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RageFuel Male circumcision is literal pedophilia but widely accepted.



Oct 16, 2023
One of the common reasons for male circumcision is because foids prefer the look of it. They are literally sexualizing baby boys. Very hypocritical when foids say that men are sex obsessed and rapists when it's them who want INFANT boys to have cut dicks because they think it looks better.

Also, whoever performs the circumcision has to rub the penis to get it erect so they can perform the circumcision. This means that any guy who was circumcised as an infant got raped by a pedo doctor before he formed his first memories.

I don't want to hear more about muh foids are oppressed and muh rape culture.
Circumcision also causes aspects in boys, according to some studies.
Apparently liking 18 year old foids is pedophilia but circumcision isn't
Apparently liking 18 year old foids is pedophilia but circumcision isn't
Most people who call us pedophiles are projecting faggots. LGBTQ has a high rate of that sort of shit but they're widely accepted.
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Not only is it pedophilia, but its a form of human sacrifice. ((They)) say It's for stem cell research, but its probably used for ritualistic bullshit in all actuality.

With all of those chopped up baby dicks, you'd think there would be more breakthroughs in the field of human biology. Instead, there's been no real news about it for the past 10 years.
Most people who call us pedophiles are projecting faggots. LGBTQ has a high rate of that sort of shit but they're widely accepted.
Drag queens grooming kindergarteners is OK to agecucks
Not only is it pedophilia, but its a form of human sacrifice. ((They)) say It's for stem cell research, but its probably used for ritualistic bullshit in all actuality.

With all of those chopped up baby dicks, you'd think there would be more breakthroughs in the field of human biology. Instead, there's been no real news about it for the past 10 years.
Even if it was used for research, we should at least get a say in if we want it done but we don't. No one cares because we're the wrong gender.
Even if it was used for research, we should at least get a say in if we want it done but we don't. No one cares because we're the wrong gender.
Even if femoids wanted to stop cutting off baby foreskin, we're still goyim at the end of the day. They'll get their hands on some of it regardless
Even if femoids wanted to stop cutting off baby foreskin, we're still goyim at the end of the day. They'll get their hands on some of it regardless
The world would be much much better without a certain group of people. I wish Hitler had won.
t’s the ultimate form of blackpill. It was pioneered by (((them))) so it’s basically never questioned, and since brugerlandish foids apparently prefer it circumcised, it’s widely accepted, even though it’s child mutilation in its purest form.

Most modern foids also resent the idea of masculinity so much, they want their sons to troon out or to become gay ASAP, I’m surprised they don’t cut the whole thing instead.
t’s the ultimate form of blackpill. It was pioneered by (((them))) so it’s basically never questioned, and since brugerlandish foids apparently prefer it circumcised, it’s widely accepted, even though it’s child mutilation in its purest form.

Most modern foids also resent the idea of masculinity so much, they want their sons to troon out or to become gay ASAP, I’m surprised they don’t cut the whole thing instead.
What I find ironic is how even "based" and "redpilled" cuckservatives support it. They're all against trans surgeries (valid) but then go ahead and support circuckcision. They're no better than trannies.

This is why foids were kept in place by men throughout history. So this shit doesn't happen.
What I find ironic is how even "based" and "redpilled" cuckservatives support it. They're all against trans surgeries (valid) but then go ahead and support circuckcision.
The opposite is also funny. Normie secretly left leaning “““centrists””” like moiscr1itkal who openly disapprove of circumcision but then come out and say that it’s perfectly reasonable for a child to snip his balls away and start happily taking HRTs with parent’s consent are just as hypocritical and baffling.
The opposite is also funny. Normie secretly left leaning “““centrists””” like moiscr1itkal who openly disapprove of circumcision but then come out and say that it’s perfectly reasonable for a child to snip his balls away and start happily taking HRTs with parent’s consent are just as hypocritical and baffling.
All forms of mutilating genitals should be punished by torture then death.
USA not passing up on an opportunity to make it more unlivable
the intention was nobel, like it prevents diseases and infection.
islam has contributed to the medical field cant deny that
Unfathomably based. I hate humans.
One of the only good things about ricecels is most of us are uncut
One of the only good things about ricecels is most of us are uncut
Same here with beancels

