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Venting You never see "ugly" dolphins, monkeys or tigers. In other words, civilization is a gathering of a dysgenic mess.



Jun 20, 2022
Think it through: who defends it the most viciously, most fervently, almost religiously? Its always the so called soyboys, feminists, etc.

The people who will be "at the gates" when societies collapsing (hyphotesizing it will collapse) will be the sub5s in denial and low tier normies. Why? Becuase they wouldnt survive ONE day in the wild, having to fight off other animals, the elements and such n such.

They are the ones who are in more deep in the mess we are living through, weirdly they arent even the ones who profit the most (technically speaking) with the current organization, they are just the parasites that cling on to its almost rotting carcass, they are not even one of its organs.

In other words, society will primarily fall becuase its cathering to its weakest links, instead of searching (at least superficially) to greatness, excellence and achievement, like our ancestors (who didnt have any other choice, mind you) did.

I mean, you walk through any bigger city, in any place of the world, and you'll see what i mean by that. Its a gathering of weak, fat, slobby, tired people, with all sorts of mental and physical problems deriving from either their socialization or their composure as human beings in itself.

Its impossible to have a fair, just, working society with so many dysgenic, malnourished, poorly developed people.

End of rant.
Think it through: who defends it the most viciously, most fervently, almost religiously? Its always the so called soyboys, feminists, etc.

The people who will be "at the gates" when societies collapsing (hyphotesizing it will collapse) will be the sub5s in denial and low tier normies. Why? Becuase they wouldnt survive ONE day in the wild, having to fight off other animals, the elements and such n such.

They are the ones who are in more deep in the mess we are living through, weirdly they arent even the ones who profit the most (technically speaking) with the current organization, they are just the parasites that cling on to its almost rotting carcass, they are not even one of its organs.

In other words, society will primarily fall becuase its cathering to its weakest links, instead of searching (at least superficially) to greatness, excellence and achievement, like our ancestors (who didnt have any other choice, mind you) did.

I mean, you walk through any bigger city, in any place of the world, and you'll see what i mean by that. Its a gathering of weak, fat, slobby, tired people, with all sorts of mental and physical problems deriving from either their socialization or their composure as human beings in itself.

Its impossible to have a fair, just, working society with so many dysgenic, malnourished, poorly developed people.

End of rant.

Female animals pick the best males, but still leave the vast majority in the dust every generation. Even in nature the by-products of their "choice" isn't good enough.
Female animals pick the best males, but still leave most in the dust every generation. Even in nature the by-products of their "choice" isn't good enough.
Sexual selection is brutal, but thats not (exactly) what im talking about. I was refering to outright disgusting looking animals, dysgenic, badly assembled ones. You hardly (if ever) see them in the wild.
Sexual selection is brutal, but thats not (exactly) what im talking about. I was refering to outright disgusting looking animals, dysgenic, badly assembled ones. You hardly (if ever) see them in the wild.

Yes you do. You just don't see it from you human perspective. Orangutans missing their canines or are small are "ugly" and won't mate. Peacocks with the least colorful feathers are also "ugly".
I mean, you walk through any bigger city, in any place of the world, and you'll see what i mean by that. Its a gathering of weak, fat, slobby, tired people, with all sorts of mental and physical problems deriving from either their socialization or their composure as human beings in itself.
Cities are mental asylums.
Its impossible to have a fair, just, working society with so many dysgenic, malnourished, poorly developed people.
Society is synonymous with slavery. Therefore everyone being malnourished is perfect for the slave rulers.
The real riot occurs when the youngest genz hits 40 and he has no wife no house and nothing to lose
Because most species mate almost randomly so everyone is a mutt and there is little variation.

Human toilets on the other hand breed very selectively. Notably, humans also selectively breed dogs so look what happened there. Wolves had much less variation in the wild but humans have used selective breeding such that one species somehow contains both a Chihuahua and a Rottweiler.
The United States of Bioleninism
Today's civilization is a dysgenic mess. It's pure fisherian runaway because foids select for bullshit characteristics like large chin.

In the past, before civilization, females mated with everyone on the tribe and to be on the tribe you had to pull your weight. In other words, you had to bring resources, so it wasn't looks based, but males frequently got cucked.

With monogamy resources also played a part in getting a mate and it effectively ensured males didn't get cucked, so it was the most based system. Plus the economy wasn't fucked so every men was able to acquire resources. Ever heard boomers brag about how they bought car, house and had a family while working at a gas station? That was all it took to be successful back then.

And then came feminism, sexual liberation, etc.....

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