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wtf is up with all the retard killer worship?



Dec 3, 2017
I keep seeing ppl worshipping retards cause they kill someone super kek lmfao. How braindead do you have to be to do that, just rope yourself if you do it unironically.

Most of them are not even incels, and most of them didn't even do anything special or in the name of inceldom even. JFL if you are a murderer who uses a weapon an can only get like 1 or 2 kills lol that is so sad like if you are a murderer killing unsuspecting people and you kill like 1 or 2 and then get caught, esp them being children or something stupid like that. JFL like that is the epitome of low T high estrogen retards who need to be killed off, it would be doing them a favour too.

Even elliot roger was a fucking dingus tard fuck, he killed his fucking incel asian roomies LOL what the fuck? then he went on and like killed 2 people with a fucking AR so fucking incompetent, and you retards worship this faggot? lmfao he is rotting in hell as we speak, not because he murdered, but because he was such a low T faggot who is incompetent as fuck. Like its actually just sad. Anyone who worships these FAILURES, on any level possible, spiritual biologial societial, is also a low T high E faggot.
Elliot rodger killed his incel friends cuz he cared about them, i wish someone cared enough about me to kill me, he was the only one who DID SOMETHING.

IF we were all like you stacys and chads will get away with everything. but elliot? he punshed them! and he freed some incels on his way.

ER is a fakecel racist piece of shit, BO2cel is the one and true image of our community.
Lepine killed feminazis so he is a hero.
jack the ripper and marc lepine are my heros
Genecel said:
Cynistic said:
ER is a fakecel racist piece of shit, BO2cel is the one and true image of our community.
he wasn't racist, he was sexually frustrated. You don't wanna fuck with a guy who hasn't had sex in years.

Read his manifesto, he was definitely racist and hated ethnics; especially successful ethics.
Genecel said:
he wasn't racist, he was sexually frustrated. You don't wanna fuck with a guy who hasn't had sex in years.

Correct. Not even women want to fuck with a guy who hasn't had sex in a while
Alot of retards on here, that's why op. Also
JFL at Elliot going to a Chad and Stacy party and not doing the deed because the door was locked. He was so retarded he didn't shoot the lock off or shoot through the windows then killed random people.
8008 said:

who is that in ur DP

Jewsel said:
ER was mentali ill,and he looked creepy af,he was a trucel

kek truecel, maybe mentalcel but def above average attractiveness
ER was a dumb ass retard. A disgrace to the true inceldom community. The dumb ass didn't kill any Chads or Stacys. He was a disgrace. And what stopped him? A locked door. All the idiot had to do was shoot the lock off. He was too stupid in the end and went batshit insane, and took it out on incels and some fat bitch.
I am shocked. How dare he insult the Surpreme Gentleman like that!

Elliot Rodger motivational quote:
"My life is so lonely and mundane, I have no friends, no girlfriends. No love, no sex. All I have is this. Being able to walk in beautiful places like this." source: "Elliot Rodger, Lonely Vlog, Life is so unfair" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4CressilIo
anincelforlifelol said:
ER was a dumb ass retard. A disgrace to the true inceldom community. The dumb ass didn't kill any Chads or Stacys. He was a disgrace. And what stopped him? A locked door. All the idiot had to do was shoot the lock off. He was too stupid in the end and went batshit insane, and took it out on incels and some fat bitch.

IKR??? so incompetent lmfao like thats so stupid why do ppl worship this faggot.

At least marc lapine did something somewhat impressive in a morbid way, still don't agree with killing people unless those people are TRULY oppressing you directly.
May Eliot Rodger Strike down the blasphemers
females ARE oppressing incels directly. you just seem to be suffering from an acute case of inceltears tier cuckoldry. trust me, whiteknighting isn't going to get you laid anytime soon.
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
lmfao he is rotting in hell as we speak, not because he murdered, but because he was such a low T faggot who is incompetent as fuck. 

So that's how it works now?
Yeah, shooting the lock of the door, garantueed way of entering

You don't realize how much adrenaline must have gone through his veins. He is not a trained fighter and couldn't get much significant training before the big day.

I want to see your sissy asses crashing a car into other cars and shooting a real, heavy, loud weapon, knowing that you are going to die.

Everybody's a critic these days...
i only have support for st marc lepine and st cho. ER can suck on it tbh.

praise be to st blackops2cel
Misery brings out the worst in people. Things like mass shootings are catharsis to many of us.

And to the people asking why he didn't just shoot the lock off, life isn't like the movies, it doesn't work that way.
iblamemyself said:
Yeah, shooting the lock of the door, garantueed way of entering

You don't realize how much adrenaline must have gone through his veins. He is not a trained fighter and couldn't get much significant training before the big day.

