based. Agecucks complain about the maturity gap, but women will ALWAYS have more relationship experience. Any 15 yo girl has more experience than all ascended incels combined and she knows all too well ow to use this to her full advantage.

The worst thing is that this can't even be discussed outside of obscure forums.

There is a movie where this is portrayed a bit. It's called Insomnia. Robin Williams plays the alleged "predator".
All these concepts "simp", "white knights", "orbiter" are relatively recent and started in the US. 20 years ago in France they simply didn't exist.

What we would today identify as simping was considered an actual good behaviour, a good boy doing the right thing who'll without a doubt find someone, one day.

What you call an orbiter, would have simply be perceived as one of her friend. Why does she has so many friend you may ask ? Well because she has such a nice personality. People would say these things unironically.

There was this idea that if you talk to girl in a sexual way, you're simply disgusting and a pig.
You need to be nice, ask her about her hobbies, befriend her first. This is where the concept of the "friendzone" come from by the way. Men back in the days really believe that they needed to befriend the girl for month for something romantic to even be possible.

On top of that I was the simp. I was the one who wanted to defend these girls. Physically (in my dreams, as the chads would have destroyed me IRL) but also mentally : I would be the one saying "you shouldn't talk about her like that".

Here's another anecdote : When I was 12, I was in love with this girl who was the intellectual type. I was also bullied by that classroom's alpha. That girl was kind of reserved, and wasn't really part of the alpha's group. She actually sometimes defended me ("Stop doing that / saying that to him ") out of pity. But one day, I heard her compliment the bully's outfit.

Trust me when I tell you that I felt a knife in my heart.
Simping actually worked in the past. Men would make the relationship sexual when they were both comfortable with each other. Now everything is looks dependent.

It's a good thing that these terms were created because women started to heavily take advantage of and abuse men. Now we can and should shame simps.
Fox is wildin v0 ouwvmcij023b1

I would say that this is a learned behavior, ie imitating the mother or other role models.

I believe little girls want to be beautiful instinctively, but not sexy / desired. There's just no sex drive before puberty.
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This is still true. Every girl at this shithole of a school has a boyfriend and doesn’t talk about anything that isn’t sex and niggerball.
I think everyone has experienced this growing up, i remember several very slutty girls from school, they were groped all the time, they sucked in the woods to multiple guys, they had "boyfriends", they dressed provocatively etc. Everyone would have a story how he/she fucked during their time in summer camp. Of course many a time this would be empty brags (from boys of course), but not all of them. Teens are sexual, agecucks may not like it but this happens all the time
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Back in the days I was convinced that my reserved, respectful and gentlemanly attitude would get me these girls, one day.
Im surprised you didnt ascend. considering this was pre social media, tinder and iphones.
These innocent, clueless, pure teenagers : they’re the boys.

The girls ? They’re whores.
Nice ending sentence. Good thread.

It actually resonates alot of memories i have from school too.

Even one of them was the daughter of a pastor and she fucked like half the school's older chad boys
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I have so many stories all the back to middle school. It’s suifuel having to listen to these conversations.
I have so many stories all the back to middle school. It’s suifuel having to listen to these conversations.

If you're bluepilled, it can give you mixed emotions.

But you keep telling yourself that it'll be your turn one day.

This is something that always infuriates me.

In 2024, the average 15 yo female has more sexual experience, both in terms of number of partners AND in terms of "expertise" (anal, facial, BJ, etc...) than your typical 50 yo boomer who will call you a pedophile if you dare to break the myth of the pure teenage girl.

Now, sit down and listen. Back when I was a teenager (20 years ago):

- an 11 yo girl was filmed blowing a guy 2 years older than her in the toilet. Said guy was of course high-value (good looking, agressive, lots of friends, not listening in class, etc..). I was not part of the cool kids so I didn't get to see the video, but everyone was talking about it

- 11-12 yo girls were starting to wear thongs and making sure they were visible above their low waist jeans (the fashion at the time). Boys would become crazy because of that, and position themselves in class as to be able to look at these girls’ asses.

- When I was 14 yo a girl discussed how she got fingered by her boyfriend and how she fingered herself. I had the opportunity to sit and listen to that conversation (such thing was extremely rare for me as I was not tolerated in these circles) and it turned me on like crazy. I kept thinking about that girl all the time.

