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Soy Yikerinos, talk about denying other people's experiences

Nothing new from CuckTears

jfl when their 2 cents is to lecture incels about how they are imagining things and "being a whiny, hateful bitch on the internet"

fuck IT and their hypocrisy
How are parents to blame for mental illnesses, but not for being unattractive? Where is the consistency?
interesting how he admits that genetics can affect your mental health but only because of "illness" and not the fact that it's the main factor in how people perceive you

if you inherited "mental illness" as well as a perfect jawline you would probably be set for life and never be socially ostracized
How are parents to blame for mental illnesses, but not for being unattractive? Where is the consistency?

There is none. We live in a world of contradictions already and these people only encourage more of it.
Every time I read something written by an IT member I can feel my IQ decreasing
How are parents to blame for mental illnesses, but not for being unattractive? Where is the consistency?

There isn't any. They're operating under the delusion that there are no conventional standards of attractiveness.
How are parents to blame for mental illnesses, but not for being unattractive? Where is the consistency?

Every time I read something written by an IT member I can feel my IQ decreasing

Threads like that by IT members make me think the sub is mostly made of legit double digit IQ members experiencing the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Threads like that by IT members make me think the sub is mostly made of legit double digit IQ members experiencing the Dunning-Kruger effect.
They're legit dumb as fuck, every time I go there I end up regretting it from the sheer stupidity.
And people who desperately feel the need to embellish the details of their crappy lives, like that user who suggested his girlfriend was attending a nonexistent law school.

They didn't even know ICE mostly dealt with immigraton and customs enforcement and that it was an organizaiton that prosecutes internet crimes that was from Canada.
And then they call incels "imbecels" and say things like "incels aren't knowing for being the smartest bunch" unironically.

They're legit dumb as fuck, every time I go there I end up regretting it from the sheer stupidity.
It's the fact that they insist they are smarter and keeping up to date with the incel "threat" by screenshotting internet forums where people rant about having bad experiences with women that is the annoying part.
Some people are not as smart as others and I don't hold that against them. But I don't like it when those same people then act like they are smarter than others and look to make fun of others while not fully owning up to it by saying they're "mocking" people for "hateful" attitudes.
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They didn't even know ICE mostly dealt with immigraton and customs enforcement and that it was an organizaiton that prosecutes internet crimes that was from Canada.

And then they call incels "imbecels" and say things like "incels aren't knowing for being the smartest bunch" unironically.
Dunning-Kruger it is. To be fair, we mainly interact with the most extreme 5% of all IT users, because they're the ones who seem to be able to spend the most time on Reddit, but still...
They're legit dumb as fuck, every time I go there I end up regretting it from the sheer stupidity.
Dunning-Kruger it is. To be fair, we mainly interact with the most extreme 5% of all IT users, because they're the ones who seem to be able to spend the most time on Reddit, but still...

The funny thing is that they accuse incels of having the Dunning-Kruger effect when they read some grandiose or brag worthy posts by some more narcissistic users here.
Other than that people here don't assume to know everything.
But apparently ITcels know that we're bad people IRL because we make posts online criticizing women or complaining about their behavior toward us.

The other IT users that occasionally post on the sub aren't usually all that smart either and just like to make fun of others "for the cringe" and no other reason. They don't put up a front that they are fighting "hate" they just laugh at misfortune being expressed by low status males and make stale jokes or memes mocking them for karma.
The funny thing is that they accuse incels of having the Dunning-Kruger effect when they read some more grandiose or brag worthy posts by some more narcissistic users here.

The other IT users that occasionally post on the sub aren't usually all that smart either and just like to make fun of others "for the cringe" and no other reason. They don't put up a front that they are fighting "hate" they just laugh at misfortune being expressed by low status males and make stale jokes or memes mocking them for karma.

That's kind of the point of Cuckit, isn't it? To make jokes at everyone else's expense, get a daily lose of cringe? I don't really care about them.

The ones that I find despicable are the self-appointed watchdogs who are on some sort of misguided ideological crusade, motivated by their own insecurity.
But a foid who got called "Annoying" once by her parents would be inundated with support from that cucked, deplorable cult.
That's kind of the point of Cuckit, isn't it? To make jokes at everyone else's expense, get a daily lose of cringe? I don't really care about them.
True but it's always been a shitty aspect of Cuckit.

The ones that I find despicable are the self-appointed watchdogs who are on some sort of misguided ideological crusade, motivated by their own insecurity.

Some of them genuinely believe they are doing good by cyberbullying "hateful" people while others that are ideologically motivated are stretching the truth in order to justify their cyberbullying.
It is hard to tell which group of people that are genuinely doing it and those that are stretching the truth.
It often looks like it is a bit of both.

Do you sometimes get the feeling that some of the more ideologically motivated users on IT are getting radicalized into hating low SMV males? There is a lot of overlap with IT and the femaledatingstrategy sub.
r/banfemalehatesubs mega list of "hate" subs was stickied on the frontpage of IncelTear and r/banfemalehatesubs is heavily populated by femaledatingstrategy users and other radical feminists.
We can literally say anything and IT will deny it. They even justified a woman being racist against asian men because we were against it. JFL
True but it's always been a shitty aspect of Cuckit.

Some of them genuinely believe they are doing good by cyberbullying "hateful" people while others that are ideologically motivated are stretching the truth in order to justify their cyberbullying.
It is hard to tell which group of people that are genuinely doing it and those that are stretching the truth.
It often looks like it is a bit of both.

Do you sometimes get the feeling that some of the more ideologically motivated users on IT are getting radicalized into hating low SMV males? There is a lot of overlap with IT and the femaledatingstrategy sub.
r/banfemalehatesubs mega list of "hate" subs was stickied on the frontpage of IncelTear and r/banfemalehatesubs is heavily populated by femaledatingstrategy users and other radical feminists.

Reddit helped me understand why we have representative democracies and independent judiciaries as opposed to the unconstrained, irrational majoritarianism that defines soycuck culture.
Reddit helped me understand why we have representative democracies and independent judiciaries as opposed to the unconstrained, irrational majoritarianism that defines soycuck culture.

Yes looking at reddit threads for the last few years and seeing the frenzied downvote mobs and fake concern trolls shilling what is the popular opinion of the month made me appreciate a republic of laws over mob rule democracy even more.

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