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Blackpill Your brain did not evolve to feel happy



Life passing by as I watch
Feb 20, 2020
It evolved to crave reproduction and socialization. If you ever took any substance that simulates serotonin, you will instantly feel genuinely happy, but you will feel miserable right after.... why? Because your brain created RESISTANCE against an EXCESS of a neurotransmitter which function is to make you feel happy.

That's right, your brain is RESISTANT TO HAPPINESS because you were way too happy. Your brain evolved to make you crave sex, reproduction, if our ancestors were genuinely happy and satisfied all the time, they would not seek for sex and you would not exist by now.

Remember that your body (including your brain) is nothing but a machine created by your genes with the purpose of reproducing. Considering we are not going to fulfill this function, our brains will never feel satisfied with life, ever.
Gandhara Schist Buddha with Halo - Catawiki
That's weird as I feel happy most times in the day because I'm playing video games with no substance.
That's weird as I feel happy most times in the day because I'm playing video games with no substance.
Video games don't make me happy anymore :feelsrope:
It evolved to crave reproduction and socialization. If you ever took any substance that simulates serotonin, you will instantly feel genuinely happy, but you will feel miserable right after.... why? Because your brain created RESISTANCE against an EXCESS of a neurotransmitter which function is to make you feel happy.

That's right, your brain is RESISTANT TO HAPPINESS because you were way too happy. Your brain evolved to make you crave sex, reproduction, if our ancestors were genuinely happy and satisfied all the time, they would not seek for sex and you would not exist by now.

Remember that your body (including your brain) is nothing but a machine created by your genes with the purpose of reproducing. Considering we are not going to fulfill this function, our brains will never feel satisfied with life, ever.

View: https://youtu.be/4uZh2VcszsM
I think it's more like your brain and body evolved nerve endings to sense when you're uncomfortable. Basically all day long your brain is firing out signals informing the body that something is wrong, that you're hungry, thirsty, tired, sweaty, itchy, horny etc. Happiness is just the absence of all those uncomfortable signals.
I think it's more like your brain and body evolved nerve endings to sense when you're uncomfortable. Basically all day long your brain is firing out signals informing the body that something is wrong, that you're hungry, thirsty, tired, sweaty, itchy, horny etc. Happiness is just the absence of all those uncomfortable signals.

View: https://youtu.be/lFW_4MWs5wM

Video games don't make me happy anymore :feelsrope:

View: https://youtu.be/7IDfb0kU4ws
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I can still enjoy classic games like Mario or Tetris but most games have zero appeal to me now. The Yakuza games made by Sega still seem fun though with all the zany dialogue, characters and side missions.
I can still enjoy classic games like Mario or Tetris but most games have zero appeal to me now. The Yakuza games made by Sega still seem fun though with all the zany dialogue, characters and side missions.
Enjoying a dopamine hit from entertainment and being happy are different things though
Remember that your body (including your brain) is nothing but a machine created by your genes with the purpose of reproducing
Based Richard Dawkins cel
based, how much do i know about how it feels to have a gf? like 1% even less, and it's still the thing i want the most
of all the thing that i love now i had to discover at least 5% of it
based, how much do i know about how it feels to have a gf? like 1% even less, and it's still the thing i want the most
of all the thing that i love now i had to discover at least 5% of it
Become rich and be stupid enough to believe she is dating you because she likes you
This is the black-blackpill.
The Blackpill nihilism.
Chad is happy because he fulfills his biological role every day
And cravings/desire/attachment are the cause of suffering:

It's more complicated than that. In fact, psychedelics (serotonin receptors agonists) can make you more sensitive to happiness after the effect wears off. That precisely why psilocybin, for instance, is being used for curing treatment resistant major depression and is phase III clinical trials already.

Also, you can upregulate dopamine and serotonin receptors by hemostasis forced by monkmaxxing: you stop doing stimulating things and start meditating, taking psychedelics, fasting, being 100% celibate and that kind of stuff and your receptors start upregulating themselves, increasing one's sensitivity to satisfying feelings with the most little, mundane things, when done properly. I talk about that in a thread I made some months ago.

That's true, but it's not a black or white kind of thing. Your sexual cravings have a lot to do to what kind of stimulus you expose yourself to, the neural pathways reinforced by c-Fos due to previous iterations, your dopamine levels in your nucleus accumbens/ventral-tegmental area (dopamine is desire/attention, not pleasure, it only points you the path to follow), etc., not only due to your T levels or a "biological imperative".

In other words: if you raise a guy alone in the forest without any kind of cultural reference, he will be, most probably, asexual, even if you exposed him to women. Reproduction is not instinct in humans, and it has be proven several times (I could link the references but I'm too lazy for that...).

You can reach samadhi/nirvana/satori/whatever... but you need training for that. But yeah, you're right.

