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Blackpill You are a cuck if you condemn Elliot Rodger's actions.



Nov 21, 2017
"Muh I don't wanna seem like a violentcel to those cucktears people! I'm a good boy!"

Elliot Rodger was so fucking justified in his actions to take revenge on society and even save some incels too. He might have not been successful as Alek, but he sacrificed himself for sub8 males and incel ideology at large. If you read parts of his manifesto, you'll realize that he lived a ragefuel life as an ugly, subChad individual. Imagine having a sister and watching her get fucked by Chad daily, while listening to it all. This is what he witnessed.

One common misconception is that since he didn't approach girls, he obviously didn't deserve a girlfriend. This is wrong on so many levels. It could be that no woman ever showed interest in him at first, so why bother approach and get even more angry at femoids once they reject you? Any sub8 male is a truecel in the 2010's+, since women all truly go for Chads and rarely give a chance to a sub8 male in looks, or even worse, a repulsive manlet like ER himself.

Elliot will always remain a martyr to us. We shall praise him for fighting back against the degenerate society that made him hate and "go ER."

Happy ER day :)


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He did nothing but kill other incels who made the mistake of sharing a room with a psychopath. And all these shooting sprees will do is increase support for anti-male and anti-gun laws. So yeah, lot of good he's done. If you relate to him it's fine, I do too, but nothing he did is good for anyone.
>be watching inceltears for their rage posts
you're a cuck if you don't change your avi to elliot
but he didn't fucking TRY and had to go through the pain of being rejected 5+ fucking times.
elliot is literally stain from my hero academia but for incels. weebs will know what i mean
He did nothing but kill other incels who made the mistake of sharing a room with a psychopath. And all these shooting sprees will do is increase support for anti-male and anti-gun laws. So yeah, lot of good he's done. If you relate to him it's fine, I do too, but nothing he did is good for anyone.
Correction: he saved incels from suicide and constant rejection later in life.

These shooting sprees might be false flags in general, but JFL at you trying to appease normies. Non-false flagged shootings in general occur because men who are rejected by society finally give up on life and take revenge against the fuckers that bullied them and gave them false hope.

I'm a Christian myself and condemn violence, but it is ridiculous seeing these "peacecels" try to appear all moral to normies who do not even have a moral line and support satanic degenerate actions.

Overall, a person who dies for our cause should be remembered as a hero and a martyr, not a failed crazy psychopath. Society creates mass shooters.
but he didn't fucking TRY and had to go through the pain of being rejected 5+ fucking times.
There's no point in trying if you're a sub8 male. Even if you do manage to get a girlfriend, she'll make you wait for months to even fuck her ONCE while cucking you for Chad and leaving you eventually.
What a wonderful time today
He was a 5'5 narrow shoulder feminine looking half asian kid.

He deserved nothing tbh. He was a 1/10 to women.
Really good post


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He was a 5'5 narrow shoulder feminine looking half asian kid.

He deserved nothing tbh. He was a 1/10 to women.
This. He didn't stand a chance in his environment full of white chads and chadlites.
He killed his ricecel roommates who done nothing wrong, and for that I can't celebrate. I celebrate Sodini day on August 4th instead as it is also my birthday :cool::feelsbaton:
This. He didn't stand a chance in his environment full of white chads and chadlites.

Even if he was 6'1, a full 8 inches taller, he still looked GAY AS FUCK.
Correction: he saved incels from suicide and constant rejection later in life.

These shooting sprees might be false flags in general, but JFL at you trying to appease normies. Non-false flagged shootings in general occur because men who are rejected by society finally give up on life and take revenge against the fuckers that bullied them and gave them false hope.

I'm not trying to appease anyone nor am I even condemning what he did. I'm just stating the eventual outcome of multiple massacres will be further subjugation of incels and further mistrust and abuse of anyone who seems "off" to regular people. Remember that incels are a small minority of men with literally zero power. That's why they crack in the first place.

Also if you think killing incels is "saving" them, then you've entered into a cult, nobody should have a say in someone's death except the person themselves.
I'm not trying to appease anyone nor am I even condemning what he did. I'm just stating the eventual outcome of multiple massacres will be further subjugation of incels and further mistrust and abuse of anyone who seems "off" to regular people. Remember that incels are a small minority of men with literally zero power. That's why they crack in the first place.

