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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Organized Self-Deception and the antithesis of the Blackpill

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So I don't often post here but I've been thinking about this for a while. Today I'm going to redpill you on what Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?​

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most popular therapy technique today. It's stated goals are to allow patients to identify "distortions in their thinking" and better understand reality. Here's a link to an information guide from the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) I'll be referencing during this post.


In reality, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to allow you to do the following, in order:
  1. Recognize negative perceptions you have about yourself and reality
  2. Dismiss these perceptions as false by using premade refutations
  3. Believe that you can control your circumstances
  4. Eventually change your "core beliefs" so that you no longer think your circumstances are bad
Note that "truth" enters nowhere into the equation. The guide I've linked above makes many mentions about "rationality" and how certain thoughts are illogical. These are lies. The fundamental belief about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is that you, the patient, need to recognize that if you perceive reality negatively, you are irrational. It does not matter whether your perception of reality is true or false. The fact that it is making you sad means that you are insane.

The problem with this, of course, is that most people are not able to bend their perception of reality to make "2+2=5", so to speak, solely because believing that 2+2=5 makes them feel good. So Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works by removing your ability to think for yourself. It does this by convincing you that the negative thoughts you are having about yourself are "automatic"; i.e. not within your control. It then categorizes many common types of thoughts and provides ways to refute them.

Peter the Incel​

Let's go back to the CAMH guide and get an example. Chapter 3 mentions Peter, an incel. I'll copy and paste the dialogue here for people who don't want to click on the PDF.

Therapist: Can you think of a situation in the past week when you felt upset?
Peter: I was sitting on the subway and noticing all of the couples together.
Therapist: And what feelings came up for you as you were noticing the couples?
Peter: I was feeling sad and angry.
Therapist: And what were you thinking about as you were feeling sad and angry?
Peter: I was thinking everyone seems to have someone in their life but me, and it’s just not fair.
Therapist: And if it’s true that everyone seems to have someone but you, do you think this says something about you?
Peter: Yah, that I’m a loser and will always be alone.
Therapist: And what did you do when you were thinking and feeling this way?
Peter: After a while I couldn’t take it anymore so I got off the subway even though I hadn’t reached my stop yet. I went home and just sat on my bed thinking about all of this.
Peter is sad. He recognizes that most people are in happy relationships. Peter himself is not in a relationship. He is sad and angry because of this, as Peter values being in a relationship. Peter is having a normal reaction to not being able to fulfill his goals in life. He feels as if he will never be in a relationship. Let's analyze what the guide says are questions a therapist might ask.
“Do you know anyone that you like and respect who is not currently in a relationship?”
“Do you have any past experiences in romantic relationships?”
“If you had a good friend that had the same thoughts about himself or herself, what would you say to that friend?”
“Are you possibly discounting any life experiences to suggest that you will not be completely alone?”
“Are you potentially blaming yourself for something that you do not have complete control of?”
Note what isn't said. Question 1, for example, says that Peter should look at other people who aren't currently in a relationship. This is designed to make Peter feel as if his condition is temporary, or that it might change. Sure, you might not currently be in a relationship, but maybe you'll find someone to be with in the future!

Let's analyze Questions 2 and 4. They look logical, Peter should look at all of the evidence, right? But look at what isn't said. The therapist isn't asking Peter to look at all of his past, nor is the therapist asking Peter to examine any of the evidence that supports his current belief that he will always be alone. The therapist is just asking Peter to look at events in his life that go against his beliefs. This is called "cherry-picking" as a logical fallacy, and involves only looking at the evidence that supports a particular view. Peter should only think about the one time he held hands with a girl when he was 10 years old. Peter should not think about the hundreds of times he's been rejected in his life. He should look at his "girlfriend" he had for 3 months in middle school, not the 12 years he spent alone.

Question 3 is simpler, Peter should try to comfort himself and not feel sad like he might comfort a friend that was feeling sad. Nobody is going to tell their friend "it's over give up".

