Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Almost ascended with a femcel until she saw my face. Plus her weird sex fantasy.

I can't remember since we blocked each other and I can't find her posts.
Umm, just log out, bro? I don't understand how this can be any reason considering logging out exists...

A Discord pal of mine suggested me such Reddit spaces half a year ago - I think, I tried to talk to 2 persons there, one of them just calld me names for 10 min and that's it, clearly unhinged. And the other ignored me - she had written a multi-page introduction saying she was seeking a soulmate... And, spoiler, she would keep writing that introduction for months on end! Months and months! Literally thousands of simps DMing her. I have the archive.vn, may I share it without being banned? (She's still writing them - maybe it's the famed "Rogue AI"?)

And I can't talk to femoids at all. I'll be honest, I have a fairly deep voice.
By talking, I meant texting, haha. I only use my voice with my mom. I never tried using my voice online (aside from the self-humiliation vocaroos).
Umm, just log out, bro? I don't understand how this can be any reason considering logging out exists...

A Discord pal of mine suggested me such Reddit spaces half a year ago - I think, I tried to talk to 2 persons there, one of them just calld me names for 10 min and that's it, clearly unhinged. And the other ignored me - she had written a multi-page introduction saying she was seeking a soulmate... And, spoiler, she would keep writing that introduction for months on end! Months and months! Literally thousands of simps DMing her. I have the archive.vn, may I share it without being banned? (She's still writing them - maybe it's the famed "Rogue AI"?)
I was right. I found her off of R/foreveralonewomen. She got into a fight with other femoids and got ratioed so hard she got like -50 karma lmao. And yeah, I asked her how many guys she was messaging and she said around 5 :feelsrope:

Literally no such thing as a femcel.
Worst thing is you probably selected one of your best looking photos of yourself. I’ve been there . Fucking brutal foid :feelsrope:
Oh, I see what you mean now. I thought you meant just during sex pinning her down, fucking her brains out like what the niggers do on twitter. There's no love or compassion when they do it they just want to see jiggly ass bounce like a fucking monkey.

White females are all niggerized trash.
She was expecting you to be a 4/10 and you're probably a 2/10 or 3/10. That or she actually genuinely believed in the "Sub-8 Theory " bullshit that many men on this forum have fallen into due to purity spiral bullshit. Sub-5 remains law, but for lesser attractive toilets it's Sub-4 Theory. That is that toilets are willing to date a slightly below average man, but a 3/10 would be too much.

This is also why a Western 1/10 can ascend in Asia because he gains 3 points becoming a 4/10 by simply height-mogging and skin-mogging all Asians around him.

Copium, it's Sub 8 Law.

When she spoke about wanting to be dominated and talked down to, she wasn't imagining a normie in her head doing that to her. Chad only.
Femcels are a fucking joke. Fuck all those retarded numbskulls who think that "muh wahmen can be just as lonely as men!:soy::foidSoy:"
Fucking irritating
Lmao bluepilled
It's sad that this "person" (I won't say the word because this degenerate probably reads it and masturbates to hateful comments) treated you like this but huge respect for your behavior in this situation. Not becoming animals normies try to make us believe we are can be really hard when we get nothing back to prove us right (or we get the complete opposite like in your case)
I bookmarked this. Well written.

Bluepillers will 100% gaslight you into believinG it was yOur pERsonality
Normies can get stabbed by my knife made from frozen shit
I bookmarked this. Well written.

Bluepillers will 100% gaslight you into believinG it was yOur pERsonality
Normies can get stabbed by my knife made from frozen shit
Thanks, I appreciate it. And I agree.
Femscum got your hopes up and ran away #brutal.
"almost ascended" while she didn't even see your face yet jfl

You know that's the most important part
"almost ascended" while she didn't even see your face yet jfl

