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It's Over Your reptilian brain wants you to breed and no cope can overcome this



Jul 6, 2018
Lobotomy and castration are needed for you to stop desiring femoids, developing crushes and coping mechanism that give you hope.

There is no way out of this hell, only castration/lobotomy or rope.
Buddhismceling can overcome this but it's very hard and only a minority of people can do it through the noble eightfold path.

And btw, your reptilian brain wants you to HAVE SEX, not to breed, that's different, reptilian brain only knows the proxy (sex). Personaly i don't want children, i'm an antinatalist, even if i was chad i'd have a shitton of sex but no breeding.
JBG just be gay theory
Buddhismceling can overcome this but it's very hard and only a minority of people can do it through the noble eightfold path.

And btw, your reptilian brain wants you to HAVE SEX, not to breed, that's different, reptilian brain only knows the proxy (sex). Personaly i don't want children, i'm an antinatalist, even if i was chad i'd have a shitton of sex but no breeding.
Is Buddhism a genuine religion or is it fake like all other religions.
Is chemical castration an option?
Is Buddhism a genuine religion or is it fake like all other religions.

There is debate over whether Buddhism is really a religion or a philosophy. But it does appear to work - millions of ricecels and currycels have coped well with it for thousands of years. Problems is it isn’t fucking hard work.
Is Buddhism a genuine religion or is it fake like all other religions.

It's not fake, it has some fake components but also rational components. Read the book "Why Buddhism is True" it's by an evolutionary psychologist explaining how buddhism is perfectly legitimitate at understanding and overcoming our repitilian brain. Or start by watching this

There is debate over whether Buddhism is really a religion or a philosophy. But it does appear to work - millions of ricecels and currycels have coped well with it for thousands of years. Problems is it isn’t fucking hard work.
I am not talking about coping. I am talking about concepts taught in it like- reincarnation, karma etc.
It's not fake, it has some fake components but also rational components. Read the book "Why Buddhism is True" it's by an evolutionary psychologist explaining how buddhism is perfectly legitimitate at understanding and overcoming our repitilian brain. Or start by watching this

Buddhism is very difficult to understand. Although many things which Buddha taught are gaining acceptance like we live in simulation universe.
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I am not talking about coping. I am talking about concepts taught in it like- reincarnation, karma etc.

Buddhism is very difficult to understand. Although many things which Buddha taught are gaining acceptance like we live in simulation universe.

Karma is part of Buddhism but it’s also in Hinduism and other belief systems. It’s kind of older than & distinct from Buddhism. It’s really just another word for “cause and effect”.

Reincarnation is really just the concept that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed. Which is now an accepted fact in modern physics.
@MayorOfKekville @Inbuddhist All women are Buddhists because they all are free from suffering and are always happy.
Karma is part of Buddhism but it’s also in Hinduism and other belief systems. It’s kind of older than & distinct from Buddhism. It’s really just another word for “cause and effect”.

Reincarnation is really just the concept that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed. Which is now an accepted fact in modern physics.

Karma and all the metaphysical parts of buddhism are bullshit.

I'm only talking about the philosophical non metaphysical parts of buddhism, the fact that attachment is the root to suffering etc. Not the karma/devas/and metaphysical bullshit stuff.
Karma and all the metaphysical parts of buddhism are bullshit.

I'm only talking about the philosophical non metaphysical parts of buddhism, the fact that attachment is the root to suffering etc. Not the karma/devas/and metaphysical bullshit stuff.
I do not think suffering can be avoided. Our Brain is hardwired to avoid unpleasant feelings. For example if I put you under solitary confinement you would want to come out of it no matter how big of a Buddhist you are. You can not change hardwiring of brain.
Karma is part of Buddhism but it’s also in Hinduism and other belief systems. It’s kind of older than & distinct from Buddhism. It’s really just another word for “cause and effect”.

Reincarnation is really just the concept that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed. Which is now an accepted fact in modern physics.
I do not think suffering can be avoided. Our Brain is hardwired to avoid unpleasant feelings. For example if I put you under solitary confinement you would want to come out of it no matter how big of a Buddhist you are. You can not change hardwiring of brain.

You're wrong, obviously if you try to picture the state of someone who have reached a state of equanimity with your current mind, it will seem impossible to you.

But generally it takes years and years of meditation and training, so ...
You're wrong, obviously if you try to picture the state of someone who have reached a state of equanimity with your current mind, it will seem impossible to you.

But generally it takes years and years of meditation and training, so ...
Then why did Buddha choose to live for 45 years even after attaining enlightment. He should have roped.
Also if one does not have any attachment with anything then why will he eat food or drink water.
It's called a chemical castration, are you gonna go get it done in a heartbeat?
Then why did Buddha choose to live for 45 years even after attaining enlightment. He should have roped.
Also if one does not have any attachment with anything then why will he eat food or drink water.

Buddhists can't rope because they believe in reincarnation unless you reach nirvana, and you can't rope if you are at the state of equanimity because by definition you desire nothing, neither life nor death.

