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Blackpill You cannot escape the Blackpill through religion - Blackpill operates within religion



May 1, 2020
So much people here find refuge in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, perhaps even Judaism.

Why? Because it gives us hope of a reality outside the Blackpill, that the vicious and cruel reality of the world - that we are just disgusting, vile animals who act on instinct, with the naturally born strong surviving and the naturally born weak being socially isolated and killed off - isn't real.

It says "despite how terrible things are, you know, I can at least go beyond this and have some edge over others, by going against the system and the world in the hope of something greater."


You cannot escape the blackpill. It doesn't matter if you try to go beyond this world in hopes of something greater.

At the end of the day, you are still not naturally strong, naturally smart, naturally handsome, and society will still look at you as just that. It doesn't matter how "religious" you are.

Even within religion, the Blackpill is still operative. Those who attend your Church community, Mosque, Temple, whatever - still operate on the Blackpill. The chads will still fuck whores, and they will look down on you. And the whores in your community will also look down on you.

There is no escape from the Blackpill.
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Religion is gigacope, there are much better copes to waste your time on
absolutely true. the blackpill is a theology in itself
So much people here find refuge in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, perhaps even Judaism.

Why? Because it gives us hope of a reality outside the Blackpill, that the vicious and cruel reality of the world - that we are just disgusting, vile animals who act on instinct, with the naturally born strong surviving and the naturally born weak being socially isolated and killed off - isn't real.

It says "despite how terrible things are, you know, I can at least go beyond this and have some edge over others, by going against the system and the world in the hope of something greater."


You cannot escape the blackpill. It doesn't matter if you try to go beyond this world in hopes of something greater.

At the end of the day, you are still not naturally strong, naturally smart, naturally handsome, and society will still look at you as just that. It doesn't matter how "religious" you are.

Even within religion, the Blackpill is still operative. Those who attend your Church community, Mosque, Temple, whatever - still operate on the Blackpill. The chads will still fuck whores, and they will look down on you. And the whores in your community will also look down on you.

There is no escape from the Blackpill.
It never began for religiouscels
The blackpill is an all encompassing self evident truth
massive cope in religious society, status replaces looks as main method of mogging
Religion is very low IQ and if you follow religion, your IQ drops tremendously.
At the end of the day, you are still not naturally strong, naturally smart, naturally handsome, and society will still look at you as just that.

There is no escape from the Blackpill.
I found Jesus before the blackpill.

With the Holy Spirit things change. How you see the world and how people interact. There are spirit filled believers waiting for the right one and in communication with God - who got together with persons who the barely liked at first and vice versa: denied marriage although the appearance of the other was very appealing to them.
Converts who stopped being a whore or a whoremonger.

Then there are people who got together with the first person available as fast as possible, because they take 1 Corinthians 7:9 very serious:
"But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion."

But of course, there are also many banal and natural phenomena of the world to be found in the church, which includes sinful behavior and desires, but also non-sinful ones.

You have couples with extreme hypergamy and also couples with light reverse hypergamy. When the dating pool is small (local believers in rural area) than people are not that picky I guess.
But: Besides the youth group, there are at most older people than me. Barely anyone in my age spectrum.

Many based views on women in the bible, but when you expect a manifesto for the ugly male, then that's not the right source, I agree.

At the end of the day, you are still not naturally strong, naturally smart, naturally handsome, and society will still look at you as just that.
1. You don't believe something to get something. You believe something because you think it is the truth.

2. JFL thinking that any theist thinks that our belief changes anything of these unchangeable, God given life parameters. All is for the glory of God, so if it suits this, then there is also a supernatural transformation possible. (What doesn't mean that God never hear and fulfill selfish prayers, but it is not the rule) One of the most occurent is indeed that people got free from drugs or other addictions, so drastic change for the good of the own eartly self. Also many healing stories. Health=/becoming Chad

Some century ago it was common knowledge that for some selfish self-willed earthly gain the devil is the one to call.

3. maybe pearls before the swine, but there are examples in the holy books of men, which struggled also heavily and wanted that God takes it away, which He didn't:
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
Not that I can currently join this view fully out of my heart, but in the head I know it is true and wise; to see the opportunities in the shortcoming and living it.
Can't believe there are blackpilled incels who still believe in god/religion. I mean I won't judge anyone if it works for you then it's okay but I can't fool myself to that point while I live an actual hell of a life. And this is coming from a former extremely religious person.
I mean I won't judge anyone if it works for you then it's okay but I can't fool myself to that point while I live an actual hell of a life. And this is coming from a former extremely religious person.
1. You don't believe something to get something. You believe something because you think it is the truth.
Sure, I'm sure that's how all religious people actually are.

