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Blackpill Your youth/life is being WASTED because you are missing certain milestones



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
You are supposed to be done wanting a naive JB and being each other's first by about 18.

You are supposed to be done with your wanting-to-slay-era around 30.

You are supposed to be ready to be a husband and dad before 35.

You are supposed to have developed emotionally, personalitywise, much more than you have. You should have had certain experiences by now that shape you as a man. You are supposed to be clearheaded enough to pursue relationship goals as well as non-relationship goals..

But you are stuck in an obsessive, continual cycle of wanting what most normies achieve when young - a gf. You will forever be a manchild because you are too autistic or too ugly to get a girlfriend. Your life is ebbing away with nothing achieved.
You are supposed to be done wanting a naive JB and being each other's first by about 18.

You are supposed to be done with your wanting-to-slay-era around 30.

You are supposed to be ready to be a husband and dad before 35.

You are supposed to have developed emotionally, personalitywise, much more than you have. You should have had certain experiences by now that shape you as a man. You are supposed to be clearheaded enough to pursue relationship goals as well as non-relationship goals..

But you are stuck in an obsessive, continual cycle of wanting what most normies achieve when young - a gf. You will forever be a manchild because you are too autistic or too ugly to get a girlfriend. Your life is ebbing away with nothing achieved.

For the last sentence, plastic surgery can help or we can try to be iNCel martyrs by going ER
You are never supposed to stop desiring a virgin female. Being attracted to women who have had several partners is unnatural.
You are never supposed to stop desiring a virgin female. Being attracted to women who have had several partners is unnatural.
High IQ. Women with multiple partners are more likely to cheat, to be depressed, etc.
This is the hardest pill to swallow, no matter what I do now I have already missed out multiple milestones and there is nothing I can do about it. Also it will always affect me.
I first got friends in my late teens, about at 17 years of age.

In junior high, I never had friends, just minions which I ordered around. Before that, I did not have friends at all.
Jokes on you, Zyros' slayer era started in his late 20s or early 30s
I'm supposed to open my mouth for her lover like that cuck who's posted on here constantly, enter wageslavery and go for promotions to provide for tykes, and apologize for any past misdeeds against women. Pass!
never even been to a party before, let alone had a girlfriend jfl.
I feel like you're right, but also completely blowing it out of proportion because you're snorting lines of straight crushed blackpills because. Men always want JBs and men always feel anxiety over becoming a parent to varying degrees. There is some truth to men wanting to have a family no later than 30 because we sort of have a psychological biological clock somewhat similar to women, but that isn't the same thing as saying "you're supposed to have slain so much pus that now you've had your full". The original meaning of "sowing your wild oats" was a derogatory term for men wasting their prime years chasing pussy instead of starting a family. Only in the warped modern mind is it considered something you are meant to do as preparation for the future.

I get it sucks being incel and there are plenty of blackpills all around us to OD on, but this is just self-flagellation at this point.
I've been lurking here a long long time... and this thread has always been the horsepill of blackpills.
It's over if you miss out on sex and a social life in high school and college. It's possible to compensate in other areas of life but I'll always be a broken man.
why should anyone even care

we don't owe society shit. society shit all over us.

even if i could be the best father and raise 8 children, i wouldn't do fuck all. i'd rather die than contribute to society
if you missed out on teenage love and sex, you are forever crippled. no matter if you become a gigaslayer at 25, no matter if you becoem betabux at 35, no matter if you become a thailand tourist at 45 - you will ALWAYS have a big gaping black hole in your heart that normal people get filled at age 16.

if you're a virgin after highschool then it's fucking over for you, and it will stay over no matter what you do.
jfl @ raising kids. Fuck that shit, I already wasted half my life
Supposed to? According to fucking what?
This is exactly why I plan on roping before I turn 30. The thought of being in my 30s/40s/50s and looking back on my miserable youth every single night is fucking horrifying.
This is exactly why I plan on roping before I turn 30. The thought of being in my 30s/40s/50s and looking back on my miserable youth every single night is fucking horrifying.
I do not want to live past 40
if you missed out on teenage love and sex, you are forever crippled. no matter if you become a gigaslayer at 25, no matter if you becoem betabux at 35, no matter if you become a thailand tourist at 45 - you will ALWAYS have a big gaping black hole in your heart that normal people get filled at age 16.

if you're a virgin after highschool then it's fucking over for you, and it will stay over no matter what you do.
Nothing can make up for missing out on teen love except MAYBE Soros tier wealth
if you missed out on teenage love and sex, you are forever crippled. no matter if you become a gigaslayer at 25, no matter if you becoem betabux at 35, no matter if you become a thailand tourist at 45 - you will ALWAYS have a big gaping black hole in your heart that normal people get filled at age 16.

if you're a virgin after highschool then it's fucking over for you, and it will stay over no matter what you do.
FaceandLMS has a PhD in youth-wasting judging by the amount of soapbox threads he makes.
This is exactly why I plan on roping before I turn 30. The thought of being in my 30s/40s/50s and looking back on my miserable youth every single night is fucking horrifying.
Missed youth crew.
You are supposed to be ready to be a husband and dad before 35.

nope you're suppose to be paying child support at 35. women are sluts and will move on after they drain your bank account.
At age 37 in 2018 you're supposed to let your wife fuck her boyfriends and buy your 11 year old son estrogen therapy for his transition into a female, and support your 13 year old daughters Instagram thot career where she posts half naked photos of herself. JFL at what society expects.
I have barely had 1/10 of the social experiences others have had by my age. I am permanently stunted.
My youth is absolutely not being wasted. I'm 50 in a fortnight. Come on kids, it's far from over so stop being melodramatic :feelsgah:
You are supposed to be done wanting a naive JB and being each other's first by about 18.

