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RageFuel Your Quintessential White Fakecel [VIDEO]



Dec 21, 2017
All you aspie average looking whites are like this you can get laid but you still claim to be an incel like this guy. I don't care if you are virgin that's only because you spend your whole day on here you get tinder matches but you're too scared to message them and date them at least this faggot in the video. At least this faggot had the balls to actually follow through and go on dates with them. You guys on this forum know who you are I don't need to name any names luckily some of you have been banned but I don't know if you are permanently banned hopefully so.

I've seen all of that guy's videos. He's just an idiot not an incel.
You're wrong. We Aspies are not scared to message girls and even talk to them sometimes. It's just that we're too retarded to keep up with people.
I hate these normiefags who act incel to get famous
I've seen all of that guy's videos. He's just an idiot not an incel.
There are guys on this forum just like him they use aspie as an excuse to be volcel and claim incel
All you aspie average looking whites are like this you can get laid but you still claim to be an incel like this guy. I don't care if you are virgin that's only because you spend your whole day on here you get tinder matches but you're too scared to message them and date them at least this faggot in the video. At least this faggot had the balls to actually follow through and go on dates with them. You guys on this forum know who you are I don't need to name any names luckily some of you have been banned but I don't know if you are permanently banned hopefully so.

Kyle is completely average looking. I don't remember if he's short or not but depending on how short he is he could still be incel. A 5'5 guy with a Chad face won't stand a fucking chance against a 6'2 guy with an incel face.
I don't care if you are virgin that's only because you spend your whole day on here you get tinder matches but you're too scared to message them and date them at least this faggot in the video. At least this faggot had the balls to actually follow through and go on dates with them.

Hard to date your Tinder matches when they live thousands of miles away on other continents. I can guarantee you that I would not get a single match where I live. So I won't even bother until I have boots on the ground in other countries later this year.
There are guys on this forum just like him they use aspie as an excuse to be volcel and claim incel

They are lazy and dumb not Incel. It is dumb to claim Incel when you can get laid. Why would you WANT to claim Incel? It's not a positive thing. Ask any truecel.
They are lazy and dumb not Incel. It is dumb to claim Incel when you can get laid. Why would you WANT to claim Incel? It's not a positive thing. Ask any truecel.
There are guys on this forum just like him they use aspie as an excuse to be volcel and claim incel
They are lazy and dumb not Incel. It is dumb to claim Incel when you can get laid. Why would you WANT to claim Incel? It's not a positive thing. Ask any truecel.

Most people here could get laid if they tried - anybody could get laid if they tried long and hard enough. (Not) Getting laid isn't really the problem, it's just a common talking point, something we can all more-or-less agree on.

We're all here - whether from /r/incels or foreveralone, or redpill/pua, or mgtow or MRA, lookism, or r9k, or even inceltears - as casualties of a society that has abandoned boys and men; not getting chicks, or being "incel", or having poor physical development, and getting "mogged" by "Chad" is just the most enflamed and irritating symptom of that, making it the most obvious way to collectively symbolize our rejection and subjugation by the nuWorld and relate to one another. It's an excuse to sit back and lick our wounds, and give up so we don't have to get hurt anymore.

If sex was what was really missing we would just rape, or satisfy ourselves escorts.
The problem is, how do we build ourselves backup and regain personal power and self-esteem as males after having been beaten down and robbed for so long, in a world that loathes the fact that we exist and is twenty-four-seven, three-sixty-five trying to kick our asses?
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yep kyle is a legit mentalcel.
Most people here could get laid if they tried - anybody could get laid if they tried long and hard enough. (Not) Getting laid isn't really the problem, it's just a common talking point, something we can all more-or-less agree on.
lmao speak for yourself normie
I saw a vid of him where he was legit asked to have sex with this cam whore. He chickened out, couldn't get hard.
You're wrong. We Aspies are not scared to message girls and even talk to them sometimes. It's just that we're too retarded to keep up with people.
your profile picture is great
You're wrong. We Aspies are not scared to message girls and even talk to them sometimes. It's just that we're too retarded to keep up with people.

Speak for yourself brah
I assure you I get 0 matches in the west.
Kyle is completely average looking. I don't remember if he's short or not but depending on how short he is he could still be incel. A 5'5 guy with a Chad face won't stand a fucking chance against a 6'2 guy with an incel face.
Maybe a normie face but incel face is over regardless of height

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