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Would you rather live as a Chad and go to hell, or live as an incel and go to heaven?

What would you chose?

  • Live as Chad and go to hell

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Live as incel and go to heaven

    Votes: 18 69.2%

  • Total voters


Nov 7, 2017
Spend your mortal life as a Chad, but get sent to hell and punished for all eternity when you die.
Or spend life as an incel, and then go to heaven when you die?
Since heaven is eternal, I would choose the latter
Yoyo said:
Since heaven is eternal, I would choose the latter
But you would have never gotten sex in your life, and now you can't get it for eternity.
Who wants to be tortured for eternity? 5 minutes of it and you would be wishing you were an incel again.
I want all incels to be Muslims so that we can go to heaven together and laugh at the chads, stacies, normies, cucks when they burn in hell.
Heaven obviously. I can fuck anything I want in heaven, and be anything, and do anything, and eat anything.
Chad because hell isn't real. Inceldom is metaphorical hell.
Stanx22 said:
I want all incels to be Muslims so that we can go to heaven together and laugh at the chads, stacies, normies, cucks when they burn in hell.
We need to spread more Dawah on this forum.
FeminismsCancer said:
Chad because hell isn't real. Inceldom is metaphorical hell.

But IF it were real
UncannyValley said:
But IF it were real

I would need evidence then but obviously that would change my answer.
what do I do for neither? being conscious for an eternity sounds like hell to me no matter which way you slice it
SOMCEL said:
We need to spread more Dawah on this forum.

Amen brother.

Recon9 said:
what do I do for neither? being conscious for an eternity sounds like hell to me no matter which way you slice it
Being conscious in HEAVEN where you can get everything you wish for and be around your loved ones for eternity is something indescribable tho.
Stanx22 said:
Amen brother.

Being conscious in HEAVEN where you can get everything you wish for and be around your loved ones for eternity is something indescribable tho.

Giga cope.
FeminismsCancer said:
Giga cope.

Seriously, if you look at it closely, everything humans do is a cope. Even sex is a cope. I could say that sex is a cope with life's suffering/problems and i wouldn't be at fault. So just because something is seen as "cope" doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad/false thing.
Stanx22 said:
SOMCEL said:
We need to spread more Dawah on this forum.
Amen brother.

Recon9 said:
what do I do for neither? being conscious for an eternity sounds like hell to me no matter which way you slice it
Being conscious in HEAVEN where you can get everything you wish for and be around your loved ones for eternity is something indescribable tho.

has their ever been a single human in your life you didn't eventually get sick of being around? ANYONE? if you say yes you're full of shit tbqh.

side note: how can heaven exist when hell exist? Theres supposed to be no pain in heaven, but if some people are sent to hell instead wouldn't some people feel pain knowing a family member or friend is suffering for an eternity? If your memory is altered to just erase them from your mind and we are essentially defined by are memories, would it still even be "you"? On that note, what about these thoughts and mental issues alot of us have? Honestly autism is a huge part of who I am, am I gonna be autistic in heaven? how can I be autistic and happy at the same time?
I don't believe in heaven or hell, and even if they were real, then I'm already going to hell anyway so Chad. At least I can enjoy my time on earth and lead a happy life instead of being depressed all the time
Recon9 said:
has their ever been a single human in your life you didn't eventually get sick of being around? ANYONE? if you say yes you're full of shit tbqh.

side note: how can heaven exist when hell exist? Theres supposed to be no pain in heaven, but if some people are sent to hell instead wouldn't some people feel pain knowing a family member or friend is suffering for an eternity? If your memory is altered to just erase them from your mind and we are essentially defined by are memories, would it still even be "you"? On that note, what about these thoughts and mental issues alot of us have? Honestly autism is a huge part of who I am, am I gonna be autistic in heaven? how can I be autistic and happy at the same time?
We get sick of people who are evil or shitty and i don't think you'll find those kinds of people in heaven. And for other people suffering in hell, you won't feel sad for them as they had a chance in life and they ruined it and in some cases you can save one of your loved ones from hell if they weren't that bad in life. And tbh, most Muslims are from Muslim families and Muslims don't suffer for eternity in hell, so even if you were a really shitty Muslim, you'd suffer in hell until your sins are cleared and then you'd go to heaven like others. And no you won't have any mental issues or autism because there would be 0 problems or anything to make you feel shitty. 