Also if you think killing incels is "saving" them, then you've entered into a cult, nobody should have a say in someone's death except the person themselves.

Your text literally screams, "look good to normal people!"

Normies will always hate incels, even if we do mass shootings or not. It is our destiny since birth to get hated and shitted at by everyone. In fact I would say that if we incels strike back, this will make normies more fearful of us, since they'll be scared to bully some ugly male, thinking that he might go ER as a result. But overall we will always be hated, due to our looks alone.

And yes, he did save incels, since these ricecels that got killed were going to be rejected and live a horrible life forever, again, due to their repulsive looks.

Back to cucktears.
He killed his ricecel roommates who done nothing wrong, and for that I can't celebrate. I celebrate Sodini day on August 4th instead as it is also my birthday :cool::feelsbaton:
Maybe they were cucktears or bluepill.
I don't condemn him.
I just make fun of him and sides he hated my kind anyway.
"uuuuuuuuh he wuz spoiled and narcissistic duuhhhhhhhh"
"he wuznt even ugleee"
I won’t worship a failure. Like I said, he could have planned a little better and gone full Stephen paddock. Anything else is serial killer Incel cope
Oh wow. Social pressure. I better cave and admit that a guy who killed a bunch of normies and incels in my name is some kind of god or something. Oh wow.. gee wiz.
Pussy beggar PUA Roosh V wrote in his book that his parents' generation had it way easier to find a girlfriend, because all his dad did was take a shower. Men these days have no chance if they aren't millionaire Chads or Dan Bilzerians.
I won’t worship a failure. Like I said, he could have planned a little better and gone full Stephen paddock. Anything else is serial killer Incel cope
He is a martyr, not a failure.
Oh wow. Social pressure. I better cave and admit that a guy who killed a bunch of normies and incels in my name is some kind of god or something. Oh wow.. gee wiz.
Fucking cuck.
ER got the lowest score of all notable terrorcels, mostly killed incels and ugly foids, and got no Chads or Stacys. Massive fail objectively. But he was a prototype for future terrorcels.
So you believe incels and normies should be wiped away to make room for more chads and stacys?
Normies are our enemies and will always hate us no matter what.

Plus these "incels" were bluepilled ricecels who would have lived a miserable sexless life. Elliot saved them.
He gave society a piece of his mind. I can respect that.
He did nothing but kill other incels who made the mistake of sharing a room with a psychopath. And all these shooting sprees will do is increase support for anti-male and anti-gun laws. So yeah, lot of good he's done. If you relate to him it's fine, I do too, but nothing he did is good for anyone.

I like the edginess of it but this post has some truth to it.
Normies are our enemies and will always hate us no matter what.

Plus these "incels" were bluepilled ricecels who would have lived a miserable sexless life. Elliot saved them.

I know your on a role and Imma let ya finish but Cho was way better than Elliot and accomplished more than he did and didn't end up such a joke.
ER had the courage of his convictions. Recording videos of his diatribes guaranteed him legendary status.
He did nothing but kill other incels who made the mistake of sharing a room with a psychopath. And all these shooting sprees will do is increase support for anti-male and anti-gun laws. So yeah, lot of good he's done. If you relate to him it's fine, I do too, but nothing he did is good for anyone.

BS, if these guys were also incel then he likely would not have bothered killing himself, how many of us have actual black pilled friends in real life that we can talk to everyday, I have like one, probably one of the reasons I've never seriously considered killing myself, so you're fucking saying Elliot had 3 guys he could relate to and they talked about inceldom and black pill stuff, and he still killed them.

Sorry I call BS, I bet they were just incels in denial that were completely blue pilled and that's why he killed them, because guys like that are worse than normies, its pathetic, its like watching a wounded animal that is slowly and painfully dying, might as well put it out of its misery. I'd hate to have to speak to blue pilled incels everyday, it would make me feel rage with every word they utter.

I doubt those guys were incels, because if they were, he would have talked to them about it, and they would have:



I have one friend that is also incel like me, and I can talk to him about anything, even the crazy shit, even about possibly planning to kill people, I've never felt like doing those things really though maybe because having an actual black pilled IRL friend is the ultimate cope, you don't feel like you're alone, feeling completely alone is likely the trigger/breaking point for all mass shooters.

