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YouTube will ban a lot more content soon. BlackpillJesus is on Bitchute



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017

BlackpillJesus is not under any illusion that he can run a successful, highly-watched channel on Bitchute. No-one uses Bitchute tbh. Once you're out of the YouTube game, it's over. He got banned from YouTube for uploading compilation videos (YT hates those now) and an x-rated gif. He didn't get 3 strikes. He just got struck off outright. He made second channel on YT, which lasted about a week. Ban-evasion does not work on YT. Once you're banned once, it's over. Anyway, his link is above.

And yes, Stefan Molyneux, Jared Taylor and Iconoclast (last week) and a bunch of alt-right/White Nationalists got banned last night. I watched some of those channels even though I'm black. Ironically, lower-IQ blacks will dismiss anything uncomfortable as racist without listening to see if there is any SLIGHT validity. I am not saying I am 100% on Jared's and Molyneux's side, but they do make some good points. The logical part of me says that banning people is "bookburning", but the part of me that hates life thinks: "Good!!!. Let's hope this spawns some acceleration, resulting in the end of mankind".

Also, myself, IncelTV, Incelmatics, TheTruthHurts, etc, we're on borrowed time. This website may be the last place incels can gather so try to keep your egdeposting to a minimum. We don't have Reddit anymore. Soon, incels will have to communicate by email or a secret handshake in the street. IncelTear will finally get their wish - not that incels don't exist anymore, but that incels can't talk about it anymore.

It really is over.
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Also, myself, IncelTV, Incelmatics, TheTruthHurts, etc, we're on borrowed time. This website may be the last place incels can gather so try to keep your egdeposting to a minimum. We don't have Reddit anymore. Soon, incels will have to communicate by email or a secret handshake in the street. IncelTear will finally get their wish - not that incels don't exist anymore, but that incels can't talk about it anymore.

It really is over.

Doing my best. It is in the interests of all incels to do this, not for PR reasons, but to keep spaces where we can cope online for as long as possible without giving others a reason to take these spaces down.
Just wait. Let the degeneracy fester. One day, when the leftists have it all and Whites are forced into the corners of society, the only hard-working group holding up the West will have vanished, and the West will collapse. Food supplies will be gone. A guarantee for comfort will be gone.

And when that happens, the White race resurrects. Our survival instincts will be awakened, we truly have something to fight for. And traitors will all get the noose.
Doing my best. It is in the interests of all incels to do this, not for PR reasons, but to keep spaces where we can cope online for as long as possible without giving others a reason to take these spaces down.

This. Imagine being blackpilled and then suddenly having no place to cope! It would be worse than not being blackpilled in the first place.
Just wait. Let the degeneracy fester. One day, when the leftists have it all and Whites are forced into the corners of society, the only hard-working group holding up the West will have vanished, and the West will collapse. Food supplies will be gone. A guarantee for comfort will be gone.

And when that happens, the White race resurrects. Our survival instincts will be awakened, we truly have something to fight for. And traitors will all get the noose.

Cope. There are enough soyified whites to keep things ticking over.
Are you on BitChute?

Yes but it's pointless. Uploading to bitchute is like screening a video in a living room.
Everything @mylifeistrash has said about all 'problematic' sub 8 males on social media who say anything mean or bad about women being banned from all mainstream social media platforms and unable to grow their audience on alternative social media platforms is slowly coming to fruition.
Everything @mylifeistrash has said about all 'problematic' sub 8 males on social media who say anything mean or bad about women being banned from all mainstream social media platforms and unable to grow their audience on alternative social media platforms is slowly coming to fruition.

can't wait for facial recognition and AI that recognizes features criminals have

i.e. recessed chins, balding

then you get a risk assessment score
Soon (((they))) will eradicate us from the internet, then wipe us out IRL. It's only a matter of time
can't wait for facial recognition and AI that recognizes features criminals have

i.e. recessed chins, balding

then you get a risk assessment score

You are already flagged as suspicious if you don't have a profile pic on social media. It's a lose-lose situation and a technological control grid from which you can't escape since everyone around you is using that technology and cataloguing everything (including you).
can't wait for facial recognition and AI that recognizes features criminals have

i.e. recessed chins, balding

then you get a risk assessment score
gattaca shit
You are already flagged as suspicious if you don't have a profile pic on social media. It's a lose-lose situation and a technological control grid from which you can't escape since everyone around you is using that technology and cataloguing everything (including you).
gattaca shit

I saw an AI research paper from 10 years and basically said violent criminal = ugly

but evne further than that, like 100 years in the 1920s compiled photographs of mug shots and concluded the same thing

I mean if you really wanna stop crime, jail ugly men

this is ignoring exceptions like jeremy meeks
(((Reddit))) has been censoring subs that doesn't fit the agenda and now (((YouTube))) will also be. Doesn't surprise me. Also, even an incel discord I was in that probably only had about 15 consistently active users got randomly taken down or banned or whatever for literally no reason and no rules were broken.
this forum should move to the deep web, The TOR network bounces your connection from node to node, each node adding a "layer" of encryption hence it is also called the "onion network". This makes it almost impossible for a person to track the origin of your communication (your IP address) because they would have to decrypt every single layer of encryption. TOR is the only place which can give us real anonymity, but once again, nothing in life is guaranteed.
this forum should move to the deep web, The TOR network bounces your connection from node to node, each node adding a "layer" of encryption hence it is also called the "onion network". This makes it almost impossible for a person to track the origin of your communication (your IP address) because they would have to decrypt every single layer of encryption. TOR is the only place which can give us real anonymity, but once again, nothing in life is guaranteed.