Perhaps there are some who legitimately believe it's the truth. Some who claim to have "experienced it," despite the fact they don't understand the extend of their experiences and what it fully means.

But you and I both know that a substantial portion of religious figures only go there because they seek something greater beyond this realm, regardless of whether or not its true or not. I've heard the Utilitarian argument multiple times before; "even if it's not true, the benefits of it outweigh the costs of it."

2. JFL thinking that any theist thinks that our belief changes anything of these unchangeable, God given life parameters. All is for the glory of God, so if it suits this, then there is also a supernatural transformation possible. (What doesn't mean that God never hear and fulfill selfish prayers, but it is not the rule) One of the most occurent is indeed that people got free from drugs or other addictions, so drastic change for the good of the own eartly self. Also many healing stories. Health=/becoming Chad

The better question I have for you is "why get free from drugs or additctions?" When you realize that the reason why it's seen as an intrinsic good, whether from a "supernatural transformation" or a purely materialistic lens, is the fact that it ultimately prevents death, and that all morality is ultimately figured to this one point (to prevent death), you go deeper than that; why are we trying to prevent death? The ultimate reason is the continuation of the human species. You realize that its pointless when the human species, indeed, nature itself, yells at you to just die, because humanity wants to leave you behind; you are part of the process of evolutionary growth of the species, and you are the one destined by fate to die off while they - they lucky ones - get to reproduce and continue the species.

Irrelevant for "supernatural transformation."

3. maybe pearls before the swine, but there are examples in the holy books of men, which struggled also heavily and wanted that God takes it away, which He didn't:

Most Christians today would be disgusted by Saint Paul in his misogyny and bigotry. And at the end of the day, all he did was travel around Europe and get put to death for disobeying the Emperor. While for the Christian such an adventure may be bold and brave, at the end of the day the world today laughs at that because he did not continue the ultimate goal of continuing the species. If I were to travel around America spreading the Gospel and talking to Church communities, being homeless and living off others, the world would view me a leech. And rightfully so. I'm not continuing the species.

If you want to live your life like that, sure. Go ahead. Literally sell everything you own and travel a continent to spread Jesus. People will mock you and laugh at you.

The only reason, indeed, the only reason Saint Paul has respect is that one Roman Emperor, Constantine, a chad, wanted to forever leave his mark on the world by being the first Roman Emperor in centuries to be both Western Roman and Eastern Roman Emperors; in doing so, he abandoned the insane barbarism of the incestual rape gods (Greek mythology) for one of the many cults that were popular in Rome.

As it always has, ideology and religion always comes from those who have political power and force it on the masses. It's why Islam and Christianity were able to spread like they did.
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I was raised religious. It wasn't something I willingly converted to; rather, it was shoved down my throat so to speak. My parents always told me as a boy that they would throw me out of the house if I refuse to go to church.

In the end, I don't believe in any type of religion or supernatural belief. It never did anything for me, and I couldn't find any evidence that they were true. Meanwhile, religion never brought me happiness. It was just rules, regulations, and it did a lot to lower my self esteem.
Can't believe there are blackpilled incels who still believe in god/religion. I mean I won't judge anyone if it works for you then it's okay but I can't fool myself to that point while I live an actual hell of a life. And this is coming from a former extremely religious person.
I relate heavily to this. What religion?
@Mainländer thoughts?
Christian (Protestant). What about u?

I was born and raised Catholic, but I started dipping around other places because I just didn't get it. It seemed so like "ordinary fact in life" but had extreme pangs of asceticism that came out of nowhere, such that I just didn't click with it. It was surreal having to give up Chocolate for lent, only to learn a year later that I was going to burn forever for looking at porn and missing Mass.

I found Eastern Orthodoxy for a while which functioned much more like religions used to; as an unattainable ideal that nobody, nobody ever achieves, but which you should strive for; it's meant to be hard, with your own shortcomings breaking down your pride and forcing you to confront yourself.

2 - 3 Hours of Church Services on Sunday; going Vegan for Lent and Advent; daily prayer; going to Confession before every Church service; very regulated movements and art during the service; heavy emphasis on Church Fathers; etc.
Extremely based on religious indifferentism, liberalism, etc.