You are supposed to be done with your wanting-to-slay-era around 30.

You are supposed to be ready to be a husband and dad before 35.

You are supposed to have developed emotionally, personalitywise, much more than you have. You should have had certain experiences by now that shape you as a man. You are supposed to be clearheaded enough to pursue relationship goals as well as non-relationship goals..

But you are stuck in an obsessive, continual cycle of wanting what most normies achieve when young - a gf. You will forever be a manchild because you are too autistic or too ugly to get a girlfriend. Your life is ebbing away with nothing achieved.

Didn't you say something like anyone under 30 shouldn't even be on this website as their wasting their youth and still have a chance?

That's actually some of the best advice I saw on here.

I hope to follow through.

The development you speak of could never come from here.

That's how you should've concluded your post.
Didn't you say something like anyone under 30 shouldn't even be on this website as their wasting their youth and still have a chance?

That's actually some of the best advice I saw on here.

I hope to follow through.

The development you speak of could never come from here.

That's how you should've concluded your post.

Yes they do have a chance. Slim though it may be. That chance goes down to 0 if they spend their youth on here, memeing about how over it is.
So true. I've never met a Chad or Chadlite who is particularly obsessed about JBs. I mean, they can fuck/date one from time to time but they are all like "yeah man they barely know what to do in bed, I'd rather have a little older one who's just as pretty and has knows some moves".

Foids and upper tier normies/chadlites/chads cannot understand that many incels are still mentally trapped in the first years of adolescence as far as dating goes. We have zero to close to zero experience, it's like a guy who's 35 but never worked or went to college, he will have to work as something that a 17yo would work. But with dating and sex that's not allowed at all.

Upper tier Normies and up and foids judging us for wanting JBs is like a person who can afford to eat well everyday watching a homeless bum who hasn't eaten for 5 days eating like a glutton and saying "gross, that guy has no manners"! They can't put themselves in our shoes because they had it all and take it for granted. We look old so we must act old, fuck what we've been through.
I'm 26 and never kissed a girl or seen naked woman, I have licked womens panties before so all is not lost.
Life milestones specially those you posted lead to an enslaved and cucked life.

The only milestone is to be good looking.
My youth is absolutely not being wasted. I'm 50 in a fortnight. Come on kids, it's far from over so stop being melodramatic :feelsgah:
Though I don't feel old, nor do I feel young, I don't see how being past middle age is still being a youth. Certain things have passed for us and we'll never get it back. I will never know what teen love is like, or high school romance, or losing it college, or enjoying my young adult years. It's one of the reason why memory lane is a terrible place and I've blocked it off for sake of my sanity.

The under-30s here might seem melodramatic but the pain is real.
Young love is simply purer. There's more adoration, more trust, more novelty, and things like money, status, and height don't matter so much.

Chad experienced it and is over the clinginess and naivety. He receives excess affection. But never getting it all has terrible psychological effects.

The worst part is that we can literally never live through that, even if we become Chad tomorrow. Because we know the black pill. You can never just innocently release your heart to a woman after you know how they work.
Tfw you won't ever experience teenage love
My adolescence was robbed from me by therapy and the mental health industry, among other things. The damage, physical and mental, is permanent and will stay with me for the rest of my life. Maybe I could have recovered from my awful pre-adolescence if I had a father around to keep my roastie mother away from me, but I largely didn't. I was thrown to the wolves because of some foid's hamster. It's over for me, plain and simple. There is no going back.

Here's to hoping my 40's and 50's are better.
You are supposed to be done wanting a naive JB and being each other's first by about 18.

You are supposed to be done with your wanting-to-slay-era around 30.

You are supposed to be ready to be a husband and dad before 35.

You are supposed to have developed emotionally, personalitywise, much more than you have. You should have had certain experiences by now that shape you as a man. You are supposed to be clearheaded enough to pursue relationship goals as well as non-relationship goals..

But you are stuck in an obsessive, continual cycle of wanting what most normies achieve when young - a gf. You will forever be a manchild because you are too autistic or too ugly to get a girlfriend. Your life is ebbing away with nothing achieved.

Nice projection. YOU are doing those things and you've been driving yourself crazy with this nonsense for years now.
> nonsense
> reproduction

Why would you want to reproduce if you accept that you're fundamentally flawed and reproduction would likely involve passing those flaws onto any progeny?

That's a very unappealing concept at this point for me.
Why would you want to reproduce if you accept that you're fundamentally flawed and reproduction would likely involve passing those flaws onto any progeny?

That's a very unappealing concept at this point for me.

I don't really want to but I feel like if I don't all my suffering will have been in vein, for nothing, only because I didn't go ER. I don't want to raise some retarded child tbh. I just feel like...hmm, I dunno. I just want life on earth to cease tbh.
I don't really want to but I feel like if I don't all my suffering will have been in vein, for nothing, only because I didn't go ER. I don't want to raise some retarded child tbh. I just feel like...hmm, I dunno. I just want life on earth to cease tbh.

Yeah no shit. You've driven yourself insane with all this shit. That's what happens when you spend all day obsessing over things you can't control instead of just trying to find a life you can actually live like normal people do.

Plenty of guys aren't attractive to women, and only a small minority goes crazy over it. The rest just adapt.

It's like - looking in a mirror drives me crazy. So I don't do it. You're metaphorically forcing yourself to stare in a mirror 14 hours a day. For what? What benefit or purpose?

All these threads/videos/livestreams are doing what for you exactly?
if you missed out on teenage love and sex, you are forever crippled. no matter if you become a gigaslayer at 25, no matter if you becoem betabux at 35, no matter if you become a thailand tourist at 45 - you will ALWAYS have a big gaping black hole in your heart that normal people get filled at age 16.

if you're a virgin after highschool then it's fucking over for you, and it will stay over no matter what you do.


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