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Would you KILL to Get Laid?



Get me out of here
Nov 10, 2017
You're going to have to murder a boomer in cold blood in order to have a crack at some battered post-wall single mother pussy.
This timeline just keeps getting worse and worse.

not if i were being held to it lmao
Not interested in killing anyone.
No thats cucked. Imagine risking prison time for a 0.1% chance at a hole
I would not kill for a fat single mother roastie non virgin
i would however kill for a nice body cute virgin 18 year old
Only if she's 8/10 , virgin and will stay loyal to me forever

Polyamorous pregnancy 13 1

Isn't worst than that tbh:soy::soy::incel::y'all:

JFL the state of men.
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Of course not. this is a stupid question. If I lived in the stone age? I guess, but in the confines of today's society, of course not
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He had a good personality and showered, I’m sure of it.
Depends on the girl
What a ridiculous and absurd question. Of course not! What is wrong with you. I would never do such a thing, it is immoral and against the law.
No, I'm not going to gladiatormaxx for some stupid cunt's entertainment.
I will not do it :feelsbaton:
No. I’m a normal human being, who leads a normal life. I just happen to be involuntarily celibate. I’m not a killer, nor will I ever be.
So one post wall roastie is charged with murder for making two normies fight to the death and people call that justice when society itself is really just a bunch of men killing each other to gain the approval of femasites one way or the other while feminists laugh at our horrible life conditions and call it "justice served" to the patriarchy?
Not interested in killing anyone. I know foids love rapists and murderers but that's not who I am.
If we're talking about real-life consequences then no way fuck that! I'm not going to kill anybody and then go to prison for the rest of my life.

If we're talking about anime trope-ish where I get to kill somebody and face no consequences AND ALSO get my virgin crush as my reward then FUCK YEA!!

If we lived in a society where that was acceptable then yea I would do it. In olden times you could duel for a maiden's hand in marriage. If I knew I would duel some faggot and get me a nice 15yo virgin bride that would be my prize forever? Hell yea I'm going to duel my ass off! And I'm just talking about not that long ago. In many countries you can still do that or at least very similar things. I remember watching stories about the Middle East. You can kill a guy and take his wife to be your wife and everybody is just cool with you doing that. That seems to be going in the extreme direction but I just think it is interesting that stuff like that is still a 'thing' that still goes on in this world today.
Incel? Just kill a boomer! You’ll be sent to jail and be unable to not have sex!
I would kill for a qt gf
no killing for pussy is what cucks and Normies do
if I was those blokes I would have killed this slut nice and slow instead of going to jail for killing another man would I kill to get laid no but might kill a foid for annoying me.
I would kill to obtain the ability to drive.
If you must know, special agent, the only thing I'm interested in killing is my libido.
Nice try, FBI
Females are not worth that much trouble.
You're going to have to murder a boomer in cold blood in order to have a crack at some battered post-wall single mother pussy.
This timeline just keeps getting worse and worse.

You are all laughing, but this will be the norm in 10 years. In 20 years, any 2+/10 foid will be able to have literal gladiator games with 100s of orbiters fighting to smell her stale fart (While she has sex with Chad in the end).
No. I don't even want to have sex any more. I just want someone to show me some affection and warmth.
I would if I could become chad but for some rotten used up hole? I pass
Why would I kill for sex when I can afford to pay for it?
I would kill my family to get laid tbh
I’m too much of a bitch to kill but jfl for killing just to get a used up 35 years old single mother
Killing anyone to get laid, even a pathetic waste of breath as an ITcuck, is a thing a simp and a cuck would do.
Thats the most cucked thing ive ever heard
Risking my freedom so I can touch some disgusting used up foid? No thanks
Womens attitudes have disgusted me to the point where I think a doll would be a better option

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