Question 5 is nebulously worded. On the surface, it looks like the therapist is trying to tell Peter that he might not have control over his inability to be in a relationship, In actuality, it assumes that Peter has partial control over his situation, and tries to make Peter feel as if the situation is "not his fault", or that he didn't choose to be an incel. This lays the foundation for the next step of cognitive behavioural therapy, where Peter will discover that his lack of choice to be in a relationship means that he really chose not to be in a relationship.

What all of these questions have in common is that they are designed to change Peter's beliefs, by making Peter himself recognize that his thinking is wrong. Peter's thinking is being replaced here by the therapist's, with carefully controlled questions designed to make Peter think what is necessary. Read this doublethink quote from CAMH that agrees.
"The goal here is not to challenge Peter’s thinking but rather to move him to a questioning mode and to consider the accuracy of his automatic thoughts based on evidence from his life."
Peter's beliefs aren't being challenged here, Peter is just being made to "question" them. This is illogical, "questioning" and "challenging" a belief are the same thing to the point that "Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief" was a question on the US common application for universities last year. [1] But this misses that the goal here isn't for the therapist to challenge Peter's beliefs, but for Peter to automatically recognize his wrongthink and correct it.

Identifying and correcting cognitive distortions​

This leads us into step number 2 of the four step guide I wrote above. Peter the Incel isn't going to be with his therapist 24/7. He won't always have someone to think for him. So to help prevent wrongthink, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy relies on identifying common depressing thoughts and trains you to remove them.

For instance, "Overgeneralization", which in reality refers to any attempt to generalize your experiences and extrapolate future events. Let's say you installed Tinder and got 0 matches. The women on Tinder obviously thought you weren't attractive, so you might be tempted to say that it's possible that women in general will find you unattractive. This is when Cognitive Behavioural Therapy steps in, and you come up with a justification that "Tinder isn't real life! Real life isn't a meat market! I should try Bumble/etc instead." (notice how many normies say this? I wonder why).

Or "Black-or-white thinking", which refers to any attempt to categorize your experiences into a binary. e.g., being a failure for not having sex, as opposed to being successful for having sex. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to step in there, and tell you that there are plenty of different experiences and there's no such thing as being "successful" or "failing". The reason why this is so powerful is because "binary oppositions" are what all human thought are structured on (t. Saussure [2]). By ignoring binaries and pretending they don't exist, your thoughts will lose all meaning and no longer make sense. By eliminating the concepts of "success" and "failure" you will not feel like a failure.

By creating catchy names and complex systems, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy allows you to identify and destroy rational thinking. After the ability to recognize wrongthink is firmly ingrained in your head, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy will teach you to...

Believe that you have control​

Once the ability to wrongthink has been removed from your head, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to make you have a feeling of control. At this point, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy starts to implement "rightthink" so to speak. For instance, in the CAMH document, Nancy wanted to drive up to her cottage, but was scared of having a panic attack. So she creates a table that lists the situation she's in, the "automatic thoughts" (i.e. wrongthink) she had about the situation, and the emotions she was having. This allows her to target those and feel like she's in control.

This is no accident and it's why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy stresses the importance of worksheets and homework. It structures your thoughts (homework is often called the "thought record") to align with how therapists want you to think and more importantly lets you feel like you're in control. You'll see this in a lot of the advice given from normies to incels, like "go to the gym" or "work on your personality". The goal here is to make you feel like you're in control of your inability to have sex, regardless of if you actually are in control or not. if you don't believe me, here's a direct quote from the document:
The cbt therapist can then help you to question and evaluate these assumptions and beliefs and to generate less distressing, alternative viewpoints as they occur in upsetting situations.
Structure your thoughts and soon you can generate "alternative viewpoints" for yourself!

Changing your core beliefs​

The ultimate goal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy though, is to change something that's called your "core beliefs". This means refiguring your value system to prevent yourself from becoming depressed ever again. Let's say one of your life goals is fulfilling sexual relationships. The ultimate goal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is to remove that as one of your goals. That's why "reformed incels" say that sex really isn't that important anyways. They've reached that stage, and no longer want sex because CBT has convinced them not to. Of course, this is tough. That's why the ability of choice is so heavily emphasized. It is far easier to say you don't value sex if you're choosing not to have it, than to say you don't value sex when you can't have it.

