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Dissecting Indian Whore's Rant about White Men Hating Her

Made in Heaven

Made in Heaven

Apr 7, 2020

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tz7ajuCtNQ


I remember sending my brother this tiktok (that she now deleted JFL) of a curry whore crying in her car, making a plea to white men to stop saying they find curry women ugly. Genuinely one of the most hilarious fucking videos I will ever see in my life. The tiktok was entirely addressed to white men as if she was talking to them, saying how much it hurts that she always sees white men saying they hate indian women

Anyways, I want to go over some of the main things she says and breakdown the white worship and shitskin inferiority oozing out of her cum-stained mouth.

>I want to make a video about the comments white men make

Right off the bat, notice how she specifies white men? She has no care if black men, arab men, or indian men DONT want her because of her dark skin and curry features. She specifically points out WHITE men insulting her ethnic features. Could any of you even imagine a scenerio where the reverse happened? Do you think you would ever, in a MILLION years, see a white woman crying about Indian men making comments about how they dont date white women and hate white skin? I have seen cases of White women being upset that Sand men or Black men dont want them, so in that case, it's a bit different, but I can not ever imagine a white woman getting her feelings hurt if Indian men or Asian men said they dont like white chicks. Actually I think the inverse would happen. A white woman who would hear Indian men saying they dont date White girls would be RELIEVED. Whereas an Indian woman who would hear White men saying they dont date Indian girls is having a full on mental breakdown.

>I have been told so many things I wish I wasn't told

Curry whore is indirectly admitting the racepill is a BRUTAL fucking pill to swallow. And it really is. The racepill is objectively the HARDEST pill to swallow, becaue, I have said this before, the racepill is basically 90% of the blackpill ALL in one. The racepill encompasses ALL physical traits, from height to skin color, to eyec color to jawline.

No one wants to admit that the genocidal rhetoric European colonialists espouses throught the colonial era from the 1600s-1900s had some ground of validation and legitamcy. No one wants to admit Natives/Black women being """"Raped"""" by white men in North America/South Ameria was an objective moral good and an upgrade to their filthy bloodlines. No one wants to admit all the bastard children left behind by White men in SEA is an objective moral good and a MERCY, a BLESSING to the jungle gooks. No one wants to admit Whites were right when they placed themselves at the top of the racial totem pole, especially those like blacks and indians, who are on the bottom of the totem pole. Sands and Rice, because we're far less subhuman overall, are more willing to admit to race realism, whereas darker races are always denying it because they can't accept the fact that their genes are abhorent filth that would benefit mankind as a whole were they to go extinct, or at the very least, reduced in great numbers to a more controllable population.

This contradictory belief often causes mental illness and mind break in ethnics, both men and women, as eviedenced in this video. This ethnic whore doesn't want to ACCEPT that white people are superior, because it would mean acknowledging white people conquering the planet was a moral GOOD, that white people conquering the planet in the long run BENEFITED humanity's genetic advancement, that White peopel conquering her shit-stained dump of a homeland was an IMPROVEMENT in every metric to her race, she DENIES it, yet at the same time yearns from the deepest corners of her heart to bleach her bloodline, have lighter-skinned children, and if lucky enough, maybe have blue-eyed children. This contradictory belief that many shitskins and deathnics have, simultaneously denying white supreiority while yearning to have half-white kids, often leads to the mentally damaged rants like the one seen in this youtube video. This is especially prevalent in Indians because their entire history has revovled around being conquered by lighter skinned races, be it the Aryans, Iranians, Turks, or British.

>I'm trying not to cry but I'm already crying
>As a white man, your words have a lot of power
The fact that mere words from a white man hold THIS much SHEER POWER over the mental state of a shitskin is laughable, it truly does go to show how powerful white people are. White people not only have the most technological power, finiancial power, economic power, territorial power, intellectual power, and have HAD THIS POWER across the whole planet for 500 years and counting, but even the MERE WORDS that escape the lips of the white race burn the heart of shitskins like hottest coals from hell. I said this in one of my earlier OLD ASS threads, but the reason there are no slurs for whites (or rather, slurs that would genuinley offend white people) is because there is nothing INFERIOR about being whites in the grand scheme of things. A race that conquered the planet, forced their religion on the losers, forced their language on the losers, forced their cocks into the pussies of the females while enslaving the males. Literally, the mere idea of feeling insecure for your race is an alien concept to any white person, it's a feeling EXCLUSIVE to shitskins, the mere idea of hating the race you were born into is an emotional state foreign to Europeans. I can only really imagine arab-passing Meds or southern slavs hating themselves.

Whites truly are the main characters of real life.
Whites truly are apex of human evolution.
Whites truly are god's favorite creation.

>I know that I'm beautiful
>I'm not the beauty standard and that's okay
>You dont need to find me beautiful. Dont go out of your way to tell me I'm undesirable
Clearly it's not okay considering you're having a mental breakdown because some men said they dont like you. She's lying when she says she's okay with not being the beauty standard. She yearns to be able to compete with white women. Women have a massive ego in accepting that they are not the beauty standard, they're ALWAYS looking to one up other females, EVEN their OWN CHILDREN. Yes, it's been shown that mothers often DO compete with their daughters in terms of beauty on a subconsious level. I think that this is in fact one of the many benefits of hijab, since it restrains this.

Men aren't usually like this. Most men can accept that they're not the ideal, but are content with just getting by as long as they can get 1 woman. Women are not like this, their hypergamy REFUSES to let them settle down. A man can have 1 woman his whole life who is a 5/10 and be content. Maybe not extatic about it, but content. A woman can have 1 man her whole life who is a 5/10 and she will resent him for not being chad. This is why you see them pump their whore bodies with plastic, makeup and snapchat filters to alter their looks as much as they can. The cosmetics industry THRIVES on the inferiority complex women have amongst THEMSELVEs. Women of ALL races, including white women, are insecure as fuck all the time about their looks, let alone Indian women. This "female insecurity" factor is thus multiplied 10 fold among ethnic women living in white countries, and it is multipled 100 fold among ethnic women competing for white men

>I have a hard time in this country as a brown girl
>I'm trying my best to put on a brave face and represent brown girls so we can have a seat at a table for people to give us a chance
When she says she has a hard time as a brown girl in new zealand, she just means she cant compete with the white women in gobbling white man's cock faster than them. When she says she wants a "seat at the table for people to give us a chance", I dont know why I even need to say this, but she's talking about White men giving her a chance, and the "table" anaology is basically saying she wishes she even had a chance to "sit with the cool kids at the table of sexual selection" if you will. She's literally espousing basic incel talking points, but because she's m'lady, no one is gonna talk about how vapid, rancid, and pathetic her behaviour is. She is acting EXACTLY like Elliot Rodger when he said how he didn't get to be around white stacies.
>youre with your lads, make comments, you expect me to just stand there and not burst into tears its really hard for me to do
>instead of talking to each other you tell me not to worry, to calm down, to not take it seriously
I really truly do love how this shitskin indian whore thinks she has the privilege of weaponizing her tears like white women do, unaware she's too ugly to garner that level of sympthat.

