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TeeHee One Woman Makes Her Best Attempt to Empathise With Incels



May 24, 2022

One Woman Makes Her Best Attempt to Empathise With Incels​

That’s what we’re told to do, right?​

Sharon Alger

Sharon AlgerFollow
Sharon Alger
Sharon Alger

·~10 min read·October 5, 2023 (Updated: October 7, 2023)·Free: No
I would imagine most internet users in 2023 know what an incel is, by now. If not, let's do a quick run-down: an incel is short for, 'involuntary celibate.' The term refers to a community of straight men who claim they are incapable of finding a woman to have sex with.
Whenever I read about incels on the internet, inevitably somebody will leave a comment informing women that we need to have more empathy for these men. 'Because they're so lonely,' they cry. 'Sex is a physical need for men; how can you not feel pity for them?' Often, older partnered men plead for women to care more about incels. Sometimes, older women make these remarks, too.
Plenty of times, I've seen incels themselves claim if women would just acknowledge how hard it is to be an incel and have some empathy, then that would help them a great deal.
Today, I've decided to volunteer myself as tribute to this cause. Yes, I'm going to make a focused effort to attempt to empathise with the grievances incels have. Some of you at this point will glance at my bio, and think, 'huh! Feminist! She's just going to roast the poor guys.' Others will have read my work in the past, and be familiar with my occasionally smart-arsy tone, and think, 'yep! She's definitely going to make fun of them.'
And to that, I insist you're wrong. I'm going to give this a red-hot bloody go. I will be fair and reasonable. I hope you will attempt this empathy exercise along with me. You have my solid guarantee that I will continue this thought experiment until I feel complete empathy for at least one point made by an incel. But before I begin, we need to settle on some house-keeping.
I shall seek out examples of grievances from the first incel forum that comes up on my Ecosia search. For each point I address, I will rank my empathy level from 0–10, ten being the maximum amount of empathy I feel.
One last thing: if you have a weak stomach, it's probably best if you sit this story out.


From the forum:
Women shouldn't be allowed to make decisions about their lives.
This means that raping women should not be a crime.
If a married woman is raped by someone other than her husband, then she should be stoned to death for infidelity. Other than that, there is no need to legislate against the rape of women or take measures to prevent it.
Women enjoy being raped and fantasize about being raped all the time, so outlawing it would be suppressing the female sexuality.
Before I go on, I need to point out that there are many, many posts on this forum sharing this sentiment, or different versions of it. This is not a cherry-picked, once-off comment by a member who does not represent the community. Also notable is the fact most members in the replies agreed with this opinion.
Let's begin with the assertion that women enjoy and fantasise about rape 'all the time.' This article suggests that two-thirds of women in the study mentioned had rape fantasies. Fantasies, guys. Now, I've never fantasised about rape personally, but I have had many sexual fantasies that I would never wish to act upon. And in reality, I would not enjoy those sex acts I have fantasised about.
For women who enjoy role playing rape as their kink, it must be noted that the role play is not rape, as the role play is consented to by both participants. What about the idea that women 'enjoying being raped?'
I found this quote that addresses this point well:
Fact: Recent research conducted by Kelly Suschinsky and Martin Lalumiere, show proof that vaginal lubrication occurs during both consensual and unwanted sex, such as in sexual assault. The study shows that while an erection does indicate sexual arousal in men, sexual arousal in women requires a complex mix of intimate connection, physical stimuli, and emotional presence. Vaginal lubrication occurs during even violent sexual assaults as the body's defense against genital injury and urinary infection from forced, rough intercourse. [Source]
Personally, I have been raped by two different men, at different times. I absolutely did not enjoy it, and was disgusted by those men. That's probably the biggest reason they raped me. Anecdotally, of all the women I've ever talked to about rape, or read about their experiences online, the common thread has been that our rapes have been traumatic, unenjoyable experiences for us.
Also, to state the obvious, rape is a crime. To those of you who would cry out for women to empathise with incels, is this what you had in mind? Do you want us to feel empathy for people who are pro-rape? Who would decriminalise it if they could? Let's pretend I do empathise with their viewpoint for a second. What sort of person would I be?
I would need to believe it's understandable to want to rape a woman. And I don't. And that should be considered normal.
Empathy rating: 0/10