It is slow and will cut the audience and growth-rate into a 1000th.
It's election year afterall....
Just wait. Let the degeneracy fester. One day, when the leftists have it all and Whites are forced into the corners of society, the only hard-working group holding up the West will have vanished, and the West will collapse. Food supplies will be gone. A guarantee for comfort will be gone.

And when that happens, the White race resurrects. Our survival instincts will be awakened, we truly have something to fight for. And traitors will all get the noose.
Cope. Nothing will happen, nothing ever happens.

Antifas and blacks are literally in the streets burning down the USA and the media and politicians are on their side. the west is a joke, whites will never rise up, they will just die and vanish and the entire world will be a shithole.
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Ironically, lower-IQ blacks will dismiss anything uncomfortable as racist without listening to see if there is any SLIGHT validity.
I smell... I smell an Uncle Tom!

BlackpillJesus is not under any illusion that he can run a successful, highly-watched channel on Bitchute. No-one uses Bitchute tbh. Once you're out of the YouTube game, it's over. He got banned from YouTube for uploading compilation videos (YT hates those now) and an x-rated gif. He didn't get 3 strikes. He just got struck off outright. He made second channel on YT, which lasted about a week. Ban-evasion does not work on YT. Once you're banned once, it's over. Anyway, his link is above.

And yes, Stefan Molyneux, Jared Taylor and Iconoclast (last week) and a bunch of alt-right/White Nationalists got banned last night. I watched some of those channels even though I'm black. Ironically, lower-IQ blacks will dismiss anything uncomfortable as racist without listening to see if there is any SLIGHT validity. I am not saying I am 100% on Jared's and Molyneux's side, but they do make some good points. The logical part of me says that banning people is "bookburning", but the part of me that hates life thinks: "Good!!!. Let's hope this spawns some acceleration, resulting in the end of mankind".

Also, myself, IncelTV, Incelmatics, TheTruthHurts, etc, we're on borrowed time. This website may be the last place incels can gather so try to keep your egdeposting to a minimum. We don't have Reddit anymore. Soon, incels will have to communicate by email or a secret handshake in the street. IncelTear will finally get their wish - not that incels don't exist anymore, but that incels can't talk about it anymore.

It really is over.

My prediction comes true. That big tech and gov will just hide the fact that hypergamy and a large % of incels exists.

Same shit as covering up a nuclear accident. Just hide negative things that might hurt "society" and the economy.
Bitchute is like youtube but for subhumans
Stop using YouTube, it hate us.
We're on the great intelligence decline, train ride to idiocracy. Office space is also worth a watch.
Stop using YouTube, it hate us.

That's like saying: "Stop using planes to get to another continent. Can't you just swim?". Why would people who spend months making a video upload it to a place where it will get 1% of the views?
they nuked my youtube channel

What did you upload onto it?
That's like saying: "Stop using planes to get to another continent. Can't you just swim?". Why would people who spend months making a video upload it to a place where it will get 1% of the views?

What did you upload onto it?

you're the first person i've seen on the internet actually acknowledge that if you get banned from youtube, it's over

no one uses bitchute or any shitty alternative and no one ever will

people think it's still the year 2004 and everyone will just switch like they did from myspace, but it doesn't work like that
you're the first person i've seen on the internet actually acknowledge that if you get banned from youtube, it's over

no one uses bitchute or any shitty alternative and no one ever will

people think it's still the year 2004 and everyone will just switch like they did from myspace, but it doesn't work like that

Legit. Not only does YouTube have 99.9% of the audience and a 15-year headstart, but also it has many tools, algorithms and infrastructure that put it ahead of any competition. No-one spends hours on Bitchute like they do on YT. At most, you might watch ONE video there then go back to YT. The ability to discover or be suggested new videos there is a joke. I don't know what logging in achieves except letting you comment or upload a video yourself. YouTube would have to DISAPPEAR for an alternative to rise.
Same thing, right?

I am not being an uncle tom by saying that blacks don't take enough responsibility. Blacks did better in the USA in the 1950s before the Welfare State made fathers unneeded.
Fuck its over. We will be tagged and systematically exterminated in the coming years
Fuck its over. We will be tagged and systematically exterminated in the coming years
Being ugly and being hated by women will be a hate crime after Trump is ousted of office next election. We will be put into concentration camps for re-education.
Being ugly and being hated by women will be a hate crime after Trump is ousted of office next election. We will be put into concentration camps for re-education.
Yup there is a manga called unemployment concentration camp. All the neets, criminals, losers are sent to be reedcuated with forced labor, beatings, unethical human experiments. Likely that will happen here in few years

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