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You’re not entitled to sex, incel.



Feb 26, 2018
I know 95% here are too autistic to have the attention span to read it as it's a 5minute read, but for the 5% who may be interrested, i leave it here (i'm not the author)

If you're into blogging, I think that it's far better to have your own website than to post on Wordpress.com, as you'll likely get banned there sooner or later.
If you're into blogging, I think that it's far better to have your own website than to post on Wordpress.com, as you'll likely get banned there sooner or later.

Thanks for the advice but like i said, i'm not the author.
Some thoughts.

It is a common form of gaslighting abuse feminists engage in towards sexually unsuccessful men, they deny the suffering caused by phenomena easily explained by evolution, and pretend that is is all just coming from some patriarchy rape culture conspiracy against them.
Soyciety and its double standards. Female issues get attention no matter how petty they are, meanwhile (ugly) male issues are actively belittled. Feminists will blame this on the patriarchy, but honestly this is just another layer of hypocrisy. As whenever a man disagrees with feminists, their immediate reaction is to shame and question his masculinity ("real men want an experienced woman" etc). Engaging in rational conversation is truly beyond them.


I think that not having sex causes men suffering because evolution simply favors what results in survival, so it made it so that men experience suffering when they don’t release their seed in a warm wet hole, because that is one of many ways to encourage that they will reproduce – to pretend that the suffering is caused just by some kind of social construct giving men a sense of entitlement is gaslighting abuse.
Another instance of selective materialism/darwinism. In evolutionary terms, sex and reproduction clearly take priority over individual survival, so feminists become social determinists when they want to ignore the issue of male sexual frustration.

On a side note, these are often the same people who say that fascism (which they despise) is caused by sexual frustration. You know, the "sex should be like a glass of water" bolshevik thing. So shouldn't they be concerned about inceldom? Nah of course they aren't. And, on top of that, they say incels are too incompetent to rise up while mere fascist imagery is enough to make them hysterical. The contradictions know no limits here.

The lie (or delusion) is that many of these feminists are supposedly just saying you cannot take sex forcefully, i.e ”you’re not entitled to rape” pretty much – but that is not all they are saying.
If feminists are social determinists in order to ignore inceldom, they suddenly become hard biological determinists when they want to share their hot takes with the world. So their rhetoric turns into "wemen are the gatekeepers of sex, it is a good thing ugly men are not reproducing".

This argument has several flaws. One of them is that one cannot be a social darwinist and conveniently oppose non-consensual sex, as human concepts of morality are unknown to nature. If feminists were really so concerned about mankind's gene pool then they should see problem with rape.

In my opinion, this is why they insist there is some magical connection between inkels and rape. Deep down they know their worldview is flawed, so they need to project their intellectual faillures as threats to society etc etc.

So it is not just ”you can’t take sex forcefully”, it is also:

”Even if a woman agrees to let you stick it in for a certain price, it still isn’t ok because she wants money and not sex, so the sex is unwanted and unwanted sex is rape, so basically all work is slavery because the baker is only baking bread for money, not because they want to bake bread, so it is unwanted work, which is slavery, wah wah wah, I just want you to remain sexless for the rest of your life and suffer horrifically!!!”

This is the only part I kind of disagree with.

The author seems to ignore the eternal radical vs. liberal feminist argument (liberals support porn/prostitution and radicals are against it). One would think this disagreement hurts the feminist movement, but it actually has the opposite effect: it excuses feminists to change their positions according to convenience. So when prostitution and porn are profitable, feminists become sex-positive. And when pornographers and pimps exploit wemen, they become sex-negative in order to milk that good old public money.

Accordingly, I think incels should adopt a bilateral system of thought instead of taking a principled position on sexconomy.
tl;dr cheap sex with whores is based, but expensive sex with escorts is not unlike making OF donations

If you’re going with the ”you’re entitled to nothing in this life! NOTHING!” standard, why are women entitled to attention from men on the other hand? It goes both ways.
On point. Foids crave attention like men crave sex.
I know 95% here are too autistic to have the attention span to read it as it's a 5minute read, but for the 5% who may be interrested, i leave it here (i'm not the author)

Well you're not entitled to me helping you when you're getting raped and/or beaten
I'm the author, how did you find the blog? I don't have the link on here.

TLDR I guess is that I agree with feminists when they say women shouldn't get raped, sure, but that isn't all they are saying necessarily, many sex negative feminists hate incels and also want to ban all sexual outlets, like prostitution and porn under all circumstances, no matter what.

Also that right away accusing someone of entitlement is a shitty way to respond to someone's suffering, I don't think most people would say ''oh so you're sad your parents die? must mean you think you're entitled to force someone to be your parent you piece of shit!''.

And then pointing out the hypocrisy of some of them, how they think females are entitled to male attention but not the other way around, like when they say some guy is acting entitled for divorcing his wife over not doing sex acts with him that she did with chad in the past, why are females entitled but not the other way around?

Also I think it's ADHD that involves trouble with attention span more so than autism, I'm autistic myself, I guess some have issues with it when they have specific special interests and what they're reading doesn't have anything to do with it.
Also I think it's ADHD that involves trouble with attention span more so than autism, I'm autistic myself, I guess some have issues with it when they have specific special interests and what they're reading doesn't have anything to do with it.
My problem with the attention span is caused by my depression, which is caused by my loneliness, which is caused by being an ugly man. I wasn’t that braindead years ago.

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