- When I was 15, a stud in my class shove his finger in my oneitis' ass while she was climbing a fence in an extremely tight pair of jeans. I got shocked, I thought this was unacceptable and couldn't process why she was laughing. Back in the days I was convinced that my reserved, respectful and gentlemanly attitude would get me these girls, one day.

:heart: Fun fact about that one girl : I remember day dreaming non stop about her, I was making movies in my mind where I imagined she was being attacked and that I was coming to defend her. Must have thought about this a thousand times.

- I once caught a conversation during class between that same girl and her friend, when, while laughing, they were saying that they wanted to "kill themselves" but that before, they wanted to “do it” with someone. They then started to think about who, and of course the 2 guys that came to their mind were the 2 classroom alphas (agressive, bullies, bad grades, you got the picture).

- A 15 yo girl used to regularly be chased by a group of alphas trying to pull her thong. To this day, I still remember her joy, her laughter when this was happening.

- When I was 16, a girl in my class was dating a 23 years old man.

- Another one, which was 17 and with who I was madly in love, was dating a guy in college who used to come take her with his car (in France we don’t have cars in highshcool). When I witnessed that for the first time, I got devastated, as I felt like a child in comparison to this man. I was thinking about this girl all the time, absolutely all the time, at the cost of my grades.

- Around the same age, another girl from my class once discussed with her friends how she was embarrassed when her mother came to pick up the sheets after her boyfriend had ejaculated in them. Now, before that event , I knew girls had boyfriends, but I was under the illusion that they just kissed. As I realised that this very girl, who was in my class, was actually having sex, was actually receiving semen in her vagina, I froze. It was as if I got hit by a train. Said boyfriend was of course older and used to play with his butterfly knife in front of the school. He also had a scooter which again, at that time and in my country, was a massive status symbol.

- Fun, fact, and I’m just gonna drop their real names because IDGAF at that point : During my last year of highschool, I was first in love with a girl called Adèle. Her boyfriend was a popular kid in another class, called Alban. Later, I gave up on Adele and felt in love with Moana.

Moana was particularly hot and was dating a guy in college, so I thought “well, she’s out of my league, but she’s out of everyone’s league”. But guess what, she broke up with that dude and started dating… Alban’s brother, Quentin. These 2 brothers were dating the two girls I had felt in love with. They were popular, charismatic and very extroverted. Adele and Moana didn’t even know each other.

:yes:Pro tip : What could be something that attract girls and that two brother have in common ?

I could go on and on and on. Notice how I vividly remember these memories even 20 years later. Back in these days there were no pill. No red pill, no black pill. You were either bluepilled, or hateful and frustrated, and that was the reason why you weren’t getting any girls.

Another fascinating thing is that I struggled to think about these girls in a sexual way. I was jerking off porn, but these princesses were different. They were kind, pure, innocent. In my mind I was saving them (like in the movies), I was holding their hands, I was kissing them. Nothing more. As mentioned before, I couldn’t acknowledge the fact that they were having sex. Sure, they had boyfriends, but that didn't mean anything. Surely they just hold hands and kissed.

Meanwhile, I was playing World of Mother Fucking Warcraft and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.

My point ?

These innocent, clueless, pure teenagers : they’re the boys.

The girls ? They’re whores.
Daaamn man. This is a brutal story.

Its worth noting thought, that when i was in school, i NEVER heard or saw anything sexual AT ALL. I heard that a few girls and guys had bf/gfs, but i never thought that they were actually having sex except this one darktriadmaxed Jewisj-looking chad, who admitted that he has had sex, but i still think that the majority of people in my class were virgins by this time.

At least i want to believe it... Or i will kill myself.
Teens are eligible to drive which debunk most agecucks.
Teens are eligible to drive which debunk most agecucks.
I have so many stories all the back to middle school. It’s suifuel having to listen to these conversations.

