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Brutal Yet another Hiroshima/Nagasaki Blackpill from r/short



You're either a WinnER or a big LosER
Sep 30, 2019
just keep denying reality bro, just be patient bro, your time will come

tl; dr: Ricecel dude has like 1000 hobbies, friends, is fit and NT, knows how to box, knows lots of different languages, isn't fucking useless like most chads or holes, showers everyday and has a good haircut, literally checks all the boxes, yet still can't land a single girl due to being manlet and rice.

The most hilarious part is that all of his male friends are basic, white and tall NPCs yet still lost their V cards in high school. And considering they bully him on an every day basis personality is clearly not the problem here. Coincidence? I don't think so

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/short/comments/mje73d/22m_55_never_had_a_girlfriend_in_my_life_although/
Poor ricecel. He's way too bluepilled to ever realize the truth. Fucking retard doesn't realize he is an incel, it's something you are born as, it's not optional. Sucks to see people in this much denial. I hate it when an ugly low value male doesn't see the obvious ass picture. It's your looks...
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did someone reset the avis?
Rice + Manlet in the west is a death sentence!

he could have all the hobbies in the world and still be trucel
I'm 5'10 and this guy is much fatter than me, its over
tbh I'd kill to be 5'10
not implying you're not trucel ofc
5'10 is just average, only being 6'1 would make a difference on your life.

Its 6'1 or nothing, but honestly face>>>>>height
Height is way more important than face. Face only matters if your avg height. A chad-faced 5'10 guy can slay easily as a 6'3 normie.
5'10 is just average, only being 6'1 would make a difference on your life.

Its 6'1 or nothing, but honestly face>>>>>height
yeah agree with your statement, still, it's better than nothing
at least I could have fun with height frauds though
Height is way more important than face. Face only matters if your avg height. A chad-faced 5'10 guy can slay easily as a 6'3 normie.
Huge cope, knajjd has an above average face, and got attention from foids, just for having an above average face.

But I don't see above average heightcels getting attention from foids just for being above average on height
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HAAHHAHAHAHA There is a 5'11 cunt virtue signalling in the comments. 5'11 on a girl is NBA tier for women, why the hell is she on there?. :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh:
yeah agree with your statement, still, it's better than nothing
at least I could have fun with height frauds though
You can height fraud at any height tbh, but only 1,5 inches/3cm maximum
Huge cope, knajjd has a above average face, and got attention from foids, just for having an above average face.

But I don't see above average heightcels getting attention from foids just for being above average on height
6'1-6'3 guys will get a lot of attention from really short foids as long as the guy's face isn't ugly.
6'1-6'3 guys will get a lot of attention from really short foids as long as the guy's face isn't ugly.
Cope, he needs to have a good face to get attention of any foid
HAAHHAHAHAHA There is a 5'11 cunt virtue signalling in the comments. 5'11 on a girl is NBA tier for women, why the hell is she on there?. :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh:
Holy shit this foid is trying to bluepill the poor ricecel as hard as possible. "people tend to get less shallow as they age" - since when the fuck is that true? She's straight-faced saying that people care moreso about personality in their 20s than physical attractiveness, typical bluepilled fucking horseshit.

"I'm currently dating a man who's 5'7 (so 4 inches shorter than me), and he definitely doesn't have a six pack or hair like Edward Cullen. But he has an amazing personality and good values, we share a lot of interests, he's really smart" - Notice how the guy is only 2 inches below average, and she doesn't mention his facial appearance or status at all. She does admit that he is "smart", so her bf is IQmaxxed, facially attractive, and probably status/moneymaxxed as well, and she sees it as an olive branch that she is even willing to date someone a mere 2 inches below average.