I also love how she thinks she has any authority to tell white men what to do. She really doesn't seem the fathom just how wide the gap is between the white race and the indians race truly is, just how superior the genes of these white men she cries for are. It's like the gap between Freiza and Krillin. Like, JFL, this is a race that conquered the ever living FUCK out of your entire homeland for 300 years, and killed MILLIONS of curries via multiple famines, and used your men as pawns in their wars, all while your people continue to yearn for light skin, blue eyes, and light hair, to the point that most bollywood actors/actresses often have light skin, and MANY even have blue/green eyes.

But she still sits there acting like she has any say in what white men should or shouldn't say, trying to police their words. Just by her looks alone, you can tell she would have been a lower class curry back home, meaning she would have lived a hellish life. The curry whore should be eternally grateful at merely being allowed to live in a white country, being allowed to experience the wonders of white civilization, to experience things like feeling safe at night time walking alone, experiencing a clean land to live in where there isn't a naked hairy indian man taking a shit every 7 feet, and having the privilege at not being raped by a currycel every 3rd shit she takes on the street.

This is something alot of indians, SEAs, and blacks need to understand on a deep, fundamental level. Your mere presence and allowance to freely live among whites is one the biggest acts of mercy, charity, love, and pity EVER granted to anyone of your race. With sand niggers, we mostly leave our countries only due to american/jew war mongering, it's why for example you dont see much Saudi diaspora. But Indians? They have been trying to escape their subcontinent shithole for CENTURIES and CENTURIES. Even though there is no actual war or intervention in india the same was as it is in MENA. Really says alot about the absolute subhuman nature of indians and how they HATE living amongst each other. The mere privilege of SEEING a white person is a gift to the average indian, and I mean that without a shred of irony. When you see how indian people act when seeing a white person, you'd understand a homeless indian in a white country that has the privilege of looking at white people walking by his happier than a normie indian living a comfy life surrounded by his fellow shitskins back home.
but it is a big deal to me
your comments hurt deep
its a constant reminder that I need to fight for my humanity as a brown person
when you say you only date white girls, you're saying every other ethnicity has unattractive features
you dont see them as human
you're missing out
I think one of the other, probably subconsious, reasons why this curry whore is so mind broken by being rejected by white men over and over and over, and being told she's ugly/undesirable for being brown is because it is a reminder to her of the caste system back in india, and how she can never escape it. It shows that the hatred Brahmins have for "racemixing" with the lower indian races is a universal, innate thing. But, again, like I said it's probably subconsious.

What do I mean by this? Simple. When you look at the the upper castes in india, such as the Brahmin, they are often essentially "partially white", having remants of Aryan/Iranian blood from times gone by. And merely PARTIAL mixture of this precious Aryan/Iranian blood enables these Brahmins to rule over the darker lower castes. It allows them to be smarter, hotter, taller, stronger in every metric. As such, ask yourself, is it not then justified for the Brahmins to LOATH the idea of racemixing with Dalits in order to PROTECT their partial white blood from being contaminated by Dalit blood? Of course! The indians dont even DENY this about their caste system. The whole reason the caste system exists is literally to protect that partial white blood in the Brahmins from being mixed any further with Dalits. It is literally just an ancient version of the anti-miscegnation laws you had in America.

Once you understand this nature of Brahmins (Partial Whites) not wanting to racemix with darker Indians, then it should make even MORE sense why a PURE white, like a European New-Zealander, would be EVEN MORE REPULSED by the notion of having his sacred white blood from being contaminated by a shitskin curry. It's literally just history repeating itself over and over again. And this is another point I want to make. Genetics are like a resource, no different than gold or silk or water. When you have a VALUABLE resource (white genes) then naturally you are gonna be protective of it, keep it for yourself and your people, not want to share it with your enemies, and attempt to get more of it for your own kind. And white genes are one of the most valuable resources, so it stands to reason that once you have it, you dont want your children or grandchildren to lose it. This is the root cause of white segregation from miscegnation, and it is 100% justified.
asking you and your white friends to being open minded
I would love to see her say this about short men. "ask your girl friends to be open minded to short men". This is why I have no sympathy for shitskin foids like this. They want acceptance, empathy, and validation from white men despite their self-hatred of their shitskin genes, yet they hypocritically do not extend that mercy to short men, or in the case of this curry whore, to indian men. You can tell she doesn't give 2 fucks about indian men merely based on this video since she makes it DAMN well apparent that she spends her time around white men, and this is even more self-evidence if you check out her other tiktok videos.

Do you know what the kicker is to AAAAALLLL this? Her other tiktoks showed she already had a nerdy white BF, meaning that despite her already ascending with an aryan god and escaping her shitskin monkey lineage, her ego was so massive she STILL demanded validation from OTHER white men for no other fucking reason than to fuel her shitskin ego. Actually, now that I think about it, if she already has a white BF, why is she STILL spending time around other white men? Is she gonna try and cuck her nerdy white BF with a chad white man next? JFL
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Epitome of retarded shitskin foid
Too tired to read now will read later.
Not a single second



Most Indians, Arabs, and Gooks are pathetic tbh. I've seen this video, it's cringe but funny.

Y'all need to keep that self loathing bullshit over there. Not everyone is an ass kisser for trogs.
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Literally, the mere idea of feeling insecure for your race is an alien concept to any white person, it's a feeling EXCLUSIVE to shitskins,


She cries about the discrimination she gets but I bet she wouldn't give her looksmatch a chance she's racist to and I hope she dies
She cries about the discrimination she gets but I bet she wouldn't give her looksmatch a chance she's racist to and I hope she dies
Considering her BF is white, you're right already
Most Indians, Arabs, and Gooks are pathetic tbh. I've seen this video, it's cringe but funny.

Y'all need to keep that self loathing bullshit over there. Not everyone is an ass kisser for trogs.
Tbh blacks are the biggest asskissers and insecure about their race, even Dr. Umar points this out about black men
Tbh an ethnic life no one wants.
>living in an underdeveloped shithole country
>shit genetics
>retard parents and their parenting
>less wages
>your woman worships western culture and white men

The only thing about them good is them putting woman in place but even that is going away due to imploding western globohomo culture
this video is slave morality at it's finest she hides her own vain hypocritical motives behind the guise of egalitarianism and universalim.
"everyone is beautiful :foidSoy:" vapid rancid whore :lasereyes:

i hope her nerd yt bf dumps after this video and she dies childless (one less monkey bloodline) i can't imagine why he would stay with her after posting a whole video begging for validation from random yt guys on the internet unless he has a cuck fetish :feelsugh:
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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tz7ajuCtNQ


I remember sending my brother this tiktok (that she now deleted JFL) of a curry whore crying in her car, making a plea to white men to stop saying they find curry women ugly. Genuinely one of the most hilarious fucking videos I will ever see in my life. The tiktok was entirely addressed to white men as if she was talking to them, saying how much it hurts that she always sees white men saying they hate indian women

Anyways, I want to go over some of the main things she says and breakdown the white worship and shitskin inferiority oozing out of her cum-stained mouth.

