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Serious You should blame your parents

Genetic Dead End

Genetic Dead End

Unfiltered sadness. AcneScarCel.
Oct 19, 2019
I'm very curious to why a lot of guys here don't blame their parents for their inceldom. I'm not talking about the genetics they passed on to you, I'm talking about not INTERVENING when they should/could have. If you're a manlet, they should have put on HGH, if you have horrible skin (like me) they should have taken you to a derm, if you had bad habits growing up (oral posture, social isolation, shit diet, sedentary lifestyle etc.) they should have done something about it. But instead, now you have to spend the entirety of your 20s getting dangerous surgeries and looksmaxxing methods that are a hit or miss for the most part. A lifetime of suffering and isolation could have been easily avoided if your parents just got off their ass and did something instead of leaving you to rot in your room all day.
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How did that work out for Adam Lanza's mom?
How did that work out for Adam Lanza's mom?
My dad was a drunk who just rotted in front of the TV and could never help me when I was young. I was told to studymaxx and my skin got destroyed
I'm very curious to why a lot of guys here don't blame their parents for their inceldom. I'm not talking about the genetics they passed on to you, I'm talking about not INTERVENING when they should/could have. If you're a manlet, they should have put on HGH, if you have horrible skin (like me) they should have taken you to a derm, if you had bad habits growing up (oral posture, social isolation, shit diet, sedentary lifestyle etc.) they should have done something about it. But instead, now you have to spend the entirety of your 20s getting dangerous surgeries and looksmaxxing methods that are a hit or miss for the most part. A lifetime of suffering and isolation could have been easily avoided if your parents just got off their ass and did something instead of leaving to rot in your room all day.
I DO blame them. And they SHOULD HAVE KNOWN not to have me, genetics wise too. After they had my sister they couldn't make another baby. But they still tried. And finally succeeded. But this should be an indicator for them to NOT make me. If you can't get pregnant, THAT SAYS A LOT, and if you will by some chance after time, your child will be a genetic fuck up, so STOP, this is what they didn't get, fucking retards.
My dad was a drunk who just rotted in front of the TV and could never help me when I was young. I was told to studymaxx and my skin got destroyed
Very relatable.
I'm very curious to why a lot of guys here don't blame their parents for their inceldom. I'm not talking about the genetics they passed on to you, I'm talking about not INTERVENING when they should/could have. If you're a manlet, they should have put on HGH, if you have horrible skin (like me) they should have taken you to a derm, if you had bad habits growing up (oral posture, social isolation, shit diet, sedentary lifestyle etc.) they should have done something about it. But instead, now you have to spend the entirety of your 20s getting dangerous surgeries and looksmaxxing methods that are a hit or miss for the most part. A lifetime of suffering and isolation could have been easily avoided if your parents just got off their ass and did something instead of leaving you to rot in your room all day.
I tend to agree with this. The sooner the intervention , the more it pays off. Neglect on the other hand = you're most likely gonna be an inhib as an adult. Even small things to try and push one into the normie-range, that's not too much to ask. I mean they're the ones who chose to have kids, so step up.

Would have done wonders for my confidence tbh. I mean, I looked border line homeless in middle school. That plus the lack of socialization absolutely killed me right off the bat. I get they couldn't control the way genes express certain traits, but there's a lot that they could have intervened in that was within their power to change, if not profoundly influence. Instead, they just enjoyed having sex nine months before I was born and didn't care at all after that.
I tend to agree with this. The sooner the intervention , the more it pays off. Neglect on the other hand = you're most likely gonna be an inhib as an adult. Even small things to try and push one into the normie-range, that's not too much to ask. I mean they're the ones who chose to have kids, so step up.