My dad told me that they tried theyre best to convince my dad to get me cut but he said no i’ll teach him to wash no idea why the fuck doctors have this fetish of wanting to cutoff baby cocks so much lmao
male cutting off, if there is no medical evidence for it, is a crime.
Why it's widespread in the USA?
Brutal mutilationpill
Anything against males is accepted
The Boomers normalizing circumcision in Burgerland is why I'll go out of my way to fuck them up in Minecraft
The Boomers normalizing circumcision in Burgerland is why I'll go out of my way to fuck them up in Minecraft
Young men are so feminine these days :soy:

Lets cut off a bit of my son’s dick, surely that will make him man up :soy:
Young men are so feminine these days :soy:

Lets cut off a bit of my son’s dick, surely that will make him man up :soy:

They are some of the most bitch made people ever too projecting shit one the Zoomers who had to be Gymmaxx'd to pick up a 4/10 foid
They are some of the most bitch made people ever too projecting shit one the Zoomers who had to be Gymmaxx'd to pick up a 4/10 foid
Most white male boomers are fat fucks and have actual boobs. My grandfather (white side) was like this, and much shorter than me and lectured me about how I looked like a woman because my hair is long.
Most white male boomers are fat fucks and have actual boobs. My grandfather (white side) was like this, and much shorter than me and lectured me about how I looked like a woman because my hair is long.

He was probably jealous of it.

Boomers are fucking scum and Societal Narcissism actually does really good work explaining Boomer Family Dynamics and why they act the same
Apparently liking 18 year old foids is pedophilia but circumcision isn't

Truthbomb dropped.

Male circumcision is literal pedophilia but widely accepted

Not just accepted, but actively promoted by what unfortunately is the Internet's main source of knowledge. Wikipedia.

digdeeper.club said:
It is safe to assume that Wikipedia is one of the most heavily manipulated sources of information on the Internet when it comes to the topic of circumcision.

digdeeper.club said:
Supposed benefits of circumcision are often restated throughout the article, while negative effects are mentioned rarely, if at all. For example, as of October 2024, the article only passingly mentions skin bridges once its over 146,000 characters, whereas it boasts over ten times about how circumcision supposedly reduces the risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), without ever explaining how a lack of foreskin is supposed to prevent STIs from reaching the urethra and entering the penis. Why think for yourself when you have "The Scientists" to think for you, right?

digdeeper.club said:
What Wikipedia of course fails to tell you is that 100% of circumcisions result in:
  • Loss of sensory nerve endings. Remember how "a highly sensitive part of the penis" stood at the beginning in the 2004 version?
  • Loss of built-in lubrication and moisturization of the glans.
  • Loss of the gliding mechanism during coitus.
  • Loss of protection for the glans. An unprotected glans constantly rubs against underwear during sports, resulting in discomfort and a rough and dry glans surface.
  • Reduced shaft skin surface. This means less shaft skin is available to expand over an erect penis, which could cause pain. Normally, the foreskin is retracted and converted into shaft skin during an erection.
  • Loss of penile thickness, given that the missing foreskin creates a gap between the surfaces of the shaft and the glans.
  • A permanently altered, mushroom-like shape of the penis that the patient might not appreciate in their impending adulthood.
  • Reduced possibilities for foreplay and stimulation by hand. Normally, the inner surface of the foreskin and the glans stimulate each other while the foreskin is moving. In fact, a woman who stimulates her partner's penis using her hand mainly does so by moving the foreskin.
Wikipedia completely fails to count these guaranteed losses from circumcision as complications.


Always remember: Wikipedia sided with the mutilators.


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