Right off the bat, notice how she specifies white men? She has no care if black men, arab men, or indian men DONT want her because of her dark skin and curry features. She specifically points out WHITE men insulting her ethnic features. Could any of you even imagine a scenerio where the reverse happened? Do you think you would ever, in a MILLION years, see a white woman crying about Indian men making comments about how they dont date white women and hate white skin? I have seen cases of White women being upset that Sand men or Black men dont want them, so in that case, it's a bit different, but I can not ever imagine a white woman getting her feelings hurt if Indian men or Asian men said they dont like white chicks. Actually I think the inverse would happen. A white woman who would hear Indian men saying they dont date White girls would be RELIEVED. Whereas an Indian woman who would hear White men saying they dont date Indian girls is having a full on mental breakdown.

Curry whore is indirectly admitting the racepill is a BRUTAL fucking pill to swallow. And it really is. The racepill is objectively the HARDEST pill to swallow, becaue, I have said this before, the racepill is basically 90% of the blackpill ALL in one. The racepill encompasses ALL physical traits, from height to skin color, to eyec color to jawline.

No one wants to admit that the genocidal rhetoric European colonialists espouses throught the colonial era from the 1600s-1900s had some ground of validation and legitamcy. No one wants to admit Natives/Black women being """"Raped"""" by white men in North America/South Ameria was an objective moral good and an upgrade to their filthy bloodlines. No one wants to admit all the bastard children left behind by White men in SEA is an objective moral good and a MERCY, a BLESSING to the jungle gooks. No one wants to admit Whites were right when they placed themselves at the top of the racial totem pole, especially those like blacks and indians, who are on the bottom of the totem pole. Sands and Rice, because we're far less subhuman overall, are more willing to admit to race realism, whereas darker races are always denying it because they can't accept the fact that their genes are abhorent filth that would benefit mankind as a whole were they to go extinct, or at the very least, reduced in great numbers to a more controllable population.

This contradictory belief often causes mental illness and mind break in ethnics, both men and women, as eviedenced in this video. This ethnic whore doesn't want to ACCEPT that white people are superior, because it would mean acknowledging white people conquering the planet was a moral GOOD, that white people conquering the planet in the long run BENEFITED humanity's genetic advancement, that White peopel conquering her shit-stained dump of a homeland was an IMPROVEMENT in every metric to her race, she DENIES it, yet at the same time yearns from the deepest corners of her heart to bleach her bloodline, have lighter-skinned children, and if lucky enough, maybe have blue-eyed children. This contradictory belief that many shitskins and deathnics have, simultaneously denying white supreiority while yearning to have half-white kids, often leads to the mentally damaged rants like the one seen in this youtube video. This is especially prevalent in Indians because their entire history has revovled around being conquered by lighter skinned races, be it the Aryans, Iranians, Turks, or British.

The fact that mere words from a white man hold THIS much SHEER POWER over the mental state of a shitskin is laughable, it truly does go to show how powerful white people are. White people not only have the most technological power, finiancial power, economic power, territorial power, intellectual power, and have HAD THIS POWER across the whole planet for 500 years and counting, but even the MERE WORDS that escape the lips of the white race burn the heart of shitskins like hottest coals from hell. I said this in one of my earlier OLD ASS threads, but the reason there are no slurs for whites (or rather, slurs that would genuinley offend white people) is because there is nothing INFERIOR about being whites in the grand scheme of things. A race that conquered the planet, forced their religion on the losers, forced their language on the losers, forced their cocks into the pussies of the females while enslaving the males. Literally, the mere idea of feeling insecure for your race is an alien concept to any white person, it's a feeling EXCLUSIVE to shitskins, the mere idea of hating the race you were born into is an emotional state foreign to Europeans. I can only really imagine arab-passing Meds or southern slavs hating themselves.

Whites truly are the main characters of real life.
Whites truly are apex of human evolution.
Whites truly are god's favorite creation.

Clearly it's not okay considering you're having a mental breakdown because some men said they dont like you. She's lying when she says she's okay with not being the beauty standard. She yearns to be able to compete with white women. Women have a massive ego in accepting that they are not the beauty standard, they're ALWAYS looking to one up other females, EVEN their OWN CHILDREN. Yes, it's been shown that mothers often DO compete with their daughters in terms of beauty on a subconsious level. I think that this is in fact one of the many benefits of hijab, since it restrains this.

Men aren't usually like this. Most men can accept that they're not the ideal, but are content with just getting by as long as they can get 1 woman. Women are not like this, their hypergamy REFUSES to let them settle down. A man can have 1 woman his whole life who is a 5/10 and be content. Maybe not extatic about it, but content. A woman can have 1 man her whole life who is a 5/10 and she will resent him for not being chad. This is why you see them pump their whore bodies with plastic, makeup and snapchat filters to alter their looks as much as they can. The cosmetics industry THRIVES on the inferiority complex women have amongst THEMSELVEs. Women of ALL races, including white women, are insecure as fuck all the time about their looks, let alone Indian women. This "female insecurity" factor is thus multiplied 10 fold among ethnic women living in white countries, and it is multipled 100 fold among ethnic women competing for white men

When she says she has a hard time as a brown girl in new zealand, she just means she cant compete with the white women in gobbling white man's cock faster than them. When she says she wants a "seat at the table for people to give us a chance", I dont know why I even need to say this, but she's talking about White men giving her a chance, and the "table" anaology is basically saying she wishes she even had a chance to "sit with the cool kids at the table of sexual selection" if you will. She's literally espousing basic incel talking points, but because she's m'lady, no one is gonna talk about how vapid, rancid, and pathetic her behaviour is. She is acting EXACTLY like Elliot Rodger when he said how he didn't get to be around white stacies.

I really truly do love how this shitskin indian whore thinks she has the privilege of weaponizing her tears like white women do, unaware she's too ugly to garner that level of sympthat.

I also love how she thinks she has any authority to tell white men what to do. She really doesn't seem the fathom just how wide the gap is between the white race and the indians race truly is, just how superior the genes of these white men she cries for are. It's like the gap between Freiza and Krillin. Like, JFL, this is a race that conquered the ever living FUCK out of your entire homeland for 300 years, and killed MILLIONS of curries via multiple famines, and used your men as pawns in their wars, all while your people continue to yearn for light skin, blue eyes, and light hair, to the point that most bollywood actors/actresses often have light skin, and MANY even have blue/green eyes.

But she still sits there acting like she has any say in what white men should or shouldn't say, trying to police their words. Just by her looks alone, you can tell she would have been a lower class curry back home, meaning she would have lived a hellish life. The curry whore should be eternally grateful at merely being allowed to live in a white country, being allowed to experience the wonders of white civilization, to experience things like feeling safe at night time walking alone, experiencing a clean land to live in where there isn't a naked hairy indian man taking a shit every 7 feet, and having the privilege at not being raped by a currycel every 3rd shit she takes on the street.

This is something alot of indians, SEAs, and blacks need to understand on a deep, fundamental level. Your mere presence and allowance to freely live among whites is one the biggest acts of mercy, charity, love, and pity EVER granted to anyone of your race. With sand niggers, we mostly leave our countries only due to american/jew war mongering, it's why for example you dont see much Saudi diaspora. But Indians? They have been trying to escape their subcontinent shithole for CENTURIES and CENTURIES. Even though there is no actual war or intervention in india the same was as it is in MENA. Really says alot about the absolute subhuman nature of indians and how they HATE living amongst each other. The mere privilege of SEEING a white person is a gift to the average indian, and I mean that without a shred of irony. When you see how indian people act when seeing a white person, you'd understand a homeless indian in a white country that has the privilege of looking at white people walking by his happier than a normie indian living a comfy life surrounded by his fellow shitskins back home.