Once this core assumption is gone, the wrongthink that stems from it disappears. A core tenent of cognitive behavioural therapy is that your core beliefs spawn these negative thoughts, and once they are changed, wrongthink disappears as well. After all, if you no longer want sex, why would you be upset about being incel?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOPIu7isD3s

But yeah, on a more serious note, based on what OP has said and also my own experience, CBT seems to be focused around cleansing your mind of unclean or unwanted thoughts. Almost like you were washing it clean. If only there were some way to refer to this process of washing your brain to take away all the unhappy thoughts and make you into a proud and productive member of society. :feelshmm:
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So I don't often post here but I've been thinking about this for a while. Today I'm going to redpill you on what Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?​

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most popular therapy technique today. It's stated goals are to allow patients to identify "distortions in their thinking" and better understand reality. Here's a link to an information guide from the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) I'll be referencing during this post.


In reality, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to allow you to do the following, in order:
  1. Recognize negative perceptions you have about yourself and reality
  2. Dismiss these perceptions as false by using premade refutations
  3. Believe that you can control your circumstances
  4. Eventually change your "core beliefs" so that you no longer think your circumstances are bad
Note that "truth" enters nowhere into the equation. The guide I've linked above makes many mentions about "rationality" and how certain thoughts are illogical. These are lies. The fundamental belief about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is that you, the patient, need to recognize that if you perceive reality negatively, you are irrational. It does not matter whether your perception of reality is true or false. The fact that it is making you sad means that you are insane.

The problem with this, of course, is that most people are not able to bend their perception of reality to make "2+2=5", so to speak, solely because believing that 2+2=5 makes them feel good. So Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works by removing your ability to think for yourself. It does this by convincing you that the negative thoughts you are having about yourself are "automatic"; i.e. not within your control. It then categorizes many common types of thoughts and provides ways to refute them.

Peter the Incel​

Let's go back to the CAMH guide and get an example. Chapter 3 mentions Peter, an incel. I'll copy and paste the dialogue here for people who don't want to click on the PDF.

Peter is sad. He recognizes that most people are in happy relationships. Peter himself is not in a relationship. He is sad and angry because of this, as Peter values being in a relationship. Peter is having a normal reaction to not being able to fulfill his goals in life. He feels as if he will never be in a relationship. Let's analyze what the guide says are questions a therapist might ask.

Note what isn't said. Question 1, for example, says that Peter should look at other people who aren't currently in a relationship. This is designed to make Peter feel as if his condition is temporary, or that it might change. Sure, you might not currently be in a relationship, but maybe you'll find someone to be with in the future!

Let's analyze Questions 2 and 4. They look logical, Peter should look at all of the evidence, right? But look at what isn't said. The therapist isn't asking Peter to look at all of his past, nor is the therapist asking Peter to examine any of the evidence that supports his current belief that he will always be alone. The therapist is just asking Peter to look at events in his life that go against his beliefs. This is called "cherry-picking" as a logical fallacy, and involves only looking at the evidence that supports a particular view. Peter should only think about the one time he held hands with a girl when he was 10 years old. Peter should not think about the hundreds of times he's been rejected in his life. He should look at his "girlfriend" he had for 3 months in middle school, not the 12 years he spent alone.

Question 3 is simpler, Peter should try to comfort himself and not feel sad like he might comfort a friend that was feeling sad. Nobody is going to tell their friend "it's over give up".

Question 5 is nebulously worded. On the surface, it looks like the therapist is trying to tell Peter that he might not have control over his inability to be in a relationship, In actuality, it assumes that Peter has partial control over his situation, and tries to make Peter feel as if the situation is "not his fault", or that he didn't choose to be an incel. This lays the foundation for the next step of cognitive behavioural therapy, where Peter will discover that his lack of choice to be in a relationship means that he really chose not to be in a relationship.

What all of these questions have in common is that they are designed to change Peter's beliefs, by making Peter himself recognize that his thinking is wrong. Peter's thinking is being replaced here by the therapist's, with carefully controlled questions designed to make Peter think what is necessary. Read this doublethink quote from CAMH that agrees.