there are even members here that will fight you if you say anything about teen sluts. i remember students when i was in school messing around at 12-13 this was in the 90's. :soy::foidSoy:oh no she is 17yo and 355 days old shes just an innocent baby. you can adjust the year to your countries bs laws :society:
Brootal story budy boyyo, one of the bigest blackpill is when you realize while you were playing video games and jerking your schlong in tiny room while being afraid that your parents might enter these whores where fucking and sucking Chads semen . Jesus , two diffrent worlds . :feelsrope: :worryfeels:
I remeber when i was in highscool ( 15 or 16), one of the whores was telling my friend that she goes after school to fuck her boyfriend, later we learned it was some married dude in 30s that was fucking her. :feelswhat::feelsohh:
I also remeber when we were 15 and foids from class found out one of the guys from our class was virgin and mocked him, one of the whores was brutal about mocking. The best part was that that dude was good looking Chadlite.
Brootal story budy boyyo, one of the bigest blackpill is when you realize while you were playing video games and jerking your schlong in tiny room while being afraid that your parents might enter these whores where fucking and sucking Chads semen . Jesus , two diffrent worlds . :feelsrope: :worryfeels:
I remeber when i was in highscool ( 15 or 16), one of the whores was telling my friend that she goes after school to fuck her boyfriend, later we learned it was some married dude in 30s that was fucking her. :feelswhat::feelsohh:
I also remeber when we were 15 and foids from class found out one of the guys from our class was virgin and mocked him, one of the whores was brutal about mocking. The best part was that that dude was good looking Chadlite.

:lasereyes: suifuel tbh

Daaamn man. This is a brutal story.

Its worth noting thought, that when i was in school, i NEVER heard or saw anything sexual AT ALL. I heard that a few girls and guys had bf/gfs, but i never thought that they were actually having sex except this one darktriadmaxed Jewisj-looking chad, who admitted that he has had sex, but i still think that the majority of people in my class were virgins by this time.

At least i want to believe it... Or i will kill myself.

Well at least you won't be the one putting a ring on whore's finger.
Dnr the post but title is true
The average teenage girl would find it far more easy to manipulate a 30 year old incels feelings
im in my early 20's and i know for a fact, say a 13 to 17 year old girl would be able to break my mental state.
In France some drug dealer Arabs were fucking white teenage girls.
France is so cucked
In France some drug dealer Arabs were fucking white teenage girls.
France is so cucked

100%, I can testify that in France arab thugs make white pussies drool.

A couple of years ago there was a story were a white boy tried to defend 2 white girls being " harassed " by a group of arab thugs. He got destroyed and sent to the hospital. A couple of month later, the two sluts made video to talk about the incident, when describing how the white boy got punched, they laughed.
100%, I can testify that in France arab thugs make white pussies drool.

A couple of years ago there was a story were a white boy tried to defend 2 white girls being " harassed " by a group of arab thugs. He got destroyed and sent to the hospital. A couple of month later, the two sluts made video to talk about the incident, when describing how the white boy got punched, they laughed.
Imagine defending a public toilet. Those dumb sluts are deserving to beeing burned alive. Fuck on this macron Arab dick sucker. He is destroying whole European civilisation by letting sand niggers and niggerniggers living in France. It's like a virus o cancer which is spreading all over the country.
100%, I can testify that in France arab thugs make white pussies drool.

A couple of years ago there was a story were a white boy tried to defend 2 white girls being " harassed " by a group of arab thugs. He got destroyed and sent to the hospital. A couple of month later, the two sluts made video to talk about the incident, when describing how the white boy got punched, they laughed.
There was a story of some German cuck in Germany few months ago who defended some German slut from couple arabs, they stuck glass in his eyes and blinded him for life :feelsUnreal::feelscry:
Imagine defending a public toilet. Those dumb sluts are deserving to beeing burned alive. Fuck on this macron Arab dick sucker. He is destroying whole European civilisation by letting sand niggers and niggerniggers living in France. It's like a virus o cancer which is spreading all over the country.

The good news is that men are increasingly ignoring such incidents. Some girls will be harassed or raped in the subway, and no one move anymore. When stories like that hit the news, you see a flood of comments raging because "men are pussies, men don't do anything to defend women anymore".

Are you fucking insane ? These sluts do vote to get more niggers and sand niggers every 4 years. Say a single word about this at your job or uni, they'll be the first to report you to HR and destroy your social life.

Want more niggers ? Then face the consequences. Plus these feral animals almost always carry blades and will definitely kill you before raping a slut who will proceed to orgasm and then write how "it has nothing to do with race" on twitter.

Something like that happens in front of me ? I walk.

