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Blackpill You can't win as a short person and you can't lose as a tall person.



Dec 14, 2023
It fucking boils my blood when a tallfag complains about not having a gf while we manlets beg for basic human treatment. People littrally worship tall people.Even if you somehow get a girlfriend as a manlet, You can't defend your relationship if a random tall retard winks at her or disrespects her. You are a loser that's what you are. You get mogged no matter what you accomplish.On the other hand tallfags tower over every manlet who has a girlfriend.even if they grape his gf, manlets will just stand there and watch or run away.Tallfags just can't lose.
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tallfags here are lazy fakecels , even if they're ugly their height can carry all they need is to not be autistic as fuck and they will get laid.
Wish I was a tallfag
It fucking boils my blood when a tallfags complain about not having a gf while we manlets beg for basic human treatment. People littrally worship tall people.Even if you somehow get a girlfriend as a manlet. You can't defend your relationship if a random tall retard winks at her or disrespects her. You are a loser that's you are. You get mogged no matter what you accomplish.On the other hand tallfags tower over every manlet who has a girlfriend.even if they grapes his gf, manlets will just stand there and watch or run away.Tallfags just can't lose.
tallfags are the worst kind of normies.
living life on easy mode since they were kids, they would rope themselves if they had to live one day in our shoes.
Imagine you’re a chink and you’re 6’4, it doesnt get much better than a 5’2 chink since you’re a chink anywau
tallfags here are lazy fakecels , even if they're ugly their height can carry all they need is to not be autistic as fuck and they will get laid.
This is why i think tallfags should be banned from here, even if they're facially subhuman the could just get minor surgery and slay bitches. They're volcels at the very least
Imagine you’re a chink and you’re 6’4, it doesnt get much better than a 5’2 chink since you’re a chink anywau
You just grab the boobs of the gf of a white manlet framecel and he will run away in fear
You can't defend your relationship if a random tall retard winks at her or disrespects her. You are a loser that's you are. You get mogged no matter what you accomplish.
fucking this, brutal
even if for a miracle you get a gf, you are in danger 24/7, just a fucking second away of losing her because a random tallfag said something "funny" that automatically made her wet, or if a tallfag groped her or started to flirt with her, there's nothing you can do, nothing, if you try to step in you'll get your ass kicked and she'll lose any bit of respect that she had for you, she'll probably fuck the guy later, you have nothing.
tallfags here are lazy fakecels , even if they're ugly their height can carry all they need is to not be autistic as fuck and they will get laid.

When even foids hide when they see me, Yeah try being in my shoes...

Its not easier being a semi manlet, 511, My face literally scares people away and no one wants to be near me, Ever heard of a lanklet?

Also your name means FUCKING, in norwgian, YOUR THE FUCKING FAKECEL HERE!

Stop ripping on people that cant get pussy, Trust me they would fuck if they were able to!
fucking this, brutal
even if for a miracle you get a gf, you are in danger 24/7, just a fucking second away of losing her because a random tallfag said something "funny" that automatically made her wet, or if a tallfag groped her or started to flirt with her, there's nothing you can do, nothing, if you try to step in you'll get your ass kicked and she'll lose any bit of respect that she had for you, she'll probably fuck the guy later, you have nothing.
This is true and it hurts. If you really think about it short men are just every cuck in those fucked-up NTR comics. If a facially-attractive (Chad) manlet gets in a relationship, he will still lose her when some 6'5 chad comes into the picture. Women cannot control it. It's automatic, just how it's automatic in humans to feel disdain toward ugly people. It's an instinctual reaction, one that you cannot get rid of. It's beyond fucked up. Just think about it for a second. Like REALLY think about it. You betabuxx a short girlfriend/you get lucky in HS (just be first) and meet some nice girl who is naive and inexperienced. And then some 6'4 playboy comes into the picture. You can count on a single hand the days it'll take for her to spread her legs to that asshole. Especially since most men (especially if Chad) are lower inhib in high school. He'd be pushing her when you aren't looking. You literally cannot do anything. It's something straight out of a fucked up nature documentary. It's that fucked up.
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It fucking boils my blood when a tallfags complain about not having a gf while we manlets beg for basic human treatment. People littrally worship tall people.Even if you somehow get a girlfriend as a manlet. You can't defend your relationship if a random tall retard winks at her or disrespects her. You are a loser that's you are. You get mogged no matter what you accomplish.On the other hand tallfags tower over every manlet who has a girlfriend.even if they grapes his gf, manlets will just stand there and watch or run away.Tallfags just can't lose.

When even foids hide when they see me, Yeah try being in my shoes...

Its not easier being a semi manlet, 511, My face literally scares people away and no one wants to be near me, Ever heard of a lanklet?

Also your name means FUCKING, in norwgian, YOUR THE FUCKING FAKECEL HERE!