I think one of the other, probably subconsious, reasons why this curry whore is so mind broken by being rejected by white men over and over and over, and being told she's ugly/undesirable for being brown is because it is a reminder to her of the caste system back in india, and how she can never escape it. It shows that the hatred Brahmins have for "racemixing" with the lower indian races is a universal, innate thing. But, again, like I said it's probably subconsious.

What do I mean by this? Simple. When you look at the the upper castes in india, such as the Brahmin, they are often essentially "partially white", having remants of Aryan/Iranian blood from times gone by. And merely PARTIAL mixture of this precious Aryan/Iranian blood enables these Brahmins to rule over the darker lower castes. It allows them to be smarter, hotter, taller, stronger in every metric. As such, ask yourself, is it not then justified for the Brahmins to LOATH the idea of racemixing with Dalits in order to PROTECT their partial white blood from being contaminated by Dalit blood? Of course! The indians dont even DENY this about their caste system. The whole reason the caste system exists is literally to protect that partial white blood in the Brahmins from being mixed any further with Dalits. It is literally just an ancient version of the anti-miscegnation laws you had in America.

Once you understand this nature of Brahmins (Partial Whites) not wanting to racemix with darker Indians, then it should make even MORE sense why a PURE white, like a European New-Zealander, would be EVEN MORE REPULSED by the notion of having his sacred white blood from being contaminated by a shitskin curry. It's literally just history repeating itself over and over again. And this is another point I want to make. Genetics are like a resource, no different than gold or silk or water. When you have a VALUABLE resource (white genes) then naturally you are gonna be protective of it, keep it for yourself and your people, not want to share it with your enemies, and attempt to get more of it for your own kind. And white genes are one of the most valuable resources, so it stands to reason that once you have it, you dont want your children or grandchildren to lose it. This is the root cause of white segregation from miscegnation, and it is 100% justified.

I would love to see her say this about short men. "ask your girl friends to be open minded to short men". This is why I have no sympathy for shitskin foids like this. They want acceptance, empathy, and validation from white men despite their self-hatred of their shitskin genes, yet they hypocritically do not extend that mercy to short men, or in the case of this curry whore, to indian men. You can tell she doesn't give 2 fucks about indian men merely based on this video since she makes it DAMN well apparent that she spends her time around white men, and this is even more self-evidence if you check out her other tiktok videos.

Do you know what the kicker is to AAAAALLLL this? Her other tiktoks showed she already had a nerdy white BF, meaning that despite her already ascending with an aryan god and escaping her shitskin monkey lineage, her ego was so massive she STILL demanded validation from OTHER white men for no other fucking reason than to fuel her shitskin ego. Actually, now that I think about it, if she already has a white BF, why is she STILL spending time around other white men? Is she gonna try and cuck her nerdy white BF with a chad white man next? JFL

Thank you very much for tagging me this was an amazing thread to read you varied your well structured paragraphs from history, to the race pill and how much of a hypocrite she is despite already being off the market she's still here wanting validation from other white males.
Funny thread enjoyed it PLEASE make one about why white girls dont want to date black men

Considering her BF is white, you're right already

Tbh blacks are the biggest asskissers and insecure about their race, even Dr. Umar points this out about black men
Nowhere near the amount as in those other races. Please find me the Dr. Umars of those other groups. Dr Umar also has plenty of white fans. Are they "insecure ass-kissers"?
no sympathy for ethnic whores. they deserve every minute of their pain and suffering.
Imagine her making a new video but for after she gets raped by an entire village of unwashed dalits, would be an interesting watch!
Imagine crying over not being wanted by white people and then posting it:feelshaha::feelshaha:. Absolutely disgusting, I hate self-hating ethnics.
this video is slave morality at it's finest she hides her own vain hypocritical motives behind the guise of egalitarianism and universalim.
"everyone is beautiful :foidSoy:" vapid rancid whore :lasereyes:

i hope her nerd yt bf dumps after this video and she dies childless (one less monkey bloodline) i can't imagine why he would stay with her after posting a whole video begging for validation from random yt guys on the internet unless he has a cuck fetish :feelsugh:
This video is actually so disgusting, I'm shocked I watched the whole thing as I struggled throughout.
this message is for white chads only
Tbh an ethnic life no one wants.
>living in an underdeveloped shithole country
>shit genetics
>retard parents and their parenting
>less wages
>your woman worships western culture and white men

The only thing about them good is them putting woman in place but even that is going away due to imploding western globohomo culture
India especially has gotten very liberal, I see street interviews on youtube of indian women and how they are dressed, and they talk openly about their sex lives
this video is slave morality at it's finest she hides her own vain hypocritical motives behind the guise of egalitarianism and universalim.
"everyone is beautiful :foidSoy:" vapid rancid whore :lasereyes:

i hope her nerd yt bf dumps after this video and she dies childless (one less monkey bloodline) i can't imagine why he would stay with her after posting a whole video begging for validation from random yt guys on the internet unless he has a cuck fetish :feelsugh:
I think they're still together from what I saw on her tiktok when I actually went to her account. But yes, it's so funny how shitskins will hide their thirst for white DNA with bs like muh equality, as if this curry whote is egalitarian for currycels.
Thank you very much for tagging me this was an amazing thread to read you varied your well structured paragraphs from history, to the race pill and how much of a hypocrite she is despite already being off the market she's still here wanting validation from other white males.
no problem
Funny thread enjoyed it PLEASE make one about why white girls dont want to date black men
I might, but I dont usually like making threads too often. But the main reason alot of white girls dont date black men is because they dont want to lose their white privilege by associating with a nigger
Nowhere near the amount as in those other races. Please find me the Dr. Umars of those other groups. Dr Umar also has plenty of white fans. Are they "insecure ass-kissers"?
No, the definitley are just as bad, if not more. We all see how BW wear wigs and how BM chase WW, even if it's bottom-tier white women. Again, even Dr. Umar points these things out. Alot of BM do what the indian girl in OP does, they despite BW while trying to appeal to WW

Yes, Dr. Umar has white fans because he points out alot of truth about niggers that most non-blacks would get in trouble for if we pointed it out.
It's just an untrue cope statement. You must live under a rock.
Nope. No one really hates themselves more than niggers, which is why they are so eager to race mix with ANY non-nigger. Uganda is 99% black yet they have an epidemic of women bleaching their skin
Imagine crying over not being wanted by white people and then posting it:feelshaha::feelshaha:. Absolutely disgusting, I hate self-hating ethnics.
Self-hatred by most ethnics is justified and normal
This video is actually so disgusting, I'm shocked I watched the whole thing as I struggled throughout.
Accepting the racepill and watching it playout in real time is very brutal to get through
No, the definitley are just as bad, if not more. We all see how BW wear wigs and how BM chase WW, even if it's bottom-tier white women. Again, even Dr. Umar points these things out. Alot of BM do what the indian girl in OP does, they despite BW while trying to appeal to WW
Umar's takes on relationships are a major L and very much along the lines of redpill/bluepill thinking. He had a take recently where he basically says black men must collectively become stepfathers in order to "save" the community. He makes his money off of women so he panders to them.