Would have done wonders for my confidence tbh. I mean, I looked border line homeless in middle school. That plus the lack of socialization absolutely killed me right off the bat. I get they couldn't control the way genes express certain traits, but there's a lot that they could have intervened in that was within their power to change, if not profoundly influence. Instead, they just enjoyed having sex nine months before I was born and didn't care at all after that.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. A lot of “I love muh mommy and daddy” copers here don’t have the balls to point their fingers at the real culprits.
I blame them all the time, but nothing changes...
My parents are actually pretty ok so i can't really blame them. Dad is a hard working man and was always fair with me, mom on the other hand not so much, but still she did a decent job. The real problem is that they meet super late (like both in their 40's late) and they really overestimated me as a human, as a result i mostly had to figure out life myself.
Not blaming your parents for your problems is like denying that water makes plants grow. It's a denial of clear cause and effect.
I'm very curious to why a lot of guys here don't blame their parents for their inceldom. I'm not talking about the genetics they passed on to you, I'm talking about not INTERVENING when they should/could have. If you're a manlet, they should have put on HGH, if you have horrible skin (like me) they should have taken you to a derm, if you had bad habits growing up (oral posture, social isolation, shit diet, sedentary lifestyle etc.) they should have done something about it. But instead, now you have to spend the entirety of your 20s getting dangerous surgeries and looksmaxxing methods that are a hit or miss for the most part. A lifetime of suffering and isolation could have been easily avoided if your parents just got off their ass and did something instead of leaving you to rot in your room all day.
High IQ, and based. I agree tbh, I’m starting to resent my parents more and more as the years go by. They fucking sucked ass at parenting.
What's the point of blaming someone? Fine, I blame my parents for putting me here, now what? They're still doing better than me and my life will continue to be a huge pain in the ass. Just rope already theory.
Not blaming your parents for your problems is like denying that water makes plants grow. It's a denial of clear cause and effect.
muh personal responsibility

meanwhile a 13 year old girl who fucks and sucks a hot 22 year old guy that she agreed to is a "victim".
What's the point of blaming someone? Fine, I blame my parents for putting me here, now what? They're still doing better than me and my life will continue to be a huge pain in the ass. Just rope already theory.
when something bad happens, you assign blame. duh. If someone shot someone in your family and killed them, then you would blame them even if you couldn't change it.
muh personal responsibility

meanwhile a 13 year old girl who fucks and sucks a hot 22 year old guy that she agreed to is a "victim".

when something bad happens, you assign blame. duh. If someone shot someone in your family and killed them, then you would blame them even if you couldn't change it.
She was groomed inkwell she's just a child!!! :soy:
What's the point of blaming someone? Fine, I blame my parents for putting me here, now what? They're still doing better than me and my life will continue to be a huge pain in the ass. Just rope already theory.
It's about acknowledging the root of the problem, it won't do anything, but it can be very therapeutic once you know where to point your anger/frustration.
It's about acknowledging the root of the problem, it won't do anything, but it can be very therapeutic once you know where to point your anger/frustration.
I've actually started lambasting my dad and he's starting to help me out. So it can be good in that way too
I'm very curious to why a lot of guys here don't blame their parents for their inceldom. I'm not talking about the genetics they passed on to you, I'm talking about not INTERVENING when they should/could have. If you're a manlet, they should have put on HGH, if you have horrible skin (like me) they should have taken you to a derm, if you had bad habits growing up (oral posture, social isolation, shit diet, sedentary lifestyle etc.) they should have done something about it. But instead, now you have to spend the entirety of your 20s getting dangerous surgeries and looksmaxxing methods that are a hit or miss for the most part. A lifetime of suffering and isolation could have been easily avoided if your parents just got off their ass and did something instead of leaving you to rot in your room all day.
Very high IQ and underrated post (although you should also blame them for passing on shit genes)
I've actually started lambasting my dad and he's starting to help me out. So it can be good in that way too
Same thing with my mom. My dad still doesn't give a fuck.
your dad sounds like a prick.

what about your mom, what did she say?
She just helps in paying for all my treatments. She only does it out of guilt. My skin is extremely fucked up, even the derms that I visit are shocked at how I look.
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She just helps in paying for all my treatments. She only does it out of guilt.
well she is guilty, but at least you have one parent who is helping you out
you seem to be contradicting yourself
Been two months , a lot of thinking and yeah they deserve a lot of blame , well , all of the blame. But I don’t feel resentment towards them because i love them
Been two months , a lot of thinking and yeah they deserve a lot of blame , well , all of the blame. But I don’t feel resentment towards them because i love them
That's fair, you don't need to hate them, blame is enough
I probably would have been a chadlite, or atleast a high-tier normie if my parents had forced me to mew all of my childhood and put me on testosterone the second I turned 12.
Very high IQ and underrated post (although you should also blame them for passing on shit genes)
Shit genes are a big factor, but it's out of everyone's control. If you're going to blame their genes, then you should also blame your grandparents and your great grandparents etc etc. If you have a kid, then you should do everything within your power to make sure they don't turn out as subhuman incels. Not doing anything about said shit genes? now that's rage inducing.
Not doing anything about said shit genes? now that's rage inducing.
exactly, people need to understand that nurture does make a difference and pointing to a top 5% chad and saying "he could have bad parents and be fine" is going to extremes and ignores the important role parents can play.
Shit genes are a big factor, but it's out of everyone's control. If you're going to blame their genes, then you should also blame your grandparents and your great grandparents etc etc. If you have a kid, then you should do everything within your power to make sure they don't turn out as subhuman incels. Not doing anything about said shit genes? now that's rage inducing.
I can kinda see this. However, parents having children since 2002 with in vitro fertilization (IVF) being an accessible technology (allows you to pick sperm and egg with specific gene sets and traits [eg. I pick both my sperm and wife's egg with tall height, good facial features, and blue-eyes]) have NO EXCUSE. Shitty genes in 2020 should never be passed on
exactly, people need to understand that nurture does make a difference and pointing to a top 5% chad and saying "he could have bad parents and be fine" is going to extremes and ignores the important role parents can play.
Countless studies have been done on the old Nature vs Nurture debate, and the simple conclusion to this argument was always that it was a combination of both.
I agree that it was their fault. I was clearly a troubled child with a compromised future, in need of expert help, and neither of them did anything at all. My autism has destroyed any chance of success in this shitty life, and now it is too late to do anything.

