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Venting Young foids 18 - 19 only chance we have tbh



May 30, 2018
They are still in their prime, some are still virgin ngl and they haven't experienced a lot compared to a 23 year old whore. Ngl a lot would have fucked before they even turn 18 but there will be virgins. But another reason I say they are our only chance is because imagine a 25 year old Manlet, he would never have a chance with a 25 year old foid, but younger foids can be different, a lot of them actually go for older guys in 20s. That all said only works if you have average face and careermaxxed or at least have money/car maybe even thugmaxxed.
Legit. You won't find a virgin past her teens. But at 18/19 they already have high standards so an oldcel wouldn't be able to touch them unless he rapmaxxed, which is not recommended.
Legit. You won't find a virgin past her teens. But at 18/19 they already have high standards so an oldcel wouldn't be able to touch them unless he rapmaxxed, which is not recommended.
Honestly high school was our last stand, JFL at not trying to get a foid then
Unless you're a successfulcel who can semi-purchase a sugarwhore, it's impossible for an incel.
Young foids 18 - 19 who aren't prostitutes belong to Chad and Chadlite.
Women would have come to you if they were attracted to you... You wouldn't have had to "try" anything.
Back in high school they had low standards, you just needed status and a bit of thugmaxxing, too bad I was too busy jestermaxxing like the retard I was.
I read a study that women peak in desirability at 18
Include me in the screenshot, CuckTears faggots
Include me in the screenshot, CuckTears faggots
They can fuck themselves because 18 is legal age, there's nothing wrong with a 27 year old man and a 18 year old foid.
I don't have a chance with any girl regardless of age.
Honestly high school was our last stand, JFL at not trying to get a foid then
Yea it only gets WAY harder after that and the foids are uglier and more used up too.
so,my age then.

its not working
The true age is 13.
I beg to differ. 18 year olds are more developed than 13 year olds
You beg to differ because we're talking about numbers, not physical bodies. You also didn't show any examples. However, I'm better at debating than you:
Not saying you're guilty of this but It's actually more complex than "muh boobs and ass". There are younger girls that have bigger boobs and ass than some 18+ girls but people would still call you a "pedo" for liking those younger girls.

Leg comparison:

Is the soyience on my side this time? I see a lot of stubby legged fatter 18+ girls in public that look less appealing to me than some younger girls.


A lot of men would look at that and think "I like fatter girls now" (**JFL if you think every girl of her weight looks like that**). There are many fatter girls with a less ideal body shape that I'm not going to try to find.

No fap and no laws for a week I'd probably have my way with the fatter older girl but I still think the younger girl is better for a long-term relationship.

Suifuel for muh "big ass" likers:

My attempt at finding good back comparison photos for younger girls:
I think the older one might have a posture deficiency so it's hard to compare the difference. Also l'm not sure if it's due to squinting but compare the eye area. Older one seems more awkward while younger one seems more serious. So I would pick the younger one (for long-term relationship).

"is your girl a bad b or does she just have lumbar lordosis"
View attachment 168180

Oldest girl you can see her spine curve clearly. You can't really tell in her younger sister because her arm is in the way and her looser shirt. However I might still pick the older one as it seems the younger's face might have already been distorted from having braces at a younger age (I'm not sure but I've seen others say braces can make your face worse).

Compare the hip area:

Looking closely it seems the first girls have more developed bones.

If what I wrote above doesn't make sense to you:
Pick one without saying "I prefer even older and bigger girls :soy:" If you had a chance to be with these girls and you refuse you sound like a volcel to me.
For sex and long-term relationship I'd pick the 18+ one so how can you call me "pedo" for that?

read did

but letters good?
How old are each of them in that picture? Do you know if the girl on the right isn't younger than the one on the left?
If she's older why is it a problem? Then it's fine if she "looks older."
If she's younger why is that a problem? Did the Jews give her bigger boobs?
If they are really about the same age then it just proves that girls can look different!

If you want to know what I see, I think the one on the right has boobs that are bigger than ideal. While the one on the left could still grow to an ideal size :feelsLSD:

Question to everyone:
I would choose this older girl over the under 18 girl on the right.

Which one would you pick? If you say you prefer "even bigger and older girls :soy:" you're just dodging the question and sound like a volcel to me if you'd reject both. Just based off that one picture above not the ones below because she's probably younger in them which would make most of you more uncomfortable.

Other pictures of the girl on the right:
These are the images I could find on Getty Images where she looks the best to me. More youthful look is better for me. I don't want them to look like an older pornstar!

So "she's still 13 :soy:" (birthday March 2003).

Shortly before she started her rap career. The image of her you posted is probably sometime after.