Black men despising black women en masse to chase white tail is a total myth. You're buying into feminist/womanist talking points. It's actually quite rare for any man to specifically and exclusively chase a woman of any race.

Most men will default to women of their own race and if they find better treatment outside their race they will fall into that (extremely common for black men). It's women who choose who they date, not really men.

Even that data typically shows that black women prefer black men. They certainly do not prefer other men at such rates that it's catastrophic, as it is in the asian world. And we maintain the highest fertility although that can be questioned as to how that correlates with self-hate. You can say "oh it's because other men don't want them". That may be true to an extent, but women have such a wide selection these days that any retention within their own community has to be at least partly voluntary.
Nope. No one really hates themselves more than niggers, which is why they are so eager to race mix with ANY non-nigger. Uganda is 99% black yet they have an epidemic of women bleaching their skin
By this logic, the millions of white and non-melanated people who sunbathe/tan (often obsessively) are self-loathing and insecure. And that's only 1 appearance based "insecurity".

You're living online and projecting/overexaggerating the (admittedly loud) self-loathers within the community. You and your fellow self-loathing "ethnics" need to be put on an island somewhere. The black ones too. Shit is akin to chad/foid worship.
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Cool story, DNR

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tz7ajuCtNQ


I remember sending my brother this tiktok (that she now deleted JFL) of a curry whore crying in her car, making a plea to white men to stop saying they find curry women ugly. Genuinely one of the most hilarious fucking videos I will ever see in my life. The tiktok was entirely addressed to white men as if she was talking to them, saying how much it hurts that she always sees white men saying they hate indian women

Anyways, I want to go over some of the main things she says and breakdown the white worship and shitskin inferiority oozing out of her cum-stained mouth.

Right off the bat, notice how she specifies white men? She has no care if black men, arab men, or indian men DONT want her because of her dark skin and curry features. She specifically points out WHITE men insulting her ethnic features. Could any of you even imagine a scenerio where the reverse happened? Do you think you would ever, in a MILLION years, see a white woman crying about Indian men making comments about how they dont date white women and hate white skin? I have seen cases of White women being upset that Sand men or Black men dont want them, so in that case, it's a bit different, but I can not ever imagine a white woman getting her feelings hurt if Indian men or Asian men said they dont like white chicks. Actually I think the inverse would happen. A white woman who would hear Indian men saying they dont date White girls would be RELIEVED. Whereas an Indian woman who would hear White men saying they dont date Indian girls is having a full on mental breakdown.

Curry whore is indirectly admitting the racepill is a BRUTAL fucking pill to swallow. And it really is. The racepill is objectively the HARDEST pill to swallow, becaue, I have said this before, the racepill is basically 90% of the blackpill ALL in one. The racepill encompasses ALL physical traits, from height to skin color, to eyec color to jawline.

No one wants to admit that the genocidal rhetoric European colonialists espouses throught the colonial era from the 1600s-1900s had some ground of validation and legitamcy. No one wants to admit Natives/Black women being """"Raped"""" by white men in North America/South Ameria was an objective moral good and an upgrade to their filthy bloodlines. No one wants to admit all the bastard children left behind by White men in SEA is an objective moral good and a MERCY, a BLESSING to the jungle gooks. No one wants to admit Whites were right when they placed themselves at the top of the racial totem pole, especially those like blacks and indians, who are on the bottom of the totem pole. Sands and Rice, because we're far less subhuman overall, are more willing to admit to race realism, whereas darker races are always denying it because they can't accept the fact that their genes are abhorent filth that would benefit mankind as a whole were they to go extinct, or at the very least, reduced in great numbers to a more controllable population.

This contradictory belief often causes mental illness and mind break in ethnics, both men and women, as eviedenced in this video. This ethnic whore doesn't want to ACCEPT that white people are superior, because it would mean acknowledging white people conquering the planet was a moral GOOD, that white people conquering the planet in the long run BENEFITED humanity's genetic advancement, that White peopel conquering her shit-stained dump of a homeland was an IMPROVEMENT in every metric to her race, she DENIES it, yet at the same time yearns from the deepest corners of her heart to bleach her bloodline, have lighter-skinned children, and if lucky enough, maybe have blue-eyed children. This contradictory belief that many shitskins and deathnics have, simultaneously denying white supreiority while yearning to have half-white kids, often leads to the mentally damaged rants like the one seen in this youtube video. This is especially prevalent in Indians because their entire history has revovled around being conquered by lighter skinned races, be it the Aryans, Iranians, Turks, or British.

The fact that mere words from a white man hold THIS much SHEER POWER over the mental state of a shitskin is laughable, it truly does go to show how powerful white people are. White people not only have the most technological power, finiancial power, economic power, territorial power, intellectual power, and have HAD THIS POWER across the whole planet for 500 years and counting, but even the MERE WORDS that escape the lips of the white race burn the heart of shitskins like hottest coals from hell. I said this in one of my earlier OLD ASS threads, but the reason there are no slurs for whites (or rather, slurs that would genuinley offend white people) is because there is nothing INFERIOR about being whites in the grand scheme of things. A race that conquered the planet, forced their religion on the losers, forced their language on the losers, forced their cocks into the pussies of the females while enslaving the males. Literally, the mere idea of feeling insecure for your race is an alien concept to any white person, it's a feeling EXCLUSIVE to shitskins, the mere idea of hating the race you were born into is an emotional state foreign to Europeans. I can only really imagine arab-passing Meds or southern slavs hating themselves.

Whites truly are the main characters of real life.
Whites truly are apex of human evolution.
Whites truly are god's favorite creation.

Clearly it's not okay considering you're having a mental breakdown because some men said they dont like you. She's lying when she says she's okay with not being the beauty standard. She yearns to be able to compete with white women. Women have a massive ego in accepting that they are not the beauty standard, they're ALWAYS looking to one up other females, EVEN their OWN CHILDREN. Yes, it's been shown that mothers often DO compete with their daughters in terms of beauty on a subconsious level. I think that this is in fact one of the many benefits of hijab, since it restrains this.

Men aren't usually like this. Most men can accept that they're not the ideal, but are content with just getting by as long as they can get 1 woman. Women are not like this, their hypergamy REFUSES to let them settle down. A man can have 1 woman his whole life who is a 5/10 and be content. Maybe not extatic about it, but content. A woman can have 1 man her whole life who is a 5/10 and she will resent him for not being chad. This is why you see them pump their whore bodies with plastic, makeup and snapchat filters to alter their looks as much as they can. The cosmetics industry THRIVES on the inferiority complex women have amongst THEMSELVEs. Women of ALL races, including white women, are insecure as fuck all the time about their looks, let alone Indian women. This "female insecurity" factor is thus multiplied 10 fold among ethnic women living in white countries, and it is multipled 100 fold among ethnic women competing for white men

When she says she has a hard time as a brown girl in new zealand, she just means she cant compete with the white women in gobbling white man's cock faster than them. When she says she wants a "seat at the table for people to give us a chance", I dont know why I even need to say this, but she's talking about White men giving her a chance, and the "table" anaology is basically saying she wishes she even had a chance to "sit with the cool kids at the table of sexual selection" if you will. She's literally espousing basic incel talking points, but because she's m'lady, no one is gonna talk about how vapid, rancid, and pathetic her behaviour is. She is acting EXACTLY like Elliot Rodger when he said how he didn't get to be around white stacies.

