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JFL Would you bang the femcel Ellie in the Last of Us TV show?

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  • Yes

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 18 62.1%

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What happens when copes get boring?
Jul 19, 2018
They cast a fucking femcel for a Staceylite character from the game wtf :feelsohgod: :feelshaha:

No incels in the show though, I wonder why :soy:

Volcel if you won't bang you looksmatch :feelskek:


Last edited:
My aura is a bit too...negative.
Volcel if you wouldn't. Also, Ellie's not a Stacey and she's a lesbian.
“Stacy” character
Ethnic alert
@Pixycel @turbocuckcel_7000
Volcel if you wouldn't. Also, Ellie's not a Stacey and she's a lesbian.

You joined a few days ago.

Let us bring wisdom from the past:

Sorry boyos but I just can't live in peace when I know so much about the true nature of female's sexuality.

It's literally everywhere. The more I look around the more I realized how MOST women are not really attracted to males but in an emotional way, which more than enough to me explains their reluctancy towards sex and supposedly low libido/frigidity.

Recently even the girls I know whose i thought were a hundred percent straight have assumed to wanting to fuck girls in the past.

Heterosexual relationships for them seems more like an emotional connection plus a non repulsiveness towards sex when the male is attractive enough rather than pure lust in the same manner as we men feel towards women's bodies, which they seem to feel as well (when it comes to women)

I've read a lot of women say on Reddit and forums that having sex with guys simply felt "right", but not exactly something they lust, while some would admit they found themselves lusting hot women.

Today I came across the feminist concept of compulsive heterosexuality, which now to me makes total sense. These feminist counts are foids who simply introspected enough on their despise towards the male gender.

Why does having sex with men feels "right" to foids even when they don't feel the tingles? Because they're "supposed" to do so, it's a social construct. Sure, some women are really straight, but now I'm thinking these are few.

The price you pay for taking the Black pill... What a fucking joke, just pass the goddamn rope already. Every day I wish I didn't wake up when I realize I'm aware of this...:feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/rsjwuy/new_bashing_methods_of_progressives_against_non/hqnhk8p/


Kpopmaxxing is basically the same as trannymaxxing tbh, in both cases you're giving up your manhood to get buttfucked by pozzed faggots/dykes :feelspuke:

you're not going out of your way to feminize yourself to please foids, which is cucked and gay, if they simply like your soft features that's a win win situation.

They may be dykes, but in my book most foids do, so at least rices are getting some. Many women nowadays want the most feminine look possible without being an actual foid, because you know there's no real sex without a man. The ones who don't and just go full dyke are simply too frigid and that's why lesbians couples barely fuck.

That was exactly my position for quite a while.

In the beginning when I wasn't blackpilled I couldn't explain this feeling, I just didn't like them or any kind of lesbian-ish behavior/representation/talk etc.

But now that I'm fully blackpilled and I understood the root of it, why they exist, how repulsive I am to them and most women and can safely say I really hate and despise lesbians. I have no shame because I feel like they do deserve hate and disgust.

I really don't mind gay men. Not fond of them, but not much against it. But seeing dykes (which seems to be turning more and more a common event nowadays) really enrages me, it can destroy my day. For this reason I really wish death upon them.
She would still reject us and demand Chad though
True:feelscry:. That's why I made sure to specify "if you could", since realistically, none of us could:feelsbadman:.


Her midface is vomitfuel but I'd still fuck the shit out of her
why are you playing zionist games
Ellie cucks this asian and takes his gf.

Lol brutal Ricecels get cucked even by lesbians
Lol, that nigga got tricked into donating his rice cells for a lesbian couple to beat the shit out of, at least he got a chance to fuck and pass down his genes, which is probably less cucked than modern men that betabuxx for another man's baby
Lol, that nigga got tricked into donating his rice cells for a lesbian couple to beat the shit out of, at least he got a chance to fuck and pass down his genes, which is probably less cucked than modern men that betabuxx for another man's baby
Honestly being cucked by a lesbian is the most brutal thing I can think of. Also
  • lesbian mother
  • ricecel father who got cucked by a lesbian
It's over for that kid before it began.
If she offered sex, yes. If I saw her on the streets, no
They cast a fucking femcel for a Staceylite character from the game wtf :feelsohgod: :feelshaha:

No incels in the show though, I wonder why :soy:

Volcel if you won't bang you looksmatch :feelskek:


Gigavolcel if I wouldn’t, mang
No she needs to be at least a 8 out of 10
Cutting my balls off after this :dafuckfeels:
Lowkey keep it on the down low.
Volcel if you wouldn't. Also, Ellie's not a Stacey and she's a lesbian.
Jews and cucks just had to make her a faggot they couldnt resist.
I would fuck the actor, I feel uncomfortable looking at her face for some reason though I think its cuz her eyes are too far apart.
she looks cute

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