I like the 14 year old Danielle Bregoli better but I would still be happy with them.
Even if you think "they look too young" you're still a volcel for theoretically refusing a relationship with a girl that you could be more attracted to over time.

"I only want to marry a white virgin college graduate." ----> Reasonable standard for an incel. :yes:
"I wouldn't reject older girls but I'd prefer to to be with a younger one." ---> You're not a real incel you don't belong on this forum! :blackpill::soy:
They can, but I don't like seeing them with alot of makeup.

Uploading some in case she makes her profile private.


If these were the only girls left in the world, would you have sex with any of them? Logically if you say a certain age is the most attractive, then there should be some younger ones that you have a lesser attraction to.

14th birthday party

Let's play "marry, fuck, kill" with age 11, 14, and 20.

Ideal is to marry the 11 year old, fuck the 14 year, and kill the 20 year old.

Most 11 year old girls are starting to grow breasts by that age meaning they would be clearly distinguishable from "little boys".

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Girls go through puberty earlier than boys with average age of their first period at 12.3

"The spurt in muscle, of both limbs and heart, coincides with the spurt in skeletal growth, for both are caused by the same hormones. Boys’ muscle widths reach a peak velocity of growth that is greater than that reached by girls. But, since girls have their spurt earlier, there is actually a period, from about 12 1/2 to 13 1/2, when girls on average have larger muscles than boys of the same age, as well as being taller. Simultaneously with the spurt there is a loss of fat, as described above."

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5th graders age 10-11.

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6th graders age 11-12 not hard to see that some of the girls are bigger and taller than some of the boys.

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7th graders age 12-13. Girls look more like college sluts than "little kids" to me.

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8th graders age 13-14. Most of the girls could blend in at a college.
That's not how it worked for me either. Forget about what you "should" like as you get older. Here's a better way of ranking girls of all ages:

Go to a beach with 1,000 girls of different ages and rank them from 1 to 1000. Can you reliably spot all the ones that are 20? How many of the ones at the top will be younger or older than what you say is most attractive?

The loli is cuter, more feminine, and looks happier. How do you justify ranking the mom higher?

The girl in the black shirt is the better looking one.

Obviously there are better looking ones but this is what a lot of them look like. The better looking 7th grader clearly mogs them in my eyes. Your rankings are going to look very stupid to me with the hottest college girls on top and lower tier college girls right below it.

In elementary school I liked older girls you'd see in a movie or magazine more and occasionally some my age. When I went to the beach I remember looking at older girls lying still in the sun trying to tan as I walked by. I remember the first girl I "liked" in kindergarden. I just remember looking at her a few times. I liked my first grade teacher more than anyone else at the time. I remember what I would now call the prettiest girl from my 2nd grade class but I didn't like her at the time. Years later I recognized her running past me while I was walking home from the store. I remember the girl I liked in 3rd grade but was too shy to talk to her. I remember in 4th grade two other teachers my class had to walk by to get to our room. I know other guys liked looking at them too because I heard them mention it a few times. I remember the girl who was forced to sit next to me in 5th grade (assigned seats). I know she wasn't the prettiest girl but I still liked sitting next to her and looking at her. The most significant interaction I ever had with a female classmate was when the other kinda fat girl sitting next to me gave me a hard hug when she thought I looked sad one time. :chad:

I liked the most percent of my classmates from 6th-7th grade (11-13). A lot of younger teens have acne so I didn't like to look at them more than before partly because of that. When I started high school I still didn't like more of my classmates than before (less actually) though that's partly because there are going to be different people.

I still think middle school girls are better than older girls.

Good picture with the better looking ones in the front.

There are better looking college volleyball players but this is what a lot of them look like.

Good looking middle school girls mog most college girls. They have better faces. Some are skinnier and some are bigger.

If you prefer a "thicker" college girl just find a bigger middle school girl, enlarge her like an image in photoshop, then make her face look older and uglier!
"clearly exceptional young girls" subtle admission that you think some younger girls are attractive? They don't need to be in the top 1% of their age to help prove my point I've posted group photos too.

This is why I have to post pictures sometimes. 10-12 year old girls are distinguishable from boys of the same age.

My best posts on this topic:
Those are basically the highest SMV females of all since it's the youngest you can get legally (AoC is lower than that in some places but in practice you can still get screwed if you go lower than 18 as an adult). Sorry, bro, but cope.
Unless you're a successfulcel who can semi-purchase a sugarwhore, it's impossible for an incel.
Young foids 18 - 19 who aren't prostitutes belong to Chad and Chadlite.
Unless you're a successfulcel who can semi-purchase a sugarwhore, it's impossible for an incel.
Young foids 18 - 19 who aren't prostitutes belong to Chad and Chadlite.
Thugmaxx theory

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