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Serious Would you leave this forum if you ascended?



Inhabitant of the Antarctic circle
May 16, 2020
Let's say you find a hot foid who would love you unconditionally and lastingly, not in case of transcending.
Would we get banned if we did?
of course. weird question tbh
Yes, I would also leave this forum if I win a billion dollars and grew wings outta my ass
no once a cel always a cel if some one what leave he would betray his brothers and he needs to be killed
yes, later virgins
Imagine having enough hope to think that you'll ascend someday jfl
Nah I would stay, not many other blackpilled places.
Tbh I feel like I'd still have a mental connection to this place, if only because I've seen the suffering. Leaving it would be hard I'd imagine. I'll keep lurking in any case.
Because that doesn't change the blackpill.

If you recieve love from a hot foid as an incel, then that would mean that the foid was either raped as a child or suffered abuse/beatings at an early age which led to her being repulsed by the chad phenotype. I might marry her, sure. But I would never stop posting here. Because I will always know that if she had had a healthy upbringing, then should would reject me.

There are only a few foids who are genuinely capable of love. Those foids are living delusions. They think they will get a virgin gigachad through the church.
I would, I'd feel ashamed to post here like an hypocrite.
Yes obv. I'll make a post about it and then go and live my life. Prolly won't happen.
There are only a few truecels on this forum, me included. I wouldn't be surprised if some here have actually kissed a girl before but they would never admit it.
Because that doesn't change the blackpill.

If you recieve love from a hot foid as an incel, then that would mean that the foid was either raped as a child or suffered abuse/beatings at an early age which led to her being repulsed by the chad phenotype. I might marry her, sure. But I would never stop posting here. Because I will always know that if she had had a healthy upbringing, then should would reject me.

There are only a few foids who are genuinely capable of love. Those foids are living delusions. They think they will get a virgin gigachad through the church.
That's a retarded thing to say. People in general aren't worried about what's true, only what's relevant to their lives. If you're with a foid, posting here would make no sense.
i would still belive that incels are right and cucks wrong
I would be more inactive but I'd come back every now and then. Not gonna happen anyway tho so
I don't think so, once blackpilled always blackpilled.
Let's say you find a hot foid who would love you unconditionally and lastingly, not in case of transcending.

If I ascended to 10/10 I would still be here, giving out field reports. I can be absolutely chadmaxxed but I will NEVER forget how people treated me in the past simply for things I could not control. I would work for you all and simply expose the foids on their hypocrisy and hate.

This forum gave me the best sense of community I can ever ask for, more than my own family ever did.

.co 'til I fucking DIE.
fakecel thread.

Real truecels (like me) dont have the ability to think about what they would do or what would happen if they ascended.

Ascension is just an UNREALISTIC FANTASY.

Anyone who talks about their hypothetical ascension is either a fakecel or a coping truecel.
I would, I'd feel ashamed to post here like an hypocrite.

That and you'd get a false sense of confidence from having scored with a woman and you'd subconsciously mellow out your talk so that you sound more redpilled or dark redpilled than blackpilled.

From the way you post after having succeeded with women, many users here would be able to tell.
No there wouldn’t be any use in it. This is one of the only blackpilled places on the internet. There aren’t any other places to hangout that aren’t cucked. Even if you ascend the blackpill still exists. You won’t become bluepilled just by ascending
yeah I would just go to looksmax and hang there. wouldn't feel right polluting this forum
Any incel that were to ascend would ofc never return to here.
no . even if became gigachad I would be here
Yes, it would be disrespectful to fellow incel bros to remain here after ascending
>find someone
>get a permaban here
>get dumped within a couple of months at best
That's a retarded thing to say. People in general aren't worried about what's true, only what's relevant to their lives. If you're with a foid, posting here would make no sense.
But I care about the truth.
It's always bothered me.
who would love you unconditionally

And again.
Even your parents wont love you unconditionally.


I would make a thread, explaining my situation and then request a ban.
But JFL, ascension doesn't exist, when you signed up here with real intentions, then the only way out of this misery is roping.
The blackpill is the blackpill regardless of what happens to you in particular. You know its true, just as you know that just because you found an unicorn doesn't make it false. Just as it doesn't make you any better than anyone here. As long as you don't start bragging or feeling superior to people here I guess it's cool.
If one of the youngcels here ascended with a young girl they would need to gtfo immediately, but if a fellow oldcel finally found someone I wouldnt mind them staying. Once you are like this long enough you are like this forever. The blackpill isnt going anywhere and I believe things can only get more brutal when a foid ruins your relationship first hand. Some men rope from being loney, but many many men have roped from being fucked over by their female partner.
i would probably not lurk here anymore. il just look at the internet for any new discovery in the blackpill world regarding women's evolving preferences which i suppose isn't gonna change in the next 10-15 years.
Who the fuck wouldn't lol.
Like it's going to happen :feelskek: :feelskek:
Most people come here in private. I wouldn't wan't anyone to know I visit this site, given the job the MSM has done shit staining incels.
If I ascend with someone, who truly wanted me (not with an escort), then I would tell the mods to ban me and leave the forum. Because I would no longer be an incel at that point.
I give it 6 months before she reveals her true colors if she passes Ill leave but will be forever scared
yes, but I'll never change my mind on the blackpill
I'd make a brag post and get banned.

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