Stop ripping on people that cant get pussy, Trust me they would fuck if they were able to!
Nice brag
Always love how tall''cels'' in such threads love to humble brag

5'11 is not that tall but every, centimeter, every inch your life quality improves
Always love how tall''cels'' in such threads love to humble brag

5'11 is not that tall but every, centimeter, every inch your life quality improves
You are a Pole. You must be tall too...
Always love how tall''cels'' in such threads love to humble brag

5'11 is not that tall but every, centimeter, every inch your life quality improves
Would reduce my dick lenth 2 inches to be 180 cm

Would reduce my dick lenth 2 inches to be 180 cm
i'm 173/174 cm in country where average zoomer height is 180/181 cm :feelsseriously:

Stil being 180 cm would be def a improvment many facecopers don't get that most of people are average facially while ''size'' is much more visible
i'm 173/174 cm in country where average zoomer height is 180/181 cm :feelsseriously:

Stil being 180 cm would be def a improvment many facecopers don't get that most of people are average facially while ''size'' is much more visible
But you said you said blue eyes and blonde hair?
As a very strange-looking 1.62m 27 KHHV, I concur.
It fucking boils my blood when a tallfag complains about not having a gf while we manlets beg for basic human treatment. People littrally worship tall people.Even if you somehow get a girlfriend as a manlet, You can't defend your relationship if a random tall retard winks at her or disrespects her. You are a loser that's what you are. You get mogged no matter what you accomplish.On the other hand tallfags tower over every manlet who has a girlfriend.even if they grape his gf, manlets will just stand there and watch or run away.Tallfags just can't lose.
This is true and it hurts. If you really think about it short men are just every cuck in those fucked-up NTR comics. If a facially-attractive (Chad) manlet gets in a relationship, he will still lose her when some 6'5 chad comes into the picture. Women cannot control it. It's automatic, just how it's automatic in humans to feel disdain toward ugly people. It's an instinctual reaction, one that you cannot get rid of. It's beyond fucked up. Just think about it for a second. Like REALLY think about it. You betabuxx a short girlfriend/you get lucky in HS (just be first) and meet some nice girl who is naive and inexperienced. And then some 6'4 playboy comes into the picture. You can count on a single hand the days it'll take for her to spread her legs to that asshole. Especially since most men (especially if Chad) are lower inhib in high school. He'd be pushing her when you aren't looking. You literally cannot do anything. It's something straight out of a fucked up nature documentary. It's that fucked up.
this reads like some shit bait to belittle shortcels even more from grayfags/ infiltrators
1. no one goes around on rape/groping rampages in middle of day :feelsseriously:
2. pull this shit on me i swear to god i would slit their throat in heartbeat without hesitation
this reads like some shit bait to belittle shortcels even more from grayfags/ infiltrators
1. no one goes around on rape/groping rampages in middle of day :feelsseriously:
2. pull this shit on me i swear to god i would slit their throat in heartbeat without hesitation
Good luck to reaching chads throat
it's the current year, no one cares unless you are abnormally tall
Good luck to reaching chads throat
andddd you just proved my point that you came here to belittle shortcels with your cuck fantasies, what do you think everyone here uses internet for the first time in their lives. Try better with your shitty baiting next time.
this reads like some shit bait to belittle shortcels even more from grayfags/ infiltrators
1. no one goes around on rape/groping rampages in middle of day :feelsseriously:
2. pull this shit on me i swear to god i would slit their throat in heartbeat without hesitation
I'm short myself brocel. I know firsthand how brutalizing it is, my one and only oneitis ended up with a 6'4 Chadlite. It's too cruel man.
There is no coping with being short. I am a genetic defect that women don't find attractive. I don't trigger the same part of brain that makes foid feel tingles when she sees a 6'4 man walk past her. No butterflies in the stomach. Nothing. Just a disgust response, all caused by her pattern-seeking brain. Humans are literally bred to hate ugliness. We already have a preference for symmetry in objects, architecture and we find asymmetrical objects unnerving. It's nature, man. It's so impossibly cruel. I wish I was baiting you but I'm just saying the truth. It's not over, it never fucking began if you are under 6ft. Women just find tall men attractive; but not short ones. Even if I was looking like a Chad (JFL at my wishful thinking) I would still get cucked eventually because the woman would start fucking a taller man behind my back.
andddd you just proved my point that you came here to belittle shortcels with your cuck fantasies, what do you think everyone here uses internet for the first time in their lives. Try better with your shitty baiting next time.
The last sentence on original post may sound cucky but it was completely unintentional
I'm short myself brocel. I know firsthand how brutalizing it is, my one and only oneitis ended up with a 6'4 Chadlite. It's too cruel man.
There is no coping with being short. I am a genetic defect that women don't find attractive. I don't trigger the same part of brain that makes foid feel tingles when she sees a 6'4 man walk past her. No butterflies in the stomach. Nothing. Just a disgust response, all caused by her pattern-seeking brain. Humans are literally bred to hate ugliness. We already have a preference for symmetry in objects, architecture and we find asymmetrical objects unnerving. It's nature, man. It's so impossibly cruel. I wish I was baiting you but I'm just saying the truth. It's not over, it never fucking began if you are under 6ft. Women just find tall men attractive; but not short ones. Even if I was looking like a Chad (JFL at my wishful thinking) I would still get cucked eventually because the woman would start fucking a taller man behind my back.
water is wet i can give benefit of doubt to you but that other guy is definitely baiting lol
The last sentence on original post may sound cucky but it was completely unintentional
your brain on reddit, something straight out of fantasy just go outside please. I work at place with very heavy density of people(security mall) and we never had rape accident or whatever through my years working.
your brain on reddit, something straight out of fantasy just go outside please. I work at place with very heavy density of people(security mall) and we never had rape accident or whatever through my years working.
You are taking the grape statement littrally. It was an exaggeration.
You are taking the grape statement littrally. It was an exaggeration.
So why do you belittle yourself like a cuck? do you have no self respect.