"you should probably just continue to put yourself out there and maybe focus more on the journey than the end goal, and remember that you're only 22, you have your whole life in front of you" - This foid needs to eat fucking dirt, the man writes a fucking essay on how his life has been a struggle and she responds with this generic fucking horseshit. God dammit these femcucks are so heartless and beyond retarded that they actually would look down on a 5ft5 asian man who they damn well know it's over for and spout this irredeemably scummy excuse of "advise".
Cope, he needs to have a good face to get attention of any foid
Cope. You are a youngcel. In all of my life many tall guys with average faces had gfs, they dont have to be super-good looking. One tall scrawny looking guy I knew in college, all of his gfs approached him first.
The thing is, people tend to get less shallow as they age.

Cope. You are a youngcel. In all of my life many tall guys with average faces had gfs, they dont have to be super-good looking. One tall scrawny looking guy I knew in college, all of his gfs approached him first.
In all my life tall guys didn't get nothing for being tall, but GL guys always got infinite attention just for being GL.

Being tall is only good at fighting and being dominant, but in dating it isn't all that good
HAAHHAHAHAHA There is a 5'11 cunt virtue signalling in the comments. 5'11 on a girl is NBA tier for women, why the hell is she on there?. :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh:
She literally told him to wait until he was older, when foids are used up to start dating, lmao.
ogre. The main downsides of being rice can theoretically be fixed. Like if the anti Asian violence protests turn violent, or if we get another “roof Koreans” moment, and Asians gain a reputation for violence like blacks have, that will benefit them hugely and “rice in the west” won’t be a death sentence anymore.

but 5’5’ is ogre no matter how violent.
just keep denying reality bro, just be patient bro, your time will come

tl; dr: Ricecel dude has like 1000 hobbies, friends, is fit and NT, knows how to box, knows lots of different languages, isn't fucking useless like most chads or holes, showers everyday and has a good haircut, literally checks all the boxes, yet still can't land a single girl due to being manlet and rice.

The most hilarious part is that all of his male friends are basic, white and tall NPCs yet still lost their V cards in high school. And considering they bully him on an every day basis personality is clearly not the problem here. Coincidence? I don't think so

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/short/comments/mje73d/22m_55_never_had_a_girlfriend_in_my_life_although/

Toilets are attracted to genetic superiority.

An unwashed trailer trash who didn't finish high school, that is tall and has a masculine face/beard/voice and doesn't have a job will have a girl, while a harvard maxxed doctor will struggle if he is 5'5" and jump through hundreds of hoops to even get a betabuxx whore who will have sex with him 1 time a year.

Girls are most attracted to the things you can't change.
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Still taller then me, under 5'8 is a death sentence.
I feel bad for ethnics, especially manlet ones. This reminds me of the time a foid told a story about why she always asks for heights before meeting with people off tinder. She went on a date with an Asian man and he was already there when she arrived so she didn't see he was 5'1 (an inch shorter than she claimed to be) until they stood up to leave. He even paid. She refused to hug him and ghosted him. JFL.

This same fucking foid fetishized 6 foot plus Asians too. We can debate how much a 5'10 person's height matters, but being a below average height for even a foid is just brutal.
Personalitymogged again
She literally told him to wait until he was older, when foids are used up to start dating, lmao.
Alpha fucks her while she is in her prime, while beta billy gets her when she's been blown out by many many Chads and needs someone to pay for her lifestyle.
Cope. You are a youngcel. In all of my life many tall guys with average faces had gfs, they dont have to be super-good looking. One tall scrawny looking guy I knew in college, all of his gfs approached him first.
Really ugly/subhuman face is a death sentence no matter height.
JFL the comments there.
1 - Just keep trying bro! Never give up :soy::soy::soy: :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
2 - Don't worry, you are still young! :soy:

They ALWAYS find a way to sugarcoat the situation no matter how shitty it is, and never provide actually useful advices
The alternatives for him that aren't roping is height frauding (wearing lifts in public, never mention his height), getting limb lengthening and/or other surgeries and escortcelling

He has all the other "checks" which is great, and it's evident now that he has issues that are pretty much beyond his control

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