Inb4 cope  .. call it what you want to call, if there's a 1% chance that it's real (which i 100% believe is), then it's worth it for me to try my best.

Earthbound said:
I don't believe in heaven or hell, and even if they were real, then I'm already going to hell anyway so Chad. At least I can enjoy my time on earth and lead a happy life instead of being depressed all the time

You really underestimate hell. You said even if it was real, then i'd go to hell anyways like it's nothing. You'll wish for a second to come back to earth and not think this way because hell or whatever it is, is on a whole other fucking level of suffering.
Stanx22 said:
Inb4 cope .. call it what you want to call, if there's a 1% chance that it's real (which i 100% believe is), then it's worth it for me to try my best.

I mean at least you're aware its cope, but Its like I like to say "we all cope in different ways" you cope by thinking you'll get a better deal in the next life, I cope by hoping when I die its all finally over
Recon9 said:
I mean at least you're aware its cope, but Its like I like to say "we all cope in different ways" you cope by thinking you'll get a better deal in the next life, I cope by hoping when I die its all finally over

I really thought of being atheist even before the blackpill and the whole coping thing. But there're lots of reasons why i won't ever do it. I've seen too many proofs that god exist and that Islam is real.
Stanx22 said:
Recon9 said:
I mean at least you're aware its cope, but Its like I like to say "we all cope in different ways" you cope by thinking you'll get a better deal in the next life, I cope by hoping when I die its all finally over
I really thought of being atheist even before the blackpill and the whole coping thing. But there're lots of reasons why i won't ever do it. I've seen too many proofs that god exist and that Islam is real.
I'm not knocking your religion, I'm receptive, and I was a christian for the first like 15 years of my life as well so, I definitely understand
Stanx22 said:
Earthbound said:
I don't believe in heaven or hell, and even if they were real, then I'm already going to hell anyway so Chad. At least I can enjoy my time on earth and lead a happy life instead of being depressed all the time
You really underestimate hell. You said even if it was real, then i'd go to hell anyways like it's nothing. You'll wish for a second to come back to earth and not think this way because hell or whatever it is, is on a whole other fucking level of suffering.
Yes, because I have already "sinned" in life and have had bad thoughts. Rejecting God is one of the biggest sins, and I've done that when I was a senior in high school. So either way I'll probably be going to hell so might as well be chad and enjoy my time on earth.
Earthbound said:
Yes, because I have already "sinned" in life and have had bad thoughts. Rejecting God is one of the biggest sins, and I've done that when I was a senior in high school. So either way I'll probably be going to hell so might as well be chad and enjoy my time on earth.

Dude you have a lot of time to fix everything before it's truly over. Do it now before you regret it and cry blood instead of tears from all the regret you'll feel.
Stanx22 said:
Earthbound said:
Yes, because I have already "sinned" in life and have had bad thoughts. Rejecting God is one of the biggest sins, and I've done that when I was a senior in high school. So either way I'll probably be going to hell so might as well be chad and enjoy my time on earth.
Dude you have a lot of time to fix everything before it's truly over. Do it now before you regret it and cry blood instead of tears from all the regret you'll feel.
Yeah, but the thing is I can't really believe in god and be religious. Not saying I can't be moral without religion/god, but like you, I came to a realization that a higher being probably not exists. At least how I see it. For you, you've found the spirit. Also I see you're islamic. I was raised to believe in the other god. But one thing I will say about islam: they keep their women in check.
I lifetime as an incel will feel like nothing compared to eternity in heaven.
i will get my 77 virgins in heaven
Heaven is everlasting peace and happiness. Incel life would be worth it if this is the reward.

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