Tbh, but I suspect even he can get bored of something like that. No one can escape boredom, given enough time. Still, it's a waaaay better position than ours.
I had a shroom trip, though, I started feeling anxious, then I felt euphoric, then I felt depressed for 2 days.
In other words: if you raise a guy alone in the forest without any kind of cultural reference, he will be, most probably, asexual, even if you exposed him to women. Reproduction is not instinct in humans, and it has be proven several times (I could link the references but I'm too lazy for that...).

I doubt it
Tbh, but I suspect even he can get bored of something like that. No one can escape boredom, given enough time. Still, it's a waaaay better position than ours.
Chad can get tired of banging random club sluts, sure, but he would never get tired of actually fulfilling his reproductive role (settling down and raising his kids with Stacy)
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That precisely why psilocybin, for instance, is being used for curing treatment resistant major depression and is phase III clinical trials already.
I keep hearing this name pop up when people talk about curing their ocd/depression/anxiety. Interesting. Could it be legit after all?

Reproduction is not instinct in humans, and it has be proven several times (I could link the references but I'm too lazy for that...).

Doesn't this contradict what you just said about needing to reproduce
Happened to me as well several times and the anxiety/derealization/depersonalization lasted months in my case.
This is me right now I'm very anxious and dealing with derealization due to too much weed for a few months now
Happened to me as well several times and the anxiety/derealization/depersonalization lasted months in my case. Shit can happen indeed. You had a problem with:
  • Set.
  • Setting.
  • Dosage.

It has been documented... I'm not completely sure anyways.

Are you completely sure of that? Raising kids is draining. In fact, it's usually Chads who leave their partners when childrearing becomes a pain in the ass or when the girl becomes pregnant. Anyways:

Completely false. Even though its draining about your energy, it will fulfill you like no other activity ever could. You never see men who regretted having kids and taking care of them, its always the women and they also initiate most divorces as well.
Kinda. I shouldn't do it using only my memory this often. I used to spend a lot of time in subreddits like r/antinatalism, r/childfree or r/truechildfree, and sometimes they came with links to the studies. Mothers usually regret about 30%, but it varies a bit from study to study, depending on the size of the sample, the countries selected, etc. But parents overall? between 50% and 90% (mean = 70%).

In the paper Parenthood and Happiness: a Review of Folk Theories Versus Empirical Evidence, I found this on the conclusions (because it's a review of a shit ton of studies and it's huge):

In other words: the ideas about parenting is all fairytales, it's overrated. The reason all parents show themselves with that facade of happiness is because it's taboo to show otherwise. We have been fed the idea of achieving happiness by being a parent by ads and movies/series, but reality is different.

I have one Chadlite friend that moved to Barcelona and had a kid with his gf and when I met him after that I didn't fucking recognize him. He told me something that really impressed me. He said "Man, Don't have children (as If I had the choice, lol). I thought they were just time and energy consuming. But it goes beyond that: it takes away huge chunk of what you are". And her gf said just after that "A child doesn't even let you think. You have to be constantly vigilant. We are not having a second one".

Kids are supposed to be the consequence of an accident: sex. The need to have children is cultural. The only real incentive is sex. You yourself said in the OP: we are not designed to be happy. Parenting is not an exception. The only way I see a Chad being happier is by having a shitload of sex and having a good social circle, but that's about it. Dunno, man, I wouldn't be the first one to propose this :feelscomfy:
Link is not working
Here. Maybe it doesn't work because it's sci-hub. The original:

Well it requires subscription bullshit to read (fuck that) so all I can see for now is the abstract.

It is mainly children living at home that interfere with well-being, particularly among women, singles, lower socioeconomic strata, and people residing in less pronatalist societies—especially when these characteristics are combined.

  1. Holes are NEVER happy no matter what, single women are just as miserable as moms, they always hate everything and everyone, when they are not bitching about kids they are bitching about their fuckbuddies. I am talking about actual human beings (men) here.
  2. Singles (aka idiots who didn't want to reproduce and had an "accident") should not reproduce, this is obvious, if someone does not want to have children, they are unlikely to enjoy raising kids
  3. "lower economic strata" aka people who can't even feed themselves let alone their kids, pretty obvious too and should not even be considered
  4. "people residing in less pronatalist societies" aka NPCs who think having a family is bad because they were told (being influenced to having kids even if you would rather not is also NPC behavior)
Anyway I want this statistic of "70% of (male) parents regret having kids." Even if its true (which I doubt), they probably asked men who were still raising babies, who require much more hard work, or asked dumbass dads who never wanted kids but had an "accident" which is asking someone who is being forced into doing something if they enjoy it, of course they will not.
This one does not.

I'd say pretty much everyone imo, as you yourself said in the OP. But yeah, women specially.

Maybe I'm just a bit biased after spending some time in those echo chambers.
That's not what I said in the OP.
What I said is that WE will never be happy, there are a lot of Chads, Tyrones, etc. who are happy and have fulfilling lives.
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happiness is like the absence of desires (of course excluding mind altering substances) however we've too much desires so it's impossible to fill all of them

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