In the forum, a member asked the question, 'what age of girls do you prefer?' I won't list all of the answers given in this thread. Let's just say that a decent number of men preferred women of legal age, up to mid-20s. One member chose 50+ year old women (uh, pass), and a disturbing amount of men salivated over underage girls.
But the worst part of this mess? Not one of these men called out the pedophiles. Not a single one. Now, if I or anyone else is remotely capable of empathising with any of this: call the damn cops. I'd love for someone to explain to me why on earth women are expected to empathise with literal pedophiles and those who sit comfortably with them? It pleases me greatly to hear that men with disgusting thoughts like these have never been able to act upon them. I hope that continues.
Do people expect women to empathise with incels because they are unaware of the acceptance of pedophilia in the community? Or are they aware, but blame women's rejection for incels turning out this way? Either way…
Empathy rating: 0/10, because I do not empathise with pedophiles, ever.


This empathy thing isn't looking too great yet, is it? But true to my word, I will continue.
Let's consider a post on the forum about a murder that was in the news. A 15-year-old girl rejected a 17-year-old boy, and he stabbed her to death with a machete. Here are some quotes from forum members about this murder:
I bet she was a [Black woman described in an animalistic way].
This reaction to rejection should be default. Cucked society we live in.
Imagine not stabbing the neck of a girl rejecting you.
Good she ain't going to ride the cock carousel now.
The only thing that gives me a slight reprieve from my hellish experience of life is reading stories like this. It is such a relief to see a woman finally experience the kind of hopelessness they've forced me to live with for my entire life.
I could go on with more quotes, but instead I'll inform you that these opinions repeated themselves throughout the thread, and not one member spoke up against them. Again: this thread is by no means a once-off. There are many, many threads on this forum celebrating the murder of women, especially if they had rejected their murderer beforehand. Often, a member will chime in with the comment, 'should've raped her first.'
Empathy rating: 0/10.
I explicitly do not agree that these women deserved to be murdered. I also refuse to believe that all of the rejections these men and boys experienced prior to their crimes turned them into murderers. This behaviour is not the fault of any human being, expect for the man/boy who chose to commit a crime. I'm glad young women are dodging serious bullets by steering clear of people like this.


[NSFW] Life Fuel — Acid Attacks
A lot of people wanted life fuel so there ya go.
In this forum post, the user shared before and after photos of beautiful women, and next to each photo is another of how she looks after becoming severely disfigured from an acid attack.
In another forum post which has since been deleted, one member declared that permanently disfiguring women and men who get to have sex is 'better' than raping or murdering them. Why? Because it prolongs their suffering. Do I really need to give an empathy rating here? Fine.
Empathy rating: 0/10.

Here's a few more topics that drew zero empathy from me​

We would be here all day if I quoted each of them separately, so I'm going to lump these opinions from incels together:
  • frequently naming women 'toilets,' 'holes,' and 'foids.'
  • wishing to enslave women
  • talking openly about wanting to rape their sisters
  • celebrating women 'getting what they deserve.' In other words, glorification of unspeakable violence against women.
  • expressing strong desires to beat women, both inside and outside of relationships with them.
  • hate speech against Black people, Asians, Jewish people, disabled people, gay people, transgender people.
  • calling for the government to 'distribute' women to incels as mandated wives.
  • declaring that women only own male dogs as pets because they have sex with them.
  • bragging about the times they have physically hurt women (or girls, when they were teens, themselves). Plans and wishes to hurt males and females who have sex. I say 'males and females,' because sometime they are referring to adults, and other times, teens.
Still think women are 'just being mean' to poor, lonely men?


I really don't know what's wrong with me, but it's a pattern I see, I make friends, things go well in the beginning, and then as time progresses, I start becoming a stranger to what were initially friends, they kinda avoid me and when I call them or ask them questions, I get ignored or dismissed, and when I insist, people talk with me as if they were putting a huge effort. I can't understand what is diffrent [sic] about my personality that repels people. Can anyone relate?
The first user to answer this forum post tried to problem-solve the situation, suggesting he might be autistic. I'm in no position to diagnose this fellow myself, but no one seems to see the elephant in the room, here.
You're in an incel forum, my dude. You hang out with a bunch of people who are comfortable discussing all the things we've covered above. I'm sure you aren't telling your new friends you're in this forum. You may think they're not picking up on your beliefs, but sooner or later, the mask always slips. Eventually, your friends are figuring out something is 'off' with you, even if they can't put their finger on what it is. Or maybe they can, and you don't realise.
The only way this could be addressed is to leave the incel community, go get therapy and learn some social skills.
Empathy rating: 2/10.