Peter's beliefs aren't being challenged here, Peter is just being made to "question" them. This is illogical, "questioning" and "challenging" a belief are the same thing to the point that "Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief" was a question on the US common application for universities last year. [1] But this misses that the goal here isn't for the therapist to challenge Peter's beliefs, but for Peter to automatically recognize his wrongthink and correct it.

Identifying and correcting cognitive distortions​

This leads us into step number 2 of the four step guide I wrote above. Peter the Incel isn't going to be with his therapist 24/7. He won't always have someone to think for him. So to help prevent wrongthink, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy relies on identifying common depressing thoughts and trains you to remove them.

For instance, "Overgeneralization", which in reality refers to any attempt to generalize your experiences and extrapolate future events. Let's say you installed Tinder and got 0 matches. The women on Tinder obviously thought you weren't attractive, so you might be tempted to say that it's possible that women in general will find you unattractive. This is when Cognitive Behavioural Therapy steps in, and you come up with a justification that "Tinder isn't real life! Real life isn't a meat market! I should try Bumble/etc instead." (notice how many normies say this? I wonder why).

Or "Black-or-white thinking", which refers to any attempt to categorize your experiences into a binary. e.g., being a failure for not having sex, as opposed to being successful for having sex. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to step in there, and tell you that there are plenty of different experiences and there's no such thing as being "successful" or "failing". The reason why this is so powerful is because "binary oppositions" are what all human thought are structured on (t. Saussure [2]). By ignoring binaries and pretending they don't exist, your thoughts will lose all meaning and no longer make sense. By eliminating the concepts of "success" and "failure" you will not feel like a failure.

By creating catchy names and complex systems, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy allows you to identify and destroy rational thinking. After the ability to recognize wrongthink is firmly ingrained in your head, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy will teach you to...

Believe that you have control​

Once the ability to wrongthink has been removed from your head, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to make you have a feeling of control. At this point, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy starts to implement "rightthink" so to speak. For instance, in the CAMH document, Nancy wanted to drive up to her cottage, but was scared of having a panic attack. So she creates a table that lists the situation she's in, the "automatic thoughts" (i.e. wrongthink) she had about the situation, and the emotions she was having. This allows her to target those and feel like she's in control.

This is no accident and it's why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy stresses the importance of worksheets and homework. It structures your thoughts (homework is often called the "thought record") to align with how therapists want you to think and more importantly lets you feel like you're in control. You'll see this in a lot of the advice given from normies to incels, like "go to the gym" or "work on your personality". The goal here is to make you feel like you're in control of your inability to have sex, regardless of if you actually are in control or not. if you don't believe me, here's a direct quote from the document:

Structure your thoughts and soon you can generate "alternative viewpoints" for yourself!

Changing your core beliefs​

The ultimate goal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy though, is to change something that's called your "core beliefs". This means refiguring your value system to prevent yourself from becoming depressed ever again. Let's say one of your life goals is fulfilling sexual relationships. The ultimate goal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is to remove that as one of your goals. That's why "reformed incels" say that sex really isn't that important anyways. They've reached that stage, and no longer want sex because CBT has convinced them not to. Of course, this is tough. That's why the ability of choice is so heavily emphasized. It is far easier to say you don't value sex if you're choosing not to have it, than to say you don't value sex when you can't have it.

Once this core assumption is gone, the wrongthink that stems from it disappears. A core tenent of cognitive behavioural therapy is that your core beliefs spawn these negative thoughts, and once they are changed, wrongthink disappears as well. After all, if you no longer want sex, why would you be upset about being incel?