Became disillusioned when I read Nietzsche and slowly began to discover the blackpill piece by piece which explained the world in such detail and clarity that Orthodoxy never could. Not to mention it's internal inconsistencies if you study Church history enough. The Book of Enoch breaks you.

I still value traditional forms of Christianity, whether it's Trad Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, or Trad Protestantism, but I don't believe in it fully.
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I'd assume religious foids have higher standards
I was born and raised Catholic, but I started dipping around other places because I just didn't get it. It seemed so like "ordinary fact in life" but had extreme pangs of asceticism that came out of nowhere, such that I just didn't click with it. It was surreal having to give up Chocolate for lent, only to learn a year later that I was going to burn forever for looking at porn and missing Mass.

I found Eastern Orthodoxy for a while which functioned much more like religions used to; as an unattainable ideal that nobody, nobody ever achieves, but which you should strive for; it's meant to be hard, with your own shortcomings breaking down your pride and forcing you to confront yourself.

2 - 3 Hours of Church Services on Sunday; going Vegan for Lent and Advent; daily prayer; going to Confession before every Church service; very regulated movements and art during the service; heavy emphasis on Church Fathers; etc.
Extremely based on religious indifferentism, liberalism, etc.

Became disillusioned when I read Nietzsche and slowly began to discover the blackpill piece by piece which explained the world in such detail and clarity that Orthodoxy never could. Not to mention it's internal inconsistencies if you study Church history enough. The Book of Enoch breaks you.

I still value traditional forms of Christianity, whether it's Trad Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, or Trad Protestantism, but I don't believe in it fully.
Very relatable.

Tbh that's one of the reasons I never really stick out with catholicism much (despite living in a catholic country), but I did tried out different denominations too. Orthodox and Protestants indeed seems to take that part more seriously. Although, there's still too many flaws and contradictions, like you said.

My disillusion came last year when I was going through a very difficult moment in my life and had been very suicidal. No matter how much you pray, how much you cope and delude yourself, the pain is still there, it's real.

My pastor's only explanation was that life was suppose to be hard and painful, and I abandon my own desires and only focus on Christ so he could help me. Like I haven't been doing this my whole life. Is it never enough? Even if wasn't the case, is God not supposed to be a little bit more complacent with my struggles? And what terrible sin did I commit to deserve such suffering? Was it wanting friends, a girl? A single day without be stucked in an ill mind? These are the desires I have to abandon to achieve enlightenment and pardon?

The more I questioned, less sense it made for me. Started to dig deep into history and philosophy as well. At this point, I think that the existence of God would just cause more problems than solutions tbh.

The whole process was way more deep and melancholic than I can describe here, but it was definitely a difficult, but necessary moment in my life. Anyways, I hope we both find something better to cope in this meaningless existence, my fellow non-religiouscel
i believe god intended for this world to be a GTA like sandbox where survival of the fittest is the ultimate goal.
there isn't much to say about this, genetics is the prime predictor for success and this was carefully hidden from us throughout history.
we used terms like "socialism" and "capitalism" to make society favorable for everyone, but the difference between a billionaire and a homeless person is ultimately genetic.
morals have no place in this world, they don't promote you physically or spiritually, they don't grant you things you desire, and the biggest and most important thing is that no one values morals in any capacity (at least not anymore)
Why? Because it gives us hope of a reality outside the Blackpill, that the vicious and cruel reality of the world - that we are just disgusting, vile animals who act on instinct, with the naturally born strong surviving and the naturally born weak being socially isolated and killed off - isn't real.
John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

It says "despite how terrible things are, you know, I can at least go beyond this and have some edge over others, by going against the system and the world in the hope of something greater."
It's not about having some edge over others, it's about knowing that I will be in heaven as soon as I die and have eternal life. Not by my merits and works, but solely because I trust the blood my Lord Jesus Christ shed for me. I don't want to have any edge over others in this, in fact, I wish more people would accept the free gift of God for us sinners. Get saved today.

You cannot escape the blackpill. It doesn't matter if you try to go beyond this world in hopes of something greater.
In heaven there won't even be sex. Let alone the blackpill.

At the end of the day, you are still not naturally strong, naturally smart, naturally handsome, and society will still look at you as just that. It doesn't matter how "religious" you are.
They can look at me however they want. Even Jesus who lived a perfect life was hated and crucified, let alone me, a depraved sinner.