History of suffering abuse and bullying from women​

Reflecting on my life and my past, I realized that women were the ones who treated me the worst of all. They were the ones who were toxic and hateful.
This incel goes on to describe experiencing bullying from girls in school, and an abusive mother (physically and emotionally). He goes on to express his frustration that women are portrayed in our culture as the more caring gender.
As someone who has also been bullied by girls in school, I can empathise. I've also been abused physically and emotionally by a woman for a large part of my life. The stereotype of women being the caring gender is harmful to all; for so many reasons, I could write an entire story on that topic alone.
I have received a ton of therapy to help me to deal with the trauma from my abuse. I will continue to work on it in therapy for as long as I need to. I sincerely hope this user is able to access therapy and makes the decision to seek it out.
Empathy rating: 10/10.

Made fun of for being a virgin​

Was just roasted by my "Christian" parents for being a kiss less, hug less virgin.
How fucking embarrassing, humiliated in front of my whole family.
This one breaks my heart. Nobody deserves to be treated this way by anyone, especially not from their own family who is supposed to love, cherish and support them. There's no excuses for this behaviour. It's this exact stigma that leads people to believe being a virgin is a big deal and something to be ashamed of.

Can We Find Better Ways to Talk About Virginity?​

Let’s knock virginity firmly off its pedestal​


I have believed for a long time that we should all collectively agree to quit 'virgin shaming' people. If any non-incels are at fault for helping to create this monster, it would be because of this sort of bullying. We're all responsible for changing this harmful cultural narrative.
Empathy: 10/10.
Before I finish, I'd like to cast our attention onto the people who cry out for women to show more empathy to incels. I have some questions for you:
  • do you feel incels are lacking in empathy for others, in any way?
  • after reading this, do you think women deserve a tiny skerrick of empathy thrown our way? Just a crumb, sir? And not just women; all the people incels dream of inflicting harm upon, which includes men who have sex, by the way.
  • do you have any ideas as to why these men might be lonely?
  • why are only women being asked to show empathy towards incels?
  • is it actual empathy you want from women, or is it a polite way to ask us to fix the problem? You know, take one for the team? Give an incel pity sex? And if this is your solution, can you tell me with a straight face you're an empathetic person yourself?
I need a tl;dr
dnr do not care
how is this a TeeHee
Dnr as she’s still a sexhaver whore.

One Woman Makes Her Best Attempt to Empathise With Incels​

Sarcasm and irony is extremely hard to detect through writing/on the internet. A lot of what is said here is hyperbole. If you aren't "in on the joke" you won't get it.
Foids have no heart or soul

One Woman Makes Her Best Attempt to Empathise With Incels​

That’s what we’re told to do, right?​

Sharon Alger
Sharon AlgerFollow
Sharon Alger
Sharon Alger
·~10 min read·October 5, 2023 (Updated: October 7, 2023)·Free: No
I would imagine most internet users in 2023 know what an incel is, by now. If not, let's do a quick run-down: an incel is short for, 'involuntary celibate.' The term refers to a community of straight men who claim they are incapable of finding a woman to have sex with.
Whenever I read about incels on the internet, inevitably somebody will leave a comment informing women that we need to have more empathy for these men. 'Because they're so lonely,' they cry. 'Sex is a physical need for men; how can you not feel pity for them?' Often, older partnered men plead for women to care more about incels. Sometimes, older women make these remarks, too.
Plenty of times, I've seen incels themselves claim if women would just acknowledge how hard it is to be an incel and have some empathy, then that would help them a great deal.
Today, I've decided to volunteer myself as tribute to this cause. Yes, I'm going to make a focused effort to attempt to empathise with the grievances incels have. Some of you at this point will glance at my bio, and think, 'huh! Feminist! She's just going to roast the poor guys.' Others will have read my work in the past, and be familiar with my occasionally smart-arsy tone, and think, 'yep! She's definitely going to make fun of them.'
And to that, I insist you're wrong. I'm going to give this a red-hot bloody go. I will be fair and reasonable. I hope you will attempt this empathy exercise along with me. You have my solid guarantee that I will continue this thought experiment until I feel complete empathy for at least one point made by an incel. But before I begin, we need to settle on some house-keeping.
I shall seek out examples of grievances from the first incel forum that comes up on my Ecosia search. For each point I address, I will rank my empathy level from 0–10, ten being the maximum amount of empathy I feel.
One last thing: if you have a weak stomach, it's probably best if you sit this story out.