I really truly do love how this shitskin indian whore thinks she has the privilege of weaponizing her tears like white women do, unaware she's too ugly to garner that level of sympthat.

I also love how she thinks she has any authority to tell white men what to do. She really doesn't seem the fathom just how wide the gap is between the white race and the indians race truly is, just how superior the genes of these white men she cries for are. It's like the gap between Freiza and Krillin. Like, JFL, this is a race that conquered the ever living FUCK out of your entire homeland for 300 years, and killed MILLIONS of curries via multiple famines, and used your men as pawns in their wars, all while your people continue to yearn for light skin, blue eyes, and light hair, to the point that most bollywood actors/actresses often have light skin, and MANY even have blue/green eyes.

But she still sits there acting like she has any say in what white men should or shouldn't say, trying to police their words. Just by her looks alone, you can tell she would have been a lower class curry back home, meaning she would have lived a hellish life. The curry whore should be eternally grateful at merely being allowed to live in a white country, being allowed to experience the wonders of white civilization, to experience things like feeling safe at night time walking alone, experiencing a clean land to live in where there isn't a naked hairy indian man taking a shit every 7 feet, and having the privilege at not being raped by a currycel every 3rd shit she takes on the street.

This is something alot of indians, SEAs, and blacks need to understand on a deep, fundamental level. Your mere presence and allowance to freely live among whites is one the biggest acts of mercy, charity, love, and pity EVER granted to anyone of your race. With sand niggers, we mostly leave our countries only due to american/jew war mongering, it's why for example you dont see much Saudi diaspora. But Indians? They have been trying to escape their subcontinent shithole for CENTURIES and CENTURIES. Even though there is no actual war or intervention in india the same was as it is in MENA. Really says alot about the absolute subhuman nature of indians and how they HATE living amongst each other. The mere privilege of SEEING a white person is a gift to the average indian, and I mean that without a shred of irony. When you see how indian people act when seeing a white person, you'd understand a homeless indian in a white country that has the privilege of looking at white people walking by his happier than a normie indian living a comfy life surrounded by his fellow shitskins back home.

I think one of the other, probably subconsious, reasons why this curry whore is so mind broken by being rejected by white men over and over and over, and being told she's ugly/undesirable for being brown is because it is a reminder to her of the caste system back in india, and how she can never escape it. It shows that the hatred Brahmins have for "racemixing" with the lower indian races is a universal, innate thing. But, again, like I said it's probably subconsious.

What do I mean by this? Simple. When you look at the the upper castes in india, such as the Brahmin, they are often essentially "partially white", having remants of Aryan/Iranian blood from times gone by. And merely PARTIAL mixture of this precious Aryan/Iranian blood enables these Brahmins to rule over the darker lower castes. It allows them to be smarter, hotter, taller, stronger in every metric. As such, ask yourself, is it not then justified for the Brahmins to LOATH the idea of racemixing with Dalits in order to PROTECT their partial white blood from being contaminated by Dalit blood? Of course! The indians dont even DENY this about their caste system. The whole reason the caste system exists is literally to protect that partial white blood in the Brahmins from being mixed any further with Dalits. It is literally just an ancient version of the anti-miscegnation laws you had in America.

Once you understand this nature of Brahmins (Partial Whites) not wanting to racemix with darker Indians, then it should make even MORE sense why a PURE white, like a European New-Zealander, would be EVEN MORE REPULSED by the notion of having his sacred white blood from being contaminated by a shitskin curry. It's literally just history repeating itself over and over again. And this is another point I want to make. Genetics are like a resource, no different than gold or silk or water. When you have a VALUABLE resource (white genes) then naturally you are gonna be protective of it, keep it for yourself and your people, not want to share it with your enemies, and attempt to get more of it for your own kind. And white genes are one of the most valuable resources, so it stands to reason that once you have it, you dont want your children or grandchildren to lose it. This is the root cause of white segregation from miscegnation, and it is 100% justified.

I would love to see her say this about short men. "ask your girl friends to be open minded to short men". This is why I have no sympathy for shitskin foids like this. They want acceptance, empathy, and validation from white men despite their self-hatred of their shitskin genes, yet they hypocritically do not extend that mercy to short men, or in the case of this curry whore, to indian men. You can tell she doesn't give 2 fucks about indian men merely based on this video since she makes it DAMN well apparent that she spends her time around white men, and this is even more self-evidence if you check out her other tiktok videos.

Do you know what the kicker is to AAAAALLLL this? Her other tiktoks showed she already had a nerdy white BF, meaning that despite her already ascending with an aryan god and escaping her shitskin monkey lineage, her ego was so massive she STILL demanded validation from OTHER white men for no other fucking reason than to fuel her shitskin ego. Actually, now that I think about it, if she already has a white BF, why is she STILL spending time around other white men? Is she gonna try and cuck her nerdy white BF with a chad white man next? JFL

Great analysis of the subject. It’s especially brutal among the Jews, that literally got gassed and exterminated in the millions, to accept that the Nazis were right about our inferiority. But this inferiority complex isn’t common in Canada I’ll have to admit. Even among curries, although I will admit many of the curries I’ve seen in Canada are lighskinned and weren’t really white worshippers, but in America the inferiority complex is on maximum overdrive maybe because the curries there are darker. But that doesn’t explain why Jews and Asians there also worship more in America. There’s something about Canada’s environment compared to America’s and other nations that generally makes race less of an issue. Do you have similar experiences in this regard?

Umar's takes on relationships are a major L and very much along the lines of redpill/bluepill thinking. He had a take recently where he basically says black men must collectively become stepfathers in order to "save" the community. He makes his money off of women so he panders to them.

Black men despising black women en masse to chase white tail is a total myth. You're buying into feminist/womanist talking points. It's actually quite rare for any man to specifically and exclusively chase a woman of any race.

Most men will default to women of their own race and if they find better treatment outside their race they will fall into that (extremely common for black men). It's women who choose who they date, not really men.

Even that data typically shows that black women prefer black men. They certainly do not prefer other men at such rates that it's catastrophic, as it is in the asian world. And we maintain the highest fertility although that can be questioned as to how that correlates with self-hate. You can say "oh it's because other men don't want them". That may be true to an extent, but women have such a wide selection these days that any retention within their own community has to be at least partly voluntary.

By this logic, the millions of white and non-melanated people who sunbathe/tan (often obsessively) are self-loathing and insecure. And that's only 1 appearance based "insecurity".

You're living online and projecting/overexaggerating the (admittedly loud) self-loathers within the community. You and your fellow self-loathing "ethnics" need to be put on an island somewhere. The black ones too. Shit is akin to chad/foid worship.
Umar Johnson is getting random strippers pregnant all over the place and expecting other black males to take care of them jfl, that’s why he wants all black men to become cucks raising other men’s kids.
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"I get to have a racial preference for white men at the expense of brown men but white men better not have a preference for white women at the expense of brown women like me!!!"

