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It's Over You cannot expect an incel to improve



Most men die at 27 — We just bury them at 72
Jun 2, 2024
Here's the definition of "improve" from Google,

1. To raise to a more desirable or more excellent quality or condition.

It essentially means the act of working towards a better outcome.

You need drive to do the work that leads to said "improvement". Where does an individuals drive come from? In my opinion, it comes from ones reserves of hope.
Hope for a better future that has a high probability of being achieved.

So, let's say you are lonely and ugly. You want to "improve" your looks so you can get a girlfriend. Therefore, you begin a self improooovment journey. You study men who most women find attractive and make a list of their descriptions:

1. Facial bones placed in a harmonious way (genetically determined)
2. Above average height (genetically determined)
3. Nice head of hair (genetically determined)
4. Intelligent (genetically determined)
5. Outgoing personality AKA neurotypical (genetically determined)
6. High income / Good job (usually achieved through nepotism. So, genetically determined)
7. Ethnicity (genetically determined)

These are the most important factors to attracting the opposite sex. These coincidentally cannot be improooved upon after birth.

This is where IT pRedditor normies will say that we are being too pessimistic or nihilistic and that we need to focus on the things a person can control.

If I was NOT blessed with the correct amount of bones in the correct places and ratios, where would my drive to start exercising come from if there is a fundamental lack of hope that my effort would reveal an attractive bone structure underneath said bloat?

Where would the willpower come from to start and stick to a skin care routine, or work on my fashion if the clothes and skin are draped over a subhuman frame? Without a base of solid hope, I will always lack the drive to forward my career, or work on my social skills when, because of my genetic makeup, I instantaneously trigger disgust reactions from perspective employers or friends within milliseconds of meeting them.

Incels have no hope, and for good reason. Our lives were determined the moment our fathers spermatozoa touched our mothers egg. Platitudes such as telling us to work on the things in our control like hygiene, career or gym are retarded. There will always be a lack of drive to stick to them long term that derives from a base level lack of hope. And that lack of hope comes from a base level lack of ...

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"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily
"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily
GrAY nigger didn't read shit :feelswhat:
"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily
typical GrAYnigger response
"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily
no it isn't GrAY
"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily

And in your case you also transcended psychology. Just will your drive into reality, bro!
"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily
Nice try IT
"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily
brb let me just self improve my colostomy bag, chronic illnesses, and jawbones
"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily
Glad they banned you, bluepilled idiot.
I like how this whole thread is basically just dogpiling that one GrAY jfl

more threads should be like this, maybe then GrAYs would learn their place
re: OP

yeah tbh most things that people actually care abt aren't in your control

there's no point trying to appease them if they'll always look down on you and treat you like trash anyway
"How am i expected to improve if i dont have drive"
Your fault lol its something you can control really easily
Deserved ban. Rot in hell, normie
Girls don't care about intelligence, Higher IQ males more likely to be virgins and if they somehow aren't they end up having less kids.
Girls don't care about intelligence, Higher IQ males more likely to be virgins and if they somehow aren't they end up having less kids.
Intelligence leads to more complex jobs, which lead to higher income, which leads to hot sluts sucking and fucking you.
Intelligence leads to more complex jobs, which lead to higher income, which leads to hot sluts sucking and fucking you.
Foids make their own money so its becoming less important over the years.
No improving for my height.
Here's the definition of "improve" from Google,

1. To raise to a more desirable or more excellent quality or condition.

It essentially means the act of working towards a better outcome.

You need drive to do the work that leads to said "improvement". Where does an individuals drive come from? In my opinion, it comes from ones reserves of hope.
Hope for a better future that has a high probability of being achieved.

So, let's say you are lonely and ugly. You want to "improve" your looks so you can get a girlfriend. Therefore, you begin a self improooovment journey. You study men who most women find attractive and make a list of their descriptions:

1. Facial bones placed in a harmonious way (genetically determined)
2. Above average height (genetically determined)
3. Nice head of hair (genetically determined)
4. Intelligent (genetically determined)
5. Outgoing personality AKA neurotypical (genetically determined)
6. High income / Good job (usually achieved through nepotism. So, genetically determined)
7. Ethnicity (genetically determined)

These are the most important factors to attracting the opposite sex. These coincidentally cannot be improooved upon after birth.

This is where IT pRedditor normies will say that we are being too pessimistic or nihilistic and that we need to focus on the things a person can control.

If I was NOT blessed with the correct amount of bones in the correct places and ratios, where would my drive to start exercising come from if there is a fundamental lack of hope that my effort would reveal an attractive bone structure underneath said bloat?

Where would the willpower come from to start and stick to a skin care routine, or work on my fashion if the clothes and skin are draped over a subhuman frame? Without a base of solid hope, I will always lack the drive to forward my career, or work on my social skills when, because of my genetic makeup, I instantaneously trigger disgust reactions from perspective employers or friends within milliseconds of meeting them.

Incels have no hope, and for good reason. Our lives were determined the moment our fathers spermatozoa touched our mothers egg. Platitudes such as telling us to work on the things in our control like hygiene, career or gym are retarded. There will always be a lack of drive to stick to them long term that derives from a base level lack of hope. And that lack of hope comes from a base level lack of ...

"Our lives were determined the moment our fathers spermatozoa touched our mothers egg" tldr that was all you needed to say
"Our lives were determined the moment our fathers spermatozoa touched our mothers egg" tldr that was all you needed to say
Yeah, it's water for most here. This was kind of directed to incel tear faggots honestly.

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