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RageFuel You people need to shut the fuck up about Kanye West



Dec 5, 2019
I’ve been sitting on this for several days now. I thought my anger would cool over time, but remaining quiet only built up the pressure like an unattended boiler about to explode! I CANNOT remain silent any longer! I need to fucking rant and write it out, not just for for my own sanity, but for society at large!

I was in a cafe, and Kanye West music started to play overhead. I thought of what he said, that he LOVES Hitler! That slavery was a choice. That the Holocaust at one didn’t happen, AND that they deserved it anyway!

When I voiced my disdain for how people still excuse the inexcusable, my friend said, “well, you have to separate the MAN from his music.” The more I thought of what she said, the more ENRAGED I got with her dismissiveness.

“Why? WHY?! Why do I “have to” separate him from his music? Because you like it?? Because YOU aren’t a Jew?? You are enabling and patronizing a literal NAZI! What would it take? What could this disgusting, evil fucking PIG do get people to finally swear off empowering him any further?? For most, the answer is NOTHING, but for some the answer may be a kick in the pants, which I shall now provide!

What blows my mind is that many of his defenders are PEOPLE OF COLOR! Groups I’d assumed knew better through their own experiences! People who told me “silence is violence” when it was THEIR group on the line! But who will NOT be lectured by a white man as myself when THEY remain silent about a group that’s not THEM! No, NO, I will not “stay in my lane” just because I’m a cis, straight yt man, if you’re offended by that, you are welcome to DIE MAD about it! Because if YOU are a POC and give Nazis a pass, it will come to you sooner than you realize!

NEWSFLASH: You think only the JEWS were exterminated in the Holocaust?? Jews were just the largest slice of the pie! NOT even most of it! Most were all the others combined! Gypsies, the mentally and physically disabled, Poles, LGBTs, I can’t even list them all here!

Children and babies gassed and burned, you MONSTER!

Kanye says he LOVES it all! YOU are dismissing and deflecting for him WHY??? Because his MUSIC is fire??

Would you give him a pass if he WEREN’T a musician? If a restaurateur said he LOVED SLAVERY and LYNCHING NIG***RS from trees, “let’s drag ‘em behind a truck!”, would you say, “Well, you have to separate the man from his establishment; his menu’s dope!” Fuck you, PIG! There is no longer ANY scenario left in which playing Kanye’s music is acceptable! If YOU are reading this, and YOU STILL listen to that disgusting, EVIL man, YOU are the problem. YOU!

Why? Because Kanye himself IS NOT the issue! Hitler-lovers go back as far as Hitler; Nazis will ALWAYS exist, but this isn’t a problem ONLY as long as they remain in the furthest extreme. If you keep them in the mainstream, you are committing a DANGEROUS act! One that even the victims of the Holocaust didn’t see coming because it was too bad to be true (so they thought)! It was far from the only genocide in history. AND it will NOT be the last! Mark my words!

Other genocides WILL happen again - as sure as war or famine! Question is, how often will they happen? Only as far as our enablement and dismissiveness of its adherents go! If you keep listing to this SICK, EVIL man’s music, YOU, yes YOU are the FUCKING PROBLEM!!

If you support Kanye, matter your color, I don’t wanna hear a fucking goddamn peep out of your mouth EVER about racism again, you fucking hypocrite. You’ve lost all the moral high ground, and you are absolutely no better than the Nazis you’re empowering. Fuck you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. And again if you’re offended by this rant, I hope you fucking change into a better person or do the works a favor and fucking die mad about. Cry me a river and then eat my ass before you go!
Arent you a bit late for this?
This forum is the biggest joke on this earth, an even greater one that Reddit banning all incel subreddits. This forum is indeed what IncelTears makes it out to be. The forum is full of 30+ pedophiles who talk about 'prime jbs', they call themselves 'trans-agers'. Just fucking LOL. Just be a 36 year old preying on 12 year old girls theory. The fucking survey created by the mods clearly showed that 1/3rd of the forum has kissed a girl at least once, it showed that a decent amount were NOT virgins (excluding escortcels). Most of you are nothing but LARPers who are pretending to be incel. You'll have people here saying that they get tons of fucking matches in Asia, but they will still claim they are incel. There was some faggot here by the name of itsOVER who ascended in Thailand and then got a Russian gf because he wasn't a fakecel mentacel anymore.

There have been people here who have made a mockery of the recent mass shooting in Germany and were either mad because the shooter did not succeed or said the whole thing is the hoax. This is something that the alt-right and /pol/fags like to do so often. 'Oh someone committed mass murder in a mosque and killed children! Must be a hoax'. 'Oh Assad gassed an entire village but RT says Al Qaeda did it so I guess it must be a hoax'. 'Oh there are refugees from Iraq and Syria who want to go to Europe, must be a white genocide going on'. Many so-called incels here just see inceldom as something cool that is controversial, they just like to be part of the 'evil misogynist movement of racist white men'. News flash fakecels, inceldom can occur to anyone and that person doesn't need to be a big fan of Hitler and promote the white genocide meme. I saw some slav here say that Hamudi's inceldom isn't valid because he is a Syrian refugee and has no right to complain. Mods here are the same and that is why they allow fascist and blatant nazis. Reminds me of the gay ass group called the Attomwaffen Division. Most so-called incels who are part of the (((incel))) community are LARPers who just hate holes and are deep into their extremist ideologies of different flavours, whether it be fascism, nazism, radical Islam and/or what not.