So oblivious.
This girl wouldn't get a chance in curry land as well
"I get to have a racial preference for white men at the expense of brown men but white men better not have a preference for white women at the expense of brown women like me!!!"

So oblivious.
You summarized her retardation very well. Many asian whores are also like this. Reminds me of a reddit post I saw of an asian woman talking about how she didn't like the appearance of asian men, then crying when white chad told her he likes white girls only
Tbh blacks are the biggest asskissers and insecure about their race, even Dr. Umar points this out about black men
No jfl. Sand, curry, and rice worship whites far more. You are living proof of that.
I would fuck her without problem.

Then I'll send her to currycels so they could kill her (in video game)
Amazing how she's literally talking like an incel. Just replace "white men" with women and "brown girls" with ugly guys. But since she's a woman it's all good.

Also JFL at this:

Dont go out of your way to tell me I'm undesirable
Get the fuck outta here I've faced this shit for most of my life and you bust into tears because it happened to you once. Women amirite
Amazing how she's literally talking like an incel. Just replace "white men" with women and "brown girls" with ugly guys. But since she's a woman it's all good.

Also JFL at this:

Get the fuck outta here I've faced this shit for most of my life and you bust into tears because it happened to you once. Women amirite
the way girls talkabout chad rejecting her is word for word incel lingo.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tz7ajuCtNQ


I remember sending my brother this tiktok (that she now deleted JFL) of a curry whore crying in her car, making a plea to white men to stop saying they find curry women ugly. Genuinely one of the most hilarious fucking videos I will ever see in my life. The tiktok was entirely addressed to white men as if she was talking to them, saying how much it hurts that she always sees white men saying they hate indian women

Anyways, I want to go over some of the main things she says and breakdown the white worship and shitskin inferiority oozing out of her cum-stained mouth.

Right off the bat, notice how she specifies white men? She has no care if black men, arab men, or indian men DONT want her because of her dark skin and curry features. She specifically points out WHITE men insulting her ethnic features. Could any of you even imagine a scenerio where the reverse happened? Do you think you would ever, in a MILLION years, see a white woman crying about Indian men making comments about how they dont date white women and hate white skin? I have seen cases of White women being upset that Sand men or Black men dont want them, so in that case, it's a bit different, but I can not ever imagine a white woman getting her feelings hurt if Indian men or Asian men said they dont like white chicks. Actually I think the inverse would happen. A white woman who would hear Indian men saying they dont date White girls would be RELIEVED. Whereas an Indian woman who would hear White men saying they dont date Indian girls is having a full on mental breakdown.

Curry whore is indirectly admitting the racepill is a BRUTAL fucking pill to swallow. And it really is. The racepill is objectively the HARDEST pill to swallow, becaue, I have said this before, the racepill is basically 90% of the blackpill ALL in one. The racepill encompasses ALL physical traits, from height to skin color, to eyec color to jawline.

No one wants to admit that the genocidal rhetoric European colonialists espouses throught the colonial era from the 1600s-1900s had some ground of validation and legitamcy. No one wants to admit Natives/Black women being """"Raped"""" by white men in North America/South Ameria was an objective moral good and an upgrade to their filthy bloodlines. No one wants to admit all the bastard children left behind by White men in SEA is an objective moral good and a MERCY, a BLESSING to the jungle gooks. No one wants to admit Whites were right when they placed themselves at the top of the racial totem pole, especially those like blacks and indians, who are on the bottom of the totem pole. Sands and Rice, because we're far less subhuman overall, are more willing to admit to race realism, whereas darker races are always denying it because they can't accept the fact that their genes are abhorent filth that would benefit mankind as a whole were they to go extinct, or at the very least, reduced in great numbers to a more controllable population.

This contradictory belief often causes mental illness and mind break in ethnics, both men and women, as eviedenced in this video. This ethnic whore doesn't want to ACCEPT that white people are superior, because it would mean acknowledging white people conquering the planet was a moral GOOD, that white people conquering the planet in the long run BENEFITED humanity's genetic advancement, that White peopel conquering her shit-stained dump of a homeland was an IMPROVEMENT in every metric to her race, she DENIES it, yet at the same time yearns from the deepest corners of her heart to bleach her bloodline, have lighter-skinned children, and if lucky enough, maybe have blue-eyed children. This contradictory belief that many shitskins and deathnics have, simultaneously denying white supreiority while yearning to have half-white kids, often leads to the mentally damaged rants like the one seen in this youtube video. This is especially prevalent in Indians because their entire history has revovled around being conquered by lighter skinned races, be it the Aryans, Iranians, Turks, or British.

The fact that mere words from a white man hold THIS much SHEER POWER over the mental state of a shitskin is laughable, it truly does go to show how powerful white people are. White people not only have the most technological power, finiancial power, economic power, territorial power, intellectual power, and have HAD THIS POWER across the whole planet for 500 years and counting, but even the MERE WORDS that escape the lips of the white race burn the heart of shitskins like hottest coals from hell. I said this in one of my earlier OLD ASS threads, but the reason there are no slurs for whites (or rather, slurs that would genuinley offend white people) is because there is nothing INFERIOR about being whites in the grand scheme of things. A race that conquered the planet, forced their religion on the losers, forced their language on the losers, forced their cocks into the pussies of the females while enslaving the males. Literally, the mere idea of feeling insecure for your race is an alien concept to any white person, it's a feeling EXCLUSIVE to shitskins, the mere idea of hating the race you were born into is an emotional state foreign to Europeans. I can only really imagine arab-passing Meds or southern slavs hating themselves.

Whites truly are the main characters of real life.
Whites truly are apex of human evolution.
Whites truly are god's favorite creation.

Clearly it's not okay considering you're having a mental breakdown because some men said they dont like you. She's lying when she says she's okay with not being the beauty standard. She yearns to be able to compete with white women. Women have a massive ego in accepting that they are not the beauty standard, they're ALWAYS looking to one up other females, EVEN their OWN CHILDREN. Yes, it's been shown that mothers often DO compete with their daughters in terms of beauty on a subconsious level. I think that this is in fact one of the many benefits of hijab, since it restrains this.

Men aren't usually like this. Most men can accept that they're not the ideal, but are content with just getting by as long as they can get 1 woman. Women are not like this, their hypergamy REFUSES to let them settle down. A man can have 1 woman his whole life who is a 5/10 and be content. Maybe not extatic about it, but content. A woman can have 1 man her whole life who is a 5/10 and she will resent him for not being chad. This is why you see them pump their whore bodies with plastic, makeup and snapchat filters to alter their looks as much as they can. The cosmetics industry THRIVES on the inferiority complex women have amongst THEMSELVEs. Women of ALL races, including white women, are insecure as fuck all the time about their looks, let alone Indian women. This "female insecurity" factor is thus multiplied 10 fold among ethnic women living in white countries, and it is multipled 100 fold among ethnic women competing for white men

When she says she has a hard time as a brown girl in new zealand, she just means she cant compete with the white women in gobbling white man's cock faster than them. When she says she wants a "seat at the table for people to give us a chance", I dont know why I even need to say this, but she's talking about White men giving her a chance, and the "table" anaology is basically saying she wishes she even had a chance to "sit with the cool kids at the table of sexual selection" if you will. She's literally espousing basic incel talking points, but because she's m'lady, no one is gonna talk about how vapid, rancid, and pathetic her behaviour is. She is acting EXACTLY like Elliot Rodger when he said how he didn't get to be around white stacies.

