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You Guys Rate Too Harsh



Nov 22, 2017
I saw people calling this asian looking guy 3/10 and its over
earlier today.
In all honestly he could get a GF where I live.

But if he has no experience with women which im guessing is true since he is 17 and on here,
ratings like that wud just make him feel like he has no chance and that he is hideous and shud kill himself.
He probably should tbh.
Richard spencer said:
He probably should tbh.

Ppl here rate every ethnic as trash.

Also if you kys because some subhumans on a forum called you ugly, I would deem that ''natural selection''.
No we rate accurately. Obviously if he's here, he's ugly. No truly gl user has ever posted here besides @zyros but his frame failos him so hard
this isnt /r/rateme. If you want to see harsh rating autism.net is the place to go.
Stanx22 said:
Richard spencer said:
He probably should tbh.
I can't kill myself.

As i said in your thread, you are a 4/10.HOWEVER you are 5'6, literally garden gnome tier its OVER.
blackpill_incel said:
No we rate accurately. Obviously if he's here, he's ugly. No truly gl user has ever posted here besides @zyros but his frame failos him so hard
You have no idea, there is alot of goodlooking posters who post her, occasionally tho, like that guy who had 15 gfs fuckin kek, this place is lookism 2.0
fukmylyf said:
you look fine dude (srs)

I know i don't look fine, but the majority of the forum also don't look fine and that's why we're called "incels". Whoever wants to kill himself, then he can do it, but i can't kill myself and i'm fine by coping with my trash life until i die. If i killed myself my father would probably die because he has a heart disease and wouldn't be able to take it and my family would be destroyed because of it and that's why i'am here. It's not that i don't want, it's that i can't.
Stanx22 said:
fukmylyf said:
you look fine dude (srs)
I know i don't look fine, but the majority of the forum also don't look fine and that's why we're called "incels". Whoever wants to kill himself, then he can do it, but i can't kill myself and i'm fine by coping with my trash life until i die. If i killed myself my father would probably die because he has a heart disease and wouldn't be able to take it and my family would be destroyed because of it and that's why i'am here. It's not that i don't, it's that i can't.

If your parents were/are good to you, then you should NOT impose the burden of the loss of a child to them.
Cope for their sake.
Cynistic said:
As i said in your thread, you are a 4/10.HOWEVER you are 5'6, literally garden gnome tier its OVER.

How many times do i need to repeat myself. I fucking know that it's over i'm not an idiot or delusional and that's why i never approached a female for 18 years. I've been blackpilled for a year now. I just wanted to make sure that i belong here and that i'm a truecel because not every ugly male is a truecel, some have hope and some dont
Tellem--T said:
You have no idea, there is alot of goodlooking posters who post her, occasionally tho, like that guy who had 15 gfs fuckin kek, this place is lookism 2.0

Then he must have experienced inceldom at some point or was very autistic.

Chad and most normies don't do much else but scroll through Twitter, Snapchat Stacy, and get validation from Instagram tbh. There's no reason why they should or would EVER come here. This place is a black hole
Stanx22 said:
I know i don't look fine, but the majority of the forum also don't look fine and that's why we're called "incels". Whoever wants to kill himself, then he can do it, but i can't kill myself and i'm fine by coping with my trash life until i die. If i killed myself my father would probably die because he has a heart disease and wouldn't be able to take it and my family would be destroyed because of it and that's why i'am here. It's not that i don't want, it's that i can't.

We have many mentalcels here so I'd be careful with the majority claim
Cynistic said:
If your parents were/are good to you, then you should NOT impose the burden of the loss of a child to them.
Cope for their sake.

That's what i'm doing. We can do nothing but cope.
Stanx22 said:
Cynistic said:
As i said in your thread, you are a 4/10.HOWEVER you are 5'6, literally garden gnome tier its OVER.
How many times do i need to repeat myself. I fucking know that it's over i'm not an idiot or delusional and that's why i never approached a female for 18 years. I've been blackpilled for a year now. I just wanted to make sure that i belong here and that i'm a truecel because not every ugly male is a truecel, some have hope and some dont

You are idd a truecel, I welcome you as a representive of the midget truecels here.