Even within religion, the Blackpill is still operative. Those who attend your Church community, Mosque, Temple, whatever - still operate on the Blackpill. The chads will still fuck whores, and they will look down on you. And the whores in your community will also look down on you.
It's not about attending to denominations and stone temples. If you want to congregate, this can be made anywhere with anyone.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

There is no escape from the Blackpill.
Not in this flesh. But there will be soon. Forever.

@Mainländer thoughts?
Here's an alert for you my friend.
John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

It's not about having some edge over others, it's about knowing that I will be in heaven as soon as I die and have eternal life. Not by my merits and works, but solely because I trust the blood my Lord Jesus Christ shed for me. I don't want to have any edge over others in this, in fact, I wish more people would accept the free gift of God for us sinners. Get saved today.

In heaven there won't even be sex. Let alone the blackpill.

They can look at me however they want. Even Jesus who lived a perfect life was hated and crucified, let alone me, a depraved sinner.

It's not about attending to denominations and stone temples. If you want to congregate, this can be made anywhere with anyone.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Not in this flesh. But there will be soon. Forever.

Here's an alert for you my friend.
based tbh, high iq response
My pastor's only explanation was that life was suppose to be hard and painful, and I abandon my own desires and only focus on Christ so he could help me. Like I haven't been doing this my whole life. Is it never enough? Even if wasn't the case, is God not supposed to be a little bit more complacent with my struggles? And what terrible sin did I commit to deserve such suffering? Was it wanting friends, a girl? A single day without be stucked in an ill mind? These are the desires I have to abandon to achieve enlightenment and pardon?

The more I questioned, less sense it made for me. Started to dig deep into history and philosophy as well. At this point, I think that the existence of God would just cause more problems than solutions tbh.

The whole process was way more deep and melancholic than I can describe here, but it was definitely a difficult, but necessary moment in my life. Anyways, I hope we both find something better to cope in this meaningless existence, my fellow non-religiouscel

I relate to this all too much. Seriously.

For a while I thought that there was some kind of justice in the world that made intuitive sense - those who live lives that lend themselves to damnation would not be rewarded, whereas those who worked hard and persevered in their struggles would be rewarded.

Facing the roses as they are and realizing all of that is bullshit took a while. It took a while to accept that this world has no justice in it, and I'm not entitled to anything but death. Some rich fucker will rape a girl and have no consequences whatsoever - none. However, some teenager has sex with a girl and impregnates her, and due to circumstances has his whole life ruined. It makes no sense.

That begs the question of what does it all mean, and how can there be a God? Especially when the standards are so stringent that everybody falls short of it, so it just seems that God picks and chooses who to save in a world where justice doesn't exist.

I wish you the best of luck too.
John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

It only begs the question of why God Willed the world to be like this.
And before you say "Original Sin," God still ultimately Willed it, otherwise He would've prevented it, or created a world where Original Sin couldn't exist.

And also, you may think you are of God, but you actually don't know if you are of God.
Matthew 7:22-23

"On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’"

Who is Jesus referring to? If it's false Christians and you are a correct believing Christian, what makes you think you are right?

In heaven there won't even be sex. Let alone the blackpill.

Read the Book of Enoch - an Apocryphal book the Apostles believed in, given the fact that both Saint Peter and Saint Jude quote it verbatim in their Epistles. It involves angels having sex with humans. I wish I was lying.

Also explains what broke the camel's back with Sodom and Gomorrah - it wasn't purely Sodomy. It was attempted angel sex.

It's not about attending to denominations and stone temples. If you want to congregate, this can be made anywhere with anyone.

You are in a denomination, lol. Believing that you aren't saved by your own merits but by Faith alone is Sola Fida, which only certain denominations believe in. Catholics, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglicans, don't believe that.
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So much people here find refuge in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, perhaps even Judaism.

You cannot escape the blackpill. It doesn't matter if you try to go beyond this world in hopes of something greater.

Even within religion, the Blackpill is still operative. Those who attend your Church community, Mosque, Temple, whatever - still operate on the Blackpill. The chads will still fuck whores, and they will look down on you. And the whores in your community will also look down on you.

For sure - and ever noticed how 'disrespected' you are, when reliious types realise you are 'still' long-term single, like you're some kind of devil or something.

