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It's Over 'You get what you give' doesn't apply to losers



Dec 11, 2023
According to the constructs of society, we get what we give in life. Apparently, If we reciprocate kindness towards other people, they'll treat us the same way. Bullshit. This only goes so far in life, if your perceived indifferent your treated as such.

For some people and circumstances that energy can be reciprocated but for the most part your judged on your looks and personality, A shy ugly introverted type is judged accordingly. This is reflected in the hostility and contempt shown towards you despite your best intentions to build a rapport. If you work at your craft then that can be rewarded but this is irrespective of social validation.
for normies it's basically AN ESTABLISHED MORALITY right now that to take advantage of someone's kindness and niceness is the fault of the one who got taken advantage of, NOT the one who took advantage.
Reality is you give what you get, Chad and Stacy are positive because that’s how people treat them and incel gives shit cause he gets shit on
for normies it's basically AN ESTABLISHED MORALITY right now that to take advantage of someone's kindness and niceness is the fault of the one who got taken advantage of, NOT the one who took advantage.
It's a cruel world we live in, this has happened to me so many times. Kindness is taken as weakness if your a sub human in life. All I've ever been is quiet but friendly and it's gotten me nowhere but ignorance and contempt. Because I'm a 5'5 manlet with a big nose I've been treated like I'm nothin. There's no equality for guys like us, there's a stark difference in the way we're treated opposed to others.

My therapist implied this is a me issue, she told me its how I perceive them not the other way round.
It's a cruel world we live in, this has happened to me so many times. Kindness is taken as weakness if your a sub human in life. All I've ever been is quiet but friendly and it's gotten me nowhere but ignorance and contempt. Because I'm a 5'5 manlet with a big nose I've been treated like I'm nothin. There's no equality for guys like us, there's a stark difference in the way we're treated opposed to others.

My therapist implied this is a me issue, she told me its how I perceive them not the other way round.
yeah, i mean if you ever hear "cool people" talking they will say the morality thing outright.

another phenomenon you'll encounter is "hazing that never ends". theoretically when you enter a group they will treat you badly for a little while until you become integrated. then you and everyone will make fun of the next new guy, and so on.
but what happens if you are not cool or attractive enough, is that the hazing never ends, and so your social life is just a grind and exhausting as there's no tangible "progress" being made at all. your alleged friends will shit on you as if you just showed up in the group, even if it's been years.
Wistar Institute
No thERapist for your height
No thERapist for your facd
that's true, it's all a box ticking exercise, same with doctors who ae not medically trained in mental health so they feed us the same pills that have proven ineffective time and again to keep us on this hamster wheel, it's all a box ticking exercise to promote capitalism, our suffering is money to them.
yeah, i mean if you ever hear "cool people" talking they will say the morality thing outright.

another phenomenon you'll encounter is "hazing that never ends". theoretically when you enter a group they will treat you badly for a little while until you become integrated. then you and everyone will make fun of the next new guy, and so on.
but what happens if you are not cool or attractive enough, is that the hazing never ends, and so your social life is just a grind and exhausting as there's no tangible "progress" being made at all. your alleged friends will shit on you as if you just showed up in the group, even if it's been years.
I remember sitting in the staff room the other week drinking a cup of tea amongst colleagues. Their whole body language towards me speaks volumes, for instance they'll be talking and if I dare to share my thoughts they won't even look me in the eye or shut me down abruptly.

Then other staff enter the room, glance at me then immediately divert their eyes to the other staff. Body language alone is indicative of how we're treated, it communicates so much with so few words. Whenever I speak to these staff I'm spoken down to in the most patronising tone, you know that condescending tone that talks down to us like we're a baby. Even if I speak straight facts and intellect I'm treated like this. I offered to help someone and they said 'No I don't need you'. It's clear prejudice because they give everyone else nothing but praise and validation. This community is the antithesis to this bullshit that millions of excluded men face in society. It's reassuring in a way to know there's a whole community that have this exact experience in life which is never highlighted by society which paints the most tainted rosy picture.
Prometheus gave humanity fire; the spark of invention and progress towards comfort and plenty. His reward was to have his liver pecked out on a daily basis.
If you're ugly and weak, people will just use you for their advantage.
They also teach you to share if you want to be accepted and other people would share things with you.
This may work sometimes but often this doesn't work at all.
It's like in strict hierarchies simple pawns are subjected to strict rules but those at top live as they please.
They also teach you to share if you want to be accepted and other people would share things with you.
This may work sometimes but often this doesn't work at all.
It's like in strict hierarchies simple pawns are subjected to strict rules but those at top live as they please.
ye and we're definitely pawns at the bottom of the hierarchy. Our loser mindset is holding us back but there's a lot of truth to the blackpill as looks determine success in a lot of aspects of life.
for normies it's basically AN ESTABLISHED MORALITY right now that to take advantage of someone's kindness and niceness is the fault of the one who got taken advantage of, NOT the one who took advantage.
Very true. You only lose by trying to do good things. I hate satan world.
My therapist implied this is a me issue, she told me its how I perceive them not the other way round.
Your the rapist? She? Unless you're forced to see her by court order, drop your the rapist yesterday.
another phenomenon you'll encounter is "hazing that never ends". theoretically when you enter a group they will treat you badly for a little while until you become integrated. then you and everyone will make fun of the next new guy, and so on.
but what happens if you are not cool or attractive enough, is that the hazing never ends, and so your social life is just a grind and exhausting as there's no tangible "progress" being made at all. your alleged friends will shit on you as if you just showed up in the group, even if it's been years.
Imagine letting people treat you badly on the hopes they'll stop. Imo the reason they do this temporary hazing is to give cover for the cases of never-ending hazing.
They also teach you to share if you want to be accepted and other people would share things with you.
This may work sometimes but often this doesn't work at all.
It's like in strict hierarchies simple pawns are subjected to strict rules but those at top live as they please.
Sharing is the biggest bullshit ever. It was an 80s parenting fad and it was almost certainly a communist psyop. They had parents ripping toys out of their babies' hands and giving them to some other kid to play with in front of them, cucking them out of their own toys. You can viscerally tell what's wrong here, it's a betrayal by the parents and it's destroying the child's security in his belongings and punishing him for defending his property from others' encroachment.

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