From the forum:

Before I go on, I need to point out that there are many, many posts on this forum sharing this sentiment, or different versions of it. This is not a cherry-picked, once-off comment by a member who does not represent the community. Also notable is the fact most members in the replies agreed with this opinion.
Let's begin with the assertion that women enjoy and fantasise about rape 'all the time.' This article suggests that two-thirds of women in the study mentioned had rape fantasies. Fantasies, guys. Now, I've never fantasised about rape personally, but I have had many sexual fantasies that I would never wish to act upon. And in reality, I would not enjoy those sex acts I have fantasised about.
For women who enjoy role playing rape as their kink, it must be noted that the role play is not rape, as the role play is consented to by both participants. What about the idea that women 'enjoying being raped?'
I found this quote that addresses this point well:

Personally, I have been raped by two different men, at different times. I absolutely did not enjoy it, and was disgusted by those men. That's probably the biggest reason they raped me. Anecdotally, of all the women I've ever talked to about rape, or read about their experiences online, the common thread has been that our rapes have been traumatic, unenjoyable experiences for us.
Also, to state the obvious, rape is a crime. To those of you who would cry out for women to empathise with incels, is this what you had in mind? Do you want us to feel empathy for people who are pro-rape? Who would decriminalise it if they could? Let's pretend I do empathise with their viewpoint for a second. What sort of person would I be?
I would need to believe it's understandable to want to rape a woman. And I don't. And that should be considered normal.
Empathy rating: 0/10


In the forum, a member asked the question, 'what age of girls do you prefer?' I won't list all of the answers given in this thread. Let's just say that a decent number of men preferred women of legal age, up to mid-20s. One member chose 50+ year old women (uh, pass), and a disturbing amount of men salivated over underage girls.
But the worst part of this mess? Not one of these men called out the pedophiles. Not a single one. Now, if I or anyone else is remotely capable of empathising with any of this: call the damn cops. I'd love for someone to explain to me why on earth women are expected to empathise with literal pedophiles and those who sit comfortably with them? It pleases me greatly to hear that men with disgusting thoughts like these have never been able to act upon them. I hope that continues.
Do people expect women to empathise with incels because they are unaware of the acceptance of pedophilia in the community? Or are they aware, but blame women's rejection for incels turning out this way? Either way…
Empathy rating: 0/10, because I do not empathise with pedophiles, ever.


This empathy thing isn't looking too great yet, is it? But true to my word, I will continue.
Let's consider a post on the forum about a murder that was in the news. A 15-year-old girl rejected a 17-year-old boy, and he stabbed her to death with a machete. Here are some quotes from forum members about this murder:

I could go on with more quotes, but instead I'll inform you that these opinions repeated themselves throughout the thread, and not one member spoke up against them. Again: this thread is by no means a once-off. There are many, many threads on this forum celebrating the murder of women, especially if they had rejected their murderer beforehand. Often, a member will chime in with the comment, 'should've raped her first.'
Empathy rating: 0/10.
I explicitly do not agree that these women deserved to be murdered. I also refuse to believe that all of the rejections these men and boys experienced prior to their crimes turned them into murderers. This behaviour is not the fault of any human being, expect for the man/boy who chose to commit a crime. I'm glad young women are dodging serious bullets by steering clear of people like this.


In this forum post, the user shared before and after photos of beautiful women, and next to each photo is another of how she looks after becoming severely disfigured from an acid attack.
In another forum post which has since been deleted, one member declared that permanently disfiguring women and men who get to have sex is 'better' than raping or murdering them. Why? Because it prolongs their suffering. Do I really need to give an empathy rating here? Fine.
Empathy rating: 0/10.