To be honest, I believe that some degree of self-deception is necessary to eventually succeed at the problem you're trying to address in a therapist's office, even more so in dating. The top 0.1% of men are shown to have a delusional sense of importance and confidence, even if it isn't logically justifiable. If you don't have any belief in your ability to overcome obstacles to your desired outcome, then it becomes all the less likely to occur; that's what CBT addresses.
I call CBT as the "Canadian" method.
I see. A truecel in a r9k thread yesterday was talking about something like this.
How other people’s opinions cannot have the ability to interfere with his inner state, protected by a huge ego based on his status. Even as an old virgin NEET.
Basically convincing himself that if it makes him feel good it may as well be real.
Logical self-imposed deception is extremely cucked.:blackpill::feelsthink:
:shock: high iq. I say this as everyone around me is infected with huge egoitis
Or in other words "how to become a cuck".
Holy shit, this CBT shit is really fucked up, OP do you have any toughts on other types Hypnotherapy? are they worse or better? or are they equally fucked up?
Therapy never work because i never lie to myself. I see right through the bs
Leftists hate CBT when it tells people that the problem is with employees not bosses, but they love CBT when it says the problem is with lonely men not delusional women, This is why we need Marxism Rodgerism.
The problem with this, of course, is that most people are not able to bend their perception of reality to make "2+2=5", so to speak, solely because believing that 2+2=5 makes them feel good.
I can understand normies here. They're hypnotizing themselves by telling that at least they can change to the "2+2=5" to "2+2+1=5" or "3+2=5".
So I don't often post here but I've been thinking about this for a while. Today I'm going to redpill you on what Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?​

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most popular therapy technique today. It's stated goals are to allow patients to identify "distortions in their thinking" and better understand reality. Here's a link to an information guide from the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) I'll be referencing during this post.


In reality, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to allow you to do the following, in order:
  1. Recognize negative perceptions you have about yourself and reality
  2. Dismiss these perceptions as false by using premade refutations
  3. Believe that you can control your circumstances
  4. Eventually change your "core beliefs" so that you no longer think your circumstances are bad
Note that "truth" enters nowhere into the equation. The guide I've linked above makes many mentions about "rationality" and how certain thoughts are illogical. These are lies. The fundamental belief about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is that you, the patient, need to recognize that if you perceive reality negatively, you are irrational. It does not matter whether your perception of reality is true or false. The fact that it is making you sad means that you are insane.

The problem with this, of course, is that most people are not able to bend their perception of reality to make "2+2=5", so to speak, solely because believing that 2+2=5 makes them feel good. So Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works by removing your ability to think for yourself. It does this by convincing you that the negative thoughts you are having about yourself are "automatic"; i.e. not within your control. It then categorizes many common types of thoughts and provides ways to refute them.

Peter the Incel​

Let's go back to the CAMH guide and get an example. Chapter 3 mentions Peter, an incel. I'll copy and paste the dialogue here for people who don't want to click on the PDF.

Peter is sad. He recognizes that most people are in happy relationships. Peter himself is not in a relationship. He is sad and angry because of this, as Peter values being in a relationship. Peter is having a normal reaction to not being able to fulfill his goals in life. He feels as if he will never be in a relationship. Let's analyze what the guide says are questions a therapist might ask.

Note what isn't said. Question 1, for example, says that Peter should look at other people who aren't currently in a relationship. This is designed to make Peter feel as if his condition is temporary, or that it might change. Sure, you might not currently be in a relationship, but maybe you'll find someone to be with in the future!

Let's analyze Questions 2 and 4. They look logical, Peter should look at all of the evidence, right? But look at what isn't said. The therapist isn't asking Peter to look at all of his past, nor is the therapist asking Peter to examine any of the evidence that supports his current belief that he will always be alone. The therapist is just asking Peter to look at events in his life that go against his beliefs. This is called "cherry-picking" as a logical fallacy, and involves only looking at the evidence that supports a particular view. Peter should only think about the one time he held hands with a girl when he was 10 years old. Peter should not think about the hundreds of times he's been rejected in his life. He should look at his "girlfriend" he had for 3 months in middle school, not the 12 years he spent alone.

Question 3 is simpler, Peter should try to comfort himself and not feel sad like he might comfort a friend that was feeling sad. Nobody is going to tell their friend "it's over give up".

Question 5 is nebulously worded. On the surface, it looks like the therapist is trying to tell Peter that he might not have control over his inability to be in a relationship, In actuality, it assumes that Peter has partial control over his situation, and tries to make Peter feel as if the situation is "not his fault", or that he didn't choose to be an incel. This lays the foundation for the next step of cognitive behavioural therapy, where Peter will discover that his lack of choice to be in a relationship means that he really chose not to be in a relationship.