Facade said:
Stanx22 said:
I know i don't look fine, but the majority of the forum also don't look fine and that's why we're called "incels". Whoever wants to kill himself, then he can do it, but i can't kill myself and i'm fine by coping with my trash life until i die. If i killed myself my father would probably die because he has a heart disease and wouldn't be able to take it and my family would be destroyed because of it and that's why i'am here. It's not that i don't want, it's that i can't.
We have many mentalcels here so I'd be careful with the majority claim

This, too many fakecels here spamming their selfies. No truecel would ever show a pic of himself.
Tellem--T said:
whoa chill out my nigga, you do you then? ight

lol, I'm joking.

Tellem--T said:
Ppl here rate every ethnic as trash.

Truth. JBW theory in full effect here. Don't even post pics if you aren't a cracker.
Facade said:
We have many mentalcels here so I'd be careful with the majority claim

I'm talking about the truecels. I don't buy this mentalcel bullshit unless you're legit autistic or have aspergers.
Stanx22 said:
I'm talking about the truecels. I don't buy this mentalcel bullshit unless you're legit autistic or have aspergers.

I guess I am a mentalcel. I sit in my room all day and do nothing kek
Cynistic said:
You are idd a truecel, I welcome you as a representive of the midget truecels here.

lol thanks man.

Facade said:
I guess I am a mentalcel. I sit in my room all day and do nothing kek

I do the same, but i know that my problem is with my looks not mentality.
Stanx22 said:
lol thanks man.

I do the same, but i know that my problem is with my looks not mentality.

Depends on the case. I could probably ascend if I wasn't so self destructing and without high inhibitions
fukmylyf said:
Tellem--T said:
whoa chill out my nigga, you do you then? ight
lol, I'm joking.
Tellem--T said:
Ppl here rate every ethnic as trash.
Truth. JBW theory in full effect here. Don't even post pics if you aren't a cracker.


Stanx22 said:
Cynistic said:
You are idd a truecel, I welcome you as a representive of the midget truecels here.

lol thanks man.

Facade said:
I guess I am a mentalcel. I sit in my room all day and do nothing kek
I do the same, but i know that my problem is with my looks not mentality.

Cope by playing videogames like LoL or WoW, Ive done that my whole life and im quite happy tbh.
The worst isn't actually rating posters here as too low, it's rating instagram models who are quintessential chads with over 500k+ followers as only 6 or 7 for stupid reasons like "slight scelreral show" or "small wrists" while rating these Zyros and Gambler characters as a 6 or 7 also. JFL at this site and Lookism sometimes.
fukmylyf said:
lol, I'm joking.

Truth. JBW theory in full effect here. Don't even post pics if you aren't a cracker.

i knew you were joking lol

and too late i already uploaded my ethnic ass on my avi,
blackpill_incel said:
No we rate accurately. Obviously if he's here, he's ugly. No truly gl user has ever posted here besides @zyros but his frame failos him so hard
Zyros is average looking
NeverSubmit said:
Zyros is average looking

yes with that frame, his face is a 6.3 but that frame puts him in at 5.32123433/10
NeverSubmit said:
blackpill_incel said:
No we rate accurately. Obviously if he's here, he's ugly. No truly gl user has ever posted here besides @zyros but his frame failos him so hard
Zyros is average looking

Zyros looks decent, however he should stop Twilight-maxing, he looks like a gay vampire.
NeverSubmit said:
Zyros is average looking

If he were average looking which means 5/10, then i'd not even be on the chart. I'd be like -2/10.
jvreturns said:
ratings like that wud just make him feel like he has no chance and that he is hideous and shud kill himself.

that's better than years of bluepilled suffering because every "gf" he could get will cuck him in less than a month, he'd end up suicidal anyways
Cynistic said:
Richard spencer said:
He probably should tbh.
Ppl here rate every ethnic as trash.
Also if you kys because some subhumans on a forum called you ugly, I would deem that ''natural selection''.