I want to see your sissy asses crashing a car into other cars and shooting a real, heavy, loud weapon, knowing that you are going to die.

Everybody's a critic these days...

low IQ. The shooting didn't even start till after he left the sorority house. Why would you barricade a door if nothing was happening yet? By the time the idiot shoots the locks off he gains entry in the house, and kills Chads and Stacies before they have enough time to leave. Face it. ER was a disgrace. Kills his own incel brothers. Pathetic idiot.

not_here_4_points said:
Misery brings out the worst in people. Things like mass shootings are catharsis to many of us.

And to the people asking why he didn't just shoot the lock off, life isn't like the movies, it doesn't work that way.

Tell that to the King Cho. Dude had no issues shooting locks off the door to gain access and then barricaded and chained the entry ways. Guy was smart as hell. Even those dumb ass normfag Columbine faggots didn't do that.
knajjd said:
females ARE oppressing incels directly. you just seem to be suffering from an acute case of inceltears tier cuckoldry. trust me, whiteknighting isn't going to get you laid anytime soon.

kek females oppress you indirectly, which can be worse than direct, and fighting back isn't the best choice cause not ALL women actually oppress you (or maybe they do... but then that's god's fault for making the world like this not females...)
ER did more than any of you pussies ever will. Stop talking shit.
iblamemyself said:
Yeah, shooting the lock of the door, garantueed way of entering

You don't realize how much adrenaline must have gone through his veins. He is not a trained fighter and couldn't get much significant training before the big day.

I want to see your sissy asses crashing a car into other cars and shooting a real, heavy, loud weapon, knowing that you are going to die.

Everybody's a critic these days...

Exactly stupid OP judging our saint like if he would do better. Last time I checked ER actually went and took action unlike pussy boi OP who just wants to put down our honorable supreme gentlemen's achievements.
anincelforlifelol said:
ER was a dumb ass retard. A disgrace to the true inceldom community. The dumb ass didn't kill any Chads or Stacys. He was a disgrace. And what stopped him? A locked door. All the idiot had to do was shoot the lock off. He was too stupid in the end and went batshit insane, and took it out on incels and some fat bitch.

Legit. Ironically ER didnt even go ER right.
Sadist said:
Exactly stupid OP judging our saint like if he would do better. Last time I checked ER actually went and took action unlike pussy boi OP who just wants to put down our honorable supreme gentlemen's achievements.

you are low IQ, he was not incel he was MENTALcel at best, probably just a fakecel with his stupid narcissism which didn't let him have normal standards, he wanted blonde stacies instead of settling for a 6/10. Plus he failed big time just KEK at killing his hard working ricecel roomies who didn't deserve it at all. He is a pathetic failure, worse than dog shit under my shoe.
Humanity should wiped off from the planet. Anyone who is contributing to that goal, deserves praise.
fukmylyf said:
ER did more than any of you pussies ever will. Stop talking shit.

he did jack shit lol kill a bunch of ricecels pathetic

Suicel said:
Humanity should wiped off from the planet. Anyone who is contributing to that goal, deserves praise.

and what u want to remain? apes and insects? Either you wanna kill all life or not, just killing humans wont do jack shit lol.
TheVman said:
Elliot rodger killed his incel friends cuz he cared about them, i wish someone cared enough about me to kill me, he was the only one who DID SOMETHING.

IF we were all like you stacys and chads will get away with everything. but elliot? he punshed them! and he freed some incels on his way.


what. are you actually retarded or just a troll?
Cynistic said:
ER is a fakecel racist piece of shit, BO2cel is the one and true image of our community.
TheVman said:
Elliot rodger killed his incel friends cuz he cared about them, i wish someone cared enough about me to kill me, he was the only one who DID SOMETHING.

IF we were all like you stacys and chads will get away with everything. but elliot? he punshed them! and he freed some incels on his way.


I mean, I want to be freed too.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
I mean, I want to be freed too.

then go kill yourself or go take a hike somewhere dangerous if you're too much of a pussy to do it yourself. to claim that somebody being killed was a good thing because you hate your own lives is absolutely retarded.
retarded_dumbshit said:
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
I mean, I want to be freed too.
then go kill yourself or go take a hike somewhere dangerous if you're too much of a pussy to do it yourself. to claim that somebody being killed was a good thing because you hate your own lives is absolutely retarded.
I didn't say it was good or not. I'm just saying, you know, what I said. If someone shot me in the back of the head, then I appreciate them doing what I couldn't.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
I didn't say it was good or not. I'm just saying, you know, what I said. If someone shot me in the back of the head, then I appreciate them doing what I couldn't.

sorry, kind of sounded like you were agreeing with him.

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