So again I call BS on what you're saying here, those guys weren't a loss to the incel community, they were incel in body maybe but not in mind.
He saved these bluepilled ricemen.

Those guys could have studycelled and then gotten brides from Asia. You're a fucktard for believing they were incels with no proof, and then believing they were as miserable as you, assuming they were incel. IIRC the only reason ER killed them is because he didn't like the way they laughed as they played online computer games. Without a doubt you are the lowest IQ poster on this site
He saw described himself as a "10/10 prettyboy" on PUAhate. Gigaautist
The left one looks like a normie Asian so good that ER killed him
I like how I can't tell if he's doing that whole "smiling with your eyes closed" thing or that's just his eyes are when normally opened
Those guys could have studycelled and then gotten brides from Asia. You're a fucktard for believing they were incels with no proof, and then believing they were as miserable as you, assuming they were incel. IIRC the only reason ER killed them is because he didn't like the way they laughed as they played online computer games. Without a doubt you are the lowest IQ poster on this site
"Brides in Asia"

LMAO at this gigacope. You are definitely a cucktears retard. They were definitely incel in terms of appearance but were mostly likely bluepilled into oblivion, so they wouldn't have escaped and kept living a lie their entire lives.

Without a doubt you are a cucktears shill.
BS, if these guys were also incel then he likely would not have bothered killing himself, how many of us have actual black pilled friends in real life that we can talk to everyday, I have like one, probably one of the reasons I've never seriously considered killing myself, so you're fucking saying Elliot had 3 guys he could relate to and they talked about inceldom and black pill stuff, and he still killed them.

Sorry I call BS, I bet they were just incels in denial that were completely blue pilled and that's why he killed them, because guys like that are worse than normies, its pathetic, its like watching a wounded animal that is slowly and painfully dying, might as well put it out of its misery. I'd hate to have to speak to blue pilled incels everyday, it would make me feel rage with every word they utter.

I doubt those guys were incels, because if they were, he would have talked to them about it, and they would have:



I have one friend that is also incel like me, and I can talk to him about anything, even the crazy shit, even about possibly planning to kill people, I've never felt like doing those things really though maybe because having an actual black pilled IRL friend is the ultimate cope, you don't feel like you're alone, feeling completely alone is likely the trigger/breaking point for all mass shooters.

So again I call BS on what you're saying here, those guys weren't a loss to the incel community, they were incel in body maybe but not in mind.

It's not even really a matter of if they were incel or not. It's not like they were having sex in front of ER. He killed them for some petty bullshit reasons according to his manifesto. They had nothing to do with his rampage. They were just guys who played video games in their apartment. You're calling that pathetic and a reason to kill someone? jfc, I'm convinced he only killed them (in their sleep no less) because stationary ricecels were the only targets he could for sure kill. Who's to say if they were bluepilled or not, and if they were, who cares? Their deaths were totally unjustifiable and you're reaching so hard at this point that it's obvious killing them made no sense.
BS, if these guys were also incel then he likely would not have bothered killing himself, how many of us have actual black pilled friends in real life that we can talk to everyday, I have like one, probably one of the reasons I've never seriously considered killing myself, so you're fucking saying Elliot had 3 guys he could relate to and they talked about inceldom and black pill stuff, and he still killed them.

Sorry I call BS, I bet they were just incels in denial that were completely blue pilled and that's why he killed them, because guys like that are worse than normies, its pathetic, its like watching a wounded animal that is slowly and painfully dying, might as well put it out of its misery. I'd hate to have to speak to blue pilled incels everyday, it would make me feel rage with every word they utter.

I doubt those guys were incels, because if they were, he would have talked to them about it, and they would have:



I have one friend that is also incel like me, and I can talk to him about anything, even the crazy shit, even about possibly planning to kill people, I've never felt like doing those things really though maybe because having an actual black pilled IRL friend is the ultimate cope, you don't feel like you're alone, feeling completely alone is likely the trigger/breaking point for all mass shooters.

So again I call BS on what you're saying here, those guys weren't a loss to the incel community, they were incel in body maybe but not in mind.
Too many inceltears cucks or peacecels coping!

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