And this prinicple holds depressingly true in the so-called 'progressive' hippy commune style arrangement. A few hot hippy chicks with a few hot males - and the rest of the men just scratching around in the dirt outside.
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Religion accounts for the blackpill in its commandments. Many years ago, religion kept foids from being whores.
In heaven there won't even be sex. Let alone the blackpill.
that sounds awful. i'll be an incel in heaven as well

i'd rather reincarnate as a chad
This is true, as no amount of religious coping eases the pain. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely accept and submit to Allah, but that doesn't mean the pain of reality is going to go away.

Hell, there is even accounts of a certain follower of Prophet Muhammad who was an unironic, fullblown incel. A short, goblin looking man named Julaybib who couldn't get married even back then.

"His name was unusual and incomplete. Julaybib means "small gown" being the diminutive form of the word jalbab. The name is an indication that Julaybib was small and short, even of dwarf-like stature. More than that, he is described as being damim which means ugly, deformed, or of repulsive appearance."

"The disabilities under which Julaybib lived would have been enough to have him ridiculed and shunned in any society and in fact he was prohibited by one person, a certain Abu Barzah of the Aslam tribe, from entering his home. He (Abu Barzah) once told his wife, "Do not let Julaybib enter among you. If he does, I shall certainly do (something terrible to him." Probably because he was teased and scoffed at in the company of men, Julaybib used to take refuge in the company of women. "

Religion accounts for the blackpill in its commandments. Many years ago, religion kept foids from being whores.
Yep, this is why being blackpilled has legit increased my faith in Islam as the truth, simply because of how on point it is about gender roles and sexuality, and that includes marrying girls at a young age
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It only begs the question of why God Willed the world to be like this.
And before you say "Original Sin," God still ultimately Willed it, otherwise He would've prevented it, or created a world where Original Sin couldn't exist.
He chose to give us free will, even though He knew we were going to mess things up. The people who still don't want to love Him and accept His plan of salvation through the free gift of the sacrifice of Christ can choose to stay away from Him after this life. Sadly, the only place available for this is hell.

And also, you may think you are of God, but you actually don't know if you are of God.
Matthew 7:22-23

"On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’"

Who is Jesus referring to? If it's false Christians and you are a correct believing Christian, what makes you think you are right?
I follow the word of God and divide correctly. I follow the gospel of salvation as preached by Paul, who is the apostle for us gentiles in this dispensation. Many churches don't divide correctly, don't know what applies and doesn't apply to them so they come up with various different erroneous doctrines. Not to mention the enormous amount of stuff added in by men and the denominations that are blatant heresies and don't even consider Jesus Christ who He really is (God manifested in the flesh).

Read the Book of Enoch - an Apocryphal book the Apostles believed in, given the fact that both Saint Peter and Saint Jude quote it verbatim in their Epistles. It involves angels having sex with humans. I wish I was lying.

Also explains what broke the camel's back with Sodom and Gomorrah - it wasn't purely Sodomy. It was attempted angel sex.
I have already read most of the Book of Enoch. It's very interesting indeed. But those angel x human sex happened here on earth. In heaven things will be different.

You are in a denomination, lol.
I am not. I'm not affiliated with any denomination, I don't attend to any religious building.

Believing that you aren't saved by your own merits but by Faith alone is Sola Fida, which only certain denominations believe in. Catholics, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglicans, don't believe that.
All those denominations you mentioned are obviously wrong when you rightly divide the Bible and compare the gospel of the Pauline epistles (the one meant for us today) with their doctrines. They believe in self-righteousness and works and put unnecessary burdens and doubts on people.

Ephesians 2:8-9-
[8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
[9] Not of works, lest any man should boast.

In the eyes of God, we are all wicked sinners and deserve hell. Both Chairman Mao and Mother Teresa.

James 2:10- For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one [point], he is guilty of all.

Only through faith in Christ can we be cleansed and become good enough to enter Heaven. No one is saving themselves. Our works of self-righteousness are dirty rags for God as it's written in Isaiah (though we are still supposed to try to be as good and pure as we can).

Some other denominations mostly get it right, like Baptists and Plesbiterians, but I don't belong to any of those denominations. I just happen to be aligned with what they believe more so than with Catholics or those other groups.

The true gospel is amazing and liberating. When we understand it we know how much God loves us even though we don't deserve it. Is not about works of self-righteousness. It's not about stopping doing everything you like and locking yourself up in some monastery to pursue radical asceticism. It's not about putting on a suit and giving money to people. It's not about burdensome rituals, sacraments, rosaries, etc. It's solely about accepting what Christ did for us. All religions say "you have to do". The true gospel of Jesus Christ says IT'S DONE.
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