Here's a few more topics that drew zero empathy from me​

We would be here all day if I quoted each of them separately, so I'm going to lump these opinions from incels together:
  • frequently naming women 'toilets,' 'holes,' and 'foids.'
  • wishing to enslave women
  • talking openly about wanting to rape their sisters
  • celebrating women 'getting what they deserve.' In other words, glorification of unspeakable violence against women.
  • expressing strong desires to beat women, both inside and outside of relationships with them.
  • hate speech against Black people, Asians, Jewish people, disabled people, gay people, transgender people.
  • calling for the government to 'distribute' women to incels as mandated wives.
  • declaring that women only own male dogs as pets because they have sex with them.
  • bragging about the times they have physically hurt women (or girls, when they were teens, themselves). Plans and wishes to hurt males and females who have sex. I say 'males and females,' because sometime they are referring to adults, and other times, teens.
Still think women are 'just being mean' to poor, lonely men?


The first user to answer this forum post tried to problem-solve the situation, suggesting he might be autistic. I'm in no position to diagnose this fellow myself, but no one seems to see the elephant in the room, here.
You're in an incel forum, my dude. You hang out with a bunch of people who are comfortable discussing all the things we've covered above. I'm sure you aren't telling your new friends you're in this forum. You may think they're not picking up on your beliefs, but sooner or later, the mask always slips. Eventually, your friends are figuring out something is 'off' with you, even if they can't put their finger on what it is. Or maybe they can, and you don't realise.
The only way this could be addressed is to leave the incel community, go get therapy and learn some social skills.
Empathy rating: 2/10.

History of suffering abuse and bullying from women​

This incel goes on to describe experiencing bullying from girls in school, and an abusive mother (physically and emotionally). He goes on to express his frustration that women are portrayed in our culture as the more caring gender.
As someone who has also been bullied by girls in school, I can empathise. I've also been abused physically and emotionally by a woman for a large part of my life. The stereotype of women being the caring gender is harmful to all; for so many reasons, I could write an entire story on that topic alone.
I have received a ton of therapy to help me to deal with the trauma from my abuse. I will continue to work on it in therapy for as long as I need to. I sincerely hope this user is able to access therapy and makes the decision to seek it out.
Empathy rating: 10/10.

Made fun of for being a virgin​

This one breaks my heart. Nobody deserves to be treated this way by anyone, especially not from their own family who is supposed to love, cherish and support them. There's no excuses for this behaviour. It's this exact stigma that leads people to believe being a virgin is a big deal and something to be ashamed of.
I have believed for a long time that we should all collectively agree to quit 'virgin shaming' people. If any non-incels are at fault for helping to create this monster, it would be because of this sort of bullying. We're all responsible for changing this harmful cultural narrative.
Empathy: 10/10.
Before I finish, I'd like to cast our attention onto the people who cry out for women to show more empathy to incels. I have some questions for you:
  • do you feel incels are lacking in empathy for others, in any way?
  • after reading this, do you think women deserve a tiny skerrick of empathy thrown our way? Just a crumb, sir? And not just women; all the people incels dream of inflicting harm upon, which includes men who have sex, by the way.
  • do you have any ideas as to why these men might be lonely?
  • why are only women being asked to show empathy towards incels?
  • is it actual empathy you want from women, or is it a polite way to ask us to fix the problem? You know, take one for the team? Give an incel pity sex? And if this is your solution, can you tell me with a straight face you're an empathetic person yourself?

Say what you want ablut this women who wants the empathize with incels. She is still way smartter then those internet dumbasses who want to adopt a wild animal just to get mauled to death. Worst thatll happen to her is somone shit talks her.
Say what you want ablut this women who wants the empathize with incels. She is still way smartter then those internet dumbasses who want to adopt a wild animal just to get mauled to death. Worst thatll happen to her is somone shit talks her.
what did she fucking expect when you cross a mentally-ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?"

"I'll tell you what you get. YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE-!"