You know that's the most important part
Well we were talking about having sex and she said she wanted to lose her virginity to me. I almost ascended until she saw my face.
Well we were talking about having sex and she said she wanted to lose her virginity to me. I almost ascended until she saw my face.
I don't know that sounds like she was entertaining the idea but wasn't actually serious. Good for you though. It means your personality and voice are really good if that's enough to make a foid want to have sex with you.
I don't know that sounds like she was entertaining the idea but wasn't actually serious. Good for you though. It means your personality and voice are really good if that's enough to make a foid want to have sex with you.
Maybe I'm wrong. Point I'm making is if I was hot I'd be dating her right now. It just goes to show that incels personality is fine. Our issue is being too short, ugly, low income, or a mixture of all three.
Maybe I'm wrong. Point I'm making is if I was hot I'd be dating her right now. It just goes to show that incels personality is fine. Our issue is being too short, ugly, low income, or a mixture of all three.
My personality is shit too. Not in the way bluepillers mean it. Quite the opposite. I'm a nice guy but very weird and non NT.
My personality is shit too. Not in the way bluepillers mean it. Quite the opposite. I'm a nice guy but very weird and non NT.
Me too. I got away with it since I have a somewhat deep voice, so she must've assumed I looked like a gigachad.
Similar has happened to me [only a few times] over the decades I've been online, they liked my personality and humour but as soon my face picture was sent it was over! :feelsree:
Similar has happened to me [only a few times] over the decades I've been online, they liked my personality and humour but as soon my face picture was sent it was over! :feelsree:
"muh just be confident bruh."
Shit honestly sucks. It hurts less getting punched and hurts way more getting rejected.
I told her I really don't want to say that since I have respect for her (used to respect her) and she says "why?" I then tell her I view her as a woman, not a femoid, and said a woman shouldn't be treated that way.
Incels can't get sex, femcels can't get relationships. She's already having sex with chadlites. She's just flirting with the possibility of accepting a less good-looking guy as an oofy doofy boyfriend she goes out in public with and cheats on with the same chadlites.
I met this femcel on reddit (I know they don't exist) and we'd been talking for about a month. I was starting to like her a lot. We even voice chatted one day and I thought we clicked. Eventually we agreed to use snapchat so we could see what we both looked like. She sent me a photo of herself and she was slightly below my looksmatch, however I didn't care Since she was very nice. I complimented her and said she's pretty. I sent her a photo of me, and she left me on "opened" for a day. A day later I responded and asked how she was, ignoring the fact she had no comment on my face. I was left on opened again, and when I sent her another message, Snapchat notified me saying "your friend request is pending" meaning she fucking blocked me.
Fucking hell. I finally meet a really nice girl, and she's still chad only. Unfuckingbelieveable. I wanted to believe I had found a unicorn, instead I found another femoid.

Oh, and get this. A few weeks before we sent face photos of ourselves, she asked me what we wanted from each other during sex. She told me she wanted to be laying down on her stomach as I prone boned her, and wished I called her a "dirty femoid slut." No joke. Her fucking words exactly (she's familiar with incel lingo). I told her I really don't want to say that since I have respect for her (used to respect her) and she says "why?" I then tell her I view her as a woman, not a femoid, and said a woman shouldn't be treated that way.

I proceeded to tell her what I wanted from sex which was kissing, eye contact, hand holding, cringe shit right? It sounds stupid, but it's what I truly want. "muh you must be a simp :soy: " No. A simp would be someone who doesn't hesitate to do despicable shit during sex since they're too scared to say what they think is right. I actually have the audacity and balls to say it's not right. I'd still do her fetish if it meant getting laid (unless it's pegging me or weird shit fag shit), but I'm going to be honest with her.

Even virgin women (at least she claims to be one) want to be treated like animals during sex. I've lost all hope in virgin women. AWALT.

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Foids rather hang themselves than be with a non chad :lul:
This kind of confirms that many toilets are indeed attracted to incels (meaning that our lingo and attitudes has nothing to do with our loneliness), but that a man must be handsome enough to actually keep her wet.

I wonder how many toilets lurk this forum and masturbate to what we write thinking about a lonely handsome man writing this. I'm not joking, I think that many of them have a Chadcel fetish.
Females are retarded asf coming on a INCEL WEBSITE TO FIND CHAD
Read what I said carefully. I used to respect her. I thought she was different, turns out she's just another femtard.
why would your response to a woman wanting you to call her a dirty slut be "but that would be disrespectful to you m'lady"
why would your response to a woman wanting you to call her a dirty slut be "but that would be disrespectful to you m'lady"
I know where you're going with this. BECAUSE I THOUGHT SHE WAS DIFFERENT. Turns she out she fucking isn't.
Now i wanna sniff some glue
Incels can't get sex, femcels can't get relationships. She's already having sex with chadlites. She's just flirting with the possibility of accepting a less good-looking guy as an oofy doofy boyfriend she goes out in public with and cheats on with the same chadlites.
"Men gatekeep relationships Women gatekeep Sex" is probably one of the more truer statements of the redpill
I know where you're going with this. BECAUSE I THOUGHT SHE WAS DIFFERENT. Turns she out she fucking isn't.
I just feel like the whole request of her demanding you call her a slut would make that obvious.
I just feel like the whole request of her demanding you call her a slut would make that obvious.
I couldn't tell if she was saying it because she was trying to please me or if she actually wanted it or not.
@Endangered muh femcels
Femcels do not exist, all the women who claim to be are either foids looking for your money, or beckys looking for more attention then they normally get.
Femcels don't exist

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