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JFL Yet another incel in denial IT member posting in r/SuicideWatch and admits that he never had a gf or any friends and wants to kill himself



Jun 5, 2020

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/comments/i3l7oa/killing_myself_if_i_dont_get_friends_or/

I kinda feel bad for them at this point, they're truecels yet they don't want to admit it and choose to suffer with delusions instead, why do they do this to themselves?

He also has a flair on IT that basically says that he's a "virgin but not incel" jfl.. the amount of delusion they have is insane.

And he admitted in one of his posts that he has high functioning autism/aspergers, so pretty much just like the average IT member.

When are they going to stop LARPing as normal people and make an account here already?
I'm a lonely virgin who wants to kill himself and can't even find a friend, but at least I'm not a stinky inkler with bad hygiene and personality :soy: I'm not entitled to anything despite social exclusion making me suicidal :feels:
He deleted it. JFL. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
He just saw this thread and decided to delete his post on reddit lmao, he's literally living here and refreshing every second.

Keep living in denial you truecel cuck. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek:
LMFAO he deleted his account.


He just saw this thread and decided to delete his post on reddit lmao, he's literally living here and refreshing every second
He deleted his entire account
I have no mercy for incels who take IT side, they can fuck off with the landwhales. Only our brothers who haven't heard of the blackpill yet deserve our simpathy
well other ITards can be his friends. Or even lovers, don't know if he's into trannies.
should've screenshotted
He actually did :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Never mind he didn't.

Screenshot 20200805 223318 Reddit

IT are cunts. I cant stand them but for some reason looking through his profile- I feel sorry for him. Thats what the bluepill does to you. If he was good looking his life would have been completely different.

He's tried the normie hobbies (guitar) and realised after 9 hopeless years not everyone will be making amazing pieces.

I hope he comes to the truth
Oh shit here's a screenshot of the post, I had it open before he deleted it:

Lmao that retard tried to delete it
IT are cunts. I cant stand them but for some reason looking through his profile- I feel sorry for him. Thats what the bluepill does to you. If he was good looking his life would have been completely different.
I emphasize with him but its hard to feel sorry for someone who posts on IT to mock other incels like himself, he even has a post calling us "morons"
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He must not be the only member of IT in that situation
Jfl he literally deleted that thread right after he saw this
ITcels have to larp as foids now because they get revealed as truecels if they larp as normies
He deleted it not even 5 minutes after I posted this thread, they live here refreshing every second
That’s pretty sad ngl. I never spend that much time here. And they make fun of us for apparently not having lives
That’s pretty sad ngl. I never spend that much time here. And they make fun of us for apparently not having lives
They're so in denial about their inceldom, they're here 24/7 constantly refreshing yet they think they're not actually incels.

They probably relate with a lot of shit that we post here.
Seems like watchdogging incels will not get you any pussy…
I dont feel sorry for this guy if he has to shit on others to make himself feel better when he is in this situation. Its not only him either, there are many others like him on IT as well.
I dont feel sorry for this guy if he has to shit on others to make himself feel better when he is in this situation. Its not only him either, there are many others like him on IT as well.
No you inkel we IT users are slayerz :soy:
He has no money and instead of putting his time to good use to make money, he would rather spend his time watchdogging incels even though he's an incel himself :feelskek:
Virgin but not incel :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Never mind he didn't.

View attachment 309030

IT are cunts. I cant stand them but for some reason looking through his profile- I feel sorry for him. Thats what the bluepill does to you. If he was good looking his life would have been completely different.

He's tried the normie hobbies (guitar) and realised after 9 hopeless years not everyone will be making amazing pieces.

I hope he comes to the truth
That pitiful do or else display of weakness only works for foids, as a man he's digging ever deeper.
It must be his personality or hygiene :soy:
He needs to get a haircut and have a shower and stop being a misogynist, then maybe just maybe he will get laid :soy: :soy:
You aren't entitled to that ITcel.

Your mental pain doesn't give you the right to emotionally pressure people. You need to be locked up and get forced therapy until youre not feeling entitled anymore.
He needs to get a haircut and have a shower and stop being a misogynist, then maybe just maybe he will get laid :soy: :soy:
I know a 2 foot tall balding Indian janitor with autism but he's really funny & dresses snazzy, he's always got the girls chasing him With pitchforks trying to castrate him.
You aren't entitled to that ITcel.

Your mental pain doesn't give you the right to emotionally pressure people. You need to be locked up and get forced therapy until youre not feeling entitled anymore.
No you inkel we IT users are slayerz :soy:
I consider people at IT to be bigger losers at life than us. If you have to shit on people to find entertainment in your life, that says alot about you as a person.
He should join us, it's so comfy in here.
Just swallow the blackpill big guy. We cope very well in here, we are missing you.
They're so in denial about their inceldom, they're here 24/7 constantly refreshing yet they think they're not actually incels.

They probably relate with a lot of shit that we post here.
It applies to them just as much as it does to us
I'm a lonely virgin who wants to kill himself and can't even find a friend, but at least I'm not a stinky inkler with bad hygiene and personality :soy: I'm not entitled to anything despite social exclusion making me suicidal :feels:
I consider people at IT to be bigger losers at life than us. If you have to shit on people to find entertainment in your life, that says alot about you as a person.
No you inkel we just are superheroes saving the world from your wrath :soy:
Some are actually truecel tier especially the “atleast I can get laid” guy
This is what IT unironically thinks
Well, he just said that he's going to join r/celmates then deleted his reddit account lmao

I guess he has come to terms with being an incel now, that didn't take long.

someone made a post about him here:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/celmates/comments/i4i0c2/holy_shit_the_textbook_truecel_ubodombluemoonx_it/
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