What all of these questions have in common is that they are designed to change Peter's beliefs, by making Peter himself recognize that his thinking is wrong. Peter's thinking is being replaced here by the therapist's, with carefully controlled questions designed to make Peter think what is necessary. Read this doublethink quote from CAMH that agrees.

Peter's beliefs aren't being challenged here, Peter is just being made to "question" them. This is illogical, "questioning" and "challenging" a belief are the same thing to the point that "Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief" was a question on the US common application for universities last year. [1] But this misses that the goal here isn't for the therapist to challenge Peter's beliefs, but for Peter to automatically recognize his wrongthink and correct it.

Identifying and correcting cognitive distortions​

This leads us into step number 2 of the four step guide I wrote above. Peter the Incel isn't going to be with his therapist 24/7. He won't always have someone to think for him. So to help prevent wrongthink, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy relies on identifying common depressing thoughts and trains you to remove them.

For instance, "Overgeneralization", which in reality refers to any attempt to generalize your experiences and extrapolate future events. Let's say you installed Tinder and got 0 matches. The women on Tinder obviously thought you weren't attractive, so you might be tempted to say that it's possible that women in general will find you unattractive. This is when Cognitive Behavioural Therapy steps in, and you come up with a justification that "Tinder isn't real life! Real life isn't a meat market! I should try Bumble/etc instead." (notice how many normies say this? I wonder why).

Or "Black-or-white thinking", which refers to any attempt to categorize your experiences into a binary. e.g., being a failure for not having sex, as opposed to being successful for having sex. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to step in there, and tell you that there are plenty of different experiences and there's no such thing as being "successful" or "failing". The reason why this is so powerful is because "binary oppositions" are what all human thought are structured on (t. Saussure [2]). By ignoring binaries and pretending they don't exist, your thoughts will lose all meaning and no longer make sense. By eliminating the concepts of "success" and "failure" you will not feel like a failure.

By creating catchy names and complex systems, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy allows you to identify and destroy rational thinking. After the ability to recognize wrongthink is firmly ingrained in your head, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy will teach you to...

Believe that you have control​

Once the ability to wrongthink has been removed from your head, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to make you have a feeling of control. At this point, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy starts to implement "rightthink" so to speak. For instance, in the CAMH document, Nancy wanted to drive up to her cottage, but was scared of having a panic attack. So she creates a table that lists the situation she's in, the "automatic thoughts" (i.e. wrongthink) she had about the situation, and the emotions she was having. This allows her to target those and feel like she's in control.

This is no accident and it's why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy stresses the importance of worksheets and homework. It structures your thoughts (homework is often called the "thought record") to align with how therapists want you to think and more importantly lets you feel like you're in control. You'll see this in a lot of the advice given from normies to incels, like "go to the gym" or "work on your personality". The goal here is to make you feel like you're in control of your inability to have sex, regardless of if you actually are in control or not. if you don't believe me, here's a direct quote from the document:

Structure your thoughts and soon you can generate "alternative viewpoints" for yourself!

Changing your core beliefs​

The ultimate goal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy though, is to change something that's called your "core beliefs". This means refiguring your value system to prevent yourself from becoming depressed ever again. Let's say one of your life goals is fulfilling sexual relationships. The ultimate goal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is to remove that as one of your goals. That's why "reformed incels" say that sex really isn't that important anyways. They've reached that stage, and no longer want sex because CBT has convinced them not to. Of course, this is tough. That's why the ability of choice is so heavily emphasized. It is far easier to say you don't value sex if you're choosing not to have it, than to say you don't value sex when you can't have it.

Once this core assumption is gone, the wrongthink that stems from it disappears. A core tenent of cognitive behavioural therapy is that your core beliefs spawn these negative thoughts, and once they are changed, wrongthink disappears as well. After all, if you no longer want sex, why would you be upset about being incel?
:feelsbaton: bro did you just discover Michel Foucault???
In reality, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to allow you to do the following, in order:
  1. Recognize negative perceptions you have about yourself and reality
  2. Dismiss these perceptions as false by using premade refutations
  3. Believe that you can control your circumstances
  4. Eventually change your "core beliefs" so that you no longer think your circumstances are bad

If the perceptions about yourself are false, then CBT is legit and necessary. However, if they are true, it is counterproductive.

