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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

You're not truly incel until you've failed in life



Jan 2, 2018
If you've got a good career then you're not ugly. Truly ugly people can barely leave their houses and are NEET.
Ice is water. Water is wet.
You don't need to be a NEET to be ugly.
If you've got a good career then you're not ugly. Truly ugly people can barely leave their houses and are NEET.

I never understood how incels can have good careers, it's all about socializing and being likeable at work. I'm low iq and not smart and barely can stand my wageslave job. Those are not real incels.
I never understood how incels can have good careers, it's all about socializing and being likeable at work. I'm low iq and not smart and barely can stand my wageslave job. Those are not real incels.

cause there are high risk high pay manual labor jobs that don't require socialization you can do
true, ive completely failed at life, no job, never had a friend, living off neetbux and rotting.

females hate low value males.
cause there are high risk high pay manual labor jobs that don't require socialization you can do

I tried manual labor jobs but im too weak and got always shit on for being too slow
So much this. You quickly lose motivation to wageslave once you realize that no amount of money will ever help you attract women today. That is, unless your profession is something that you truly enjoy, which is only true for < 10% of the population.
I never understood how incels can have good careers, it's all about socializing and being likeable at work. I'm low iq and not smart and barely can stand my wageslave job. Those are not real incels.
A STEM career where your skills are valued, like a programmer or engineer. But not everyone has the IQ for that.
What is this supposed to mean?
Are you implying that ice is wet?

You've seen many people here say "water is wet" to mean that something is painfully obvious. What OP is saying is x -> y -> z where x is having a career, y is not being ugly, and z is not being incel, and the connection is pretty obvious. I'm just making a commentary "ice is water, water is wet", to show the same thing lmao.
I don't give a fuck about a career to be honest. I make enough money freelancing to not get out since social situations are becoming suicidefuel for me because of ugliness.
I had women give me compliments at work. I am a virgin though. One woman called me handsome, always used to smile at me.
I should probably leave this site, but they allow mentacels.
I don't give a fuck about a career to be honest. I make enough money freelancing to not get out since social situations are becoming suicidefuel for me because of ugliness.
That's my plan for the future. I'll freelance so i can never leave the house.
I never understood how incels can have good careers, it's all about socializing and being likeable at work

No its all about listening, learning and following simple instructions, my first job was as a cashier, before then i could never "smile on command" or "fake happiness", when I started my face always looked what I felt, after a few months, I could smile, laugh and start coversations with customers even though I couldn't give one fuck about their lives. Working is actually a useful tool in an incels arsenal because not only do you get to save and build wealth, but you learn to pretend among normies, to give off the illusion of normality, especially in jobs where you have to interact with people, before it was annoying and felt forced, now its just second nature, just imitate what you see.

I think I may be a sociopath

EDIT - (googles sociopathy, finds this) - http://www.sociopathworld.com/2009/01/sociopaths-mimicry-and-blank-slates.html (pic related)

This is me to a T, everyone around me says I sound foreign, nobody in my birth country says I sound like I have the "national accent", If I'm talking to people with distinctive accents by mistake I end up talking in their tones and voice inflections, not even on purpose, and sometimes they are offended, and I have to "catch myself" and go back to "normal". Its true, they think you are making fun of them and you have to come up with some BS excuse, but there is none, you don't know why it happened, it just happens automatically.

Most of my reactions to things are based on how I saw other people react to simliar scenarios. Its like you have to fake it to make it most of the time.


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I had women give me compliments at work. I am a virgin though. One woman called me handsome, always used to smile at me.
I should probably leave this site, but they allow mentacels.

Damn, here I thought you were in the same boat as me, only a decade older than me. Now I'm finding out that women have actually called you handsome IRL? Someone put me out of my misery already! Please!
No its all about listening, learning and following simple instructions, my first job was as a cashier, before then i could never "smile on command" or "fake happiness", when I started my face always looked what I felt, after a few months, I could smile, laugh and start coversations with customers even though I couldn't give one fuck about their lives. Working is actually a useful tool in an incels arsenal because not only do you get to save and build wealth, but you learn to pretend among normies, to give off the illusion of normality, especially in jobs where you have to interact with people, before it was annoying and felt forced, now its just second nature, just imitate what you see.

I think I may be a sociopath

EDIT - (googles sociopathy, finds this) - http://www.sociopathworld.com/2009/01/sociopaths-mimicry-and-blank-slates.html (pic related)

This is me to a T, everyone around me says I sound foreign, nobody in my birth country says I sound like I have the "national accent", If I'm talking to people with distinctive accents by mistake I end up talking in their tones and voice inflections, not even on purpose, and sometimes they are offended, and I have to "catch myself" and go back to "normal". Its true, they think you are making fun of them and you have to come up with some BS excuse, but there is none, you don't know why it happened, it just happens automatically.

