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You're not allowed to enjoy this you ugly piece of shit

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7438
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Deleted member 7438

Deleted member 7438

Fascist, Enemy of my Species, Complete Shitbag
May 15, 2018
Can't see the vid.
Not like I want to pass on my subhuman genes tbh. My bloodline has to end, too many years of inbreeding
If my son was born with autism which I have or grow up to be ugly i'd kill myself
Eh. Having children is the one part of normality I've never wanted.
Can any of you tell me objectively what there is to actually enjoy in this, the only people who just enjoy raising a child are egoists, its a God Complex kind of thing, with the added ego stroking of "accomplishments by proxy", because since the child does so well later in life, its obviously due to your amazing parenting skills and you being such a great person.

I'm sorry i'll never get it, nor the yearning to have children, because I never had much of an ego to begin with, and when I discovered the black pill, whatever vestiges remained faded away.
Can any of you tell me objectively what there is to actually enjoy in this, the only people who just enjoy raising a child are egoists, its a God Complex kind of thing, with the added ego stroking of "accomplishments by proxy", because since the child does so well later in life, its obviously due to your amazing parenting skills and you being such a great person.

I'm sorry i'll never get it, nor the yearning to have children, because I never had much of an ego to begin with, and when I discovered the black pill, whatever vestiges remained faded away.

I have a niece. I enjoy her company and watching her grow. Her future is a black hole, but so is everyone else's.
Can any of you tell me objectively what there is to actually enjoy in this, the only people who just enjoy raising a child are egoists, its a God Complex kind of thing, with the added ego stroking of "accomplishments by proxy", because since the child does so well later in life, its obviously due to your amazing parenting skills and you being such a great person.
This is an interesting way to think of it.
This is an interesting way to think of it.

I notice if you ask most people why they want children, they can't even give you an objective reason, it always comes down to ego (I need to add my amazing genes to the gene pool or I want to create a little me and watch them grow into amazing people) or NPC mindset (well everyone else is doing it, my parents did it, I should follow in their footsteps)

For me, when I wanted to do it, it was just because my parents did it, after I sat for a few minutes going over the cost and benefits of having a child, and asking myself why I wanted one, I realized I didn't even want one, I was just doing what everyone else did because I wanted to "fit in", it just felt like "what I was supposed to do", and I wanted to "give my parents grand children"

I wasn't doing it for my own sake, I could not come up with one objective reason to do it, the human race is in the billions, were not going to be facing a shortage in people anytime soon, so there is no obligation for me to reproduce, its an expensive arduous and stressful task that is completely a gamble and spans a significant portion of your life span.

It is especially more so of a gamble in these times, where as a man you no longer bear any true ownership of your children (they are essentially the woman's) and you can't really protect them from degeneracy any more, if you have a daughter she is going to be a whore, if you have a son, he'll either become the Chads and Normie males you always hated, or an incel, and now you have to guide him through this terrible life, so your parenting extends way past its normal time range.
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JFL @ wanting to be a father as an incel. How immoral do you have to be to pass your subhuman genes to the one who you are supposed to love the most?
children are fucking parasites.
Don't want kids, rather not smash a landwhale & get divorced in 3 years.
why is this shit autoplaying
I wanted to "give my parents grand children"
I used to actually feel guilt for not wanting to have kids because of that. Then I realized that it would be selfish for others to expect that of me, and my younger brothers could fulfill that goal, anyway.
children are fucking parasites.
seems gay ngl. Children isn't for me. Although I would feel obligated to have kids if I met my race match
You''re not allowed to enjoy this world you ugly piece of shit
Fixed your title, you are welcome ;).
I would be a great dad :(
Never had a father tbh... I'd like to know what it feels like to be one but knowing that my genes might fuxk my children up...

Well I guess reproduction simply isn't for everyone.
Can accept not having this. But not having cute adorable waifu is hell
Modern fathers are gay as fuck. Look how feminine manners they have.
I'd rather not have kids.
I'll happily pass. I never want kids.
Not like I want to pass on my subhuman genes tbh. My bloodline has to end, too many years of inbreeding
If my son was born with autism which I have or grow up to be ugly i'd kill myself
Would you marry and have kids with an ugly girl, say, in feudal Europe where everyone would benefit from boosting their local populations?
If I had been born 100 years ago and had good genes I'd have liked to have kids and form a family. But in my current situation, with inferior genes and living in a degenerated society where promiscuity and feminism are everywhere, I'd prefer not to have them.

I would be a great dad :(

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