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RageFuel Youtube cuck gets 21 year old arrested for hitting on a 15 year old



Had it with these cucks!
Jan 6, 2018
The whole time the youtube cuck was getting a whiteknight boner, and he tells "the pedo" he's going to squeal to the police like a fag, because of course his beta ass can't do anything himself. He also joked about him going to prison and getting raped, which is a real epidemic, unlike the terror of adults hitting on 15 year olds. At the end of his whiteknight cuck rant a nasty sewer pussy smelling whore on his live chat talked about how she was turned on by his cuckery, but I seriously doubt she gave him any of her std riddled meat flaps.

He also joked about him going to prison and getting raped
> le prison rape xD
"We disabled the shekel for that video but we get a very good promotion and internet points."
-Hopes you go to prison and get raped.

What is up with cucks and projecting their fetishes onto others? Stupid shit doesn't even know if the girl took interest in that guy and expects the 21 year old dude to act just as cucked as he would in such a situation. "Oh you're offerring me prime fertile pussy, no let me eat the cum out of it after you've been penetrated by 15 year old chad, that way we aren't technically having sex :soy:"
lmao how is 21x15-y/o relationship pedophilia, it's some 1984-kinda shit where words change definitions everyday
15-y/os are self-conscious and it's hard to tell if someone is getting advantage of someone in this case (using people for your own benefit isn't even a crime; otherwise we'd have to shut down almost all businesses), because they're not that far apart age-wise
considering how people develop at different rates, she could be as sexually developed (or even more) as him - late bloomers and early bloomers are a thing, but the law and the cucks don't care
80-y/o fucking a 18-y/o - just fine; 18-y/o fucking a 15-y/o - omg! you filthy pedo! how could you! I hope I'll get raped!
"Oh you're offerring me prime fertile pussy, no let me eat the cum out of it after you've been penetrated by 15 year old chad, that way we aren't technically having sex :soy:"
jfl, they probably think that's what you're supposed to do if you fall in love with someone younger than you
lmao you cant even speak because u will go jail
Imagine the world being so cucked that men are harassed, threatened, killed and jailed for being attracted to women in their prime age of youthfulness, attractiveness and perfect age for motherhood.
JFL at what the world has become
how the fuck is 15 pedo?

How the fuck do I differentiate between 15 year old with developed features whoring around with chad and 15 year old with developed features whoring around with chad? All I know is that one would put me in jail. (i certainly wouldn't bother with it even if i had the opportunity)
-Hopes you go to prison and get raped.

What is up with cucks and projecting their fetishes onto others? Stupid shit doesn't even know if the girl took interest in that guy and expects the 21 year old dude to act just as cucked as he would in such a situation. "Oh you're offerring me prime fertile pussy, no let me eat the cum out of it after you've been penetrated by 15 year old chad, that way we aren't technically having sex :soy:"
Reminds me of the "incels are gay for chad" thing

they should knock that gay shit off
-Hopes you go to prison and get raped.

What is up with cucks and projecting their fetishes onto others? Stupid shit doesn't even know if the girl took interest in that guy and expects the 21 year old dude to act just as cucked as he would in such a situation. "Oh you're offerring me prime fertile pussy, no let me eat the cum out of it after you've been penetrated by 15 year old chad, that way we aren't technically having sex :soy:"
Daily reminder that 7 year olds can consent to changing genders, but anyone under 18 is a child who can’t consent to sex.
Had he patted his own back any harder he'd break his spine. JFL@ protecting the nonexistent purity of foids over 12yo.
"Some dude is flirting with a physically mature female, the only reasonable thing to do in this situation is to get him fired, imprisoned and overall ruin his life :soy:" soy overload
Had he patted his own back any harder he'd break his spine. JFL@ protecting the nonexistent purity of foids over 12yo.
"Some dude is flirting with a physically mature female, the only reasonable thing to do in this situation is to get him fired, imprisoned and overall ruin his life :soy:" soy overload
The men who are the most vocal against "pedos" are usually trying to cover up that they actually want to gave sex with kids, so they have to overcompensate to make others less likely to suspect what their true intentions are. Or they're just trying to whiteknight in front of low iq, old, used up whores.
lmao how is 21x15-y/o relationship pedophilia, it's some 1984-kinda shit where words change definitions everyday
They would cheer on Toronto child molester Dylan McEwen if she was doing bbbj on a baby boy.
imagine thinking liking a 15 year old is pedo
-Hopes you go to prison and get raped.

What is up with cucks and projecting their fetishes onto others? Stupid shit doesn't even know if the girl took interest in that guy and expects the 21 year old dude to act just as cucked as he would in such a situation. "Oh you're offerring me prime fertile pussy, no let me eat the cum out of it after you've been penetrated by 15 year old chad, that way we aren't technically having sex :soy:"
Didn't the same thing happen to some tattoo artist? Also what's up with this vigilantism going on latley?
Also what's up with this vigilantism going on latley?
I have no idea. The level of cuckery is at an all time high, it wasn't even a fraction as bad 10 years ago. The show "To catch a predator" started it all I think.
The high age of consent in the modern West is a moralist fantasy construct with no root in the real world. Nowhere outside of the modern West do men have to deal with “Oh, she looks hot but she might be slightly underage and I could get spanked by the law.”

The entire system is set up to spite Western men.
imagine thinking liking a 15 year old is pedo
There is a 16 yo girl in my class in college, kek.

She's considered able to learn advanced linguistics but not to consent to a kiss in the US, JFL.
There is a 16 yo girl in my class in college, kek.

She's considered able to learn advanced linguistics but not to consent to a kiss in the US, JFL.
You have to at least have the same iq as Albert Einstein to be able to consent to a kiss. It's too advanced for everyone else.
You have to at least have the same iq as Albert Einstein to be able to consent to a kiss. It's too advanced for everyone else.
Kek, not even that is enough, if you have an 150 IQ but you're 16 then you're still a child who can't understand or consent to such advanced and dangerous thing.
brb potentially ruining a man's life because he doesn't believe that a woman's prime is in her 40's
if she bleeds she's ready to breed :feelsokman:
Had he patted his own back any harder he'd break his spine. JFL@ protecting the nonexistent purity of foids over 12yo.
"Some dude is flirting with a physically mature female, the only reasonable thing to do in this situation is to get him fired, imprisoned and overall ruin his life :soy:" soy overload
brb potentially ruining a man's life because he doesn't believe that a woman's prime is in her 40's
Kek, not even that is enough, if you have an 150 IQ but you're 16 then you're still a child who can't understand or consent to such advanced and dangerous thing.
They say their "emotional iq" isn't as high as their intellectual iq. I bet those cucks can't even prove there's such thing as emotional iq.
They say their "emotional iq" isn't as high as their intellectual iq. I bet those cucks can't even prove there's such thing as emotional iq.
Even if that exists, the average 16 year old girl has a bigger emotional IQ than a 30 yo kissless virgin incel.
Even if that exists, the average 16 year old girl has a bigger emotional IQ than a 30 yo kissless virgin incel.
No doubt about that, I'd say the same goes for any average post teen or post puberty foid.
Bet that 15 year old looked like any other 20 year old

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