Most of my reactions to things are based on how I saw other people react to simliar scenarios. Its like you have to fake it to make it most of the time.
I sometimes repeat movements of people whom I talk to OR their speaking manner even if I don't really like them, automatically
Or when you have no life to fail
cause there are high risk high pay manual labor jobs that don't require socialization you can do
or they have high iqs and somehow have enough motivation to get through uni, ie fakecels
Damn, here I thought you were in the same boat as me, only a decade older than me. Now I'm finding out that women have actually called you handsome IRL? Someone put me out of my misery already! Please!
I had some weak interest from women, but trust me, I'm pretty pathetic.
No its all about listening, learning and following simple instructions, my first job was as a cashier, before then i could never "smile on command" or "fake happiness", when I started my face always looked what I felt, after a few months, I could smile, laugh and start coversations with customers even though I couldn't give one fuck about their lives. Working is actually a useful tool in an incels arsenal because not only do you get to save and build wealth, but you learn to pretend among normies, to give off the illusion of normality, especially in jobs where you have to interact with people, before it was annoying and felt forced, now its just second nature, just imitate what you see.

I think I may be a sociopath

EDIT - (googles sociopathy, finds this) - http://www.sociopathworld.com/2009/01/sociopaths-mimicry-and-blank-slates.html (pic related)

This is me to a T, everyone around me says I sound foreign, nobody in my birth country says I sound like I have the "national accent", If I'm talking to people with distinctive accents by mistake I end up talking in their tones and voice inflections, not even on purpose, and sometimes they are offended, and I have to "catch myself" and go back to "normal". Its true, they think you are making fun of them and you have to come up with some BS excuse, but there is none, you don't know why it happened, it just happens automatically.

Most of my reactions to things are based on how I saw other people react to simliar scenarios. Its like you have to fake it to make it most of the time.
Faking things is good. I try to smile alot but its difficult, especially whe they are idiots. I think, look, idiot, im smiling at you. doesnt that mean anything. Its hard and to be honest, it hasn't got me anywhere, but I try as part of my giving a shit routine, trying not to be negative all the time. I just dont meet people enough. I saw someone drop their credit cards and called out to them and when they turned I smiled and said I think you dropped something and SMILED but they didn't suck my dick. Waste of time.
I had some weak interest from women, but trust me, I'm pretty pathetic.

Fakecel get out!!!!!

Just kidding mate. If you and a few other oldcels ever ascended, I would become the elder statesmen of this forum. And that would be pretty damn scary!
I don't give a fuck about a career to be honest. I make enough money freelancing to not get out since social situations are becoming suicidefuel for me because of ugliness.
that's the way to go man
I don't give a fuck about a career to be honest. I make enough money freelancing to not get out since social situations are becoming suicidefuel for me because of ugliness.
What are you doing exactly, if it's not a secret?
Not true. Plenty of ugly engineers and programmers make alot of money.
Even if they don't leave the house they can freelance.
Just be intelligent/talented it can make up for being ugly
Fakecel get out!!!!!

Just kidding mate. If you and a few other oldcels ever ascended, I would become the elder statesmen of this forum. And that would be pretty damn scary!
I have high inhib too. Never had the balls to ask a girl out even.
Holy fuck, so many fakecels in this thread.

The whole point of blackpill is that PHYSICAL APPEARANCE is all that matters. The "success" meme is fucking TRP/PUA bullshit. Women only care about looks, nothing else.

We were told as children that if you're smart and hardworking then women will be attracted to you. The blackpill states that this is NOT TRUE.

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neet for 2 and a half years ay, bad at games, ay, useless at fucking EVERYTHING THATS ME
I have high inhib too. Never had the balls to ask a girl out even.

Damn, you probably wouldn't be posting here right now if you were as low-inhib as I am.

Could you see yourself being more aggressive in the future, or have you pretty much given up on women at your age?
Incel and complete loser are not mutually exclusive but they are not synonyms either
Damn, you probably wouldn't be posting here right now if you were as low-inhib as I am.

Could you see yourself being more aggressive in the future, or have you pretty much given up on women at your age?
I watched hours of videos on approaching women and shit and probably am up to the point of an average 14 yo guy :(. I read many of the posts on this board and guys say how repulsed women are of them, but honestly I never had women call me ugly. Many Women never approached me but I remember many "IOIS" so to speak, and I had no clue. I notice more foids smiling at me. A few days ago I noticed a cashier didn't even say hi to 3 guys in front of me, but to me she was smiling, asking about the weather, saying its cold out, other small talk. She was doing most of the talking. I know cashiers are supposed to be friendly but that could be a bit more than her job.

I'm too old though to ascend at this point. I think of the rope every day. I had a very fucked up upbringing. Fuck, guys 20 are worried about being a virgin. Being a virgin at my age is like a pound of fissionable suifuel.

I have severe aspergers. In college I would count bricks on the buildings. Once a girl asked for my number and I froze.

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