So it's relative. In the case of an incel it's not worth doing unless you are having self-deprecating thoughts that are objectively untrue.
Cbt can work but it depends I get the impression cbt in therapy always gaslights and makes out your interpretation is wrong which can be possible but doesn’t necessarily mean it is true.

Going to a middle class white woman called Becky who is from a well adjusted family never can relate or understand what male loneliness is like for example yet she will gaslight you and say everyone feels like you do including me at times teee heee .
Psychology, in a nutshell, was never designed to make you a better person or even "cure" you of the incurable (your life and your problems).

Its was meant to oil your gears and give the necessary paliatives just enough so you could become a functioning cog of a bullshit machine and pretend your "cured"

Psychologists are professional handlers for the eilte (be it directly or indirectly) so they can justify the enormous stick they are putting on your ass daily and how they destroyed any semblance of a normal, functioning life you might have had otherwise if they didnt bought it up and re-sold it to you in the form of products and services.
So I don't often post here but I've been thinking about this for a while. Today I'm going to redpill you on what Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?​

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most popular therapy technique today. It's stated goals are to allow patients to identify "distortions in their thinking" and better understand reality. Here's a link to an information guide from the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) I'll be referencing during this post.


In reality, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to allow you to do the following, in order:
  1. Recognize negative perceptions you have about yourself and reality
  2. Dismiss these perceptions as false by using premade refutations
  3. Believe that you can control your circumstances
  4. Eventually change your "core beliefs" so that you no longer think your circumstances are bad
Note that "truth" enters nowhere into the equation. The guide I've linked above makes many mentions about "rationality" and how certain thoughts are illogical. These are lies. The fundamental belief about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is that you, the patient, need to recognize that if you perceive reality negatively, you are irrational. It does not matter whether your perception of reality is true or false. The fact that it is making you sad means that you are insane.

The problem with this, of course, is that most people are not able to bend their perception of reality to make "2+2=5", so to speak, solely because believing that 2+2=5 makes them feel good. So Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works by removing your ability to think for yourself. It does this by convincing you that the negative thoughts you are having about yourself are "automatic"; i.e. not within your control. It then categorizes many common types of thoughts and provides ways to refute them.

Peter the Incel​

Let's go back to the CAMH guide and get an example. Chapter 3 mentions Peter, an incel. I'll copy and paste the dialogue here for people who don't want to click on the PDF.

Peter is sad. He recognizes that most people are in happy relationships. Peter himself is not in a relationship. He is sad and angry because of this, as Peter values being in a relationship. Peter is having a normal reaction to not being able to fulfill his goals in life. He feels as if he will never be in a relationship. Let's analyze what the guide says are questions a therapist might ask.

Note what isn't said. Question 1, for example, says that Peter should look at other people who aren't currently in a relationship. This is designed to make Peter feel as if his condition is temporary, or that it might change. Sure, you might not currently be in a relationship, but maybe you'll find someone to be with in the future!

Let's analyze Questions 2 and 4. They look logical, Peter should look at all of the evidence, right? But look at what isn't said. The therapist isn't asking Peter to look at all of his past, nor is the therapist asking Peter to examine any of the evidence that supports his current belief that he will always be alone. The therapist is just asking Peter to look at events in his life that go against his beliefs. This is called "cherry-picking" as a logical fallacy, and involves only looking at the evidence that supports a particular view. Peter should only think about the one time he held hands with a girl when he was 10 years old. Peter should not think about the hundreds of times he's been rejected in his life. He should look at his "girlfriend" he had for 3 months in middle school, not the 12 years he spent alone.

Question 3 is simpler, Peter should try to comfort himself and not feel sad like he might comfort a friend that was feeling sad. Nobody is going to tell their friend "it's over give up".