Not really, women's minds are a lot more harsher in rating, I would think. If people here think you're ugly, women must see a literal unknown species among them irl.

kodoku said:
jvreturns said:
ratings like that wud just make him feel like he has no chance and that he is hideous and shud kill himself.
that's better than years of bluepilled suffering because every "gf" he could get will cuck him in less than a month, he'd end up suicidal anyways

If you can even obtain a gf, I'd say you never belonged here in the first place, regardless of whether or not you're being "cucked"
By rating so harshly we are preparing each other for the real rejection of a women. Do you seriously think women will be kind when they reject you and laugh at your disgusting inhuman features....that what I thought, women have cray standards and only by accepting your fate early on can you truly stop deluding yourself with chances of ever scoring anything above your league
Looks like he either got banned or left.
Stanx22 said:
I didn't.

Oh sorry I could not found your username after doing a search that is why I made that comment. Anyway welcome home truecel comrade ignore all the assholes that are saying you should commit suicide just because your face is unattractive. You need to understand you are going to have a rough time as a short asian and your situation will likely get worse with age. If you are ever going to kill yourself most likely after your parents pass away, I hope you will go cho instead and make a diffERence, it is your best option.  Good luck. 

P.S. Check out https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/High_Score.
universallyabhorred said:
Oh sorry I could not found your username after doing a search that is why I made that comment. Anyway welcome home truecel comrade ignore all the assholes that are saying you should commit suicide just because your face is unattractive. You need to understand you are going to have a rough time as a short asian and your situation will likely get worse with age. If you are ever going to kill yourself most likely after your parents pass away, I hope you will go cho instead and make a diffERence, it is your best option.  Good luck. 

P.S. Check out https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/High_Score.

Why kill myself when i can live and be an asshole to people and ruin their fun ?
If you think we are bad you do not want to go to lookism.net
the whole rating system is trash anyways.

You are either universally attractive or ugly to women. There really is no in between. You literally need to have male supermodel looks to consistently get laid from Tinder/bars/clubs/online dating. It´s not an exaggeration.
universallyabhorred said:
P.S. Check out https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/High_Score.

Top kek.
Stanx22 said:
Why kill myself when i can live and be an asshole to people and ruin their fun ?

That's the spirit. I have not seen your pics btw would you mind Pming them to me or linking the thread? I can give you a very honest assessment on the positives and negatives of your face.
universallyabhorred said:
That's the spirit. I have not seen your pics btw would you mind Pming them to me or linking the thread? I can give you a very honest assessment on the positives and negatives of your face.

There are no positives of my faces, otherwise i wouldn't have been labeled as a truecel. 

Before posting i thought i were 3.5-4/10, turned out that i'm 3/10. It's not much difference for me.
Stanx22 said:
There are no positives of my faces, otherwise i wouldn't have been labeled as a truecel. 

Before posting i thought i were 3.5-4/10, turned out that i'm 3/10. It's not much difference for me.

It could be worse honestly some people are saying you are not ugly.
universallyabhorred said:
It could be worse honestly some people are saying you are not ugly.

I'm too ugly for women, but not to the point of being mocked everywhere i go. It could be worse i guess. Also most people here are ugly af, so i'm 1 point higher here than in the west.
I agree; they always rate ethnics too harshly, which is obviously undeserved. Zyros gets called average on here, but normies easily give him an 7-8/10 which is basically Chad-lite/Chad material. To be fair, it's understandable. 90% of this forum consists of mentalcels, so pretty much everyone here is retarded aside from the 10% that are truecels a la RREEEx3.

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