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Życie w polsce



Aug 4, 2024
I want to move to Poland next year to work as a software cuck straight out of uni but I heard it’s impossible with the current market. Is it true? Will I have to be a Żabka slave working for 6zl/hr?
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@NorthernWind @WorthlessSlavicShit I would be living about 40km from Wroclaw with my family. I’m half Polish
This belongs to reddit.
Jak najdalej od Wrocławia, stolica zepsucia obok W-wy i Poznania. Mieszkałem tam rok i musiałem się leczyć psychiatrycznie
A poza tym tyle ciapatych i upadlińców (rozróżniać z Ukraińcami) tam jest, że głowa mała
Jak najdalej od Wrocławia, stolica zepsucia obok W-wy i Poznania. Mieszkałem tam rok i musiałem się leczyć psychiatrycznie
I can understand what you’re saying but I have an easier time writing in English so i’ll reply in English.

I have family living close to Wroclaw so it’d have to be there since I won’t be able to afford rent. What’s wrong with it, really? I’ve been there and I had a good time tbh but it was only for a week. You’re right about the shitskins, I saw them delivering slop on bicycles like they do in the UK and it made me wonder “why”. It’s not like they’re making anything in Poland lol.

Also so many couples around. I don’t see this in the UK or Germany but in Poland everywhere I looked I saw people holding hands. Insane suifuel.
but in Poland everywhere I looked I saw people holding hands. Insane suifuel
This is constant sight in larger cities and medium towns. Almost all young males in couples look the same or in few patterns, exceptions are very rare.

I have family living close to Wroclaw so it’d have to be there since I won’t be able to afford rent. What’s wrong with it, really? I’ve been there and I had a good time tbh but it was only for a week.
I born nearby Legnica and I live nearby, but living as a disabled autistic sub3 person is just sad. Any walk in Breslau was a reminder about my subhumanity. I have to return to college (polibuda) but I'm really thinking about some course about mechanical stuff
This is constant sight in larger cities and medium towns. Almost all young males in couples look the same or in few patterns, exceptions are very rare.
Yeah, I saw a bunch of random MTNs and LTNs walking around with gl girls. It was ERfuel.
I born nearby Legnica and I live nearby, but living as a disabled autistic sub3 person is just sad. Any walk in Breslau was a reminder about my subhumanity. I have to return to college (polibuda) but I'm really thinking about some course about mechanical stuff
Luckily where I live currently I barely even see young women, let alone couples. But I can’t continue living like this, I want to go back to Poland but i’m scared I won’t be able to find a job tbh. What were you studying?
What were you studying?
Some STEM scheisse with social science. I passed first year (2 semesters), but I spent whole previous year in treatment and I'm returning to 2nd year with one year delay
Some STEM scheisse with social science. I passed first year (2 semesters), but I spent whole previous year in treatment and I'm returning to 2nd year with one year delay
Do you think i’d be able to find an IT job in Wroclaw straight out of college ? I really want to come home.
Do you think i’d be able to find an IT job in Wroclaw straight out of college ? I really want to come home.
Idk, professors were telling us our faculty is so universal (suspicious tbh) that we should work in many companies including IT ones

I tried to get into IT branches, but my final has exam was too weak
If you don't have connections or experience, then you need studies and diploma (inżynier i/lub magister) for well paid job
If you don't have connections or experience, then you need studies and diploma (inżynier i/lub magister) for well paid job
All i’d have is a bachelor’s degree in le computer science and a 6 month internship I did in 3rd year

50266   SoyBooru
Jokes aside, which voivodeship are you thinking about? That has a huge significance.
Polska GUROM!!!
All i’d have is a bachelor’s degree in le computer science and a 6 month internship I did in 3rd year
Mogs me brutally

I barely hope I finish even engineers degree

I'm thinking lately about becoming a gunsmith (incoming NATO vs almost entire world), I read that Germans and Austrians have many apprenticeship places for this job
Mogs me brutally

I barely hope I finish even engineers degree

I'm thinking lately about becoming a gunsmith (incoming NATO vs almost entire world), I read that Germans and Austrians have many apprenticeship places for this job
I heard it's basically impossible to find a job in Poland as a junior dev so chances are i'll be working in Zabka with some Ukrainian whores.
Getting a job with an engineering degree should be easier.
I heard it's basically impossible to find a job in Poland as a junior dev so chances are i'll be working in Zabka with some Ukrainian whores.
Getting a job with an engineering degree should be easier.
...aaannndd nigga is banned, lol.
Anyway, lower silesia then. Sometimes I feel like people here are extra fucked up and wigger-like but I'm not sure if that isn't just my personal bias, save for few days in a year when I visit distant-living family I've been pretty much stuck in this shithole since I was 7.
Because of this I was curious how would foreigner feel about this place.
...aaannndd nigga is banned, lol.
Anyway, lower silesia then. Sometimes I feel like people here are extra fucked up and wigger-like but I'm not sure if that isn't just my personal bias, save for few days in a year when I visit distant-living family I've been pretty much stuck in this shithole since I was 7.
Because of this I was curious how would foreigner feel about this place.
Dolny Śląsk to nowe kresy, ogrom wiesniactwa, Polesie 2.0, tu nie ma Polaków, nie ma Niemców, tu są (((tutejsi))), a szczególnie młodzież, kosmopolityzm szczególnie wysoki. Kiedy tylko muszę jechać do Wrocławia to rzygać mi się chce, a jak mam wracać na polibudę to mam gotowy sznur odpowiednio związany
Dolny Śląsk to nowe kresy, ogrom wiesniactwa,
Prawdę mówiąc to chodziło mi ogólnie o cały Śląsk, od zawsze mam wrażenie że ludzie na tych terenach górniczo-industrialnych są jakoś wyjątkowo skurwysyńscy w porównaniu do reszty populacji ale nigdy nie potrafię wyjaśnić czemu tak jest ani jakoś dobrze ubrać w słowa jakie spostrzegłem różnice.
tu nie ma Polaków, nie ma Niemców, tu są (((tutejsi)))
Z tym trafiłeś w dziesiątkę. Ponad 17 lat tutaj a czuję się jak gorzej niż obcokrajowiec mimo że jestem rodowitym Polakiem xd

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