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Blackpill You'll be surprised how little humans actually control.



Why the long midface?
Jan 29, 2019
From cradle to coffin everything in your life is determined to you by factors you cannot control. Your genetics, your nationality, your class, your race, where you will receive an education are all factors you cannot control, yet these factors make the biggest impact on who you can interact with, how you interact with people and what people will think of you when interacting with them.

From the moment you're born nature makes sure you know how powerless you are by making you an infant, by having your very survival depend on those bigger than you, people who are more experienced than you, people who are smarter than you to nurture and provide for you (aka your parents) until eventually you become old enough to provide for yourself, during that process of you growing, you begin to make friends, learn things, experience stimuli that are unique to you and only you. But how much of that were you in really control of? Having shitty genetics already hinders you from having an expansive social circle, i can bet that 90% of the users here had to spend their recess at the school bathroom or had no choice but to meddle around with the "nerd group" just to keep away from being easy pickings for the bullies, can you legitimately say to yourself that if you were to start your same life over as a gigachad you'd make friends with those same people at middle/high-school? The education you also receive is dependent on two factors: quality of school as well as school fees paid. When I refer to the quality of school I mean from where in the world you are receiving an education, there is a huge difference of quality of education between countries like England and Africa, if you were to receive a government school education in London you'll have enough knowledge to find yourself employed in some 9 to 5 office job, however getting an education in the middle of fucking Kenya is absolutely fruitless as their government institutions teach very basic concepts that would be laughable in contrast to other countries, at best a government education in Kenya will lead you to driving taxis for other people in Kenya. My second point is school fees, if the breadwinner of your family goes broke and they don't have any money to provide for your education, then the teachers will no longer be required to educate you -in fact- the school will not be required to keep you as they are trading a service(education) for your resources(money) if you cannot provide that resource then you are not entitled to their service, they can simply remove you from the school and that's it, no more education for you, no more job for you, no more surviving for you.

Then you're done with your education and now it's time to head off to the real world, you hand in your CV to a company detailing your skills, achievements, qualifications etc. A couple days later you get a phone call telling you to prepare for your job interview "oh boy all that hard work is finally paying off!" You think to yourself, but was it really your skills that got the interview or did you just get lucky? Don't get me wrong you needed those qualifications for HR to even bother looking at your CV but do you think you were the only individual with that skill, with those qualifications? There must have been 100s of CVs that HR had to go through, each of them possibly having qualifications equal to or even better than your own yet they were cast out by HR for BS subjective reasons like "I don't think he has a healthy hobby" or "his profile photo doesn't look professional enough" as if that's going to have a major impact on the work they're going to do. For all we know you could have been chosen for a BS reason like "oh he's recommended by someone who works in this company" as is mostly the case, what if the recruiter was someone who probably saw the presentation of your CV more important than the actual details on it or the recommendations you have on it? You didn't land the interview because you "worked hard on it" you got it because it was GIVEN TO YOU because you met the subjective standards of someone else, Because you got lucky.

This same rule will apply to almost everything you do in your life and all the people surrounding you. You honestly think Chad got Stacy because he "got game"? Stacy allowed Chad to court her because Stacy noticed his superior genes via his face, the ability to accept/reject Chad was still in Stacy's court and Stacy delightedly chose to accept Chad, Chad had 0 control of that and was only perceived to have control because he approached Stacy.

JFL at all the bluepilled/redpilled copers who took the "Just work hard" meme seriously, you can drag the carriage all you want donkey but remember it's the driver who decides when you get your carrot, not you. I'm expected to take society seriously when they tell me to "just work hard" yet it can't even stop a civilian riot from tearing a city down? XAXAXAXAXA :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

And that's what the blackpill is all about, it's what it encompasses. Chad,Stacy and Incels play a minor role in it's true meaning, the true depth of the blackpill is realizing that you control Nothing that your entire life is determined by factors you cannot control and will never be able to control, be it genetics or class or education, your life is insignificant and disposable to those that have higher power over you, whether that be through genetics or class or education. The blackpill is coming to the realization that IT'S OVER, IT WAS OVER, AND IT ALWAYS WILL BE OVER UNTIL IT TRULY IS OVER. IT'S SO OVER IT COULD NEVER EVEN BEGIN! EMBRACE IT! REVEL IN IT! LET IT CONSUME AND CORRUPT YOU!

IT'S OVER!!!!!
Foids have control over if we have sex or not.
Determinism is potentially detrimental to you but yeah, it's hard to deny so many things are not under your control.
Cope. Jews control just about everything.
While it's true that we control very little in our lives, believing you control nothing is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and you end up a puppet at the whims of your circumstances.
center of jupiter level iq
You might forced to lose out in life due to factors beyond your control and because others were handed opportunities that you were denied because they were perceived as superior to you. But you still have a CHOice to become a winnER in death. Here hard work is truly rewarding as you will be able to get a satisfying revenge against the unfairness of society humanity and life itself.
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Strong under 100 posts thread
While it's true that we control very little in our lives, believing you control nothing is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and you end up a puppet at the whims of your circumstances.

IT'S OVER!!!!!
Tesla level IQ...

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