*B A N G*
Say what you want ablut this women who wants the empathize with incels. She is still way smartter then those internet dumbasses who want to adopt a wild animal just to get mauled to death. Worst thatll happen to her is somone shit talks her.
I think it's virtue signalling, one step away from saying 'the patriarchy backfired'. She never mentioned lookism, just cherrypicked the posts she wanted.
I think it's virtue signalling, one step away from saying 'the patriarchy backfired'. She never mentioned lookism, just cherrypicked the posts she wanted.
I can see that being the case. I dealt with virtue signalling to an actuall dangerous degree at my old job at lowes. Yeah dont work in ghetto ass retail areas. I ended up learning the downsides of black culture very very quickly.
I can see that being the case. I dealt with virtue signalling to an actuall dangerous degree at my old job at lowes. Yeah dont work in ghetto ass retail areas. I ended up learning the downsides of black culture very very quickly.
I would love to learn more
hate speech against Black people, Asians, Jewish people, disabled people, gay people, transgender people.
Not a single word after that. Kill yourself dumb whore
None of the subtitles indicate an attempt to empathise, the complete opposite. She, like almost all women, is more concerned with being a victim and a narcissist. Therefore I don't care.
Xister doesnt realise that incels on the forums and incels irl are completely different people and most content here is trolling for shock value.
I would love to learn more
First off you want to know about black culture. You know how the black steryotype is that of monkeys? This is more so ghettoheads then any black person. My department was 60% ghetto heads. They would be selfish, stupid and get mad over shit thats either there own fault or trivial. No "snitch" culture despite snitching on others. Well I dealt with ghetto heads threatening me over shit both trivial and there fault. Managment being selfish pretended to give a shit wile just trying to cover it up because they dont wanna deal with the hard work of being a leader. It wasnt just ghetto head blacks, it was also other types of people. Even at one point somone talked about how they were gonna stab (white guy) me dead. So I had to pull off some beyond scarred straight shit to back em off. Managment again tryed to cover it up and blame me for "antagonizing them". And them I mean the people who acted like fucking animals. It also happend to other people. If yoy want a store thatllake incels happy. Around march of 2023, some girl wanted to be in my department( night crew). But because of how ghetto heads think. They kept aggressivly following her talking about her "nice ass". She ended up quiting because of the shit she couldnt deal with. Managment covered it up. I may have not dealt with virtue sigalling like this ladie. Actually I somwhat have. My mom talks ablut how I need a girl in my life as if I had a fucking chance. And now Ive seen virtue signalling in lowes when managment endangeres employees for there own convenience. Point is virtue signalling can happen anywere. I dont know if this girl who claims to care about incels is virtue signalling or not. But she could be. Only time will tell. Yeah though beware of black culture its a zoo. Thats another important point.
First off you want to know about black culture. You know how the black steryotype is that of monkeys? This is more so ghettoheads then any black person. My department was 60% ghetto heads. They would be selfish, stupid and get mad over shit thats either there own fault or trivial. No "snitch" culture despite snitching on others. Well I dealt with ghetto heads threatening me over shit both trivial and there fault. Managment being selfish pretended to give a shit wile just trying to cover it up because they dont wanna deal with the hard work of being a leader. It wasnt just ghetto head blacks, it was also other types of people. Even at one point somone talked about how they were gonna stab (white guy) me dead. So I had to pull off some beyond scarred straight shit to back em off. Managment again tryed to cover it up and blame me for "antagonizing them". And them I mean the people who acted like fucking animals. It also happend to other people. If yoy want a store thatllake incels happy. Around march of 2023, some girl wanted to be in my department( night crew). But because of how ghetto heads think. They kept aggressivly following her talking about her "nice ass". She ended up quiting because of the shit she couldnt deal with. Managment covered it up. I may have not dealt with virtue sigalling like this ladie. Actually I somwhat have. My mom talks ablut how I need a girl in my life as if I had a fucking chance. And now Ive seen virtue signalling in lowes when managment endangeres employees for there own convenience. Point is virtue signalling can happen anywere. I dont know if this girl who claims to care about incels is virtue signalling or not. But she could be. Only time will tell. Yeah though beware of black culture its a zoo. Thats another important point.
Yeah, I've heard that the 'punk rock' type of white people act like ghetto 'gangsta/dril rap' type of black people.

Animals act aggressively because they only obtain and keep what they fight for. Civilisation requires people to compromise, accept fault, apologise, etc. They only do that in a situation of fairness.

Your shitty bosses don't care about right and wrong, only about making sure the good times flow. Self-sacrifice and justice are alien concepts to them.