Plus the buddha wanted to help liberate other people.
@MayorOfKekville @Inbuddhist All women are Buddhists because they all are free from suffering and are always happy.

Actually, being born female is probably nirvana.
Buddhists can't rope because they believe in reincarnation unless you reach nirvana, and you can't rope if you are at the state of equanimity because by definition you desire nothing, neither life nor death.

Plus the buddha wanted to help liberate other people.
Why Buddha wanted to help other people. It means he was still attached to other people.
Actually, being born female is probably nirvana.
Females were buddhas in past lives in multiple universes. After attaining Nirvana you are reborn as female.
Why Buddha wanted to help other people. It means he was still attached to other people.

No, according to buddhism when you reach nirvana why still alive you become love/calm/equanimity, you don't help others to reach a certain goal, there is no "you" anymore, you become the help/compassion etc, especially for buddhas. Have you ever felt a state of flow ? When young and playing sports for example, you lose any feeling of "self" there is no weight of volition anymore, you just become the motion/the play.

I recommand you read an introductory book on buddhism like "what the buddha taught" i can't answer complicated questions that needs at least a cursory knowledge about buddhism in two paragraphs or even one page.
Just take finasteride. You will regrow hair and lose your sex drive, it's a win-win.
Karma and all the metaphysical parts of buddhism are bullshit.

I'm only talking about the philosophical non metaphysical parts of buddhism, the fact that attachment is the root to suffering etc. Not the karma/devas/and metaphysical bullshit stuff.
Mental suffering might be avoided. But how can one avoid physical suffering. For example if someone had gone to Buddha and tried to burn him with fire would he not feel pain and try to avoid him or run away from the person. Our brain are hardwired to hate things that threatens our survival.
Is Buddhism a genuine religion or is it fake like all other religions.
There is no evidence of reincarnation, karma, or meditation wellness.
1) reincarnation has no evidence.
2) karma is not real. Bad people do not necessarily find punishment. Good people dont always win.
3) studies have shown that meditation is just as good as a placebo pill. You will never cure cancer, grow a limb, or rid your body of aids with meditation.

Sorry but its bullshit like the other religions.
Buddhism is very difficult to understand. Although many things which Buddha taught are gaining acceptance like we live in simulation universe.
Dont confuse acceptance with pondering. There is no strong evidence of a simulated universe but it as something to consider.
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There is no evidence of reincarnation, karma, or meditation wellness.
1) reincarnation has no evidence.
2) karma is not real. Bad people do not necessarily find punishment. Good people dont always win.
3) studies have shown that meditation is just as good as a placebo pill. You will never cure cancer, grow a limb, or rid your body of aids with meditation.

Sorry but its bullshit like the other religions.
There are some children all over the world who claim to remember their past lives. And many of their claims have been verified and found to be true.
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There are some children all over the world who claim to remember their past lives. And many of their claims have been verified and found to be true.

Ive heard of stories like these. The evidence for their claims is weak.
10) Shanti Devi: the only report we have of her is from a commission sent out my Gahndi. Now whether Devi's family has told the truth is questionable. Why should we believe the account of people who have a lot of gain in the matter? The commission did conclude that Shanti was reincarnated but their conclusion is based on trust to the Shanti family. Did the commission gain anything or have a bias towards believing? Yes, believing in Shanti's reincarnation was reassurance that their religion is true. If this were to have happened in catholic Italy or protestant Britain then Shanti would have been scuffed at.

9) Cameron
Cameron's fame began when he told his mother he was once a woman living in Chicago who died by a fore. Cameron also says he went up to heavem and was sent down by god. If we are taking the child's words as truth (his mom could easily be making this up. It wouldnt be the first time. Search up the origin of crop circles) then we must now find evidence to support that he is reincarnated and that god exists. Evidence for god is null. Cameron's story now has a huge hole in it because ot includes god in it. Nevertheless let us, for the sake of argument, disregard what he said about god. The evidence for him being reincarnated is because he said he was a woman, named Pam, and died at a fire in Chicago. For me this is more about coincidence. Children will say random things all of the time. Search up "weird things my son said" and you will find so many creepy but normal things that a child might say. E.g. "mommy there is a monster in my closet", "mommy why is that man standing behind you?", "mommy i cant eat while the ghost keeps mocking me". The real kicker in Cameron's story is that his family was able to find a woman that fits the description! Was it luck? Yes. I tested this myself by coming up with a random name, location, and death. I searched on google to see if i had matched anything and I did!

Marvin: new york: fire: googled: marvin death by flames new york -gaye

Note that the -gaye is to remove all searches related to a man called Marvin Gaye. He kept popping up because he died recently.

How about you try me? Give me a name, location, and death to see if i can find any matches? Actually i think i am reincarnated too! I was named John, died in los angeles by jumping from a building. After 2 minutes i was able to find such a case.