Anyone with self respect would straight up murder anyone who dares to do something so disrespectful through whatever means, hence we dont have daily rapes in middle of day do we? because everyone would be killing each other.
This is true and it hurts. If you really think about it short men are just every cuck in those fucked-up NTR comics. If a facially-attractive (Chad) manlet gets in a relationship, he will still lose her when some 6'5 chad comes into the picture. Women cannot control it. It's automatic, just how it's automatic in humans to feel disdain toward ugly people. It's an instinctual reaction, one that you cannot get rid of. It's beyond fucked up. Just think about it for a second. Like REALLY think about it. You betabuxx a short girlfriend/you get lucky in HS (just be first) and meet some nice girl who is naive and inexperienced. And then some 6'4 playboy comes into the picture. You can count on a single hand the days it'll take for her to spread her legs to that asshole. Especially since most men (especially if Chad) are lower inhib in high school. He'd be pushing her when you aren't looking. You literally cannot do anything. It's something straight out of a fucked up nature documentary. It's that fucked up.
The Christcucks Will say everyone is born equal under the Lord.:feelskek::feelskek:

Meanwhile, churches DO have bullies who so happen to BE the worst kind of normies(NPCs) imaginable.

The ONLY way to win, is to not move an inch.
Stay in your sanctuary of video games, and fuck all to this World.
So why do you belittle yourself like a cuck? do you have no self respect.

Anyone with self respect would straight up murder anyone who dares to do something so disrespectful through whatever means, hence we dont have daily rapes in middle of day do we? because everyone would be killing each other.
Remove the polizei, and see humanity in its full display.
The favela will look civilized. (Sorta)
It fucking boils my blood when a tallfag complains about not having a gf while we manlets beg for basic human treatment. People littrally worship tall people.Even if you somehow get a girlfriend as a manlet, You can't defend your relationship if a random tall retard winks at her or disrespects her. You are a loser that's what you are. You get mogged no matter what you accomplish.On the other hand tallfags tower over every manlet who has a girlfriend.even if they grape his gf, manlets will just stand there and watch or run away.Tallfags just can't lose.

it's the current year, no one cares unless you are abnormally tall
Tall means you are automatically considered a human being/man.

It is an indelible privilege.
Remove the polizei, and see humanity in its full display.
The favela will look civilized. (Sorta)
Same applies to cavemans they lived in tribe they have to somehow get along and dont disrespect each other so they dont slaughter each other with their fucking stone spears
tallfags here are lazy fakecels , even if they're ugly their height can carry all they need is to not be autistic as fuck and they will get laid.
So why do you belittle yourself like a cuck? do you have no self respect.

Anyone with self respect would straight up murder anyone who dares to do something so disrespectful through whatever means, hence we dont have daily rapes in middle of day do we? because everyone would be killing each other.
No self respect for your height and frame
Stay in your sanctuary of video games, and fuck all to this World.
Even before stumbling across the blackpill rabbit hole I figured this is the only way for me to attain a semblance of happiness. But as my horrendous luck would have it I have no generational wealth to afford LDAR and my country doesn't provide neetbuxx either.
This is why i think tallfags should be banned from here, even if they're facially subhuman the could just get minor surgery and slay bitches. They're volcels at the very least
Just curious what would count as a tallfag on .is since there isnt a agreed upon height cutoff point
shut the fuck up you whiny faggot
this could be you because you're a tall piece of shit
this is what happened to some asshole lanklet fakecel simply because he was a tallfag
Make 6'2 and I'm slaying
Height can carry

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