Most hilarious part of this forum are the people with their reversed racepill. Statistics clearly show that white people are the most sought after race and can easily get into relationships. For you bluepilled retards, go to the BLACKPILL tab on this forum and you will see that Indians + Pakis, Middle-Easterners and Asians are the least attractive, in that order.

Yet some of you fucking dumbass retarded LARPers tell me 'nah the statistics are bullshit'. Just lol at some of the delusional fucktards that believe white women are lusting over Muslims and/or Arabs. I've been in countless situations where old women literally try to get away from me because I look like a stereotypical jihadi while I am an ex-Muslim. Got the terrorist and ISIS label thrown at me by young women and of course by the same types. You're telling me that 95% of fucking holes excluding ethnics is in the ethnic's favor? The only reason why some are so deluded is because they cannot get a 10/10 blonde blue eyed Stacy, or perhaps they are genuinely fucking retarded.

tldr: most of you are /pol/tard ethnic-hating extremists who are LARPing as incels, while denying the most blatant of blackpills, the racepill.

I am done with this forum, it is not truly blackpilled and many of you are genuinely racist. Many of you are pretending to be incels, while you are not. Many of you blame inceldom on blatant bullshit such as wrist size and frame. I'm just so done with this nonsensical forum. I'll just LDAR with my video games while being a blackpilled soggy knee at heart, unlike most of you.

Anyway I'm probably getting a 50% warning or perma ban for this post alone so screw you guys, I'm going to play some MW2 and get a couple nukes now.
He’s kinda funny, i get tired of andrew taint tho
Every human on the planet has brought something of value, especially Ye.
I love Kanye West. He's just like Bobby Fischer or Nathan Larson, he's too honest for this world.
This forum is the biggest joke on this earth, an even greater one that Reddit banning all incel subreddits. This forum is indeed what IncelTears makes it out to be. The forum is full of 30+ pedophiles who talk about 'prime jbs', they call themselves 'trans-agers'. Just fucking LOL. Just be a 36 year old preying on 12 year old girls theory. The fucking survey created by the mods clearly showed that 1/3rd of the forum has kissed a girl at least once, it showed that a decent amount were NOT virgins (excluding escortcels). Most of you are nothing but LARPers who are pretending to be incel. You'll have people here saying that they get tons of fucking matches in Asia, but they will still claim they are incel. There was some faggot here by the name of itsOVER who ascended in Thailand and then got a Russian gf because he wasn't a fakecel mentacel anymore.

There have been people here who have made a mockery of the recent mass shooting in Germany and were either mad because the shooter did not succeed or said the whole thing is the hoax. This is something that the alt-right and /pol/fags like to do so often. 'Oh someone committed mass murder in a mosque and killed children! Must be a hoax'. 'Oh Assad gassed an entire village but RT says Al Qaeda did it so I guess it must be a hoax'. 'Oh there are refugees from Iraq and Syria who want to go to Europe, must be a white genocide going on'. Many so-called incels here just see inceldom as something cool that is controversial, they just like to be part of the 'evil misogynist movement of racist white men'. News flash fakecels, inceldom can occur to anyone and that person doesn't need to be a big fan of Hitler and promote the white genocide meme. I saw some slav here say that Hamudi's inceldom isn't valid because he is a Syrian refugee and has no right to complain. Mods here are the same and that is why they allow fascist and blatant nazis. Reminds me of the gay ass group called the Attomwaffen Division. Most so-called incels who are part of the (((incel))) community are LARPers who just hate holes and are deep into their extremist ideologies of different flavours, whether it be fascism, nazism, radical Islam and/or what not.

Most hilarious part of this forum are the people with their reversed racepill. Statistics clearly show that white people are the most sought after race and can easily get into relationships. For you bluepilled retards, go to the BLACKPILL tab on this forum and you will see that Indians + Pakis, Middle-Easterners and Asians are the least attractive, in that order.

Yet some of you fucking dumbass retarded LARPers tell me 'nah the statistics are bullshit'. Just lol at some of the delusional fucktards that believe white women are lusting over Muslims and/or Arabs. I've been in countless situations where old women literally try to get away from me because I look like a stereotypical jihadi while I am an ex-Muslim. Got the terrorist and ISIS label thrown at me by young women and of course by the same types. You're telling me that 95% of fucking holes excluding ethnics is in the ethnic's favor? The only reason why some are so deluded is because they cannot get a 10/10 blonde blue eyed Stacy, or perhaps they are genuinely fucking retarded.

tldr: most of you are /pol/tard ethnic-hating extremists who are LARPing as incels, while denying the most blatant of blackpills, the racepill.

I am done with this forum, it is not truly blackpilled and many of you are genuinely racist. Many of you are pretending to be incels, while you are not. Many of you blame inceldom on blatant bullshit such as wrist size and frame. I'm just so done with this nonsensical forum. I'll just LDAR with my video games while being a blackpilled soggy knee at heart, unlike most of you.

Anyway I'm probably getting a 50% warning or perma ban for this post alone so screw you guys, I'm going to play some MW2 and get a couple nukes now.

Tasty pasta mang:feelshaha:
0B4533C3 D9D0 4597 A75C 9C5CBF7C6FC4
After reading this NiggerMan rant and i am reconsidering where Niggers came from. As koala have more brains than him.

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