Now perhaps these children really are reincarnated. Maybe I am wrong? The evidence they provided is not enough. Great claims require great evidence.
Ive heard of stories like these. The evidence for their claims is weak.
10) Shanti Devi: the only report we have of her is from a commission sent out my Gahndi. Now whether Devi's family has told the truth is questionable. Why should we believe the account of people who have a lot of gain in the matter? The commission did conclude that Shanti was reincarnated but their conclusion is based on trust to the Shanti family. Did the commission gain anything or have a bias towards believing? Yes, believing in Shanti's reincarnation was reassurance that their religion is true. If this were to have happened in catholic Italy or protestant Britain then Shanti would have been scuffed at.

9) Cameron
Cameron's fame began when he told his mother he was once a woman living in Chicago who died by a fore. Cameron also says he went up to heavem and was sent down by god. If we are taking the child's words as truth (his mom could easily be making this up. It wouldnt be the first time. Search up the origin of crop circles) then we must now find evidence to support that he is reincarnated and that god exists. Evidence for god is null. Cameron's story now has a huge hole in it because ot includes god in it. Nevertheless let us, for the sake of argument, disregard what he said about god. The evidence for him being reincarnated is because he said he was a woman, named Pam, and died at a fire in Chicago. For me this is more about coincidence. Children will say random things all of the time. Search up "weird things my son said" and you will find so many creepy but normal things that a child might say. E.g. "mommy there is a monster in my closet", "mommy why is that man standing behind you?", "mommy i cant eat while the ghost keeps mocking me". The real kicker in Cameron's story is that his family was able to find a woman that fits the description! Was it luck? Yes. I tested this myself by coming up with a random name, location, and death. I searched on google to see if i had matched anything and I did!

Marvin: new york: fire: googled: marvin death by flames new york -gaye

Note that the -gaye is to remove all searches related to a man called Marvin Gaye. He kept popping up because he died recently.

How about you try me? Give me a name, location, and death to see if i can find any matches? Actually i think i am reincarnated too! I was named John, died in los angeles by jumping from a building. After 2 minutes i was able to find such a case.

Now perhaps these children really are reincarnated. Maybe I am wrong? The evidence they provided is not enough. Great claims require great evidence.

Now here is a list of creepy things children have said. Should we take children's claims to be the truth? I dont think they are lying but it might be because they have such a wide imagination.
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The best chemical castration technique is nofap
@BoltzmanOscillate There was a Swedish Author who specifically came to India to debunk the story of Shanti Devi but he too found her story to be true . He even wrote a book on it


Also there is one Ian Stevenson who did research into and found some cases that he found be be true .
Oh man there is too much researching to do. I dont want to look into the book for an argument with a stranger and this will be my last comment on it because ill rather focus on my physics and mathematics skills instead of my debating skills. The swedish author being convinced to accept the claim does not make the claim itself true. In fact, there are many stories of therapists falling for tales of alien abduction by the emotional fervor expressed by their clients. These dont make the claims real at all but they show how sensative humans are when it comes to believing without proof. Inb4 you believe in alien abduction and i have to disprove that too. Nevertheless, bye
sexual desire and pleasure is a fundamental part of being alive and something to look forward to. no pussy = suffering, no libido = boring
One man's research isnt enough in the world of science. I can find you past scientists that believed in things like Ian and did research but were very wrong.

Science isn't about the number of people studying something, but methodology.

That said, you'd be hard pressed to find very many academicians willing to commit themselves to this field simply due to the blowback guaranteed (which itself is evidence of a very unscientific attitude within mainstream materialist cuck academia) so good luck with that!

After Stephenson died he was replaced at his chair by Jim Tucker. This is him addressing some of the criticism of Stephenson's work:

Thing is that the level of scientific scrutiny involved in this work is a lot higher than most research (for obvious reasons). Yet, the latter is habitually accepted and respected at the drop of hat. In the light of that, the reality that many (most?) people aren't even willing to consider the empirical findings by people like Ian Stephenson simply boggles the mind.
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Low IQ morons ruining good thread with talk of reincarnation.
"Low IQ morons ruining good thread with talk of reincarnation."

Whatever floats your misanthropic boat, boyo.

Nevertheless, I'll just make one more remark and then I'll stop.

Cameron also says he went up to heavem and was sent down by god. If we are taking the child's words as truth (his mom could easily be making this up. It wouldnt be the first time. Search up the origin of crop circles) then we must now find evidence to support that he is reincarnated and that god exists. Evidence for god is null. Cameron's story now has a huge hole in it because ot includes god in it. Nevertheless let us, for the sake of argument, disregard what he said about god..

Actually, we may not have to find evidence for the existence of God at all to judge Cameron's case. NDE witnesses appear to imply - and OBE'rs frequently flat out state - that what our afterlife looks like is heavily influenced by previous belief systems and state of mind. In other words, a devout Christian might well be greeted by a Christ figure, golden gates etc, while the experience of others would be something else entirely

Provided the afterlife consists of some sort of consciousness experience without a material correlate, those seeming incongruities might actually make sense.

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