RULE : You ONLY defend a woman that either is part of your family, give you sex, or give sex to a member of your clan (which would make her part of your family).
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There was a story of some German cuck in Germany few months ago who defended some German slut from couple arabs, they stuck glass in his eyes and blinded him for life :feelsUnreal::feelscry:

Absolute suifuel. She should be forced by law to give him sex for the rest of his life.
knowing how cucked Germany is, she is probably fucking arabs :feelshaha:

Disgusting, revolting, unbearable.
At this point I would not be surprised if she was fucking the very arabs who did that to that guy.
knowing how cucked Germany is, she is probably fucking arabs :feelshaha:
I read about that. Only his sister is taking care of him now. And talking about him what a hero he is.
But the stacy who was saved is probably fucking some muslim dick while he is rotting blind in his room.
The good news is that men are increasingly ignoring such incidents. Some girls will be harassed or raped in the subway, and no one move anymore. When stories like that hit the news, you see a flood of comments raging because "men are pussies, men don't do anything to defend women anymore".

Are you fucking insane ? These sluts do vote to get more niggers and sand niggers every 4 years. Say a single word about this at your job or uni, they'll be the first to report you to HR and destroy your social life.

Want more niggers ? Then face the consequences. Plus these feral animals almost always carry blades and will definitely kill you before raping a slut who will proceed to orgasm and then write how "it has nothing to do with race" on twitter.

Something like that happens in front of me ? I walk.

RULE : You ONLY defend a woman that either is part of your family, give you sex, or give sex to a member of your clan (which would make her part of your family).
I dont even go in cities anymore. I only get mogged by some chads, ugly feminists whore, post wall stacies which are still 10x my SMV or have to watch teenie sucubus lolita stacy in her prime with old arab guys flirting. No thanks I dont need my blood boiled anymore.
I dont even go in cities anymore. I only get mogged by some chads, ugly feminists whore, post wall stacies which are still 10x my SMV or have to watch teenie sucubus lolita stacy in her prime with old arab guys flirting. No thanks I dont need my blood boiled anymore.

Based and true
:feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: God damn it I just want sex with teenage girl!
I dont even go in cities anymore. I only get mogged by some chads, ugly feminists whore, post wall stacies which are still 10x my SMV or have to watch teenie sucubus lolita stacy in her prime with old arab guys flirting. No thanks I dont need my blood boiled anymore.
While me an arian supreme gentleman ha to rot in his room. Is that the equality which are voted for? Was that the meaning that stacies are riding day and night the cuck carousel while we are invisible to everyone from young to old? And still these toilets are begging for more and more rights.
While me an arian supreme gentleman ha to rot in his room. Is that the equality which are voted for? Was that the meaning that stacies are riding day and night the cuck carousel while we are invisible to everyone from young to old? And still these toilets are begging for more and more rights.
Stfu racist
If there's any kind of interaction between a hot JB and some old creep, I'll ALWAYS assume the old creep is the victim. A hot JB has so much power. First because she's a female, second because she's in her prime, third because she can use her age to get out of anything. She could go to a frat party, get gang banged and take drugs and say she "didnt know what she was doing" and some male will be found responsible for what she did.
She also has the full power of legal institutions and society behind her. Even if the girls isnt underage, if she is dating a much older man, it will be alot easier to get public sympathy and convince a mob or jury of false rape accusations. Unless he locks her in the basement, a man has basically no power in this kind of relationship and will always be walking on eggshells.
The worst thing is that this can't even be discussed outside of obscure forums.
The sad thing is whenever people discuss it its to call the guy a creep unless he's a chad in which case they will ignore it. Leonardo dicaprio only got criticized for it when his looks started to go.
im in my early 20's and i know for a fact, say a 13 to 17 year old girl would be able to break my mental state.
Its usually the girl that initiates these relationship and get innocent lonely men put behind bars. And when an older foid does it to a teenage boy she will only get community service or a couple of years at worst.
You will never touch a vagina I will (((((((make sure)))))))
You will never come in the near of any vagina useless kike. You can only fuck your sisters and mothers ass you ugly inbread looser jew genetics.
These innocent, clueless, pure teenagers : they’re the boys.

The girls ? They’re whores.
Great post thank you for sharing, what a brutal finisher there with these 2 lines. I've never thought about it that ay, I'm actually the clueless innocent boy not these JB's
This is why the whole controversy over age gaps is fucking stupid. I haven't matured sexually or romantically since middle school. Yet if I date a girl 10 years younger than me somehow i'm the one taking advantage of her when her knowledge of sex and relationships in general probably eclipses mine. The average teenage girl would find it far more easy to manipulate a 30 year old incels feelings than he would hers.
Maybe a bit off topic but i'm nearly 22 now. I would say I have certainly matured a little from when I was in my teens but the amount I matured was certainly not enough to justify all the agecuckery bullshit.