I really truly do love how this shitskin indian whore thinks she has the privilege of weaponizing her tears like white women do, unaware she's too ugly to garner that level of sympthat.

I also love how she thinks she has any authority to tell white men what to do. She really doesn't seem the fathom just how wide the gap is between the white race and the indians race truly is, just how superior the genes of these white men she cries for are. It's like the gap between Freiza and Krillin. Like, JFL, this is a race that conquered the ever living FUCK out of your entire homeland for 300 years, and killed MILLIONS of curries via multiple famines, and used your men as pawns in their wars, all while your people continue to yearn for light skin, blue eyes, and light hair, to the point that most bollywood actors/actresses often have light skin, and MANY even have blue/green eyes.

But she still sits there acting like she has any say in what white men should or shouldn't say, trying to police their words. Just by her looks alone, you can tell she would have been a lower class curry back home, meaning she would have lived a hellish life. The curry whore should be eternally grateful at merely being allowed to live in a white country, being allowed to experience the wonders of white civilization, to experience things like feeling safe at night time walking alone, experiencing a clean land to live in where there isn't a naked hairy indian man taking a shit every 7 feet, and having the privilege at not being raped by a currycel every 3rd shit she takes on the street.

This is something alot of indians, SEAs, and blacks need to understand on a deep, fundamental level. Your mere presence and allowance to freely live among whites is one the biggest acts of mercy, charity, love, and pity EVER granted to anyone of your race. With sand niggers, we mostly leave our countries only due to american/jew war mongering, it's why for example you dont see much Saudi diaspora. But Indians? They have been trying to escape their subcontinent shithole for CENTURIES and CENTURIES. Even though there is no actual war or intervention in india the same was as it is in MENA. Really says alot about the absolute subhuman nature of indians and how they HATE living amongst each other. The mere privilege of SEEING a white person is a gift to the average indian, and I mean that without a shred of irony. When you see how indian people act when seeing a white person, you'd understand a homeless indian in a white country that has the privilege of looking at white people walking by his happier than a normie indian living a comfy life surrounded by his fellow shitskins back home.

I think one of the other, probably subconsious, reasons why this curry whore is so mind broken by being rejected by white men over and over and over, and being told she's ugly/undesirable for being brown is because it is a reminder to her of the caste system back in india, and how she can never escape it. It shows that the hatred Brahmins have for "racemixing" with the lower indian races is a universal, innate thing. But, again, like I said it's probably subconsious.

What do I mean by this? Simple. When you look at the the upper castes in india, such as the Brahmin, they are often essentially "partially white", having remants of Aryan/Iranian blood from times gone by. And merely PARTIAL mixture of this precious Aryan/Iranian blood enables these Brahmins to rule over the darker lower castes. It allows them to be smarter, hotter, taller, stronger in every metric. As such, ask yourself, is it not then justified for the Brahmins to LOATH the idea of racemixing with Dalits in order to PROTECT their partial white blood from being contaminated by Dalit blood? Of course! The indians dont even DENY this about their caste system. The whole reason the caste system exists is literally to protect that partial white blood in the Brahmins from being mixed any further with Dalits. It is literally just an ancient version of the anti-miscegnation laws you had in America.

Once you understand this nature of Brahmins (Partial Whites) not wanting to racemix with darker Indians, then it should make even MORE sense why a PURE white, like a European New-Zealander, would be EVEN MORE REPULSED by the notion of having his sacred white blood from being contaminated by a shitskin curry. It's literally just history repeating itself over and over again. And this is another point I want to make. Genetics are like a resource, no different than gold or silk or water. When you have a VALUABLE resource (white genes) then naturally you are gonna be protective of it, keep it for yourself and your people, not want to share it with your enemies, and attempt to get more of it for your own kind. And white genes are one of the most valuable resources, so it stands to reason that once you have it, you dont want your children or grandchildren to lose it. This is the root cause of white segregation from miscegnation, and it is 100% justified.

I would love to see her say this about short men. "ask your girl friends to be open minded to short men". This is why I have no sympathy for shitskin foids like this. They want acceptance, empathy, and validation from white men despite their self-hatred of their shitskin genes, yet they hypocritically do not extend that mercy to short men, or in the case of this curry whore, to indian men. You can tell she doesn't give 2 fucks about indian men merely based on this video since she makes it DAMN well apparent that she spends her time around white men, and this is even more self-evidence if you check out her other tiktok videos.

Do you know what the kicker is to AAAAALLLL this? Her other tiktoks showed she already had a nerdy white BF, meaning that despite her already ascending with an aryan god and escaping her shitskin monkey lineage, her ego was so massive she STILL demanded validation from OTHER white men for no other fucking reason than to fuel her shitskin ego. Actually, now that I think about it, if she already has a white BF, why is she STILL spending time around other white men? Is she gonna try and cuck her nerdy white BF with a chad white man next? JFL

You're a faggot if white bitches crying elicits empathy from you. White normie-cucks are worthless simps that I would be glad to be seen Farm Murdered here in America.
Yes, I'm a white sand. You're retarded enough to think that doesn't exist?
These dick suckers can't even agree what qualifies as their social construct, "white", they argue about myths with no genetic or scientific proof like retards.
Yes, I'm a white sand. You're retarded enough to think that doesn't exist?
You're not white sand. You need to look completely white to be that. Not just skin but facial features too.
You're not white sand. You need to look completely white to be that. Not just skin but facial features too.
Yep, that fits me. I have white skin and have white facial features.
No, you don't jfl. People like that are extremely rare in the middle east 0.01%
Wrong. At least 20-30% of Sands can pass as white. Many phenotypes shared between and/or are similar between euros and menas

Listen I'm sand myself and live in a heavily sand area. I've never seen one that can pass.
What sand are you?

Plenty can pass as sand, already showed you think pic of phenotypes sbovr as proof
So true and been the case for centuries. Here's a record from 15th century about how much curries crave white genes: "A Jouurney beyond three seas":

The harbor of Pegu is decently sized. Indian dervishes live there, and precious rocks are mined nearby. The Chinese section of the harbor is very great in size. They sell porcelain there at a cheap price. Wives will sleep with their husbands during day and at night they go to visit strangers to sleep with them. They will even pay the stranger money for the service, and will bring the stranger sweet food and wine, they fed and ply them with drinks as they love foreign merchants as they are white while people of their own country are very dark. If a man’s wife becomes pregnant from a foreign merchant, her husband will pay him money. They look at the child once it is born, and if the child is white the merchant is paid three hundred tenek, but if the child is dark then the merchant is paid nothing, while what he drank and ate is considered to be a gift in their customs. It takes three months to sail from Shabat to Bidar, two months from Dabhol to Shabat, and from Bidar to south China is four months by sea, where they sell porcelain cheaply.

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