What do you suggest that I do now, that I recognized their guilt?
I agree that it was their fault. I was clearly a troubled child with a compromised future, in need of expert help, and neither of them did anything at all. My autism has destroyed any chance of success in this shitty life, and now it is too late to do anything.

What do you suggest that I do now, that I recognized their guilt?
Honestly, if you're in your 20s, not much can be done. Anything you do at this point is just palliative.
My dad was a complete high functioning autism sperg who literally couldn't even talk to teenager cashier girls at stores and would make me talk for him instead. Also abandoned us because pussy.
I'm only being nice to them so they pay for schooling and Ortho work, then I'm distancing. No point in blaming them to their face. I will always carry resentment and hate for how the neglected me emotionally and medically. But in the end when they're old they will be crawling back to me and they will be the ones at my mercy, have fun at a shitty nursing home!
I DO blame them. And they SHOULD HAVE KNOWN not to have me, genetics wise too. After they had my sister they couldn't make another baby. But they still tried. And finally succeeded. But this should be an indicator for them to NOT make me. If you can't get pregnant, THAT SAYS A LOT, and if you will by some chance after time, your child will be a genetic fuck up, so STOP, this is what they didn't get, fucking retards.
cant believe how many parents are retards, jfl
Why? they wanted a son? Well howd that work? Are your parents proud of you?
My dad was a complete high functioning autism sperg who literally couldn't even talk to teenager cashier girls at stores and would make me talk for him instead. Also abandoned us because pussy.
:lul: jesus christ man..I hope this is a larp
Not only was he an autistic moron that (probably) passed that on to you, he didnt care about you or you mother and bounced off. How the hell did he manage to get another women t be attracted to him anyway?

If my father did this i feel like I would beat him or something, id be pissed as fuck he left me after inflicting me with his ugliness and autism just lol
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cant believe how many parents are retards, jfl
Why? they wanted a son? Well howd that work? Are your parents proud of you?

:lul: jesus christ man..I hope this is a larp
Not only was he an autistic moron that (probably) passed that on to you, he didnt care about you or you mother and bounced off. How the hell did he manage to get another women t be attracted to him anyway?

If my father did this i feel like I would beat him or something, id be pissed as fuck he left me after inflicting me with his ugliness and autism just lol
Proud how? That I am a depressed neetbsince finishing college for 4 years?
My dad was a complete high functioning autism sperg who literally couldn't even talk to teenager cashier girls at stores and would make me talk for him instead. Also abandoned us because pussy.
muh personality.
I do blame them. They knew I was socially retarded since elementary school. They didn't give a shit about my social isolation and severe social anxiety. They figured since I got good grades and wasn't getting into normal teen trouble like drugs, alcohol, or girls I was fine. But now that I'm an adult I always wonder why the didn't try helping me develop social skills or take me to a shrink or something for the anxiety. Guess their strategy was just ignore it and wait until I was out of the house and it'd no longer be their problem.
They are only ones who I blame. They are the reason why I'm a subhuman.
I'm very curious to why a lot of guys here don't blame their parents for their inceldom. I'm not talking about the genetics they passed on to you, I'm talking about not INTERVENING when they should/could have.
That' s so true!!!

My parents were beyond idiots in that regard, they let acne and an overbite completely destroy my face and all my chances of getting a gf at highschool, didn't care about my gynecomastia in my late teens, how am I suppose to have a normal life in XXI century looking completely garbage?

All my looks defects were death sentence but fixable with surgery or the right treatment at the right time, but instead I had to endure a life of torture being humiliated over and over again, the only reason is because my parents were negligent!

I could never be a chad but If they had intervened at the right moment I would have been a completely different adult...Now I'm reckted forever.
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