I'm pretty sure you can drive around in burgerland on your own at 16. But you cant have a sexual relationship with them. People can die on the road!
The only "advantage" men have over women in a relationship is physical.
Yeah, and thats pointless because if you excercise this advantage then you are FUCKED.
Simping actually worked in the past. Men would make the relationship sexual when they were both comfortable with each other. Now everything is looks dependent.
I think you make an interesting point.

Orbiting while pathetic might actually work in the past, since the whores only know people in their local school or so on, you could potentially orbit and eventually have your turn, now though these whores have access to social media and they will just keep selecting new chads online and the orbiters will never get their chance like they used to be able to a couple decades ago. Theres no advantage to befriending her and so on anymore.
This is were rapists come from, when they say no to getting cucked and put whores in there place. And risk being imprisoned for violating womens rights to being priveleged. And being seen as a monster for not wanting his genes to be extinct.
You will never come in the near of any vagina useless kike. You can only fuck your sisters and mothers ass you ugly inbread looser jew genetics.
You’re right I’m also trucel but I can fuck tons of hot hookers and already do. I’ll make sure you stay virgin and broke you filthy right wing Nazi racisf
I think you make an interesting point.

Orbiting while pathetic might actually work in the past, since the whores only know people in their local school or so on, you could potentially orbit and eventually have your turn, now though these whores have access to social media and they will just keep selecting new chads online and the orbiters will never get their chance like they used to be able to a couple decades ago. Theres no advantage to befriending her and so on anymore.
Women were also respectful in the past. They weren't blatantly trying to abuse and take advantage of men, so even paying for their things on dates made sense. Dating was so easy back then, you didn't have to walk the minefield of gold-diggers, abusers, false accusations, hyper-creep-awareness. You just had to be respectful, well-mannered, well-groomed and go after women in your league.
If there's any kind of interaction between a hot JB and some old creep, I'll ALWAYS assume the old creep is the victim. A hot JB has so much power. First because she's a female, second because she's in her prime, third because she can use her age to get out of anything. She could go to a frat party, get gang banged and take drugs and say she "didnt know what she was doing" and some male will be found responsible for what she did.
Extremely based. When I went clubbing in my early 20s I used to see drunk girls throwing tantrums to get out of paying the bill. Women really do have all the power over society and are able to get away with everything.
This is were rapists come from, when they say no to getting cucked and put whores in there place. And risk being imprisoned for violating womens rights to being priveleged. And being seen as a monster for not wanting his genes to be extinct.

IMO ? There are only 2 situation where "rape" can happen :
- if she's married
- if she's a virgin

A slut who have sex with chads at frat parties can never be "raped".

Imagine having 10+ bodycount and saying you were "raped" LMFAO

Women were also respectful in the past. They weren't blatantly trying to abuse and take advantage of men, so even paying for their things on dates made sense. Dating was so easy back then, you didn't have to walk the minefield of gold-diggers, abusers, false accusations, hyper-creep-awareness. You just had to be respectful, well-mannered, well-groomed and go after women in your league.

True and Suifuel tbh
Women were also respectful in the past. They weren't blatantly trying to abuse and take advantage of men, so even paying for their things on dates made sense. Dating was so easy back then, you didn't have to walk the minefield of gold-diggers, abusers, false accusations, hyper-creep-awareness. You just had to be respectful, well-mannered, well-groomed and go after women in your league.
Everything in the current day is just irreversibly fucked
- 11-12 yo girls were starting to wear thongs and making sure they were visible above their low waist jeans (the fashion at the time). Boys would become crazy because of that, and position themselves in class as to be able to look at these girls’ asses.
Can confirm. When I was at that age, they'd wear thongs under pants with thin fabric, and they'd wedgie the pants deep into their buttcracks. Absolute whores. And, let's not forget, girls this age can't just go to Victoria's Secret and buy thongs. They don't even have their own money. Their moms always buy them this shit. It's like how normie dads want their sons to play handegg in high school, normie moms want their daughters to be sluts in high school.
My point ?

These innocent, clueless, pure teenagers : they’re the boys.

The girls ? They’re whores.

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