Question 5 is nebulously worded. On the surface, it looks like the therapist is trying to tell Peter that he might not have control over his inability to be in a relationship, In actuality, it assumes that Peter has partial control over his situation, and tries to make Peter feel as if the situation is "not his fault", or that he didn't choose to be an incel. This lays the foundation for the next step of cognitive behavioural therapy, where Peter will discover that his lack of choice to be in a relationship means that he really chose not to be in a relationship.

What all of these questions have in common is that they are designed to change Peter's beliefs, by making Peter himself recognize that his thinking is wrong. Peter's thinking is being replaced here by the therapist's, with carefully controlled questions designed to make Peter think what is necessary. Read this doublethink quote from CAMH that agrees.

Peter's beliefs aren't being challenged here, Peter is just being made to "question" them. This is illogical, "questioning" and "challenging" a belief are the same thing to the point that "Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief" was a question on the US common application for universities last year. [1] But this misses that the goal here isn't for the therapist to challenge Peter's beliefs, but for Peter to automatically recognize his wrongthink and correct it.

Identifying and correcting cognitive distortions​

This leads us into step number 2 of the four step guide I wrote above. Peter the Incel isn't going to be with his therapist 24/7. He won't always have someone to think for him. So to help prevent wrongthink, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy relies on identifying common depressing thoughts and trains you to remove them.

For instance, "Overgeneralization", which in reality refers to any attempt to generalize your experiences and extrapolate future events. Let's say you installed Tinder and got 0 matches. The women on Tinder obviously thought you weren't attractive, so you might be tempted to say that it's possible that women in general will find you unattractive. This is when Cognitive Behavioural Therapy steps in, and you come up with a justification that "Tinder isn't real life! Real life isn't a meat market! I should try Bumble/etc instead." (notice how many normies say this? I wonder why).

Or "Black-or-white thinking", which refers to any attempt to categorize your experiences into a binary. e.g., being a failure for not having sex, as opposed to being successful for having sex. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to step in there, and tell you that there are plenty of different experiences and there's no such thing as being "successful" or "failing". The reason why this is so powerful is because "binary oppositions" are what all human thought are structured on (t. Saussure [2]). By ignoring binaries and pretending they don't exist, your thoughts will lose all meaning and no longer make sense. By eliminating the concepts of "success" and "failure" you will not feel like a failure.

By creating catchy names and complex systems, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy allows you to identify and destroy rational thinking. After the ability to recognize wrongthink is firmly ingrained in your head, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy will teach you to...

Believe that you have control​

Once the ability to wrongthink has been removed from your head, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is designed to make you have a feeling of control. At this point, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy starts to implement "rightthink" so to speak. For instance, in the CAMH document, Nancy wanted to drive up to her cottage, but was scared of having a panic attack. So she creates a table that lists the situation she's in, the "automatic thoughts" (i.e. wrongthink) she had about the situation, and the emotions she was having. This allows her to target those and feel like she's in control.

This is no accident and it's why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy stresses the importance of worksheets and homework. It structures your thoughts (homework is often called the "thought record") to align with how therapists want you to think and more importantly lets you feel like you're in control. You'll see this in a lot of the advice given from normies to incels, like "go to the gym" or "work on your personality". The goal here is to make you feel like you're in control of your inability to have sex, regardless of if you actually are in control or not. if you don't believe me, here's a direct quote from the document:

Structure your thoughts and soon you can generate "alternative viewpoints" for yourself!

Changing your core beliefs​

The ultimate goal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy though, is to change something that's called your "core beliefs". This means refiguring your value system to prevent yourself from becoming depressed ever again. Let's say one of your life goals is fulfilling sexual relationships. The ultimate goal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is to remove that as one of your goals. That's why "reformed incels" say that sex really isn't that important anyways. They've reached that stage, and no longer want sex because CBT has convinced them not to. Of course, this is tough. That's why the ability of choice is so heavily emphasized. It is far easier to say you don't value sex if you're choosing not to have it, than to say you don't value sex when you can't have it.

Once this core assumption is gone, the wrongthink that stems from it disappears. A core tenent of cognitive behavioural therapy is that your core beliefs spawn these negative thoughts, and once they are changed, wrongthink disappears as well. After all, if you no longer want sex, why would you be upset about being incel?
This should be required reading.
Cock and Ball Torture

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