I wonder what made you and me different. That we didn't have access to pussy? That we were forced to be polite to get acceptance at the bottom of society? Maybe we had similar kinds of fathers?

Society can't function without its leaders setting up an incentive structure that rewards cooperation.

Hindu conservatives pretend caste had no basis in reality, even though I can open Indian social media right now and see one family acting like the Japanese and another family acting like the stereotype of Haitians/Jamaicans (I'm not generalising them, I love black people).

I've seen lower culture Indians "dancing" (dry humping women), and I'm supposed to believe they're equal to me?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4NQ9D0M6w

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTb7e8qrrFU
she tried so hard and got so far but in the end it didn't even matter
she tried so hard and got so far but in the end it didn't even matter
"Being mean is ... le bad!"

As useless as a Christian pastor telling you to trust God and turn the other cheek
Say what you want ablut this women who wants the empathize with incels. She is still way smartter then those internet dumbasses who want to adopt a wild animal just to get mauled to death. Worst thatll happen to her is somone shit talks her.
You're a fool for giving this cunt the benefit of the doubt for even a fraction of a second. Not a single foid on the planet has a shred of true empathy for men suffering
Her last point is basically implying "it's okay you're a virgin and there's no problem you stay that way for life."

As for bullying and loneliness, water is wet and therapy is a kike scam.
Reminder that this board is run by people affiliated with Na'ama Katz and Light Upon Light, who was the leader of women pretending to care about incels.

Odds are Na'ama is still an admin here trying to drive you to suicide.
"Men are not allowed to be bitter wAaAaAah" is what I'm hearing.
One Woman Makes Her Best Attempt to Empathise With Incels
The part I agree with the most, no foid can have more empathy than this
Not one of these men called out the pedophiles.
It's almost like not everyone is american and foids under 18 can be legal
Fantasies, guys
What we wrote are also fantasies, we had only done it in games ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I'm sure you aren't telling your new friends you're in this forum
"New friends" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
The only way this could be addressed is to leave the incel community, go get therapy and learn some social skills.
She has so much 'empathy' and is such a skilled journalist that she forgot to make a basic research and figure out, that there are no therapies for autism
after reading this, do you think women deserve a tiny skerrick of empathy thrown our way? Just a crumb, sir
Not a single word after that. Kill yourself dumb whore
She clearly saw the word disabled and didn't bother reading what someone wrote, just added it to list. Like the most of us have some sort of disability
I was surprised when I saw the non 0 empathy scores
Bullshit at the beginning, acceptable at the end.
It's true, I wonder if some of the posters here are rage baiting (funny) or actually believe such a thing, women run the world and are mass manipulators but no fucking way mass rape is ever getting legalized unless the black-pill reich obtains world domination.

nukes on the other hand...

do you feel incels are lacking in empathy for others, in any way?
Sure, but imagine being consistently being treated like shit by a group of people, would you feel any empathy for them? It's definitely a loop here but who started it? incels or the majority of women

after reading this, do you think women deserve a tiny skerrick of empathy thrown our way? Just a crumb, sir? And not just women; all the people incels dream of inflicting harm upon, which includes men who have sex, by the way.
I already give massive amounts of empathy to my mom, do you really except more from me?

do you have any ideas as to why these men might be lonely?
Let me guess you want your responders to say we are misogynists and that's why we don't get women. Well guess what there was a time every single Incel even the ones who are being serious about wanting violence against women weren't misogynists, Guess what their experiences with the modern woman made us the way we are

why are only women being asked to show empathy towards incels?
You don't believe this do you? Normal people should also show empathy but they won't because they don't care until it affects them. Women are asked more because their behavior in the past 2 decades.

is it actual empathy you want from women, or is it a polite way to ask us to fix the problem? You know, take one for the team? Give an incel pity sex? And if this is your solution, can you tell me with a straight face you're an empathetic person yourself?
We don't just want sex you silly foid, otherwise we'd all just go to vegas and fuck hookers all day. We want to be loved, Ask yourself this why are men the only ones who have to be worthy of love? Why do women get rant about men treating them like "pigs" exclaiming that ain't no good men left despite the fact they aren't a good woman?
If she wanted to be an empath then she would fuck a short ethnic sub5
She'll say we should stop virgin-shaming, but she won't do anything beyond that. Nobody ever does.

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